bat, grimm and the cat can fi...


298K 13.5K 675

Harry is on the run after inflating his aunt. He encounters a large black dog, the boy spontaneously takes hi... More

Hello people:)
Escape and a new friend
Thoughts in the night
I thought I had holidays
Bathing fun, or something
A birthday present to run away from
The rest of the birthday
Nocturnal thoughts 2
Shopping with Snape and Dog
An unpleasant truth
Nocturnal thoughts 3
Everyday life begins
A necessary divorce
Man or dog?
Dark magic
Sirius Black
Holiday stress and gather allies
Rat hunting plans part 1
Rat hunting plans part 2
An evening with friends
Three men vs. wild magic
A train ride is funny part 1
A train ride that's funny part 2
Articles and more
A theory raises questions
Turbulent times
Rat trapped/ Rat in a trap
Help for Remus
Freedom for Sirius
No more games
Family Black
Three schools
A reason to risk your life
The first exam
After the fight
Dancing lesson
The ball
The second task
The most important person
The beetle's core
The third task
It was not planned that way
The reason
After the tournament
Wasted vacation
Fish on the hook
An overdue law
Feather and groove, or dog and cat?
She needs behavior lessons herself
Sirius in father mode
A true lord
It makes bones shiver with fear
Veela Nest
Off to the etiquette
Proper behavior at the table
I 'm ill?
Politics is tough business
Seats, seats, and more seats
Not sick but stupid
Draco's friendship
Harry Werther
The pack invades the village
A letter against loneliness
A nice evening
Christmas morning of a special family
Christmas with Lucius
The reason behind the festivals
Not a boring celebration?
Just a normal boy
The last letter for the time being
Full throttle into summer
Recreation for adults
Finally breathe again
Lessons at the ball
how it goes with the Greeks
Revenge for the big mouth
Festival of the senses
Hand kisses and gigolo
Silver star
Cultural exchange part 1
Cultural exchange part 2
Wonderful acquaintance
Cord disconnection with starting difficulties
one week vacation part 1
One week vacation part 2
Nice days part 1
Nice days part 2
A Victorian lady
Off to the sixth year
Lucius' household
A brilliant strategy
Soon a new director
Prologue and Epilogue
part 2

Cat in love

2K 118 6

Severus stroked his son's furrow, then looked around the room. As he did so, his gaze fell precisely on Lucius. Immediately he knew why Harry had taken refuge in this form. .he couldn't withstand that look.
'Poor little one,' sighed the teacher quietly.
He glanced at his best friend who said only one thing: We'll talk about that.
.sirius reached out to stroke Harry's fur too.
"Well, did the big bad Draco scare you?" He wanted to know.
"Very funny, I wasn't that loud either," the Slytherin pouted.
."But you could not be overheard either," said Lucius.
At first Draco wanted to say something, but then he looked again at the small, hidden bundle of fur.
He went to Severus and sat on the arm of the sofa.
."Hey, kid, I didn't mean to scare you, but I don't like to see my sisters run away with guys."
“Now you are exaggerating excessively. It's just an appointment. .the boys won't propose to them, ”Lucius teased.
"That's what I told you to do, too," Draco growled.

Sirius leaned over to Harry.
“How long are you going to hangover? Transform yourself back again. "
.but the little sand cat didn't even think about it. On the contrary, Harry tried to crawl further into his father's robes. .because unfortunately he had now caught a scent that almost drooled him, and it was clearly coming from the direction of the blond politician.
"It couldn't just have been Draco," Sirius grumbled.
Severus nodded.
."That's right, something else scared him."
"And what?" Draco wanted to know.
Now Lucius thought it was time to help young Harry. After all, it was partly his fault that the little one had changed.
.“Draco, Harry fled into this form because he didn't want to tell anyone what scared him. Let's just let him relax a little. "
."Okay," Draco agreed, but he couldn't resist either and had to stroke the little cat.
"It's just so soft, I'd like to be an Animagus too."
"Talk to Minerva," Severus said.
.he tried to loosen his son's claws from the fabric of his cloak. But that only worked after being persuaded.

Harry relaxed a little, but then something else occurred to him. .lucius Malfoy had seen that he had turned into an animal. The man would certainly insist on registration. After all, he worked in the ministry.
The little cat's head shot up in panic and mewed at his father.
."What is it now?" Severus wanted to know.
Harry looked down at himself, then looked at Lucius. But only very briefly.
"What does he mean? You know, it would be easier if you turned back, ”Sirius sighed.
.“The right person is talking. Who stayed with us as a dog for weeks? ”Severus asked.
"Hey, there was another reason," Sirius pouted.
.“Maybe, but at the moment our son feels more comfortable in this form so let him have his way. So often he doesn't try to enforce it. "
As if in support, Beast jumped on Severus' lap and growled at Sirius.
."Why always me?" The dog animagus wailed.
"Do you know what he's got?" Draco asked his former godfather.
"Yes, Harry is worried that Lucius might ask him to register with the Ministry," the teacher explained.

.now Lucius didn't hold anything in his place, he went to the others and knelt in front of Severus to be on a level with his son.
"I would be the last one who would ask you for something like that. .the ministry doesn't really need to know everything. We don't live in a surveillance state. "
The aristocrat reached out his hand carefully and scratched the boy's ears.
'Damn it, don't do that. .why does the ground not open up under me? I want to die. And why does petting always feel so great? ’, The cat whined quietly to himself.
He couldn't stop himself from purring, though.
."The girls would start squeaking again," Draco stated dryly.
"You look like you're about to melt with rapture," Sirius grinned.
."Nonsense, that's just because I've never seen Uncle Lucius on his knees," Draco excused himself.
Lucius looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Pretty cheeky," he said, but then got up and sat down again.
.'Hey, why does he stop petting? That's mean, ’Harry pouted.
The boy couldn't help it, but in this shape he always wanted to be petted, or to sit on someone's lap.
.luckily his fathers knew that and continued to spoil him.

"When did you teach him the spell?" Asked Lucius.
“Back then in Diagon Alley, it was his own idea. .he said that in this way he could learn to control part of his wild magic. And it really worked. Sirius practiced the animagus spell with him, Lupine taught him how to heal and I was responsible for the rest. "
."And during the holidays," Draco said with sympathy.
"That's what Harry said back then, too," Sirius said with a laugh.
"How long did it take?" Lucius wanted to know.
"Three weeks," Sirius declared proudly.
"What?! .it usually takes months for that? And then at thirteen, ”Draco groaned.
“That's right, but his father learned it very quickly at the time. Well, not as fast as me, but he was also very quick. "
."I'm sure I learned it faster than you," Severus couldn't hold back from saying.
"Hey, I thought you weren't that good at Transfiguration?" Draco interrupted the beginning teasing.
."Right, the Animagus was the big exception," Severus confirmed.
"What are you?" Draco wanted to know.
"I'm not going to reveal that, it's too embarrassing."
"Why? Are you a sweet little bird? .or, a bat? ”the blond student giggled.
"Naughty badger, no, I'm not that kind of beast, but still, it's embarrassing."
"I don't think so," Sirius intervened.
."Neither do I, this wild dog species is very rare after all," Lucius agreed.
"You know his shape?" Draco marveled.
"Yes, we learned the magic together."
At the words Harry finally lifted his head out of his robes. .Having become curious, he turned on his father's legs and now looked at Lucius. His ears were pricked up carefully. For the moment his love frenzy was forgotten. When it came to Animagi, curiosity always won.

."Well, among the living again?" Severus wanted to know gently.
Harry nodded to him and then stared back at Lucius.
“What does your son want?” He wanted to know.
“Don't act stupid, you know that very well. .it's probably the same thing that interests Draco and me, ”Sirius said.
The little sand cat had put its front paws on Beast and was now standing up. His back legs were still on Severus' legs. .Harry of course missed the fact that he looked even cuter as a result.
The blond politician looked at the boy with a smile.
“Well, if I'm asked so nicely, then of course I'll say so. .I am also an unregistered Animagus and a very rare one. "
“What do you mean here, rarely? You're the only one like this, ”Severus grumbled.
Now of course everyone was really curious. .Harry even made his neck long and Oskar sat on his head.
"Well, that's really cute now," said Lucius.
Harry flinched briefly at the words, but then the curiosity regained. .presumably he could handle his emotions better in his cat form.
"I'm a wolf," Lucius dropped the bomb.

Draco leaned back in disappointment.
"What is so special about it? .There are probably enough wolves, Remus Lupine is the best example of that. "
“Draco, we're not talking about werewolves, they would be commonplace, of course. But there has never been a wolf image. .no such case has been documented in all of the history of magic. That makes your sponsor something very special. Or, why do you think Sirius' lower jaw is sweeping the carpet? "Severus wanted to know.
.sirius really had problems to recover. But you didn't hear every day that your best friend had made the impossible possible. His son was usually known for such things.
.and he was now looking at Lucius with huge eyes. He even mewed very excitedly.
"You want to see it?" Lucius wanted to know gently.
He had tormented the boy enough today, even if he didn't mean it badly. .Harry was so exhausted because of him that he could also give him a little pleasure.
The cat nodded excitedly.
Lucius slowly changed his shape and after a short time a beautiful white wolf with blue eyes was sitting on the ground.
.Harry-Kater jumped from his father's lap and padded slowly towards the big wolf. In front of him he stopped and transformed himself into a boy again.
"Wow, beautiful," he breathed and gently touched Lucius' fur.
.he was happy to put up with it. Except for Severus, no one knew that he was an Animagus up until this point, so he didn't know any caresses.
.slowly Harry overcame his shyness and soon he had both hands buried in the soft fur.

He turned around excitedly.
"Dad, his fur is just as soft as yours and Sirius."
Severus just raised his eyebrows.
.Sirius didn't say anything, he was still completely amazed by what he saw.
"Draco come here, don't you want to stroke him too?" Harry asked his friend.
"No thank you. It’s different with you, you’re cute and small. .but Uncle Lucius was my father for years, and I certainly won't scratch him. I would get goosebumps, ”Draco said.
Harry cocked his head and considered those words, then paused in mid-movement.
.'Damn it, Draco is right, this is still Mr. Malfoy, and I'm patting him. Help me idiot! ’
Somehow he couldn't move anymore.
.severus had observed everything very closely, he had just been waiting for this moment the whole time.
'That had to happen,' he sighed.
At the moment he was suffering a lot with his son. .you could see that the little one was completely overwhelmed with his feelings, he was about to get up and free Harry from the situation, but stupidly Lucius chose this very moment to transform himself back.

.Harry was still sitting on the floor when he suddenly stared at two long legs in expensive fabric. Slowly he raised his head and would have loved to take refuge in his cat shape again. But unfortunately he no longer had a good excuse.
.lucius smiled down at the boy and then gave him a hand to help him up, which he took very reluctantly.
“Sorry, I don't know what came over me. .unfortunately I often forget any restraint with animals, ”Harry stammered.
The strand of white in his hair glowed brightly and his face alternated between red and pale.
."It doesn't matter, I wouldn't have let myself be caressed if I hadn't wanted to," Lucius tried to appease the boy.
.Unfortunately, these words weren't exactly suitable to calm the Gryffindor down, on the contrary, he got a bit darker.
And then Mr. Malfoy gave him a very charming smile.
'This man is my death.'

.“The Hogsmeade weekend is over! They'll be back in half an hour at the latest, I have to intercept them! "
This roar immediately ripped Harry out of his embarrassment, he looked around and saw a frantic Draco.
."What's this going to be?" Severus wanted to know.
“I have to pick her up, I told you. Uncle Lucius, it was good to see you, see you next time. Severus, Sirius, thank you for the invitation. "
And then he stormed out of the apartment.
.“His sisters will kill him. And they'll make it look like an accident, ”Harry said dryly.
"He won't really?"
"Yes, Siri, he will," moaned Lucius.
."Harry, be so kind and keep the fool from getting his hands on his sisters," Severus pleaded.
"You mean I should stop them two from getting my hands on Draco? You mean I should stop them from getting my hands on Draco?" .There won't be much left of him if he really carries out his threat. "
Severus smirked.
"Well, I'll go then."
.Harry carefully turned back to Lucius, knowing he would have to say goodbye properly. Anything else would be impolite and his fathers would not have it at all.
"Mr. Malfoy, it was good to see you again. .come and visit us again soon. And good luck in the ministry. "
Good, he had managed to get the words out, but so quietly that Lucius had to bend down a little to understand him.
.this gesture, if necessary, made Harry even more nervous.
“I was also very happy, and I will be very happy to come back again. Maybe we'll meet in the village soon? .I'm sure I'll be there sometimes, ”Lucius smiled.
Harry swallowed and nodded.then he said goodbye to his fathers, grabbed Beast and Oskar and wanted to get out of the apartment, but was held back by the blonde again.
."Harry, don't forget to write to me," he reminded the boy, smiling once again stunningly.
"Yes ... I mean ... no. Um, what I was going to say. I will write ... if it is possible. I mean ... when I have time. .I have to ... study for the exams, "he stammered and then quickly got to safety.

“The little one is so crazy about you. And now he knows too, ”Sirius groaned.
."I didn't think you would have noticed," Lucius smirked.
“Not from the start. But when Severus pointed it out to me, it was clear. .I've been watching Harry ever since, it was only a matter of time before he found out. "
"And you had to tease him too," grumbled Severus.
Lucius dropped back into his chair.
"Oh come on, that was harmless."
."Fool, he's fifteen, it sure wasn't harmless to him," growled the Potions Master.
"You're as bad as Draco already," laughed Lucius.
“That’s a big difference. .this is not about sisters, but about our son. You saw how he reacts to you and then you also remind him of the letters. "
Severus just didn't know how to react to his friend's behavior. .he knew that Lucius didn't mean it badly, but this was about his child, he didn't know any jokes.
The politician shook his head in amusement.
“Don't exaggerate, I would really appreciate your son's mail. .he is a nice boy and I like him. "
“And he's in love with you. I don't know what to think of it either, if you give him hope too, ”Sirius intervened.
"Why hopes? I only asked him for letters. .also, as you have already noticed, your son is a teenager. It's just a little crush, it goes away after a while. However, I have to admit that I really like Harry's behavior. .he's not that pushy. "
Sirius clapped his hands over his face and groaned loudly.
"What?" Lucius wanted to know.
"May I remind you that Harry has been in love with you since last year?" Severus growled.
."I know, that's why I think it won't be long before he's interested in someone else."
"You clearly know our son very poorly," Sirius sighed and took his hands off his face again.
"What do you mean by that?"
.now the aristocrat really understood nothing. What did Sirius mean by his words?
“What do you think, why it took him so long to know what his feelings mean? .you're the first person he ever fell in love with, ”Severus explained.

Lucius sat frozen for a moment. .he had assumed Harry couldn't figure out why he was feeling because they were both the same sex and the boy had grown up in the Muggle world. And, because of the age difference. .he would never have dreamed that the teenager was so innocent.
"But even if that is the case, why are you so worried?"
“Because there are no halves with Harry. It's not as volatile as other teenagers. .either all or nothing. It was the same with me, he started to trust me and then became more and more attached. Now I'm his first caregiver, and that where he hated me before.
.and think only of his commitment to the rights of magical beings. Then all the adventures he went into with his friends, ”Severus rattled off.
.“So you mean that this isn't a little crush? Do you really think that his feelings will increase? "
Both men nodded.
"Yes, definitely," Severus confirmed.
“But, he's still almost a child. .he can't assume that I'll even consider him as a partner, ”Lucius said.
“What do you think, why he torments himself so? Of course he knows that he has no chance. .this is one of the reasons why I refused to tell him about his feelings. I didn't mean to speed things up, "Severus groaned.
Sirius glared at Lucius.
."If you play with him, I'll make a bedside rug out of your wolf skin, I swear to you."
"Don't be ridiculous like I'm dealing with someone else's feelings."
."If you don't consider him as a partner, you should talk to him."

Lucius stared at the jailer in confusion.
“You don't think I might be interested in him, do you? Merlin, he's still almost a child, ”Lucius protested.
."I didn't notice much of that, the boy is sometimes much too grown up."
Severus ignored Sirius' interjection.
"He won't always be, he'll soon become a man and then the whole thing will look different."
."What do you expect from me?" Lucius wanted to know.
“That you think about what you learned today. Nobody expects you to make a decision now, but you will have to deal with the topic. .you two will meet again and again. "
Lucius nodded to Severus.
He really would not have expected such a turn when he came here today.

.the aristocrat soon said goodbye and made Sirius promise to come to the Ministry on Monday to claim the seats. Then he traveled back to his manor via Flea. With plenty of food for thought ..

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