The Bad Boy of Waterloo Road

By Hipsta_Please_Harry

23.7K 192 14

Lindsay Byrne is the daughter of Michael Byrne, the brand new headteacher at Waterloo Road Comprehensive. As... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Author's Note
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Author's Note
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One.
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Author's Note...
A Little Update...
Chapter Thirty-Four.
Chapter Thirty-Five.
Chapter Thirty-Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight.

Chapter Thirty-Two.

323 1 0
By Hipsta_Please_Harry

A/N-This chapter is set roughly two months after the last chapter I posted.


It's been a couple of months since everything happened and a lot more has happened since. Firstly, my dad has finally returned back to work after being given the all-clear by the doctor. He's settled back in so well and the school seems to be running a lot better for it.

His relationship with Sian has stepped up a notch also. Jez filed for divorce once he discovered that she had been cheating on him with my dad but to be honest, Sian wasn't too upset about it, realising it was my dad she wanted. He's also spoken to me about proposing to her but I can't see that happening just yet.

Staying on the topic of relationships, myself and Finn have moved on as well, me with Tariq and him with Trudi. Now, many people would think that dating a brother and sister duo is strange but I knew Finn's true incentive. He clearly wasn't over our relationship and was only dating Trudi because he knew it was the only way he could get back at Tariq.

Moving onto the boy in question, we were happy! Although we have only been 'officially' dating for a few weeks, we've been close ever since he comforted me in regards to the Finn situation. Tariq was the polar opposite to Finn, both in looks and personality but in some strange way, we balanced each other out and our relationship was steady and progressing at the pace we wanted it to because we both agreed that we didn't want to rush things.

My friendship group still consisted of Josh and Lauren but I'd started becoming closer to Trudi(even though she was dating my ex-boyfriend). Admittingly, it used to frustrate me at the beginning, when all she would do is gush about Finn and how amazing he was but I soon realised that being bitter towards her wasn't doing me or my relationship with Tariq any favours so I soon stopped. Finn and I also put our hatred for each other aside and agreed to be amicable with each other, plainly due to the fact that Josh and Lauren threatened to unfriend us if we didn't get along.

Dawdling through the school gates as quick as my little legs could carry me, I spotted Tariq mucking around with a few of his friends, each one trying to tackle the football from whoever had it. Spotting me, he sent a quick wave in my direction which I returned before he turned his attention back to his friends, giving me the opportunity to continue walking. I quickly realised that Tariq wasn't very lovey-dovey in front of his friends and that was the response I got most mornings, which bothered me at the beginning but I soon got used to it.

Continuing to walk past several students, I bumped into Trudi along the way. Smiling at me, we started walking together, making small conversation as we did so. "Hey Linds..." She smiled, her footsteps quickening to meet my rather speedy ones.

"Oh hey Truds..." I responded, using my nickname for her. "Where are you headed?" I quizzed, entering the school building via the Science corridor.

"Supposed to be meeting Finn in the common room..." She answered, the pace of her footsteps not faltering. "How about you?"

"Same actually..." I replied but soon realised how that sentence could come across. "Well, not just Finn. I'm mainly going to see Lauren..." I rambled, digging myself a hole which made Trudi giggle.

"It's okay..." She laughed, tapping my shoulder briefly. "I understood what you meant."

Smiling politely at her, I made a quick detour for my locker whilst she went on ahead, the sound of her footsteps ascending up the stairwell. Picking up a few textbooks, I slammed my locker door shut before I trudged up the stairs, tackling the steps in twos to lessen the amount of time it took to climb them.

Pulling open the door which led to the English corridor, I dashed down to the common room, seeing my group of friends sat doing various things. Lauren had her eyes fixated in a fashion magazine, Josh was playing a game on his phone and Finn and Trudi were sat on the two-seater sofa, hand in hand. She had her head rested against his chest and his free hand was rested on her waist, a small smile playing on his face.

"Morning..." I greeted, approaching them all as I took a seat on the empty chair located near where Lauren was sat.

They all muttered a half-hearted reply back but not one of them looked at me which I found rather rude. Shrugging it off, I pulled out the current novel I was reading from my bag, removing the bookmark as I did so.

Then, becoming immersed in my own fictional world, I switched off from the real world around me...

Finn's P.O.V

Confident that everyone was caught up in doing something, I couldn't stop myself from catching a glimpse at my ex-girlfriend. Lindsay looked so innocent in that moment with her legs curled up beneath her and a book in her hands, completely engrossed in the literary novel she was currently invested in.

It's moments like this one where I realised how much I missed her. Even though I had Trudi, and we were good together, she didn't compare to Lindsay in any way, shape or form. Her nose didn't crinkle up when something irritated her, nor did she have a birth mark that resembled a flower on her right shoulder blade. Trudi was amazing in her own way but she never was, and probably never will, have the same effect on me like Lindsay did.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, nobody will ever compare to my beautiful Lindsay and I suppose Trudi is just playing the rebound until I can get my hands on who I truly want...

...and deep down, I knew Lindsay felt the same.


Lindsay's P.O.V

It's now half-way through the day and I'm currently making my way to English. I seem to have lost the gang along the way but I'm not too worried. Turning the corner, I could see Finn already waiting for our lesson to start, his figure leant against the window-sill and eyes turned down to the floor.

Approaching where he was, I stood next to him, nudging him playfully so he realised my presence. "What's up with you, face-ache?" I insulted but it was taken in good stride, a husky chuckle escaping his lips.

"Nothing..." He glumly responded, his body language matching his mood.

"Look Finn, I know we aren't together anymore but I can still tell when you're upset..." I pointed out, reiterating the fact.

"Are you happy with Tariq?" He blurted out, his body turning to face me square-on. "Like, truly happy?"

Sighing, I needed to find out more. "Where's all this come from?" I questioned, wanting him to expand on his previous statement.

"Just answer my question..." He pushed, refusing to let the point drop.

"It's still early days but yes, we're happy..." I replied, my answer coming across as confident as I wanted it to. "Again, where has this come from?" I quizzed, completely confused at this point.

Why is he acting so strange around me? It's obvious he's hiding something but what it could be, I wouldn't even like to hazard a guess!

All of a sudden, he confessed the truth. "Y'know I'm only using Trudi, don't you?" He whispered, kicking his shoe against the ground casually.

I stood in silence for a second, pondering over his previous statement. Even though I already knew that it was true, it still didn't lessen the harshness of his words nor his tone. Poor Trudi. How would she ever feel if she discovered the truth?

"Finn, that's not fair..." I stated, shaking my head at his honesty. "She's really into you and all you're doing is stringing her along!"

"I know it's wrong but I'm too caught up in everything now. Being with Trudi was the only solution I could think of at the time to get back at you but it would kill her if I ended things now..." He confessed, getting caught up in the situation he got himself into.

"Not as much as it would if you continue leading her on..." I justified, wanting him to come to his senses. "You're clearly not happy with her," was all I could say before I spotted Tariq in my eye-line, trudging towards the pair of us.

"Whose not happy?" He asked, stepping next to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Excuse me, but this was a private conversation..." Finn argued, clearly annoyed that Tariq had interrupted our little 'chat'.

I watched my boyfriend step in front of my ex, the pair of them squaring off in the middle of the corridor. "You better not be messing my sister around..." Tariq threatened, his eyes squinting with anger. "Because if you are, I'll break your legs!"

Glancing up at Finn, he didn't even looked phased, his body language not altering in the slightest. "Ooh, making threats now, are we?" He teased, a smirk appearing on his face. "Quick newsflash for you, before you interfere in mine and Trudi's relationship, maybe take a look at your own first!"

As Tariq stole a quick look at me, he turned back to Finn, his expression not faltering. "What are you trying to say?!" He questioned in anger, his fists curling up into balls at his sides.

"You'll never love Lindsay as much as I did!" He spat, folding his arms over his chest. "You're only with her because no-one else will have you!"

At the sound of his words, it was a bit of a kick in the teeth. First of all, he turns around and says that he doesn't love me anymore(although I knew that he did) and then he basically makes out that I'm easy and will go out with anyone who shows the slightest bit of interest in me. Admittingly, Tariq was no Finn but that didn't mean my feelings towards Tariq were any less genuine.

"What did you say?!" He yelled, stepping closer to Finn, the anger levels within him increasing.

"Will the pair of you just stop?!" I shouted, stepping inbetween the middle of them before a fight broke out. "Tariq, why don't you go off and calm down and I'll meet up with you later. Okay?" I suggested, touching his cheek with the palm of my hand.

Sighing, he placed a quick kiss to my lips before he stepped back. "This isn't over!" He declared, pointing at Finn as he began walking off in the opposite direction.

Once he was out of sight, I heard Finn start laughing, clearly satisfied with the fact he'd aggravated Tariq. "He's such a tool!" He insulted but his satisfaction wasn't matched by me.

"Just leave him alone Finn." I huffed, ignoring him for the rest of the time.

He can be so immature when he wants to be!


As I sat in the common room with Lauren, the both of us minding our own business, I was taken aback when Trudi came dashing into the room, frantically shouting " need to come quick! Finn and Tariq are having a massive fight outside!"

At the revelation, I sprung to my feet, following her out of the school building and outside where I came face to face with the scene unfolding in front of me. My ex-boyfriend and current boyfriend were having a huge scrap on the grass, each one throwing punches at each other while several students watched on in fascination and immaturity.

I stood frozen for a moment, debating over what I should do. Should I just let them fight it out or should I intervene and break it up? Before I even had time to make my decision, I heard the doors swing open behind me as my dad and Mrs. Diamond came flying down the concrete steps, sprinting over to the scenario.

I watched them both pull them apart, my dad taking a hold of Tariq and Mrs. Diamond with Finn. "THAT IS ENOUGH!" My dad's voice bellowed, both parties panting heavily, the facial expressions scornful and angry. "Everyone, back inside..." He elaborated but a few people still hung around. "NOW!" He yelled, the rest of the students following suit from his words.

Me and Trudi hung back, wanting to know the damage caused. Stepping closer, we saw that Tariq's nose was bleeding and Finn's eye-socket was dripping with blood as well as each one having some smaller cuts. "I want the pair of you to go and get yourself off to the nurse and then I'll see you both in the cooler!" My dad warned before he and Mrs. Diamond left, the four of us still stood around outside.

The air was silent for ages, not one person feeling the need to speak but I came up with a suggestion, one in which I thought would be logic. "Trudi, why don't you take Tariq to the nurse's office and I'll stay with Finn? If we leave them both go on their own, they'll just be at each other's throats again..." I asked, giving a reasonable explanation to back up my point.

Reluctantly, she nodded her head. "Sure..." She replied timidly, walking over to her brother and taking hold of his arm but he shrugged her off and headed off in front of her. "I'll see you later Finn..." She commented, placing a swift kiss to his cheek before following Tariq inside the building.

Walking off in the direction of the main entrance, I turned around briefly to look at my ex. "You...come with me!" I ordered as I continued plodding over to the school building with the sound of his footsteps shuffling behind me.


After collecting some antiseptic liquid and some other supplies from the school nurse, I made the short journey back to the room where I'd left Finn. Entering the room, I saw him sat patiently, a slight impression of pain apparent on his face.

Walking closer to him, I set the supplies down on the table next to him and tied my hair back, not wanting it to get in the way. Picking up a cotton wool pad, I doused it with the antiseptic and patted it against the open wound, revoking a wince from him. "Sorry." I whispered, continuing to clean up the affected area. "So, you gonna tell me what happened?"

"You going to tell me why you chose to stay with me instead of Tariq?" He questioned, completely ignoring what I said.

"I just thought that Trudi would be better off staying with her brother..." I lied, trying to cover up the real reason.

Gripping hold of my wrist gently, his eyes glanced up to meet mine. "You don't have to lie to me y'know? I can tell you still have feelings for me..." He announced, a coy smile on his face.

"No, I don't!" I sternly replied, even though I was being dishonest with my own feelings. "Anyway, you still haven't answered my question about what you were fighting over..." I reiterating, covering the now clean wound with a plaster.

Just as I was about to start tidying everything up, he pulled me onto his lap, our faces inches apart. "So are you saying that if I were to kiss you right now, you wouldn't kiss me back?" He quizzed, his tongue sliding out to wet his plump lips, making me swallow the lump that had developed in my throat.

I was aware of what he was trying to do and the worst part of all, I don't think I would have the strength to stop it from happening. Finn was, and probably always will be, my biggest weakness. "Don't even think about it..." I muttered, more to convince myself than him.

Grinning, he edged closer to me again, leaving us millimetres apart. "Let's test it, shall we?" He whispered, pressing his lips to mine.

As the pressure of his lips intensified against my own, the more my self-control decreased and before I knew it, I was kissing him back. My arms wrapped themselves around his neck whilst his enveloped themselves around my waist, pulling me as close as physically possible.

He knew exactly how to break me down and the raw and emotional connection we have is just undeniable. It was like we were made for each other and that no matter how hard we tried to date other people, the forces of the universe would keep pushing us back together.

"" He mumbled against my lips, making me break away from the embrace as I realised exactly what I was doing.

Removing myself off his lap, I studied his reaction, noticing how confused he looked. "I can't do this..." I told him, biting my lip and picking up my things. "Uhh...I need to go and find Tariq and find out if he's okay and you need to get yourself off to the Cooler..." I mumbled, my words barely coherent as I ran out of the room, desperate to get away from him.

I could hear the faint sounds of his voice calling my name but I didn't respond, continuing in the direction of the nurse's office. Why did I let him kiss me? Why am I so weak that I couldn't resist? All these thoughts kept clouding my brain, unable to focus on anything else.

Am I just as bad as Finn? Are my feelings for Tariq actually genuine or am I just using him as a rebound? I suppose that's something I need to think about and make a decision on.

Finn's P.O.V

Watching Lindsay abruptly leave the room after sharing a kiss with me broke me if I'm honest. Why can't she come to terms with the fact that she's the one I want and not Trudi?! I understand there's a lot of water under the bridge, what with the abortion and everything but I need to try my hardest to forget about that if I want to move on with my life.

Trudi is amazing and I feel really guilty about using her but she will never be Lindsay and I can't keep pretending anymore. She deserves to know the truth and it's only right that she hears it from me.

Collecting up my things, I headed for the Cooler, typing out a text to Trudi on my way.

Finn: Hey! Look, is there any chance we can meet after school? I need 2 talk 2 u x

Hitting the send button, I received a reply back within seconds...

Trudi: Sure :) We'll meet in our usual spot x

Satisfied with the response I got, I slid my phone back into my pocket and continued the short journey to the cooler. I already knew that the conversation pending was going to be hard...

...but I need to put an end to things before they become even more complicated!

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