Chapter 10

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This months full moon was approaching and you had took over Remus's class for today, since he was starting to feel achy and couldn't get out of bed today

"Remus is sick, so I will take over for today now what were you all learning?" You ask and Hermione explains it to you "Ah ok now I will only be teaching this class, someone else will be taking over tomorrow." You say as Harry realizes what's going on "Now let's start class shall we." You say as you were extremely worried for Remus, you wanted to be with him right now

But you can't you have to teach for today

"When will professor lupin be back?" Hermione asks and you smile

"Hopefully once his cold clears up, he's fine don't worry I'll take good care of him after class ends. Soon enough he'll be back teaching class. He's just very prone to getting sick." You say as you start teaching and reading the notes Remus wrote down for you

|After class|

You run to your room and run over to Remus

He was asleep well your glad he was able to fall asleep

You carefully got into bed and hold him carefully

Making sure to not hurt him, he's so frail right now

And it's gonna be worse after the full moon

Remus didn't deserve this, like he was a child

You don't understand how someone could do this to a child

A monster obviously, but Remus could never be a monster he's too sweet and too kind

He may turn into a werewolf but against his will so he'll never be a monster

'Remus may call himself a monster but he's not, and he never will be a monster and I hope one day he'll see that just because he's a werewolf doesn't make him a monster, I wish there was a way to reverse this but all we have is his potion that helps him a bit, hopefully one day he won't have to live with this curse.'

Professor Lupins wifeWhere stories live. Discover now