Never Let Go || ๐˜‹๐˜•๐˜

By Jane_Harl0w

35.2K 986 686

George isn't good with feelings; he never has been. And when he moves to Florida to go to college, he realize... More

Waking Up Late
The Aftermath
The (not) Date
An Embarrassing Encounter
Unwanted Battles
Medical Attention
Spending the Night
Hanging Out
An Unexpected Message
A Startling Interaction
Totally Not Romantic
Kwik Trouble
That's Unfortunate
A Close Call
Perfect Timing
First Kiss
Making it Official
The Party
Never Let Go

Car Trouble

1.7K 51 12
By Jane_Harl0w

Hey, this the right number? Dream asked.

Yeah, this is George, he confirmed.

Great. We are meeting up at Caribou at eleven, but if you have a class before, don't worry about it. We will probably be there for a couple of hours, he said.

K. Could you tell them I'm coming, so they don't just assume I turned up unannounced? George asked.

Sure, he replied.

Thanks, George said.

No problem.

There was a bit of silence.

So what are you doing now? George asked. I know you're in class, but you must not be doing anything important if you are texting me.

Uh, yeah. The professor is just talking about random stuff. I'm not really paying attention, he replied.

Dream, you GOTTA pay attention in class, he jokingly scolded.

Yeah, whatever. Talking to you is more fun, he replied.

Am I fun? George asked.

Yes, he replied with a laughing emoji. George scoffed out loud. Well anyway, I'll talk to you later. The professor is handing out papers so I gotta go, Dream said.

Alright, see you later, George responded before turning off his phone and continuing his walk. As he walked he thought about Dream. He seemed nice, and George thought they could be good friends. George reflected on the thought that Dream had been flirting with him, and smiled to himself. He wondered if that was intentional, or if that was simply his personality. He pushed away the thought and inhaled the fresh air. It was a beautiful day.

George finished his walk in about 45 minutes and returned to his car. He glanced at his watch and was glad to see that if he left now, he would be right on time for his class at 10. He turned the key to start the engine and his optimism was quickly replaced by dread as the engine refused to start. He turned it a few more times and felt himself grow angry as he realized it would not turn over. He sighed heavily and stood out of his car, searching around for someone to ask for help. He had no idea who to call for an engine that wouldn't start.

After realizing nobody was around, he thought about walking back to the building, but it was about an hour's walk and he needed to be there in 20 minutes. George groaned and covered his face in his hands, feeling his stomach turn with anger and frustration. He ran a hand through his hair and began searching through his phone for someone to call. His eyes landed on Dream's contact and he considered calling to ask for a ride. He knew Dream was in class and was probably not allowed to leave early, but he was the only person he knew so far in America, and he didn't see any other options. George clicked his contact, then pressed the call button. George held it up to his ear and listened as it rang a few times. He was about to give up when suddenly it stopped and was replaced by Dream's voice.

"Hey, George," he greeted. George sighed in relief and wondered where to begin.

"Hey. I called because my car broke down and I need to get to my class by ten. I was wondering if you could pick me up and give me a ride back to the university," George asked, aware of how stupid he must sound. He was prepared for Dream to laugh at him, as his friends would have done back at home, but he was surprised as Dream's voice came back concerned and understanding.

"Of course I can pick you up. Where are you? Are you okay?" He asked, and it took a moment for that to register in George's brain before he could respond.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm at Maple Brook Park, right by all those apartment buildings," George replied after a moment.

"Okay, I'm on my way."

"Aren't you in class?" George asked, slightly alarmed.

"Yeah, but I doubt my professor will notice if I slip away. I just asked to use the restroom when I saw you called me, and we only have a few minutes left of class so I doubt he'll care," Dream replied, and George could hear the shrug in his voice.

"Okay, if you're sure you won't get in trouble," George said.

"Pfft, don't worry about me. I've done this a million times," Dream said easily. George could hear his car door slam in the background.

"That's concerning," George said. Dream laughed.

"Okay, not a million. Two or three," he corrected himself. George laughed.

"How did 'two or three' get rounded up to a million?" He laughed, his smile spreading across his face.

"I have been known to over-exaggerate, okay?" Dream responded. George scoffed.

"Okay, Mr. Cool. I'll see you in a few minutes," George said.

"Yeah," Dream replied before George hung up. He suddenly felt happy now, and there was a light fluttery feeling in his stomach. He extinguished that feeling and gathered his things for when Dream arrived.

After a few minutes of waiting, Dream pulled into the parking lot wearing a small smile on his face. He stopped next to George and rolled down the passenger window.

"Hop in," he said. George pulled open the door and couldn't help but notice how much nicer Dream's car was than his. "So, what happened to your car?" Dream asked once George was settled, and he began pulling out of the parking lot.

"It's really old, so sometimes it just doesn't start. I need a new one," George said a little self-consciously.

"You should probably get that looked at. I won't always be here to bring you to school," Dream said with a grin.

"Ha. I know I should, but I'm pretty tight on money at the moment. The place I work at now doesn't pay very well, so I'm barely scraping by," George confessed, then wondered why he was telling Dream all this personal information. He probably didn't care.

George worked at KwikTrip, mostly because it was near his house and he didn't need to drive in order to get there. He worked 7PM to 2AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays and 6AM to 1PM on weekends. Not the best job, not the best hours, and not the best wage, but he was still searching for more reliable work and this job was the only thing keeping him on his feet. Those were the only hours he could get that fit his schedule and still made him enough money. Another thing was that the building was around a sketchy neighborhood, so he sometimes got nervous working the late shifts. He had only been working for a week and had already heard a few late-night biker gangs, been the victim of some shouting, and even heard what he thought could have been gunshots. Some fireworks had been shot that same night, so he couldn't have been sure.

"Well, if you ever need help, just ask me. I'm not exactly living lavishly myself, but I can always help out a little," Dream replied sincerely. George didn't hear pity in his voice, only kindness and pure intentions.

"Thanks, Dream," George answered in a heartfelt voice.

"Any time," he replied with a smile. George felt himself staring at that warm smile; those alluring green eyes, and perfect skin. His heart did a little fluttery thing and he quickly looked away, feeling his cheeks grow warm.

It was a quick drive, only about ten minutes, and the two spent the time talking and sharing laughs. George forgot all about his worries when he was with Dream. He even forgot that he was a few minutes late for his class. Once they arrived at the school, still having a conversation about Harrison's anger issues, George rushed off to his class and bid Dream goodbye.

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