His Angel

De lynn_xoxo_

1.5M 24.4K 5.2K

Daemon the prince of evil, known for his sadistic, satanic ways makes him feared amongst hell. With his domin... Mais

-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
-Chapter 7-
-Chapter 8-
-Chapter 9-
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-Chapter 12-
-Chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 15-
-Chapter 17-
-Chapter 18-
-Chapter 19-
-Chapter 20-
-Chapter 21-
-Chapter 22-
-Chapter 23-
-Chapter 24-
-Chapter 25-
-Chapter 26-
-Chapter 27-
-Chapter 28-
-Chapter 29-
-Chapter 30-
-Chapter 31-
-Chapter 32-

-Chapter 16-

44.2K 591 111
De lynn_xoxo_

Warning ⚠️ Mature Content, Gore ⚠️

Daemon pov

    Livid, that the only word that could explain what I felt when I saw those two discussing little boys touch MY MATE, MINE! I wanted to rip them apart, but I've decided that I'll be patient for once in my life and torture those scum like they deserve. But first I need to take care of my little Angel who's currently sobbing in my arms.

    "Oh baby, daddies sorry he wasn't there sooner, please forgive me." I whisper softly into her ear.

   "Daddy, its ok it's not your fault!" She said while trying to get impossibly closer to me.

   "Mmmh let's have a shower baby, yeah?" I asked.

    "Y-yes please." She whines, while trying to pry open my shirt.

     "Patience's baby, let daddy help you." I tell her, setting her on the sink counter I peel off our clothes before picking her up again.

    "Now tell daddy where those fuckers touched you!" I growl out, remembering the position they were in when I arrived.

     "J-just my thighs and bum, b-but the one guy who was holding my legs w-was breathing on m-my kitty!" She whimpered.

    "Shhh shhh it's ok little one, you where so brave weren't you." I stated. I can't believe they had the audacity to try and have a taste of MY PUSSY!

     "Mmhhhmm I-I even jumped on one of those b-bad guys backs!" She giggled.

    "Oh good job baby, you did so good." I praise her making her lean into my touch while I rub her head.

     "Now let's get u washed baby."

While washing her, she slowly falls alseep as I set her on my lap. After finishing up I put her is some cotton panties and tuck her into bed with her teddy and blanket.

I lock the door so she wouldn't be able to leave considering magic doesn't work on her and go to my office. When Dante walks in

"You ready to torture some bastards?" I growl.

More than you know it!" He replied.

    Walking to the castles dirtiest cells we arrive to one of the worst ones where all 5 apparent "guards" are.

     "Who are you working for we didn't fucking approve any damn new guards!" I yell punching the guy closest to me.

     "N-none of your business!" The shortest imposter cryed.

    "Screw patients! We are going to fuck you all up so badly you will be begging to reveal the truth."

    "Well I guess except for you, you won't be able to talk." I tell the little boy who was between my angels thighs.

    "W-why won't I be able to." He asked thrashing around when I came closer and stuck pliers into his mouth and grabbed his tongue.

    "Because you won't have a fucking tongue for speaking!" I roared, swiftly slicing off his tongue making the rest of his little friends scream why he cries in agony.

    "Holy fuck you guys are insane!! We will tell you if you let us go!!" They all sobbed.

    "Ok promise." I said smirking.

    "T-this random guy named Harold came into the bar we drank at and asked us if we were willing to do a job for him, a-all he said was that we have to kidnap this little girl, but they looked so pretty w-we thought we would use them for a little bit before delivering her to him." The guy I punched quickly rushed out.

    "Now That wasn't so hard was it?" I said mockingly.

    "So tell me who wanted to have a little fun with MY LITTLE GIRL!" I yelled making 2 guys including the one with the missing tongue raise there hands.

    "I guess that leaves you 3 to DARE AND TOUCH MY LITTLE BOY!" Dante growled.

     "You and you, Give me your right hand!" I say to the two guys who dared to touch our mates asses.

     "Mmmh which Machete are you feeling to use today Daemon?" Dante asks playfully.

     "Oh definitely the one laced with acid!" I chuckle.

     "Good choice but instead of a machete I think I'll use a chainsaw!" Dante exclaims.

     "Oh brilliant!" I laugh before I grab the machete and chopped off his right hand. The acid burning his skin, making it all bubble and rot off.

     Dante the slowly starts to use the chainsaw to cut off the other guys hand. Going back and forth in quick motions. Making blood spray everywhere.

    "Y-you said you would let us go!" the two remaining guys said.

     "Oh we are we are just taking something's from you before you go, mmmmh did you two sneak up on Kane?" I ask.

       "Y-yes we did." One cries.

       "Perfect we shall take one eye each!" I laugh.

        "Grab spoons Dante!" I say.

       "Mmmh why only one?" He questions.

       "We want to give them a fair chance to run away don't we?" I say.

       "R-run from what?" They ask.

       "Well the hell hounds of course, I do keep my promises but you never said that I couldn't send something after I let you go, next time probably be more specific." I tell them mocking.

       "There probably won't be a next time actually." I continue, making me and Dante laugh at my joke.

      And with that I scoop out one eye while Dante does the other. "Ok boys just one more thing I need from all of you!"

       "Dante grab the bigger pliers, the ones that are burning hot!" I chuckle.

      "You got it boss."

      "Guards pull there pants down!" Dante continues.

      "Ok Dante you can have those 3!" I chuckle out but don't even get to finish my sentence before he's already roughly ripping off all 3 of the micro dicks.

   I then do the same to my playthings ripping off everything even there small balls. They all scream and cry in agony. Music to my ears.

    "Mmmh ok you can go now." I tell them.

     "B-bu...." they sob.

    "I said LEAVE!" I scream making them crawl away.

     "Let the hounds loose." I yell to a guard.

     They don't even make it down the hall before 5 hell hounds go and rip them apart, playing tug a war with there organs, before each one takes a head as a trophy.

    "Can I go see Kane, I don't want him to wake up alone." Dante says.

     "Go ahead Im gonna go see my little Angel too." I tell him before teleporting outside our room and unlocking the door.

As I walk in I silently chuckle at what I see. My little baby in her cotton panties bouncing around, copying a anime show dance.

She looked so cute and innocent, yet seductive. My cock was throbbing by just watching her bounce up and down, her plump ass and tits rippling with each movement she made.

"What you doing baby?" I ask.

"I'm dancing daddy no time to talk!" She says in a serious voice while trying to look serious.

"Princess that's no way to talk to daddy, I was even going to call the kitchen and make them bring supper to us in bed, but I guess your to busy." I say in a sad voice.

"N-no daddy I'm not too busy for you! I just wanted to get the dance right, I have been practicing!" She rushes out to try and make me feel better.

"It's ok love, daddy was just joking. Now give daddy a kiss." I chuckle.

"I-I can't." She whispers making me growl at her defiance.

"And why can't you little girl!"

"Be-because daddy has r-red paint all over him." She says.

I look down and remember that I'm covered in blood, shit!

"Oh thank you for reminding daddy baby, he was just working on some things. How about you practice on your little dance while daddy orders food and showers, mmmh sound like a plan?" I ask her.

She tilts her head to the side while tapping her little finger on her chin, making it look like she's deep in thought, "Mmmh okay daddy I suppose that could work." She finally giggles out.

She then turns back to the tv and continues her bouncing. I mindlink the kitchen staff my order before jumping into the shower.

After I'm finished scrubbing all the revolting blood off of my body I grab clean boxers and find Angelina panting on our bed exhausted from her little activity.

Just then there's a knock on the door I throw the sheets on top of her before opening the door and letting my servants bring in our meals.

"T-thank you" my baby shyly whispers out to which they respond with, "Your welcome, your majesty's." Before leaving the room.

"After supper baby guess who wants to spend time with his little girl?" I ask her.

"Oh! Oh! Dorian, h-he calls me his little girl!" She says proudly while nodding her head.

"Yes, such a smart baby, and Aaron is spending time with you tomorrow night." I tell her.

"Yay! I miss them so much I-I wish that I could talk to them all the time!" She says sadly.

"Soon baby soon we just have to wait until you pretty little angel wakes up, right?" I tell her making her nod her head excitedly.

"Y-yes I wanna meet her so so badly!" She squeals.

"Good baby I'm sure she's excited to see you too, now hurry and eat your food." I say.

She eats her food moaning every once in awhile when making me groan and re adjust my cock constintly, until she finished and climbs on my lap, waiting patiently for Dorian to come out.

"Ok baby I'll see you tomorrow morning." I tell her.

"O-ok daddy!" She says before giving me a little kiss.

Dorians Pov

Finally I get to spend time with my little girl all alone.

"Oh well don't you just look like the prettiest little girl I've ever seen." I whisper to her before shoving my face into her neck and breathing in her delicious sent.

"D-daddy that tickles." She giggles out before wiggling around in my lap.

"Baby your getting daddy all hard." I groan out.

"Oh I will help daddy then, an-and get the yummy cum!" She says excitedly.

"After baby, daddy wants you to do something new for him." I tell her.

"W-what daddy!" She asks in curiosity.

"Lay with your head against the pillow baby, yes just like that. Now spend your legs for daddy and take off your panties."

"Now what do I do?" She questions.

"Daddy wants you to take your little chubby finger and play with yourself baby." I say

"B-but daddy that's naughty!" She squeals.

"Oh? And was you humping a pillow with all your might not?" I question mockingly.

She just responds with loud whimpers before she brings her little dainty hand and slowly starts to rub her little pussy.

"Oh fuck yes, good girl, keep doing that your making daddy so hard." I groan out making her release a gaspy moan.

"D-daddy p-please!" She cries out going faster into tiny little circles.

"What little girl? Tell daddy what you want." I tell her.

"I-I-I.." she tries to say.

"I-I-I what baby, come on be a good little girl and tell daddy." I growl out, fisting my cock while leaning over her, loving the view that's infront of me.

"I w-want t-to put something in my little h-hole." She says quietly.

"Mmmh good girl, for telling daddy he will show you how to finger yourself." I tell her.

Taking her middle finger I slowly ease it into her pussy which greedily takes it in.

"Good baby now since your desperate little wet pussy so easily took in one of your pretty little fingers, I think we can put one more in, don't you think?" I ask her making her nod her head rapidly.

Taking her ring finger I gently insert it in as well making her gasp in shock.

"Good now bend your fingers upwards and push on the spongy skin ok." I tell her.

"Y-yes daddy." She says quickly.

I look at her face waiting for the reaction and I was very pleased with what is was. She lets out a loud whimpery whine before arching her back and letting out more of her delicious juices.

"Oh? You like that don't you little girl?" I ask her.

"Ye-yes daaaddyy!" She moans out.

"Good now go faster, but don't cum without permission." I tell her making her rapidly shove her fingers in and out of her pussy.

"Fuck you such a naughty little girl, with a desperate needy little cunt, huh? Are you slutty little kitten baby?" I ask her making her nod her head.

I quickly grab her throat and tighter,"Words little girl!" I growl making her gush out more juices.

"Yesssss daaaaadddy I'm a-a slutty little kitten w-with a desperate needy p-pussy." She cries out.

"Oh fuck go harder little girl daddies gonna cum soon!" I tell her while stroking the tip of my cock against her little clit.

"Daaaaddyyy p-please let your little girl cum." She sobs out, I don't think our bed could get any wetter with how much she was leaking.

"Go on, be a good girl for daddy and cum!" I growl out feeling my own release.

"Dadaaa-daaaaaddddyyyyy" she yells out, squirting all over me and the bed making me realize all over her as well. I tighten my hold around her neck from cumming so hard before slapping her little wet pussy making her immediately squirt again while she arches her back off the bed before she falls back down gasping for air.

"Holy fuck your such a good little girl for doing that for daddy." I tell her making her nod in response before she passes out making me chuckle.

I snap my finger and change the sheets once again before being a wet cloth and cleaning us up.
I then tuck us into bed before I quickly fall into a blissful sleep.

Harold's Pov

"They what!" I scream at the demon I sent to find my 5 recruits.

"T-There all d-dead sir, killed ri-ripped to pieces, w-we couldn't even find there hea-heads!" My informant shakingly says.

"Fuck get out of my sight!" I yell.

"What the fuck is the plan now Harold!" Lucinda whines.

"Shut up you stupid bitch, how about you come up with something instead of being useless!" I shout.

"S-sorry." She whispers.

"We have to do it soon before the little slut gets her fucking Angel, then it will be nearly impossible to get her." I say

"We could set up a trap and lead them away from the castle, and then take her while no one's there." Lucinda says.

"Hmmm good idea start coming up with potential traps and report back to me. After this is over with you can have your stupid freedom back and you won't owe me your life anymore." I tell her.

She quickly leaves the room leaving me with my lustful thoughts, and all the ideas I have planned for my little angel.

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