Burning Down | Harry Potter

By narcissablacc

436K 14.3K 2.7K

~Where dwell the brave at heart, their daring, nerve and chivalry sets a Gryffindor apart~ What if there was... More

~Cordelia Black~
37. (Important)
Act II
79 (II)


3.4K 162 44
By narcissablacc

Twisting the doorknob, she was terrified by the sight in front. Every fibre in her body screamed fight, but her legs stayed glued, quite pathetically.

Cordelia could recognise the icy blonde hair anywhere. It was Lucius Malfoy, standing in front of Harry with a similar orb of glass in his hand, like she had in her pocket.

Before Cordelia could uncover herself and rush to Harry's side, there was a blinding light, from each emerged Sirius.

He quite literally strutted upto the two before he punched Lucius in the face.

That was the cue and all hell broke loose.

The death eaters who were standing at the sides with Harry's friends and Neville by their neck, vanished into dark smoke as Remus, Tonks, Kingsley Shackelbolt, Moody and a few other order members came to rescue.

Cordelia felt dumb as her hands shook by her side. She knew she should run in and fire spells, but the shock seemed to be holding her back.

All the notorious death eaters she had read and heard about where standing in front of her. Her uncle Lucius was there, she couldn't defend him and Harry at the same time.

If she runs in now, she'll have to choose her side and probably cut her ties.

She felt a tear slide down her face when when she Lucius yell, "Black" and fires a spell at the rock behind which Sirius and Harry where standing.

That is when she sprinted.

The cloak bunched in her hand, when Sirius with Harry emerged from the rock.

Remus was the first to notice Lia, which distracted him from the person standing in front of him.

Lucky for him, Lia dived right in.

"Stupefy!" Rabastan Lestrange flew back, before he could say the spell.

"What are you doing here!" Remus yelled as he deflected a spell.

"Dancing. Now focus! You can yell at me later!" She yelled as she threw another spell at Rabastan, who now targeted her.


"Expelliarmus!" Rabastan's wand flew out of his hand, as he looked back at Lia.

"You force me" she pouted with a cynical look in her eyes, "Incarcerous, silencio" this had the younger Lestrange on his back.

As she turned around, she saw Lucius receive a spell which sent him flying back, from Sirius.

Sirius and Harry where standing too close to the archway. She had read about it!

Running over to the two, she saw Bellatrix ready to throw a spell at Sirius.


Bellatrix vanished away when Lia threw the spell at her.

Lia collided with Sirius and Harry in her hurry and had them tumble down the rock.

"Stay away from the archway!" She yelled at the two sweat stricken faces.

"What- what are you doing here?" Harry stammered, almost breathless.

"Told you, how you can't win if I don't fight by your side" she winked at him before standing up with her wand in front of her.

A few death eaters seemed to be targeting Sirius, as Lia and Harry fought beside him.

As Bellatrix tried to throw another killing curse at Sirius, Lia pulled him down as she whispered the incantation.

"Petrificus Totalus"

Sirius went back, as he laid there frozen.

To others it seemed as if Bellatrix had killed Sirius Black, her own cousin. She had a pleased grin on her face as she cackled.

Lia quickly grabbed Harry to stop him from running over to Sirius and blowing up the cover.

Remus came to their aid, as he tried to pull Harry towards where the other children were.

Lia stayed near Sirius, who glared at her, but was unable to do anything else.

"Protego!" She yelled as Lucius Malfoy threw a spell at Remus.

"Cordelia" Lucius was momentarily taken back.

"Sorry" she apologised, "But I can't let you do that" she added, not throwing a spell.

Lucius, turned away as Lia did the same when she saw Harry running after Bellatrix Lestrange.

"NO!" Lia moved forward but was stopped when a spell missed her by inches.

It was Rudulphous Lestrange.

He grinned maliciously at her, as he got ready to fire another spell.

"Big mistake" she gritted as she sent a hex his way. Which he deflected.

The spells being thrown back and forth were intense. One slip and Lia would be dead.

Wordlessly using the disarming spell, she sent a stunning spell his way, which was deflected by Lucius.

"Going to fight me uncle?" She glared.

"You're a traitor!" He yelled before he threw a spell her way.

While Lucius and Lia were in a duel, Rodolphus picked up his wand and aimed a killing curse at her.

Remus acted quickly and pulled her aside, barely missing the spell himself.

Lia's grey eyes turned stone cold and the next thing everyone heard was Rodolphus Lestrange's agonising scream.


His screams gave Moody and Shackelbolt the opportunity to seize the other death eaters in a strong body binding curse.

"You'll learn not to mess with a Black" Lia spit out as she kicked at his face, breathing heavy.

Turning around, she ran out, closely followed by the others.

Running into the long corridor that was lined with fireplaces for floo network.

She saw Voldemort clad in black robes before he vanished into thin air.

Before Cordelia could reach for Harry, he grunted and fell down.

Lia slowly inched closer to him, as Dumbledore leaned over him.

"You've lost old man" his voice sounded horse and not like him at all. His eyes were glazed and red.

Voldemort was possessing him.

Lia sprinted and skidded down next to him, pushing away Dumbledore lightly.

Her eyes connected with Harry's or Voldemort's, she didn't know, but it made her want to cry out.

"Harry" she whispered, worried, "You're not him Harry! Don't let him tell you otherwise" she had tears swimming in her eyes.

She was on the verge of loosing him and she hadn't even mustered up the courage to tell him how much she loved him.

"You've got to fight him" she cried, as Harry groaned as if someone was cutting him open from inside.

"Sirius is alive! He's waiting for you!" She tried to encourage.

Harry lay still, before his eyes examined Lia's face.

"You're the weak one" he rasped in a soft voice, "And you'll never know love or friendship and I feel sorry for you" he spoke in a sympathetic, almost sorry voice.

There was a sudden gush of smoke like wind leaving Harry's chest as he fell on his back.

Voldemort leaned over him, as he stared down at the boy lying beneath him.

"You're a fool Harry Potter and you will lose everything" he told Harry, as the fireplaces went off. Ministry members stepped out and were taken back by the sight in front of them.

Lia neared Harry and held his hand as Voldemort faded away.

"Harry" she whispered, as he sat up slowly, his eyes held a hurt expression.

The dark haired girl brought him in for a hug as she held him tightly.

"You're okay" she whispered.


"He's alive," Lia cupped his face sadly.

The two stood up as Dumbledore neared Harry, "Harry-" but halted when Lia stood in front of him with her wand raised.

"Don't" she warned, her voice breaking slightly, "He could've died because of you!" She stated accusingly as more people rushed in.

"I don't deny Ms.Black, but please let me help-"

"I don't want your help" she shook her head as she gripped Harry's hand more firmly.

Dumbledore sighed momentarily, before he held out a portkey for them to take.

A few photographers from the media raised their cameras and the flashes went off, which made Lia snap further.

"No, you don't" she gritted as her magic went haywire, burning up each camera film at once.

"Ms.Black Harry needs to rest" Dumbledore added, "This will take you to my office"

"Come with me" Harry whispered with a broken voice in her ear.

Reluctantly Harry and Lia held onto the portkey and found themselves on Dumbledore's floor.

Getting up, Harry slumped into a chair in front of the desk.

"You came" he whispered as he looked up at Lia.

"You didn't actually believe Ron's words did you?" She questioned as she gave out a dry chuckle. Her eyes red.

"I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry" he apologised softly.

But Harry believing and not believing Weasley's words wasn't the most upsetting thing that had happened to her that day.

Lucius was most likely imprisoned. Narcissa would never talk to her now, Lia blamed herself for the imprisonment. She could see Narcissa's face turned into a disgusted expression as she looked down at Lia.

She had chosen her side. She had to duel Lucius. She was a traitor!

Dumbledore soon apparated to his office with Sirius and Remus by his side.

"Sirius" Harry breathed as they engulfed each other in a hug.

Remus shifted awkwardly before he approached Cordelia.

"Lia" he spoke softly as Lia turned towards him with an expressionless face.

"Well" Dumbledore cleared his throat grabbing everyone's attention, "The others are all safe" he concluded.

"Good" Lia heard Harry breathe out.

Dumbledore looked at the two before him. As Sirius focused his attention on his godson.

"I know I am to blame....." he started.

He jumped into a deep detailed description about everything from the start. He apologised to Sirius as well, for his actions. He told them about Kreacher's betrayal and Narcissa's plan.

Narcissa knew. Lia felt as if someone had punched her in the guts.

She no longer could tell who betrayed whom. Did she betray Narcissa? Or did Narcissa betray her?

The headmaster apologised for how he neglected Harry and his Occlumency lessons and every other thing Lia could blame him for. But the apology meant nothing to Lia.

She was top hurt by the betrayal. She had lost the only family she knew of.

There was silence after Dumbledore stopped talking.

Everyone stared at Lia silently. Waiting for her to burst into cry or give some reaction, but she stayed quiet as she stared at the floor in between her feet.

Lia felt overwhelmed with all the emotions. She had never felt so many of them and with such intensity at once.

"Lia" said Remus, "We know how you're feeling--"

"No you don't" she cut him to it.

"There's no need to be ashamed, it's human nature to feel--"

"Then I DON'T WANT TO BE HUMAN!" She yelled, as she shamed the delicate silver instrument kept in front of her.

"I WANT OUT! I'VE-- I'VE SEEN ENOUGH! I WANT TO GO BACK AND HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYONE HERE!" She yelled as she smashed anything could see.

"YOU'RE NOT FOOLING ME WITH THAT SORRY APOLOGY! HE" she pointed at Harry, as she directed her words towards Dumbledore, who had a calm face as he listened to her, "COULD HAVE DIED! OR REMUS OR-- OR SIRIUS! YOU NEGLECT THINGS! YOU DON'T CARE WHO DIES AS LONG AS YOU GET WHAT YOU HOPED FOR! You wanted everyone to know he's back. So what do you do? Let Harry go straight into his trap. Now everyone believes you, you have your titles back! Once again the great Dumbledore is what everyone is talking about, but I know, that you-- YOU'RE JUST LIKE HIM! LIKE VOLDEMORT!" She screamed as she pointed her finger at Dumbledore.

"You stand there as if you're the greatest" she laughed maniacally, "But I won't be fooled. I won't stick around to see everyone I know die" she hurried towards the door and pulled at it, as Remus yelled for her to stop. But the door didn't budge.

"Let me out" she pulled at the doorknob harder.

"Sit down please Ms.Black"

"No, no I won't" Lia went to grab the glass orb sitting on the chair and smash it, when Dumbledore picked it up.

"The Prophecy" he mumbled making Remus' eyes go slightly wide with the others.


"You see not only is there a prophecy about Harry but also Ms.Black. What does it say?"

His question angered Lia, white hot anger licked her insides, "IT DOESN'T MATTER! AND I KNOW THAT YOU KNOW! BUT IT WON'T COME TRUE BECAUSE I'LL LEAVE, and I'll never come back!" She whispered the last part as tears cascaded down her face.

"Lia, what is -"

Lia turned towards Remus, with the most broken expression he had seen on her last when Lazarus had died.

"She betrayed me! She knew about today" she cried as she feel on her knees, "I'm a traitor! Lucius said that himself! She'll never talk to me again! I only keep losing people, is this what my life will always be?" She questioned as she looked up at him, "Losing everyone I love? Being a traitor"

The others had no words, Harry seemed worried as he stared at the crying girl. He felt guilty when she called herself a traitor. He didn't know,  no one until now knew how much others words were hurting the crying girl in front of them.

"I want to go back, please. I'm begging you Remus! I don't want to stay here, take me back to Waterloo" She pleaded as she stared up at Remus with ugly tears rolling down her face.

Remus moved forward to hug the crying girl, he embraced her in his shaky arms as she continued crying, before he felt her slump against him.

"It seems Ms.Black has tired herself out" Dumbledore sighed as Harry kneeled down beside the unconscious girl.


Let me know what you guys think?

Also, I've taken to mixing up the movies and books according to my plot.

Few pointers:

—> Cordelia feels betrayed that Narcissa would allow for Harry to be lured into a trap that was set up to lead to his death, even after knowing that Harry is her goddaughter's soulmate. She didn't give Lia a head up at all.

—> Lucius threw the first spell. Which hurt her more because she hadn't really expected him to. She had to duel her supposed family member. Which was heart breaking for her. She had to choose sides. Which meant she would either lose Remus, Harry and others or Narcissa and others. And she lost Narcissa.

—> Sirius lives, his charges were cleared after the ministry witnessed Voldemort's return.

—> She overall feels very hurt by the betrayal and her lost and broken bond with Narcissa. Kreacher's betrayal angers her further because of the whole Horcrux thing. I'll mention it in the next chapter.

Thank you for reading!

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