Judgement Day (Hogwarts Myste...

Galing kay timbegs

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It began as a simple mission to find his brother Jacob. Now it has become an all out war for the survival of... Higit pa

Character Bio.
Prologue: It's the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine.
Chapter 1: A nice simple train ride to start the new year (NOT).
Chapter 2: Stay out of my way.
Chapter 3: Elementary my Dear Ethan.
Chapter 4: Right where it hurts.
Chapter 5: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.
Chapter 6: Hurricane a Blowing.
Chapter 7: Old Alliances. Never forgotten.
Chapter 8: Among Us.
Chapter 9: Breech and Clear.
Chapter 10: The Negotiation Table.
Chapter 11: Trust a few. Fear the rest.
Chapter 12: The Norse Uprising.
Chapter 13: In a world of Trouble.
Chapter 14: Is humanity safe?
Chapter 15: Nothing to see here. Just a wizard who's falling apart at the seems.
Chapter 16: American Deals.
Chapter 17: The True Plan.
Chapter 18: The Essential Wizards Guide to catching a loose Wampus.
Chapter 19: Triumph turned to Tragedy.
Chapter 20: Whatever it takes, by any means necessary.
Chapter 21: Journey to the New World.
Chapter 22: The Pueblos Magicos.
Chapter 23: Mexican Standoff.
Chapter 24: No Turning Back.
Chapter 25: The Journey Home.
Chapter 26: The Curious Case of forgetful Hair Products.
Chapter 27: The Mystery Thickens.
Chapter 28: Family Reunion.
Chapter 29: Into the Storm.
Chapter 30: One Problem Solved. New Problem Begins.
Chapter 31: Moment of Peace.
Chapter 32: Haunted to the Grave.
Chapter 33: Trial with a twist.
Chapter 34: What do we do next?
Chapter 35: Rising Sun.
Chapter 36:Just Plain Cruel.
Chapter 37: Old Wounds that never heal.
Chapter 38: Gods Among Men.
Chapter 39: Demons and Blades.
Chapter 40: Crimson Tide.
Chapter 41: Survivor's Guilt.
Chapter 42: Am I not Merciful?
Chapter 43: The Breaking Point.
Chapter 44: Same School. Different Problems.
Chapter 45: The Doxy Cometh.
Chapter 46: One Queen Sized Doxy, Extra Crispy.
Chapter 47: Healing up wounds.
Chapter 48: Complicated Situations.
Chapter 50: Hitting the Streets.
Chapter 51: Always one step ahead.
Chapter 52: Cat and Mouse.
Chapter 53: Let it Burn.
Chapter 54: Curses and Legacies.
Chapter 55: A Hogwarts Christmas Story. Part 1.
Chapter 56: A Hogwarts Christmas Story. Part 2: How The Wizards saved Christmas.
Chapter 57: New Year and a New Threat.
Chapter 58: Laughing Contagion.
Chapter 59: Cursed CD Mix Tape. #4 on the Billboards.
Chapter 60: The Elephant and the Snake.
Chapter 61: The Hogwarts I.T Department.
Chapter 62: Give a Reason as to Why.
Chapter 63: Wizard Odyssey.
Chapter 64: Secrets of the Labyrinth.
Chapter 65: Mine by Right.
Chapter 66: Second Chance.
Chapter 67: Cold as Ice. Warm as Fire.
Chapter 68: Broken Circle.
Chapter 69: Attitude reflects Leadership.
Chapter 70: The Battle of Nottingham.
Chapter 71: Enough is Enough.
Chapter 72: Sea of Sand.
Chapter 73: Palace of Magic.
Chapter 74: Curse of the Djinn.
Chapter 75: Difficult Decisions.
Chapter 76: Approaching the Gates.
Chapter 77: The Palace of Evil.
Chapter 78: Running Red.
Chapter 79: Prepare for War.
Chapter 80: Reflection.
Chapter 81: United we Stand. Divided we Fall.
Chapter 82: Blood and Guts.
Chapter 83: End of the Line.
Chapter 84: Pain and Torment.
Chapter 85: Goodbye Innocence.
Chapter 86: The Last Sunset.
Chapter 87: The Siege of Hogwarts.
Chapter 88: The Final Duel.
Chapter 89: The Next Phase.
Chapter 90: End to the Tale.
The End.
The Story Continues.

Chapter 49: Preventing the Spread.

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Galing kay timbegs

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." -Edward Everett Hale.

Ethan was running over with Chiara to where his brother was. "Come on. They're this way!" Chiara yelled as Madam Strout was following them. And Ethan could see Jacob, Lizzie, and Ryder coming towards them.

"Ethan!" Jacob yelled over.

"Jacob." Ethan breathed in relief. "I was worried that you were the one in a Hospital Bed." 

"Eh, been there done that." Jacob replied as he showed his metal hand.

"I'm sorry, Ethan. I came and got you as soon as I found out Jacob was here." Chiara said.

"You did a good job, Miss Lobosca." Ryder informed. "Frigger over there is stable for now, But..."

"He's received emergency treatment, but the work of a Healer is never done." Madam Strout finished as she worked to diagnose the wounds. "Since you're here to learn, it's time for your next lesson in healing... how to diagnose a patient." And that was when Penny, Jae, and Talbott walked over. "Ah, perfect timing."

"Perfect timing?" Ryder asked.

"Gather around, lambs. We'll be observing this mans wounds and determining their cause." Strout explained.

"We don't have time for a lecture. We know what this was. He was beaten up with spiked clubs. Slayton saw to it. Right after he most likely dealt with his Red Dust." Ryder interrupted.

"So he just beats up guys for no reason? He's worse than Rakepick." Penny asked..

"No. You'd have to mess up big time for Slayton to give this order." Ryder answered. "Say... owe him money or something." 

"But look here. These weren't regular spikes." Strout pointed out. She could see the wounds. "Chinese Fireballs." She realized.

"What?" Ethan asked.

"The spikes on those clubs were Chinese Fireball spikes." Strout answered.

"Great. And now Slayton has Fireball spikes on his clubs." Lizzie sarcastically said.

"And Derek has messed up big time." Ryder realized.

"How do you mean?" Strout asked.

"Madam Strout, I want you to oversee this mans wounds personally. If we can wake him and get him back to full strength. It might be the key we need to taking down Slayton. And possibly lead us to Trotsky himself." Ryder explained.

"You mean his base of operations?" Chiara asked.

"Exactly. And Miss. Lobosca. I want you on this as well." Ryder added. 

"Me?" Chiara asked.

"Jacob here told me that you were a remarkable healer when it came to patching up Ethan. You can handle this just as well." Ryder answered.

"Well... okay." Chiara decided.

"Good." Ryder turned to the Aurors. "I want Aurors guarding this room day and night for security. In the meantime, I want continuous updates about the patient. We're not letting another slip up happen." He ordered.

"Yes, Agent Ryder." The Aurors understood.

"And what should we do?" Penny asked.

"Miss. Haywood. I want you back in the Potions Room. Miss. Maxson will assist. See if there are any potions that can help with the healing process. The faster we get this guy up to full strength. The sooner we can grab Slayton." Ryder answered.

"Um, it's more of Queen Satan now. I've been kind of settling on that name ever since he sent the Doxy." Lizzie corrected.

Ryder and several of the Aurors laughed. "Okay. I gotta write that one down. Now then. Talbott, you and Jae focus on helping the other patients while Madam Strout deals with this." He continued.

"You got it." Jae replied. "And if you ever need an inside man working for the Ministry, I'm your man." 

"Actually, I work for MACUSA." Ryder corrected. "And if I ever need an inside man, I'll call you." He then turned to Ethan and Jacob. "And boys. Head on down to Mad Eye Moody. See if he can help out with us with dealing with Slayton. We might need a back up way to get to Slayton if this doesn't work out." He ordered.

"We're on our way." Jacob replied. "Let's go, E."

"Right behind you." Ethan agreed.

Meanwhile. Trotsky had read the reports on what had happened at Knockturn Alley. He also had Slayton brought before him.

"Oh, Boss. What's new?" Slayton asked all innocently.

"This is what's new." Trotsky answered shoving the report right in front of Slayton.

"Oh, that." Slayton said. "What can I say? I take my debts very seriously." He justified.

"And I take my debts very seriously as well." Trotsky shot back grabbing Slayton by the throat.

"Is... t-this f-for that thing?" Slayton asked in between getting chokes.

"This is for another what happened to the Snydes and making Merula cry." Trotsky clarified. "You can worm your way out of many things, Slayton. And you would've succeeded in fooling me. Had it not been for what you did to Merula's Mother." He shoved Slayton into a wall.  

"I don't know what you're talking about." Slayton replied.

"You do. The Human Souls. I know where the prototype came from. It came from Merula's Mother." Trotsky clarified.

"Should I have done the Father?" Slayton asked.

"I would've preferred Rakepick, all the same." Trotsky answered. "If it wasn't for your influence in the American Underworld, your profits that will fund our army, and it wasn't for the fact that I need you to cause Chaos. You would be dead where you stand." He warned. "As such... Ryder will no doubt take the man you injured to St. Mungo's. We need him out of the way before he spills all the secrets of our plans and army. You made a mess in Knockturn Alley. Go clean it up or else."

"Or else what?" Slayton asked.

Trotsky didn't say a word. But he formed a large shadow claw and slashed at Slayton's face with it.

Slayton was tossed down from the pain that seared his face and he screamed in pain. "You got it! You got it boss!"

"I liked you better when you had two ears." Trotsky commented before walking the doors leaving Slayton in pain.

Ethan and Jacob had raced through the Ministry. Or rather they were sliding on magic boards that they had made from their wands. And were using them to sail over Ministry workers.

"Magic Boards?" Ethan asked.

"Come on, Ethan. We haven't done this since the old days." Jacob answered. "Thought I don't remember you being this good before."

"Jacob. I was on the Quidditch Team. I learned how to Broom Surf." Ethan reminded. They stopped right in front of Tonks who was over by Mad Eye's office.  

"Wotcher, Ethan and Jacob! Mad-Eye's got me organizing paperwork since I knocked the stack over." Tonks greeted.

"Tough luck." Ethan replied. "Wouldn't be the first time you've knocked over things though." He thought back to his first date with Penny.

"You're not still mad about that are you?" Tonks asked.

"Tonks, I was never mad." Ethan answered.

"We need to talk to Mad Eye. It's important." Jacob interrupted.

"Oh, he's in his office." Tonks pointed to the door. 

"Thanks, Tonks." Jacob thanked and walked right through.

Mad Eye was looking through his paper work. But his eye could see Ethan and Jacob coming through. "Hello. Boys. Back again are you?" He greeted.

"Mad-Eye! We've got a big one!" Ethan announced. "We've got a break!"

"A Break of what?" Mad Eye asked confused as he looked at him and Jacob. 

"He means with Slayton." Jacob answered. "Slayton's injured one of his Gangsters. Well injured is more beat to death. We've got him in St. Mungo's. Maybe if we can get him to wake, he'll tell us all we need to know."

"What was he injured with?" Mad Eye asked.

"Clubs with Chinese Fireball spikes." Ethan answered.

"Well that's just messed up." Mad Eye replied. "And the Gangster is at St. Mungo's?"

"Yeah. Ryder's got him in his custody." Ethan answered.

"And if the Gangster refuses to cooperate?" Mad Eye asked.

 "I say it's high time we take a book out of Trotsky and have a back up plan." Jacob answered.

"My thoughts exactly." Mad Eye agreed. "Who else knows about this?" 

"Just us, Ryder, Penny, Jae, Talbott, and Chiara." Ethan answered. "And before you can ask. Yes. I trust them with my life."

"I wasn't going to ask, Ethan." Mad Eye assured. "I know they each have their secrets they like to keep to themselves, but it's nothing too serious. Not like Merula Snyde." 

"Yeah... Merula." Ethan sighed. 

"You and Jacob encountered her in Japan with Trotsky, did you not?" Mad Eye asked.

"She still seems loyal to Trotsky." Ethan admitted. "But Slayton sent her a threatening note when the Doxy infestation happened."

"So then we have to assume she's still working for them." Mad Eye assumed.

"Well... Corey has this theory that we may be able to turn Merula to our side." Ethan added.

"Let's hope that's not just wishful thinking, E." Jacob commented. 

"And do you think Merula can be turned against 'R', Ethan?" Mad Eye asked.

But Ethan couldn't help but think back to Merula's words in Japan. How she said that it was too late for her. And yet... there were sincere words in her voice of regret when Penny was kidnapped and taken to Mexico. "She can be flipped, Mad-Eye. There's a part of me that thinks she would help us. Considering the fact that Merula grew up in a lone home, with her parents in Azkaban, and she was raised by a Ukrainian Dark Wizard that killed a Muggle army. She could've turned out a lot worse."

Jacob shrugged. 

"I suggest you be careful, Ethan. At this point, Merula is an unknown variable." Mad Eye advised. "Especially after her parents..." He stopped at his own words.

"After her parents what?" Jacob asked.

"I'm not sure I'm the right person to tell you that, boys." Mad Eye answered. 

"Is this one of those, something we need to hear from Dumbledore things?" Ethan asked.

Mad Eye nodded. "If he hasn't told you two about it yet. He will soon." 

"I'll be careful, Mad-Eye. I just... I think there's some good in her." Ethan replied getting back on track. But he looked at Jacob. "What?"

"I'll tell you later. Right now. We should start back at the scene of the crime in Knockturn Alley. Slayton was there for a deal. Maybe he dished out some of his Red Dust." Jacob declared.

"That's not good." Ethan thought out loud.

"No it's not. But fortunately. I know a guy who dabbles in more illegal things then Jae." Jacob informed.

"Mundungus Fletcher?" Ethan asked.

"Mundungus Fletcher." Jacob answered.

"You might need an extra wand, boys. Get someone who's reliable in a pinch." Mad Eye advised. He then heard some papers getting smacked to the ground. "I might get delayed with dealing with Miss. Tonks here."

"You know somebody?" Jacob asked.  

"Yeah. Which is why I'm calling in help from my very own 'Auror Persimmons'... Corey Hayden! Or Watson. Even though she seems to think that I'm the Watson." Ethan declared.

"Should I ask about the whole Watson thing?" Jacob asked.

"No." Ethan answered. 

Knockturn Alley had its share of odd tricks and trinkets. But none were as odd as the emergence that would become Detective Corey Hayden.

"Merlin's Beard, I can't believe I'm in Knockturn Alley! My parents never let me come here." Corey declared with an emergence of excitement.

"Yeah. Ain't it a odd place off from the rest of Diagon Alley." Jacob commented. "E... is Corey?"

"Excited? Yes." Ethan answered. 

"Whenever we had to go to Diagon Alley to restock our shop, they'd make sure I didn't run off. Blimey, just imagine all the Dark dealings that have gone down here! I can think of at least ten." Corey continued.

"Perhaps you should keep it down, Corey? People in Knockturn Alley aren't exactly... friendly. Surely that Conebush and Persimmons would tell you the same thing." Ethan hushed up.

"Oh, right, of course! I knew that." Corey replied loudly.

"Ugh." Jacob groaned. This Girl was going to get herself killed. That's usually how these sort of things do. "Let me do the talking, here." He said to Corey.

"Okay. Who are we looking for again?" Corey asked.

"Mundungus Fletcher." Jacob answered.

"Whoa! You know Mundungus Fletcher? He's like... so cool!" Corey exclaimed.

"More like a coward only in it for himself." Jacob corrected. "They say that if you ever need anything, be it information or items, Mundungus knows where to get it. And what matters is that he may have information on both the Red Dust, and possibly onto Slayton himself." 

"Is that him there?" Corey asked as she looked at Mundungus Fletcher looking nefarious or slimy. Corey honestly didn't know which one was which.

"Yep looking like he's selling something suspicious... again." Ethan answered.

"He's... exactly how I thought he would look." Jacob added. 

"How should we approach -- aggressively or peacefully?" Corey asked.

"Aggressively" Jacob answered. "I know how this guy works. And we don't have time to mess around."

"We might as well get right into what we want to ask him." Ethan thought that they should react aggressively as well.

"Got it! I'll follow your lead." Corey declared. And she had a few ideas. "Hey BUB!" She yelled out.

Fletcher looked around to see them. "Well, look 'ere! If it isn't me favorite 'ogwarts student Ethan Bauer. And Jacob Bauer. Heard you were back." He greeted. "Tell me, 'ow can ol' Mundungus 'elp you? You in the market fer a genuine gold watch?"

"Can it, Mundungus! Tell me what you know about the shipments of Red Dust that Slayton's been doing." Jacob ordered.

"Yeah, tell us! You Filthy Little Maggot!" Corey shrieked. "And don't make me get out my Persuader stick you little DOPE EYED SLOB OF GREASE!"

Jacob smacked his head. "Can you remind me why we brought her?" He asked.

"Now listen 'ere! There's no reason to get 'ostile with me." Mundungus justified.

"You want to see Hostile?" Corey asked. She then jumped on Fletcher's back trying to make it seem like a Piggy Back Ride. "I'll SHOW YOU HOSTILE!" She then yanked on Fletcher's head and threw him to the ground.

"What is wrong with you!" Fletcher yelled.

"What are you doing?" Ethan asked in horror.

"You and your brother said to be aggressive." Corey pointed out.

"Not that aggressive." Ethan clarified.

Jacob then proceeded to shoot a levitation charm off of Corey which Corey made a pouting face when that happened. He then grabbed Mundungus Fletcher with his metal arm. "Don't think you're off the hook. We've got some some questions for you."

"What kind of questions?" Fletcher asked.

"A real Knockturn Alley Dark dealing!" Jacob answered.

Mundungus smirked his head. "Well well. And what would some kids like you want with some Dark Dealings in Knockturn alley?" He asked.

"All I know is that if I want to know about the Underworld of the Wizarding World. You're the man I need to go to." Jacob answered.

Fletcher handed out some Red Dust. "Here you go. I was goanna hand this over to Mad Eye. Thought I could swipe and take without Slayton noticin. You believe 'e still made me pay for it?"  He asked.

"That's Red Dust?" Corey asked looking at it.

"And it's very illegal." Ethan said.

"Not sure 'e even meant to tell me that... but I've always got me ears listenin' for information." Fletcher added.

"He say anything about where there might be another potential deal?" Jacob asked.

"Nope. Didn't say anything about that." Mundungus answered. "Now, unless you 'ave some information to sell, I'd like to get back to selling me potions. And get that beast away from me." He pointed to Corey as he walked away.

Ethan glared at Corey. "You had to go all in at him, didn't you?" He asked.

"Well you said to go aggressive. And if that isn't the definition of aggressive, I don't know what is." Corey answered.

"That's called Overkill." Jacob corrected. He then looked at the Red Dust in his hand. 

"What is it?" Ethan asked.

"If Slayton's selling this stuff to Dark Wizards like Mundungus Fletcher, then who knows how many other Dark Wizards and Witches are in possession of it." 

"You mean like a whole Drug Deal Epidemic?" Corey asked in confusion. "There wasn't anything like that in the adventures of Conebush and Persimmons." 

"She's not wrong." Ethan whispered to Jacob.

"Let's get this stuff to St. Mungo's. If we can understand how the formula works, we may be able to contain this before we aren't able to." Jacob declared.

 "And there's only one person I trust with Potions to understand this formula. Penny Haywood!" Ethan added.

Ethan and Jacob headed back to St. Mungo's while Corey headed back to Hogwarts. More precisely they went down to the Alchemy Room.

"Well. Looks like someone's got enough stuff here to make Professor Snape jealous." Jacob commented.

"Well it is a Hospital, Jacob." Ethan pointed out. 

"And Penny?" Jacob asked.

"Having the time of her life making Potions." Ethan answered as he looked at Penny brewing more potions. "Hey, Penny!" He greeted.

"Hi, Ethan." Penny greeted back. "Just brewing up some Potions here."

"You guys learn anything?" Lizzie asked.

"We've got this." Jacob answered showing some Red Dust.

Lizzie gasped at the sight of it. "Is that what I think it is?" She asked.

"If you think its Red Dust. Then yes." Jacob answered.

"How did you even get your hands on Red Dust anyway?" Penny asked.

"Mundungus Fletcher." Ethan answered. "You know, our guy in the Underworld." 

"And you trust him?" Lizzie asked.

"No. There's only certain people I trust and they're in this room." Jacob answered.

"And I'm on that list, right?" Penny asked.

"I trust you not to break my baby brother's heart." Jacob replied. "Any way. What's important is that we've got the Red Dust. But we need to figure out the formula. Possibly to create a possible antidote so nobody does anybody stupid."

"Of course if you're busy to talk-" Ethan started. 

"Of course I have time to talk, BF." Penny interrupted.

"Thanks, GF." Ethan replied.

"I'm actually brewing some wound cures for that Gangster right now. So we can talk and work. Besides, Lizzie's not exactly the best when it comes to Potion. No offense." Penny quickly said to Lizzie.

"None taken." Lizzie replied. "Potions was never really my strongest suit." 

"Yeah. Snape said you were utterly incompetent." Jacob added.

"And who's fault was that? If Snape really wanted to help, he would've made us books that show how to properly do the Potions instead of just tell us not to rely on the Books." Lizzie pointed out. 

"How's that guy doing anyway?" Jacob asked.

"He's stable... for now. But the first two rounds of healing paste didn't work on his wounds." Penny answered. "I've never really worked with Chinese Fireball wounds before." 

"I have faith in you, Penny." Ethan assured. "But what about this Red Dust?" He asked.

Penny took a look at the Red Dust. She looked at it confused. "That's odd." 

"What?" Ethan asked. "Is it the fact that it looks different?"

 "Slayton showed me a dose of the serum back in Mexico. But this looks different." Penny answered.

"Well, Ryder did say that he found the right ingredient to make the Magical Creatures under Red Dust obey him." Lizzie pointed out.

"Let's see what we're dealing with." Penny looked at the Red Dust. Thanks to the Alchemy Room, Penny had all she needed to dissect the formula. "Okay... Firecrab eggs, Manticore blood, there's also-" Penny felt like throwing up. "I'd rather not talk about this ingredient." 

"What else is there?" Jacob asked.

"Human Souls." Penny answered. "And also... Dragon Claws. Chinese Fireball Dragon claws."

"Well that explains the Chinese Fireball spikes and Dragon claws." Jacob thought out loud. "Slayton must be killing them and tearing them to shreds for his Red Dust."

"Not surprised. Slayton's cruel beyond words." Penny commented.

"Still chopped of his ear." Ethan pointed out to a snicker from Lizzie. "Nice job Penny. You think you can create an antidote for the Red Dust?" He asked.

"I'll see what I can do." Penny answered.

"Thanks." Ethan thanked. "We'll tell Ryder right away."  

"Shall we?" Lizzie asked deciding to go with the Bauer Brothers.

While on the way, Lizzie was speaking with Jacob about something. "You know... Jacob. I was thinking about something." She started.

"Is this about that Boars Head from the Hog's Head Inn?" Jacob asked.

"No." Lizzie answered. "Besides, I already asked Dumbledore's brother if I could have it and he wouldn't budge. What I was thinking about was that since you're kind of staying in Hogwarts for the time-"

"It's more of a temp situation, Lizzie." Jacob interrupted.

"Well maybe not for much longer." Lizzie said. "What I wanted to ask you, was if you wanted to move into my place in Hogsmeade. When we were done here?"

"Move in with you?" Jacob asked like a total blindside. He had not been prepared for Lizzie to ask him that.

"Yeah. I mean, if you prefer to stay in that muck filled room..." Lizzie started.

"It's not that muck filled." Jacob muttered.

"And the dark coverings that just add to the atmosphere." Lizzie continued.

Jacob rolled his eyes.

"Along with all the disjointed papers you don't bother to clean up." Lizzie also added.

"I get it!" Jacob interrupted. "Yeah. That would sound nice. Besides. It'll get me out of Hogwarts and for the Summer, I don't need to worry about being a burden to Mum." He decided.  

"Jacob... you've been out of our house for years." Ethan reminded.

"Yeah, but I'm just saying, that it would be nice to have a place for myself." Jacob clarified.

"Well, if that's what you want." Ethan said.

"Come on, Ethan. It's not like I'm going to disappears for years on end this time." Jacob assured.

Ethan nodded but still felt hollow. "Sorry, Jacob. It's just that... I got you back and you came home."

"I know." Jacob replied. "But it's going to be fine. I'll always be around for you, E. I swore to Mum that I wouldn't leave you again. And I'm not leaving you again." 

"Ethan. He'll be fine. I'll see to that." Lizzie added. "You trust me?"

"Alright, Lizzie. I trust you not to let Jacob do anything stupid." Ethan answered.

"Yeah. Well. Jacob tends to do a lot of stupid things when he doesn't listen to me." Lizzie reminded. "And don't you deny it Jacob." 

"I didn't say anything." Jacob shot back.

"You were thinking it." Lizzie smirked.

"I didn't say anything!" Jacob got defensive. "Nor did I think anything. Ethan?" He asked.

"Jacob. You know I can read your mind if I wanted to right?" Ethan asked.

"No you can't. I've got Occlumency." Jacob answered.

"You know Occlumency?" Ethan asked.

"Kind of had to in case any of R were Legillemens." Jacob answered. "Even though, I never made full use of my powers. It was something I swore. It's why I never read Lizzie's mind."

"And I respect him for it." Lizzie replied.

They found Ryder outside of the Hospital Room. "Ryder." Jacob called.

Ryder turned to look. "Ah. Perfect timing, Jacob. What have you got?" He asked.

"We got some of the Red Dust from Mundungus Fletcher. And Penny's working on how the formula works so hopefully we can develop an antidote for the Red Dust. Something to counter it." Jacob reported.

"Nice work." Ryder praised.

"How is he doing?" Ethan asked about the Frigger guy.

Ryder frowned. "Not good I'm afraid. Healing Paste isn't working and our guy is getting worse."

"Well... crap." Jacob commented.

"We're still working on him. And Madam Strout and Chiara are trying something else. So... fingers crossed." Ryder answered. But his mind was on something else.

"What is it?" Lizzie asked.

"Something about all of this." Ryder answered. "Derek isn't they type of guy who gets sloppy like this. And when he does, he makes sure that he ties up his loose ends. And I bet that Trotsky will think the same thing."

"You mean, that there will be an assassination attempt on our patient?" Ethan asked. "Are we even sure that R is up for that?" 

Ryder nodded. "At this point, nothing would surprise me. He's already done other stuff." 

"Is this why you ordered security around St. Mungo's?" Jacob asked.

"Yes. I want everything secure in the event that Slayton or Trotsky come out and attack." Ryder answered. "Which I can bet is coming... soon." 

"Of course it is." Ethan grumbled. "It's always something. I feel like I just rescued Penny, and now we've got to deal with this."

"That's the way this cookie crumbles." Jacob replied.

"So, Ryder... we getting any more help from America?" Lizzie asked changing the subject.

Ryder frowned. "We might be on our own for a while. Iraq's been making noise in The Middle East with its neighbor Kuwait. Saunders says he's going to be on standby in case Trotsky takes advantage of the chaos." He explained.

"Would he?" Ethan asked.

"Probably not." Ryder answered. "If the Middle East is going to tear itself apart, they'll just do Trotsky a favor. We can only hope that it doesn't go too crazy into madness." He then got back up. "Come on, I don't know about you, but I could use a Coffee. You want one, Ethan?" He asked heading down the Hospital Café.

 "I'm more of a Hot Chocolate man myself." Ethan answered. 

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