Piano Man (Sequel to Isn't S...

By singtomesoftly

100K 2.6K 777

After Sarah and Harry's fairytale wedding becomes a nightmare, Sarah ends up raising her two children, Robby... More

Piano Man - Prologue
Piano Man - Chapter 1
Piano Man - Chapter 3
Piano Man - Chapter 4
Piano Man - Chapter 5
Piano Man - Chapter 6
Piano Man - Chapter 7
Piano Man - Chapter 8
Piano Man - Chapter 9
Piano Man - Chapter 10
Piano Man - Chapter 11
Piano Man - Chapter 12
Piano Man - Chapter 13
Piano Man - Chapter 14
Piano Man -Chapter 15
Piano Man - Chapter 16
Piano Man - Chapter 17
Piano Man - Chapter 18
Piano Man - Chapter 19
Piano Man - Chapter 20
Piano Man - Chapter 21
Piano Man - Chapter 22
Piano Man - Chapter 23
Piano Man - Chapter 24
Piano Man - Chapter 25
Piano Man - Chapter 26
Piano Man - Chapter 27
Piano Man - Chapter 28
Piano Man - Chapter 29

Piano Man - Chapter 2

4K 87 18
By singtomesoftly

I fussed with my hair pulling the frizziness caused from the summer heat back into a ponytail and concealing it with bobby-pins. I wasn’t that type of girl that hair the caressed beautifully down her shoulders, and it always looked perfect. I was the type of girl who had hair, and that’s about it.  I was cursed with hair that seemed to do nothing but fold itself in puffy curls once the humidity hit. Something my grandfather runs in the family, he also said before Robby insisted on cutting his hair very short that he reassemble a poodle who desperately needed a haircut. That was something I love about my grandpa, how honest he was. I think if it wasn’t for my mom he would tell me everything about my dad. I hope one day he does. For now though I was stuck not knowing a thing, and stuck on a boring plane ride with my mom and Robby. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy the time with them but it is the fact that my mom isn’t even staying with us, and the fact that Robby probably won’t be overly enthused that he has to leave his friends.

That’s how Robby and I differed, he would surround himself with people to not have to face the fact that mom doesn’t spend as much time with us anymore, but I would rather spend my time alone so no one else can leave me. It works better for me anyways because then I can work on my singing, which desperately needs some tuning. I’ve taught myself since forever but there is only so much listening to music and Youtube tutorials can do for a girl. Once my hair was as good as it was going to get, I grabbed my suitcase and headed down the stairs where my mom and Robby were awaiting for me. Robby didn’t look overly excited but I could tell from his lack of rude comments that he was just happy to see mom. He use to tell stories about how close him and mom were when he was younger and that she wasn’t always so up tight. They had a special connection and I was the third wheel of the family. Just like I would probably be the third wheel of this summer.  Robby knew ‘Uncle Niall’ and ‘Aunt Shawna’, and just like was always left in the dark of how I could have aunts and uncles if my mom didn’t have any siblings, until now I didn’t even acknowledge the fact that she could have friends.

The bright side was the car ride we got to spend with each other to the airport in which, my mom told us funny stories about when we were little, of course leaving out anything to do with my father. She started to go over the memories of our first flight which was quite the incident. I was probably four years old and Robby was seven, leaving my mom with her hands full in her hectic flight to her first show with her orchestra. Grandpa had wanted to come with but couldn’t because something had come up in his plans. There were simple rules: always hold each others hand and never let anyone touch our bags. That was fairly easy enough for two kids to follow right? Wrong. Robby and I ended up getting distracted by the ‘moving stairs’ and ended up quickly losing my mother as we were taken away by the escalator. Robby never let go of my hand for a second though, as he has always been protective. Our bags were heavy so we ended up leaving them when we got to the top of the escalator and tried to find a way back down to our mom. Which apparently didn’t work out so well. From what I’ve been told by Robby and my mom is that Robby and I wandered around the airport for a good hour, while mom tried to convince customer service to make an announcement that her kids were missing. All the looking for mom made me tired though and the soda I drank on the way to the airport was ready to exit me. I complained and complained to Robby that I needed to go to the bathroom. Eventually he agreed to take me, but we couldn’t find a family restroom and Robby refused to lose me too. So he waltzed in the mens room pulling me by the arm and attempted to teach me how to use a urinal. Robby had lifted me up on the edge and just told me to hurry up and go but I was to nervous to go. I wanted my mom and didn’t want to pee in the mens room. By the time Robby had convinced me to go, my mom had gotten then announcement made and a man in the bathroom told them what he had seen, so in came my mom with airport security to me and Robby high-fiving because I had successfully used the urinal.

We all laughed at that memory every time someone brought it up because how could someone forget something like that. I didn’t remember it completely but I did remember losing mom. A smile grew across my face as I entered the airport seeing those exact ‘moving stairs’.

“Let’s get our luggage checked in and then go through security, we can eat while we are waiting for our plane” My mom commanded, she was very use to flying. I just followed her and did as she said, hoping the sooner we got on the plane I could just put my headphones in and just fade away listening to music. I stood in the line waiting patiently but secretly hoping that it would move faster, why people wore and brought so much junk to the airport I would never understand. I simply came in leggings and a sweatshirt with my hair in a bun. That way I don’t have to empty my pockets and I didn’t wear anything that could possibly set of the metal detector. I just like to be prepared but as Robby would say I am a nerd. I wouldn’t say I was a nerd exactly though.  I just feel like I need to get good grades in school to make up for all the trouble Robby gets into. Robby didn’t know all the trouble I could get into if I wanted to. The line moved up a bit and I stepped forward taking my place while pulling Robby by the arm who was too busy flirting with the girl behind him to notice that the line itself had moved. She was one of the people that annoyed me at the airport the type that wear high heels, hoop earrings and a purse that is like a cave that takes the guards forever to check, I thanked God that I was ahead and not behind her.

“Come on Robby, let’s go eat. I am not waiting around for you while you wait for that girl to get through security just to get her number”

“But-“ I cut Robby off before he could beg. Mom had gone to the washroom and told Robby and I to meet her at Subway. She doesn’t even know that I hate subs. Robby and I ordered out on night and were watching a scary movie and he scared me causing me to choke on my sub. Which resulted in be barfing it out my nose. Classy...I know.  Now whenever I get near subs I get this queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“I let you have the window seat, if I get” I tried to bribe it.

“What if you don’t get one?” Robby raised his eyebrow at me.

“I won’t tell mom that you don’t have the prerequisites to graduate.” I smirked.

“Darcy Styles, go against the rules” Robby faked gasped and then through his arm around me. “ Maybe this summer won’t be so bad after all little sis.” We walked off to subway where Robby and my mom ordered subs and I got a bag of chips and a cookie, I would just the pretzels on the plane anyways. Robby new that I didn’t like them as well so he slid me his cookies.

  I was so excited when we finally boarded the plane and started on our adventure, today I was in a boring plane but tomorrow I could be exploring Ireland. I sat in the middle between my mom and brother on the plane, allowing Robby to have to window seat anyways. We all rested since it was a long flight and we had booked it for night so we could sleep through the hours.  I made myself comfortable fixing my leggings and turning on my iPod after the plane had taken off floating off into my thoughts as we floated off into the sky.

I was awoken my Robby shaking my mom who sat on the other side of me, and it seemed that I just got caught in the crossfire. “What Robby?” My mom groggily asked slowly opening her eyes and turning to face him. “ You should be sleeping, you have a long day tomorrow” she then began the lecture.

“I tried but I don’t sleep like a brick and through turbulence like you two” Robby scoffed.” Look what I found online, it is a video about you orchestra, it has almost a million views mom” He looked excited but my mom looked concerned.

“What does it say?”  She grabbed the laptop from him.

“I don’t know, I thought we should watch it together” He said.

“I didn’t bring headphone, so we will watch it when the car comes to pick us up at the airport alright, now try to get some sleep dear” My moms voice turned soft, and she closed her eyes, partially resting her head on my shoulder. I wonder what was the big deal about there being a video about my mom, I mean her orchestra does travel the world.

It seemed forever till we landed probably cause I watched the time like a hawk. I wanted to see the video and I wanted my adventurous summer to begin already. I couldn’t wait till we got through baggage claim and could just go to the Horan’s house.  I watched the conveyer belt go around and around, trying to spot my luggage while my iPod played one of my favourite songs.

It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
The Regular crowd shuffles in
There's an old man sitting next to me
Makin' love to his tonic and gin

He says, "Son, can you play me a memory
I'm not really sure how it goes
But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete
When I wore a younger man's clothes."

La la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum

Sing us a song, you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well, we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feelin' alright

Now John at the bar is a friend of mine
He gets me my drinks for free
And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke
But there's someplace that he'd rather be
He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me."
As the smile ran away from his face
"Well I'm sure that I could be a movie star
If I could get out of this place"

Oh, la la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum

Now Paul is a real estate novelist
Who never had time for a wife
And he's talkin' with Davy, who's still in the Navy
And probably will be for life

And the waitress is practicing politics
As the businessmen slowly get stoned
Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it's better than drinkin' alone

Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you got us feeling alright

It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday
And the manager gives me a smile
'Cause he knows that it's me they've been comin' to see
To forget about life for a while
And the piano, it sounds like a carnival
And the microphone smells like a beer
And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar
And say, "Man, what are you doin' here?"

Oh, la la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum

Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you got us feeling alright

Piano Man, by Billy Joel was one of the first songs that made me completely fall in love with music, it is on of the happiest saddest songs I know. It is relatable to everyone, who has every had a dream. I think Billy talks about how people think just because they are from a small town doesn’t mean your dreams are crushed, you’ve just got to try harder but yet somehow this man who is so talented ends up playing in a small local bar, probably because he under estimated himself in one way or another.

Robby called my name pointing at a bag that was mine, once I got it we were ready to leave and finally watched that video. All three of us sat in the back of the range rover while the driver sat in the front.  Robby sat in the middle this time with his laptop typing furiously as he pulled up the link he wanted to show us early. A lady popped up on the screen and started to introduce my moms orchestra and then a picture of my mom popped up on the screen.

“It has been a long time since Sarah Livingston’s name had it’s claim to fame but this time it seems Sarah is doing it all on her own. Sarah was known in her teenage years for dating teenage heartthrob from the band One Direction, Harry Styles”

Was this really happening? Was I about to find out more about my dad...hopefully my mom wouldn’t turn it off.

Since Sarah and Harry’s mysterious break-up and the end of One Direction, nothing has been the same as it seems that they have all moved on. Sarah and Harry had two kids together although they never tied the knot all the other boys have seemed to settle down now and we have have special guest from the group, Louis Tomlinson.” The lady handed the microphone to a man who walked onto the screen.

“Sarah if you see this, hello. I miss you” he smiled and then turned to the interview.

“So Louis what have you and the boys been up to?”

“To be honest I don’t think we have talked in person in years, we’ve just been focusing on building our families.”

“You use to say you were your own family, how has that changed since Harry’s disappearance?

“I don’t personally think it has anything to do with Harry’s disappearance I think we all just grew older and had to let go of the past. If Harry came back now, I don’t think much would change.”  He nodded, as if he thought his statement was good.

“So One Direction will not be doing a re-uniting tour?”

The man laughed. “Speaking from the point of view of the eldest member of the band, I am not too sure if we even have it in us. We could bring a whole new meaning to break dancing, if you know what I mean. But I all seriousness I think the music is in our past, we all have new families now. And that would also mean finding Harry...” The mans voice seemed to weaken as he spoke those last words.

“So where are all the boys located now?”

“I live in Cheshire, Zayn lives in America, Liam lives in London and well Niall is in Mullingar, Ireland.” Mullingar, Ireland? That is where we are going I thought to myself. That couldn;t be a coincidence

“Okay, I think that is enough” my mom grabbed the laptop closing it, and just time as we pulled up to an old farm house. That looked like it was just on the outskirts of a small town. As soon as  we pulled into the driveway the door opened as two adult came flying out as if they were excited little kids and shortly after two teenagers came out slowly. The dark haired girl wrapped my mom into a hug the second we had gotten out of the car, while the blond man laughed and shook Robby and I’s hands. Then turned to my mom.

“It’s good to see you Sarebear” She blushed slightly, as the man's comment.

“It’s good to see you too Niall”

Niall, as in the one that knew my father? Maybe it was time to see what big dreams this small town has been hiding.

A/N: Here is the new chapter, I promise more action and such in the next chapters. I am just setting up the realtionships at this point. Please Vote&Comment!! :)xx

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