Chapter 74

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As the dust settled from the chaos ensued, I knew I had to take Harry to a safe place. So, I brought him to the Weasleys' home, hoping that they would offer him the protection and love that he deserved. I carefully helped Harry onto a chair in the kitchen. Molly approached me with a slightly crumpled letter clutched in her hand.

"This arrived after you left," Molly mentions. Confused, I looked at the letter but eventually decided to open it.

As I read it, my heart sank.

As tears streamed down my face, the concern on everyone's faces was noticeable.

"Remus?" Sirius asked as I stared off into space.

"Y/n, she left," I replied, and Sirius' eyes widened.

"What do you mean she left?" Sirius asked. My mind was racing slowly as my heart pounded in my ears.

I take a deep breath before I break the news. "She left the country," I say, and I watch as Sirius and Harry let out a collective sigh of relief. But her leaving the country is just as bad as if she was divorcing me. 

Sirius says, "Look, let's just talk to her." I shrug, feeling helpless and lost. The truth is, I have no idea where she went. She didn't leave a forwarding address or clues about where she might be.

"I don't know where she is," I say as the reality of the situation sets in; tears fill my eyes and blur my vision. My knees give out and I collapse onto the floor, feeling the weight of the situation crushing me.

As I struggled to catch my breath, someone helped me and guided me to a nearby chair.

I recognized Sirius's concerned face through my blurry vision as he kneeled before me. 

"Remus, we'll find them," he assured me, his voice full of empathy. I couldn't stop crying, my heart feeling like an invisible force was squeezing it. 

My thoughts kept going back to my beloved wife and daughter, who were somewhere in a foreign country, and I don't know where

'I thought leaving was the right thing to do, but now I'm unsure. Y/n and our daughter are gone, and I don't know where to find them. What if I never get the chance to make things right?'

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