Witch Academy | TaeKook ✓

By pohpih

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Considering his past, it had never been Jungkook's intention to put himself at risk, or to get involved in da... More



142 10 2
By pohpih

The office room was dark, despite it being daytime.

The dark coloured curtains were closed, not letting a single strand of sunlight in. It was typical of Yoongi to be in such a dark area, considering how much he hated the sunlight.

He was still as pale as he remembered. And his gaze was cold, yet there was that warmth behind it, which was new.

"I'm sorry."

Those were the only two words he could mutter under his worried breath, awaiting for an answer.
But Yoongi didn't seem to be want to be forgiving as he crossed his arms and frowned.

"You decided to go away for 3 years- and didn't even tell me about it. That was nice."

Jungkook averted his gaze at his sarcastic remark. He was allowed to be angry at him after all.

"You know i don't have any excuses."

Yoongi clenched his teeth, annoyed.

"I wish you had. I was your friend... yet you..."

Seeing him trail his words into voice was getting Jungkook nervous. He hadn't thought that Yoongi was going to get hurt by his actions since he knew that he didn't care about such things. Yet... here they were. He had hurt him.

"I... know i hurt you and... everyone else. I-"

Yoongi scoffed.

"What did you think would happen? Just because it was the dark lord who took you away- we were all supposed to be okay with that? Get yourself together and apologize properly."

Jungkook bit his lip before suddenly marching forward and pulling Yoongi into his arms for a hug.
No matter how much he cared not to tell him, he still had a past with him. He was his good friend... and he really cared. It was the same for Yoongi... yet the hug couldn't help but also bring back the old feelings he felt for him.

"I'm sorry... i really am. I really do feel bad for telling you... i regret it."

Yoongi's frown eased while his arms relaxed. He then sighed as he pushed Jungkook away by his chest and pulled himself apart from the hug.

"F-fine... just be glad i'm letting you off this easy..."

And that meant "i forgive you" which made Jungkook smile.

"Thanks.. so how were things?"

Yoongi went back to his seat, trying to look unfazed.

"How do you think? Trying to keep Taehyung in track as the vice priest..."

Jungkook hummed, taking a seat before him.

"I never thought you had a liking to Taehyung. But working as his underling... that i am amused about."

Yoongi furrowed his brows slightly.

"What's there to be amused about? He's pretty nice."

Jungkoom shrugged while his attention went around the room, looking at the books and such.

"Since you've always been jelous of him... oh, that's an interesting painting."

Yoongi's eyes widened as he swallowed nervously. He averted his gaze down, his fists clenched in fists.

"Y-you knew..."

Jungkook smiled.

"Don't feel bad about having had feelings for me. I was just... not as disregarding to not notice..."

Yoongi felt bad now.

"I... hope it doesn't bother you or... Taehyung."

Jungkook blinked before standing up to have a walk around the eoom.

"Why should it? You're my dear friend whilst... he's much more. Just forget it... that is, if you still have feelings."

Yoongi swallowed, shaking his head. Yet even he wasn't sure if he himself was lying about it or not.

"And hey- what happened to the rest? I only see you here."

Jungkook knew of his brother having left to work on his own while Lee was in the council. But of his old friends... not much.

"The rest... the student council you mean. Some went to work in the council while some dissapeared to who knows where."

Jungkook oh'ed, pausing at his steps.

"I see... well, hope they're having fun. Then, i'll get going now. I'm sure we'll see each other more often now that i'm back."

Yoongi rolled his eyes before looking away.

"I won't be so sure about that."

Jungkook chuckled before walking out of his office and making Taehyung's office his next stop.
After going in he just took a seat on his table and stretched his arms.

"Oh- you seem happy."

Jungkook hummed.

"He forgave me, so i'm in a good mood. Should we eat out today?"

Taehyung sighed, shaking his head.

"I can't. I still have soo much work to do..."

Jungkook hummed, leaning in to kiss his lips.

"Can't you just toss them over to Yoongi? Isn't that his job?"

Taehyung smiled, shaking his head.

"That would be unfair. It's fine, i can get it done quickly so we can go out tonight instead."

Jungkook smiled, carressing his cheek.

"What are you even working on?"

It had been trouble after trouble lately. And the paperwork was hefty. Not that he mind, but since Jungkook was here now, he would've preferred to spend some time with him instead.

"The goblin attacks. Nothing has changed."

Jungkook oh'ed, as tough remembering something all of a sudden.

"...right. One of my reasons for coming here was actually that. I know where the crack in hell is- but not in the mortal realm. But since the goblin attacks are mostly directed here..."

Taehyung glanced at his papers, thoughtfull.

"I and Sungho stumbled upon their lair. Not sure if the crack is also located there but... likey."

Jungkook smirked as he hopped down the table.

"Great! Then we can go and check it out together-"

Taehyung looked down, seeming sad suddenly.

"I... wish. But... i'm not sure i'd like to visit that place again... and also, i have work piled up. I can barely get free time."

Jungkook pouted childishly. He wanted Taehyung to come yet he was hard on his feet.
But then again, even if he made time from work, he knew that Taehyung had a traumatic experience. He wasn't fond of the place, and Jungkook was more than ready to respect that.

"Fine. But i'll be back ny tonight so- don't forget about dinner."

Taehyung smiled at first, but then his expression suddenly turned gloom as something came in his mind.

"Wait- you're planning to go alone?"

Jungkook shrugged, popping a candy from the candy jar in his mouth.

"Yeah- that's how i've always done it. You didn't want to come anyways, why ask-"

Taehyung became a bit worried as he stood up from his seat and walked over to him.

"I...i'm afraid i can't let you do that. Despite you being capable amd strong... it would still make my heart shiver every time i think about it."

Jungkook smiled, grabbing Taehyung's hands.

"Hey- i'll be fine. You forget i was the great fallen angel's student. I only learned from the best and the most cruel one so-"

But Taehyung still shook his head, refusing.

"Nope. I'll send someone to accompany you in a bit. Wait just a sec-"

Jungkook sighed, crossing his arms as he watched him dial a number.
To be honest, he didn't mind working with others as long as they didn't got on his way. And by "working" he meant, them standing aside while Jungkook did the whole work.
You see, he didn't like working with others. Not after Lucifer's dreadfull lessons.

He then silently looked at Taehyung.
But, if it was going to ease his mind of worry... then he really didn't mind. So he just decided to go with it.

𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

This. Could. Not. Have. Been. Worse.

Of all the people in the world, why the hell were Sungho and Sangjun the only investigators? Why was noone else qualified enough to fight goblins??? WHY?

"We are not any more pleased to have you with us."

Sungho mumbled, frowning while digging his eyes at him. Meanwhile Sangjun just scoffed and turned his head away to avoid his gaze.
To that, Jungkook could not be more unpleased than he already was.

This was like a devil's triangle. The most unfitting at that.
Jungkook could swear he saw lightning snap through each others eyes as they stared at each other in annoyance.

But he didn't want to push this and get it over with so he just sighed, crossed his arms and started to walk away.

"Alright- let's just get this over with."

Sungho frowned at him, angry. But he still started following. Sangjun following from behind as well.

"The nerve..."

The oldest mumbled under his breath, clenching his fists. He didn't stop groaning and puffing the whole time they walked, making Jungkook uneasy.
He couldn't take it anymore as he finally stopped at his steps and sighed.

"If you have something to say just say it. Stop groaning like an old man..."

Sungho stopped as well, a couple meters away from him.

"Fine. If you want to hear it so badly- you are the lowest human being i know. I can't believe you act all okay after treating my brother like that."

Jungkook scoffed.

"Who are you to say? Need i remind you of your shitty behavior towards Taehyung in the past? Are you any better?"

Sungho knew for a fact that he could not answer that. Because it was obvious that he was not any better than him.

"Sure, i treated him bad too. But you did as well. I'm allowed to be bothered as you were bothered by me in the past."

Jungkook scoffed.

"Ah- so this is more about revenge than caring about how i treated Taehyung. I see."

Sungho snapped, getting angry.

"Hey! I'm not that selfish and you know it! I care for Taehyung- if you believe that or not. A lot has changed in the past 3 years. But how could you know that? You had left him."

Jungkook frowned back, now getting serious.

"I did not leave him. I came back."

Sungho scoffed loudly, puching the tree beside him.

"And that makes it any better?? PLEASE- how can you be so comfortable! He literally tried to kill himself- twice! And yet here you are, acting so righteous!"

Jungkook saw red as he took a step closer.

"Righteous!? You think that's how i am?? I know very well what happened to Taehyung! And i know that it's all my fault! All my fucking fault..."

He then took that step back, seeming a bit unstable in the eyes which made Sungho furrow his brows in confusion.

"Ofcourse i blame myself for it! Even more... you have no idea how i feel after seeing him get hurt like that... a-after what i did..."

Sungho's frown slowly fell down as he crossed his arms.

"But you think it will be any better for him if i acted worried? If i kept blaming myself? You think he would feel better?"

Now, feeling sceptical, Sungho averted his gaze. Even he wasn't so heartless to not feel bad about all of this.

"O-ofcourse not... that's not what i-"

Jungkook then paused him by taking a step forward, getting close to his face.

"Then don't try to act like you know what's best for him. I'm trying to fix things... so don't get in my way."

Sungho clenched his teeth, annoyed.

"You can fix something that is broken, but it will never be the same as it once was."

As he said that he bumped against Jungkook's shoulder and started walking away.

Meanwhile Sangjun glanced at him before getting on his way too.

Jungkook clenched his fists, listening to his heart beating rapidly as he did. Blaming himself over and over again and those idiots weren't making it any better... he frowned. Drowning in his faults and regrets was suffocating enough but hearing someone else say them was even worse.

He exhaled deeply.

He had to be strong tough. He had to be, for Taehyung. He did not want to see him break down like that once again. Couldn't even bring himself to remember how his heart had dropped into the abyss, at the sight of his close death experience. Seeing him faint like that was maybe the most fear he had felt in his life. And he was not going to let Taehyung experience anything like that ever again.
So he had to stay sane. He had to be by his side and make him happy. After all, he should've never left him in the first place.

But what Sungho had said was still worrying him. Not being able to fix things as they were before... it sounded scarier than he had thought it would.

But even then, he did not let the determination in his heart falter. He was going to try his hardest and do his best. He had to promise that much to Taehyung. He loved him too much to let him suffer again.

To be continued...

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