3 Years

Oleh ILoveCookie3

49.1K 1.6K 910

3 Years. '3 years will fly by,' they said. '3 years will be over before you know it,' they said. 'You won't e... Lebih Banyak

1 - News
2 - The Last Day
3 - It's Time
4 - I Don't Know
5 - Happy Birthday
6 - Firsts
7 - Night Out
8 - No
9 - The Letters
10 - One Year
11 - The Project
12 - Christmas
13 - Opinions
14 - Overdue
15 - Paralyzed
16 - Confused
17 - The Beginning
18 - Planning
19 - Good Ol' Days
20 - Memory Lane
21 - Regrets
22 - The Ring
23 - Storytime
24 - Out on the Table
25 - Introductions
26 - Loose Ends
27 - Falling
28 - Not a Date
29 - Breaking & Bonding
Meant to Be
30 - The Other
31 - Lies
32 - Dinner
33 - Discussion
34 - Ride
35 - Accident
36 - Filling Holes
37 - Noah
38 - Meeting?
39 - Set Up
40 - Not Bad
41 - Date?
42 - Suspicious
43 - Freshmen
44 - New Year, New Family
45 - Doubts
46 - New York
47 - Workout
48 - Fights
49 - Vent
50 - Voicemail
52 - Preparation
53 - Salazar-Roberts/Bowen/Scott
54 - Uncomfortable
55 - Trigger
56 - Again
57 - Take Two
58 - Reminiscent
59 - Ecstatic
60 - First Impressions
61 - Third First Date
62 - Inkling
63 - Timeless Bond
64 - 2025
65 - Spying
66 - Trial & Error
67 - Twenty Questions
68 - Jobs
69 - Nine
70 - Slices
71 - Alterations
72 - Leaving
73 - Worst-Case Scenario
74 - Frightful
75 - Obstinate
76 - Not Ready
77 - Clone
78 - Do not listen to him
79 - Prolong
80 - Prospect
81 - Strange Situation
82 - Officially Official
83 - Fifth Addition
84 - Intoxicated
85 - Sober
86 - Three Wishes
87 - Holiday Gatherings
88 - First Holiday
89 - Blizzard
90 - Rooms
91 - Perfect Gift
92 - Stuck
93 - Hideous
94 - Portend?
95 - Every day
96 - Snowday Celebration
97 - Unforseen
98 - Birthday Surprise
99 - Two Ton Death Trap
100 - Future
101 - 1 step forward
102 - Lovebug
103 - 3 steps back
104 - Cherish
105 - Permission?
106 - Blessing
107 - Vision
108 - New Beginning
109 - Approval
110 - Forever

51 - Stupid

332 14 3
Oleh ILoveCookie3

I didn't know what to call this🤷‍♀️

Also, please don't be a silent reader (I'm guilty of this too).


Lunch rolls around after forever. Miss Jenn and Nini were discussing what musical to do for the semester. "So I have a list of ideas already," Miss Jenn said excitedly.

"Ok, go on." Nini pulls her phone out to record whatever it is that the older woman is about to say but is stopped by a red one on the corner of the phone app. She once again brushes past it for now and opens her notes app. "What'd you have in mind first?"

"Ok, so I was thinking something Disney-related," she gushed. "We haven't done one in a few years."

"Ok, which movie? Are you thinking something from Disney Channel or...?"

"A classic. Something from the early 2000s era." She was talking with her hands, which meant she was definitely excited.

That doesn't answer my question. "Ooh, going old school I see." Nini sometimes questioned Miss Jenn's ideas, yet they always somehow worked out... even if there are about billions of obstacles along the way. We're picking something from 30-40 years ago?

The two women continue to talk and make a list of as many Disney movies that they can think of.

Unfortunately, the lunch bell rang, signaling everyone to head back to class. Luckily, third period was the drama department's planning period, which meant no students, so Nini took this time to listen to Ricky's voicemail. She closed the door to the bomb shelter and knew she'd have a few moments of silence without interruption because Miss Jenn went to go talk with the principal about what musical they could do.

Nini bites her lip and listens to the message. "Hey." His voice was groggy; she could easily tell he had just woken up. "Um, I know you're probably asleep and won't get this for a few hours but, uh..." His voice was shaky. "This might sound stupid, but I just wanted to check on you. And say I'm sorry for not seeing your texts. I was, uh, preoccupied." She heard him mumble, "This is so stupid," under his breath before continuing.

"Anyway, call me whenever you hear this. Or text. Please just get back to me." Nini looks at the screen and sees that the voicemail ended. She wasn't sure what to think. He sounded scared and worried. Maybe it's because of the kids? She wasn't entirely certain of why he sounded so fearful, especially at five in the morning.

She shot him a quick text that just said she would call him this afternoon once school was over. Her thoughts are interrupted when the door swings open. "Ok, so I've talked with Principal Thomas, and our options are quite open. The only rules are..." She looks down at the paper to make sure she reads everything off correctly. "You know, you can just read it. I forgot my medication- uh, meditation this morning, so I'll probably say something wrong."

Nini gives her a small smile. "Jenn, are you ok?"

"Not really," she admits. "It's the fall musical, the most stressful one of all. It sets the expectations for the spring. You'd think after doing it for so long that I'd be used to the first day jitters."

"I- I'm just gonna go read these now," Nini tells her, going to a corner of the room, not wanting to leave her by herself just in case. "Let's see what we're working with," she murmurs to herself.

1. No burning down the theater or any other part of the school
2. Any kind of equipment where the student will be off the ground must be tested by an adult beforehand
3. All rehearsals need at least two supervisors in the room at all times
4. Students' allergies must be discussed beforehand
5. Kissing is forbidden

"Wow, only six?" Nini wondered aloud.

"I know, right?" Miss Jenn agreed. "Seems like there should be more."

"Well, at least she seems to have covered the messiest incidents. In our defense, even Tori didn't know that she was allergic to the face makeup."

"And Nick ended up getting mono a couple of years back," the blonde woman added.

"Well, he's graduating this year and is perfectly fine."

"Yeah," Miss Jenn sighs. "And Tori is at the University of Utah now."

"I'm honestly surprised this drama department still exists," Nini chuckles.

"Me too," she agreed. "And we can't forget about the first time," she laughed. "To be fair I probably shouldn't have trusted children to create a rig for a harness."

Nini tilted her head. "Hmm?"

"Oh, when Ricky fell on Ashlyn all those years ago. Thank god it was just sprained wrists."

Silence fell over the room. "Oh," Nini muttered.

"Wait, I'm so sorry," Miss Jenn said. "I wasn't thinking when I said that-"

Nini cut her off. "No, it's ok. Really. It's... It's fine."

"Are you sure?" she asked apologetically.

"Yeah." She gave a small smile.

Miss Jenn sighed while turning back to the clipboard in her arms. "Such a shame," she sighed. "I wonder whatever happened to him."

Nini chuckled a little under her breath but bit her lip to keep quiet. You have no idea.


"Are you positive?"

"Yes, why would I make something like this up?"

"I don't know."

Nia was asking Ricky if he was sure of what was in his dream. "I saw him, Roni. He answered the door and tried to pull me in. That's all that happened before I woke up."

"Ok." She begins panicking. "This doesn't mean anything. This doesn't have to mean anything. It was just a dream. Meyers has ensured our safety."

"Yes, that's right. This is just a crazy thing my imagination has created."

"Mhm, that is the only explanation."

It's quiet between the two adults until Ricky asks, "Have you had dreams like that?"

She shakes her head. "Not recently."

"Well, what should we do?"

It's silent for a moment while they think. "I say try not to turn it into a big deal. It was just a one-time dream, right?" He nodded. "Well, then maybe we don't stress about it unless it keeps happening."

"Ok. Ok, we can try." Deep down, they both knew they weren't going to be able to let this go so easily.


Eventually, the end of the day finally arrives. As she waits in the parking lot for Lauren and Jayden, Nini takes this opportunity to call Ricky. He answers after three rings.

"Hey," he said weakly.

"You ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah. All good."

"Mkay," she murmured skeptically.

"Why'd you call?" he asked, changing the topic.

"Oh, um, I got your voicemail earlier."

"Oh, right." He sounded that much more scared. He didn't think she'd actually call.

"Are you sure you're ok? You sound frightened."

"It, uh... it's stupid."

"Hey, don't say that," she said sincerely.

"But it's true."

"I doubt that."

"I just had a nightmare and wanted to make sure it wasn't real."

"That's it?"

"I know, ok? It's a dumb reason to-"

"Ricky, calm down. I don't think it's dumb."

"You don't?"

"No, I-" She stops when she sees the twins coming out of the building. "I've got to go, but we'll talk later, yeah?"

"Yeah, sure." She thinks it's stupid. "Bye."

"See ya." She sets her phone down and looks at his contact. It's the same picture she's used for years now. The only difference was the number.

The twins arrive at the car, and Lauren reluctantly gets in the back. "Wow, you guys compromised on something?" Nini questioned.

"No, we flipped a coin," Jayden explained.

"Ah, makes more sense."


We hit 20,000 reads last week!!🥳

I decided to wait until this chapter to mention it because last week was the 50th chapter.

I can't believe so many people have taken time out of their days to read my little story. I can't properly express how surprised I am with how this story and my others have made it so far.

This is the celebratory video:

It's a masterpiece.

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