The Black Dragon Emperor (Hig...

By YamagsuKami

388K 11.1K 3.9K

Three Dragons, Three Colors, Three Rivals but more importantly, Three Brothers: Albion, Ddraig and Vritra. More

About The Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Bonus Chapter: (Lemon)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 7

10.1K 309 70
By YamagsuKami

Ragged breaths could be heard on the room

The drops of sweat crawled down the young man chin as his expression was wrinkled in effort.

Y/N was doing some push-ups, mainly because he noticed when it came to close quarters battle he was a little rusty. He could feel his muscles rather stiff at every move he did. This made him think that He had been neglecting physical training since he started to reach a level of power so high that he was growing arrogant.

That arrogance could make him weak.

He couldn't have that. He needed to be at his peak of strength at every occasion, you never knew when danger might lurk.

Although it made his think negatively about it, where was the reason of training your body when you could basically paralyze everyone who is weak than you. Because that was one of his abilities as a Dragon Emperor

He called it... Bloodlust.

The concept was simple, those who were below his power for at least three times he could leave them into a state of submission. That meant he couldn't use use on someone who was more or less close to his strength and of course that also meant he couldn't use it on stronger opponent

But at this rate it was hard to find an stronger opponent than him. Of course he never denied the possibility. Also he was eager to find someone who could make him go beyond his limits.

The Satan Lords were obvious candidates. But he highly doubted he could ever fight them.

Anyhow, he needed to strengthen his body since he still had human flesh and human flesh for nature was weak. His body needed to be at its peak if not he couldn't use his Dragon power at its full extent. That didn't happened with devils whatsoever.

Devil could access the power of their Sacred Gear with a relatively... average body.

Y/N was done with his workout for the day, now he was hydrating himself after such intense exercise

He really drank a lot of water

"Coming to think about. Vritra, why didn't you spoke to your brother when we met him? I am pretty sure all of it would have been way easier if you had decided to talk."

I wanted to see how you managed to convince himself by yourself. Turns out you did better than I expected. For you to be able to convince him to lend the boy more of his power is rather surprising.

Y/N grabbed a towel to wipe his sweat off his face

"Is that difficult to convince that Dragon?"

Stop to think about it, we, Heavenly Dragons never accepted to ally with any of the three factions and people still tried to convince us otherwise. Plus, Ddraig was always the stubborn one out of us three. So you being able to convince him is a feat.

"Well, it's an honor to be part of the minority."

This time he said that out loud instead on his head

"Who you are talking to?"

Raynare questioned with a raised eyebrow but inwardly she thought that he was deranged

Y/N turned to see the two of his pawn there looking at him in confusion

"Uh. Since when you were here?"

"Enough to see you talking to yourself. Are you okay... you know on the head. I wouldn't be surprised, an asshole like you fits well to be crazy."

"Raynare. There is no need to refers to our King that way."

Kalawarner attempted to calm "her friend" However she scoffed

"You been getting really soft with this brat. I bet he already fucked you..? Men are always like that."

Before Kalawarner could reply against that Y/N spoke first

"That's rich coming from the woman who constantly seduce men to get her desires. For all I know you might be similar to most of men as you say. We are not sexist here, you fuck men in order to achieve your goals, men fuck because they are sad and want attention."

"So you're not denying that you fucked Kalawarner? For what? Because you were sad and wanted attention oh that's so cute and damn pitiful."

Y/N sighed heavily

She might be hundreds of years old but treating with her was like to deal with a brat

"Who I have sex with is none of your business, Raynare. Now let's change the topic. Have you found anyone?"

"No. Not yet, My King. We cannot find someone who fits your standards."

What they were meaning by that? Well it results that Y/N was looking for another member to his peerage. He already had information gatherers but he needed some strength besides himself. He needed a Rook or Knight.

"Anything works. Human, Devil, Monster and even Gods..."

Raynare laughed with a hint of mock

"You? Adding a God to your peerage. You're truly an  arrogant bastard."

Y/N chuckled with a smirk

"Gods... aren't that strong, at least pagan ones. I am sure I can utterly dominate a couple of them."

He seemed way to confident on that statement that confidence made the two fallen angels believe him

"But I apologize. We haven't found anyone just yet, maybe if Raynare did her work properly."

Kalawarner eyed at the black haired fallen Angel

"Hey fuck you-"

"Raynare do what I ask you to, please. It's not much what I ask for."

Y/N said in a tolerant tone of voice

Instead of scolding her, he kindly asked her to do what he asked her to do. He was no longer trying to imply fear on their soul but respect instead.

Fear and Respect weren't the same

She clicked her tongue

"Whatever. I'll search."

He smiled in response

"Thanks. I need to get a shower. I leave you be, girls. Oh! Something else."


Y/N smiled

"Please also search for actual clothing, because those things you two wear can barely be considered as clothes. I want fighters not strippers."

Raynare eyebrow twitched

"If you have a problem with the way I dress why don't you buy me something then. You asshole."

"Oh. You want to go shopping with me, that's cute. Perhaps you're catching feelings for your King?"

Much to Y/N and even Kalawarner surprise she blushed and started cursing as always

"Hear me out you motherfucker! I wouldn't never feel any kind of attraction towards you! You are the worst man I have ever lay my eyes on."

"So you have lied your eyes on me huh? I am flattered."

Raynare was beet red. Y/N didn't know if it was for embarrassment or for anger. Maybe both.

"Fuck you!"

She then ran to the balcony and flied away

"Well if you don't mind, My King. I am taking my leave."

Kalawarner excused herself out

"Sure. Have a great day."

The blue haired fallen angel did the same and flied away with a flap of her wings

Y/N sniffed his arm making a expression of disgust

"Ugh. I really do need a shower."


A little later, Y/N decided to go to Issei's house which wasn't that far from his place. With a walk of 10 minutes he was already there.

His reason to go there was simply curiosity. He wanted to see how everything was going after rescuing Rias Gremory.

Also he didn't had much to do these days, plus it's not like it would be weird to pay a visit to his friend house. Y/N had went to Issei's a couple of times already to the point his father and mother already knew him.

When he was in front of the door he knocked on it being received by Issei's mother who looked rather jolly today

"Oh. Good to see you Y/N? Come on in."

He smiled as he walked inside the woman closing the door

"Thank you for having me. Also you look happy today. Did something happened?"

"Well... Apparently Issei finally managed to have some female friends... Quite a lot of them."

Y/N raised an eyebrow

Female friends? Perhaps it was Rias peerage. If that was the case this would be fun.

"Is that so? So that guy found a way to make friends of the opposite gender? Your happiness is understandable. I am quite surprised myself, I mean I mainly thought he was going to die alone."

The woman giggled before she lead him towards the living

"Issei looks who is here!"

Y/N chuckled a little when he saw the entire peerage on the living


Issei exclaimed in surprise. It's been some time since he was on his house

"What a party you have here without inviting me."

Rias turned to see the new company

"Is this your friend, Issei?"

"Yeah. Best pals since start of high school, maybe a little more."

She approached the H/C haired teenager

"It's a pleasure meeting you... Y/N L/N."

Kiba already told her his suspicion of Y/N being the Black Dragon Emperor... Which it was logical. For what she knew Y/N was really a close friend of Issei meaning that he would be more than willing to help him

It didn't made sense that the Black Dragon Emperor helped his arch rival just because of kindness

She decided to keep this information for herself. Not even Akeno have knowledge of this supposition, due it wasn't even nearly confirmed because that was what it was, a supposition.

Also... she would keep this information from Issei the most. She didn't know how he would react at knowing that she had her suspicions about his best friend

Y/N smiled and shook her hand

"It's an honor to meet one of the two Queens of Kuoh."

"There is no need to call me by that silly name, Rias is fine."

She said with a kind smile

Issei mumbled as he witnessed their interaction

"Are they flirting..? That bastard."

Kiba who was at his side laughed softly

"Oh please no, she is just being polite, Issei."

"Well they had been holding hands for at least ten seconds now."

That wasn't a lie, Rias didn't let go is Y/N's hand by any means. It was starting to get awkward

Of course it wasn't because she was interested not on the least. Actually she was trying to read his energy, that way she could gather more information. If his energy was high and powerful it meant the idea of him being the Black Dragon was plausible

She is trying to read your energy. It's possible she got her suspicions about you.

Y/N felt it and maintained his smile but inwardly he said

"Can you numb my energy? I don't want it to be that easy and anticlimactic. I want to make a great revelation when the time comes."

Vritra hummed as he tried to diminish Y/N's immense energy

Rias raised an eyebrow

Nothing out of normal... His energy seemed average for a human even a little below it.

She let go of his hand and backed away in a cold gesture

Y/N assumed that she didn't liked him much. Well, not like actually cared

Fast as lightning Issei was next to him and surrounded his neck with his arm

"Come on dude. Don't flirt with her. I am into her!"

He whispered shouted

"I wasn't flirting. I am not interested in her. So you have clean field. Instead... I am interested on her friend there."

Issei followed his gaze and saw Akeno sitting on the couch with a smile so usual of hers

"Akeno? Well she is really beautiful but after seeing her at close... She scares me."

Y/N looked at him curiously

"Is that so? Why is that?"

"She is a sadist..."

"Oh? Is that so?"

Y/N didn't know why but after his friends said those words he couldn't contain a smirk

A challenge.

"Dude why are you smiling like that... You creeping me out. Are you into... that play..?"

Issei said almost fearing his response

"Oh well. I like strong women and sadist ones tends to be... bolder and aggressive. Totally my match. Let go of me, I am gonna talk to her."

Y/N removed Issei's arm out his neck and approached Akeno

"Meet you here of all places. Is this destiny?"

He said on proximity to the refined girl who turned to look at him and giggled

"My, do you believe in destiny?"

As she finished her question he sat next to her, leaving an space between them. He didn't wanted to make her feel uncomfortable.

"Actually no, but when I look at you... I do."

Anyone would say he was trying way too hard... and he actually was. However the point of this conversation weren't to make her directly fall for him but to show her he wasn't interested on being just friends

No, he wanted something beyond a simple friendship

Call him ambitious but he was sure of what he wanted.

Also he understood that he couldn't conquer Akeno with simple corny lines... He needed time... and he was patient.

If she rejected his advances then what could he do about it. At least he tried and didn't stood quiet.

Because that's the worst of all.

Being interested in someone but don't having the courage to go and speak to that person.

"You always come up with something ingenious to say to little old me huh, Y/N?"

He smiled as he shrugged

"I certainly try. And you remembered my name, I am flattered."

"I highly doubt I can ever forget your name. You know the way to make a girl think about you... Even if they're alone~"

Y/N was prepared for anything she would say but that comment of her caught him off guard and lost his composure blushing a little much to her joy by giggling

"How cute. You should blush more often is cute."

She as she covering her giggle with her hand

He smiled as he let out a heavy breath

"Don't tease or you will get severe consequences."

"Ara ara~ I am eager to feel those consequences, cutie."

In the middle of their flirting the mother of Issei came with some sort of book

"Well, who want to see Issei's child pictures?"

As soon as she said that Rias and Asia's eyes shined in excitement while Issei widened his eyes


Issei exclaimed ashamed but the mother little she cared and started showing the blonde and the redheaded girl the embarrassing memories of her son

"How cute!"

Both girls exclaimed in tenderness while Issei was dying in embarrassment

Y/N chuckled at seeing this

"My they are surely having their fun, don't you think?"

"They are. Poor Issei, it must be embarrassing for him that they see his childhood pictures."

Akeno eyed at him with a playful shine

"I bet you must be really cute when you were a child~"

Instead of a amused reaction Akeno was confused after seeing his expression growing darker for a second

"Me? A kid huh?"

His eyes fixed on the ground with a melancholic eyes while a frown stained his face

This caused some concern to Akeno.

Perhaps he didn't had a childhood he was fond about... Similar to her

"Is your childhood a... sensitive topic..?"

She asked. All her flirty and playful voice fading as it was replaced by concern

A second after Y/N recovered his smile but this time he closed his eyes. A false smile.

"Oh please no. My childhood is as good as any kid would want to. It's just I don't really have a book where I saved those memories."

That was... a lie. But it wasn't relevant. He didn't wanted any pity from people that's why... that would remain buried on the depths of his brain to never see the light... Ever.

His childhood wasn't... Relevant for him

Akeno couldn't see if he was lying or saying the truth. Reading his expression was rather a challenge.

"If that's the case, I am glad. I wouldn't want anything bad happening to you."

Y/N raised an eyebrow with a daring smile

"Well you surely worry about that fast. Am I making my way to your heart?"


Both giggled at each other

This was going better than he expected

Through his joy he couldn't help but to think about it.

A topic that always caused him to frown.

My childhood.


Kiba has been strange all this time

Issei thought as he headed towards the ORC building

Since he saw that picture of him and his childhood friend he had been cold and distant

Holy sword he said that day

That made him wonder what exactly a holy sword was

It sounded like something really powerful... but why Kiba got visibly cold when mentioned that?

Also he said that his reason for living wasn't Rias Gremory but instead vengeance.

He sighed

Well there wasn't much he could do about it. He only hoped his friend was okay.

Issei was visibly tired. They played a some matches one of them Rias had a tennis duel with student council president, Sona Sitri. Who also was belonged to a high class devil family just as Rias Gremory

Today surely was a hectic day for the peerage.

While trapped on his thoughts he opened the door to get inside the his president office

As soon as he entered he saw all the members of the peerage standing there. Some sitting on the couch while others as Kiba for example lying on a corner

That pretty boy was surely strange after that day

When the remaining one from her peerage was in sight Rias stood up with a heavy breath coming out her mouth

"Everyone. I have an announcement to make. Now that Issei is here, I can proceed to do the announcement."

Everyone started to pay attention to her

"Today we will have a special... guest. If we could call it that way."

This also took of surprise to Akeno. Rias never told her of any special guest and that was strange she usually was the first to know.

"Who is it? Is it the president of the student council?"

Issei asked in confusion

Rias shook her head

"No. Remember when I asked you how you contacted the Black Dragon Emperor."

He nodded

"Yeah. I sent him a note written in language that only Dragon and their contender can read. What about it?"

As soon as finished those words everyone expected for her widened their eyes

"President... You didn't called... him, right?"

Issei asked to her and much to her horror she nodded

"I did."

"B-but why?! Even if he helped me to rescue that doesn't mean he is not going to do... whatever he always do."

"I agree with Issei. That is a risky decision, President."

Koneko shared

Rias sighed again

"I know... I know that he isn't our ally neither our friend. But I need to consult with him a few topics and for that I want my peerage next to me."

"What do we do..?"

Kiba asked with a frown

"Be wary, cautious and take note of every detail of him. Anything, physical features, expressions anything works. If we get to know who is him... we get an advantage..."

"Advantage? What do you mean by advantage, President?"

Akeno decided to quit being silent

"If he end up being a threat... if we know who he is we might... have a better chance. But that's what I am going to discuss with him. I want to form a pact of peace between him and me peerage among others things."

Rias could see the insecurity of her peerage and it was understandable

The Black Dragon Emperor was unpredictable. One day he was against them and the other he helped them. Though he never attacked them directly... They still couldn't play their luck

He was no friend. And that was the reality

That was what Rias aimed to change. Form some kind of peace treat with him and maybe... get more information about him.

They just needed that information.

"And... when he is coming..?"

Issei asked the question everyone wanted to know

Just after he finished that sentence someone knocked on the door. Fast as lightning everyone prepared themselves just in case he came in aggressively


Rias said and someone opened the door

Someone stepped on the room and as soon as his feet made impact on the floor a black mist started to expand all over the room.

And that feeling. The same feeling they got when he was close. There was no doubt

It was him.

He walked in a slow manner into the room closing the door gently behind his back

The same dark matter cape covered him but unlike other times he wasn't wearing his armor. The cape acted as a way to cover his face by casting a shadow over it. The only thing visible from his face was his purple eyes

Rias saw the school uniform that he was wearing this absolutely confirmed that he was part of Kuoh academy if it couldn't be any more obvious.

Then he stopped and sighed

"I hope this is worth my while... Rias Gremory."

He said on his usual dark voice sending chills to everyone on the room

Rias gulped trying to calm her nerves and looked at him with a serious look

"I just want to talk."

Thank you for Reading!

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