The Wielder Of Ember

By chelsea2096

41.5K 1.6K 44

Yelena isn't Natasha's only sister she has a BIO sister Veronika Sofia Romanova who goes by Rory they are al... More

Rory Info and Such
1995 Chapter 1
Avengers Forming Chapter 2
Asgardians Chapter 3
Playing The God Of Mischief Romanoff Style Chapter 4
Agent Down Chapter 5
Battle Of New York Part 1 Chapter 6
Battle Of New York Part 2 Chapter 7
Thor Dark World Twist
Odd Signals Chapter 8
Kidnapped To An Alien Planet Chapter 9
The Sword Of Ember Chapter 10
A Space Friendship Chapter 11
Saving Xander Chapter 12
Thanos Fight And Returning Home Chapter 13
The Winter Soldier
Briefing Chapter 14
Battleship Chapter 15
Fury Chapter 16
What The Ghost Wants Chapter 18
Bombs Away Chapter 19
Rooftops Chapter 20
What Is With With People And Ember Chapter 21
Speeches And Chaos Chapter 22
Kiss Our Asses Chapter 23
Age Of Ultron
Weird Feelings and The Scepter Chapter 24
First Meetings Chapter 25
Astro Talks Chapter 26
Party Chapter 27
TimeOut Chapter 28
First Kisses Chapter 29
More Astro Talks and Team Talks Chapter 30
We All Make Mistakes Chapter 31
Haunted Past Chapter 32
Sokovia Part 1 Chapter 33
Sokovian Part 2 Chapter 34
A Few Months Later Chapter 35
Spider-Boy Chapter 36
Trauma and Grief Freeday Chapter 37
The New Avengers Chapter 38
Around A Year Later and Anniversaries Chapter 39
Training, Trouble and Leads Chapter 40
Civil War
Rumlow and Lagos Chapter 41
The Accords and Choosing A Side Chapter 42
Funeral's and Bucky Chapter 43
Making Things Worse Chapter 44
Punching Stark and Fake Doctors Chapter 45
Coming For You Chapter 46
Team Cap Vs Team Iron-Man Chapter 47
The Raft Chapter 48
Breaking Out Chapter 49
Black Widow
Dark Side Talks and Being An Adult Chapter 50
Taskmaster Chapter 51
Sister's Reuniting Chapter 52
The Widow's Chapter 53
Fight's and Truth's Chapter 54
Beer's and Planning Chapter 55
Prison Break Chapter 56
Awkward Family Dinner Chapter 57
Found Chapter 58
The Red Room Part 1 Chapter 59
The Red Room Part 2 Chapter 60
Over The Two Years A Little
Relaxing Day Chapter 61
Wanda Birthday Chapter 62
Close Call Chapter 63
Wanda and Rory's 2nd Anniversary Chapter 64
Telling People Chapter 65
Wedding Talk and Beda Causing Mischief Chapter 66
Wedding Planning and meeting Vision Chapter 67
The Night Before and The Wedding Chapter 68
Honeymoon Chapter 69
Magical Surprise Chapter 70
Drama Free Day Chapter 71
Christmas Chapter 72
New Years Chapter 73
Sister Bonding Day Chapter 74
Rory Birthday Chapter 75
Hormonal Wanda Chapter 76
Baby Birth Chapter 77
Our Little Family Chapter 78
Sam and Steve Meeting The Baby Chapter 79
Vision Meeting The Baby Chapter 80
Infinity Wars
3rd Anniversary Chapter 81
Tali's First Birthday Chapter 82
Meeting Vision and Drama Chapter 83
Going Home Chapter 84
Plans Chapter 85
Welcome To Wakanda Chapter 86
The Battle Of Wakanda Chapter 87
The Snap Chapter 88
Carol and Finding Thanos Chapter 89
Planet Thanos Chapter 90
During The Five Years
Rory Moving Tali and Beda To The Compound Chapter 91
Sisterly Training Chapter 92
Mission Chapter 93
First Anniversary Without Wanda Chapter 94
Natasha and Rory Teaching Tali Things Chapter 95
Stark Wedding Chapter 96
Anniversary Of The Snap Chapter 97
The Cabin Chapter 98
Rory Telling Tali About Wanda Chapter 99
Tali Learning Sword Fighting Chapter 100
Christmas Chapter 101
Looking For First Borns Chapter 102
Tali Birthday Chapter 103
Roinn Chapter 104
Rory and Tali Bonding Day Chapter 105
Play Dates and Powers Chapter 106
A Heart To Heart Between Sister Chapter 107
Undercover Missions Chapter 108
Leads On First Borns Chapter 109
Talks Between Mother and Daughter Chapter 110
Visitors and Hope Chapter 111
Quantum Machine Chapter 112
Test Jump and Plotting Chapter 113
Vormir and Hero Down Chapter 114
The Reverse Snap Chapter 115
Final Battle Part 1 Chapter 116
Final Battle Part 2 Chapter 117
Maximoff-Romanoff Family Reuniting Chapter 118
Tony's Funeral and The Stones Returned Chapter 119
Natasha's Funeral Chapter 120

Trauma List Chapter 17

336 17 1
By chelsea2096

Rory and Steve were in the elevator

Rory pulls out her phone and she texts Natasha

something is really wrong here -Rory

where are you -Natasha

in the elevator at S.H.I.E.L.D but something isn't right. somethings off. keep eyes and ears out -Rory

you to love you -Natasha

love you to -Rory texts then puts her phone away

Rory puts her phone away in time for Rumlow to put his hand between the two sliding doors as they are about to close then he enters the Elevator

Operations Control -Rumlow tells the Elevator computer

Confirmed -Elevator

Keep all S.T.R.I.K.E personnel on-site -Rumlow says as he walks in and he sends Rory a smirk and eyes her up and down which causes Rory's eyes to narrow at him

Forensics -Rumlow

Cap -Rumlow

Rumlow -Steve

Rory -Rumlow says still smirking

Rory says nothing

Rumlow turn to her

oh am sorry were you talking to me. as only my friends and family call me Rory. to everyone else it's either Romanoff or Agent Romanoff -Rory says in a fake sweet tone

Steve chuckles

Rumlow's smirk drops but Rory then has one on her face

Evidence Response found some fibers on the roof they want us to see. you want me to get the Tac team ready -Rumlow

No. let's wait and see what it is first -Steve

right -Rumlow

Rory looked at the men around the elevator and realized that they seemed really nervous

Rory then realized some members had their hands on their guns she felt Ember burn on her arm

Rory hated doing it all that much but she needed answers so she used her Telepathic abilities to enter the men's minds

she was disgusted by Rumlow's thoughts on her which were very sexual, degrading, and well so on it sent a shiver down her spine and she made a note to tell her sister about them later

Rory moved on to the other men and realized that this was a setup

they wanted to bring in Steve and since she was there they wanted her to but well none more then Rumlow

I'm sorry about what happened with Fury... it's messed up what happened to him -Rumlow

Thank you -Steve

Rory decided to enter Steve's mind

Steve. it's Rory. I normally hate doing this but something felt off and I looked into the men around us minds. this is a setup. they want to take us in -Rory mentally thought to him

Steve lightly hits Rory's knuckles in replay

Rory puts her hands to her side and gets ready to make Ember appear and kick some ass

the doors open more men come in

Records -Man


the doors shut again

Before we get started, does anyone want to get out -Steve

The man in front pulls out an electric baton and turns to hit Steve and that's when the chaos begins

Two men and Rumlow grab Rory and pin her to the wall though Rory feels disgusted with where Rumlow's hands are and she whips out Ember which burns the three causing them to cry out

Perverted Prick -Rory seethes and she then cuts down the two men and is about to turn to Rumlow when the Elevator stops

you loved it -Rumlow

you aren't my type sweetheart -Rory

you just need the right man to fix you -Rumlow says as Rory side steps a guy then slams his head against a railing

let me guess and you're the right man for the job -Rory mocks

you bet -Rumlow gets out before Rory punches him in the jaw knocking out three teeth then she turns in time to see that a few other men have put magnetic cuffs on Steve

Rory launches Ember and hits a guy in the chest then she throws herself two other men she grabs one by the throat with her arm and she grabs the other by the throat with her leg and slams them both to the floor

Rory hears a scream behind her and knows that someone just tried to grab her sword and snickers she then lifts her foot and the guy screaming trips over her and falls into Steve who punches him knocking him out

Rumlow kicks Steve's hand making the magnetic band with his arm, get stuck to the wall

Rory sees Rumlow about to strike Steve with the electric baton but Rory summons Ember who flies to her and she blocks the blow kicks Rumlow's feet out from under him and then slashes his face causing him to cry out in pain

Rory then turns in time to meet Two men who come up with her with Batons she ducks the first blow and blocks the second with her sword as she does this she leg sweeps the first guy and punches the second in the jaw

the second guy hits the floor out cold

Rory then turns to the first and she kicks him in the head knocking him out then she turns back to Rumlow who now has two batons in hand

Woah Sweetheart -Rumlow

Rory poses herself ready for a fight

I just want you two to know. this ain't personal -Rumlow

and I just want you to know am telling my sister the shit you pulled -Rory

Rumlow pales at the thought

Natasha has kicked anyone's ass who so much as looked at Rory the wrong way but what he pulled well... he was a dead man walking but Rumlow shakes his head and goes to hit both Rory and Steve

Rory ducks and slices Steve's cuff breaking him free and Steve then grabs Rumlow by the arms

Rumlow then hits Steve in the gut but Rory knocks him out in the face with the handle of her sword

Rory and Steve look at each other catching their breaths

fuck me -Rory mutters

Steve steps on his Shield and it flies onto his arm cutting off the other cuff on his wrist

Steve goes to open the door

Wait! -Rory

but it's to late

Steve has already opened the door

Drop the shield and sword and put your hands in the air! -a Member of the S.T.R.I.K.E team yelled at them

then the elevator starts falling

Rory stumbles but catches herself on the railings

the Elevator suddenly stops

it takes a moment for Rory to get her bearings and when she foes she sees Steve look to the glass roof

no -Rory

it's our only way -Steve

if I die Natasha will kill you -Rory

then don't die -Steve says grabbing her

Rory gets Ember to reform into a tattoo before Steve throws themself threw the window

before crashing threw the glass roof

Rory groans on the floor

Steve and Rory jump to their feet and rush over to his bike

Rory winces as she does so feeling the glass in her back yet again but she pushes on and soon enough she and Steve are speeding off on his bike


On The Road

Hang tight! -Steve

like fuck am gonna let go, Steven! -Rory

Steve somehow gets his bike into the air and they barely make it through the barrier that tried to stop them

Steve doesn't slow down when spikes then appear from the ground

oh fuck me -Rory mutters as a Quinjet then appears in front of them

Stand down, Captain Rogers and Agent Romanoff. Stand Down -Pilot tells them and a machine gun appears from the bottom

Repeat. Stand down -Pilot

Steve just speeds up

The Machine gun starts going off and Steve starts serving

Rory summons Ember who flies into her hand

Rory and Steve thinking alike both throw their Shield/Sword at the Quinjet

the Quinjet starts to go down

Rory summons Ember to her again who returns to her

Steve then breaks the bike making them both fly off the Bike

Rory then air slashes the Quinjet and a fire slash hits the Quinjet as she's doing this Steve grabs his shield and throws it at the Quinjet again

the Quinjet crashes to the floor

Let's go! -Steve

Rory puts Ember back onto her arm

the pair then runoff

where are we going! -Rory

You're gonna go grab us some clothes and am gonna grab us a car. meet up out front in five -Steve

Rory nods and they split up and puts Ember back onto her arm


Five Minutes Later

Rory climbs in the car

how did the golden boy of America learn how to steal a car -Rory

Germany -Steve

Rory nods and hands him his clothes

Steve drives off at Normal speed

I hope you know my sister is gonna kill both of us. though Rumlow more than us -Rory

why's that -Steve

you saw what he did back there -Rory

sorry I couldn't help -Steve

don't worry about it. I'll just add it to my Trauma list -Rory

I take it you have a lot -Steve

you don't know the half of it Cap. but I lean on my sister when it's needed and point her in the direction of the assholes -Rory

Rumlow being the lastest one I take it -Steve

Rory nods a little

soon enough they pull up to the hospital they were at earlier and they put on their new clothes once done Rory follows Steve she doesn't say a word just follows his lead

they stop at a vending machine Rory gets confused that there just standing there but then she catches sight of her sister who pops the gum in her mouth

before anything can be said Steve turns around grabbing Natasha and shoving her into a room and slamming her up against a wall

Where is it -Steve

safe -Natasha

do better -Steve

Steve! hands off her she is my goddam sister -Rory hisses and shoves him off Natasha

where did you get it -Natasha

okay what are you two talking about -Rory

Steve got the flash drive with the intel on it. he put it in the vending machine -Natasha

where and how did you get it -Rory

why would I tell you two -Steve

Fury gave it to you. why -Natasha says as Kate says

Dude, I just had your back. back there and am not on the run -Rory

wait what! -Natasha

later -Rory

what's on it -Steve

we don't know Rogers -Rory

Stop lying -Steve growls then slams Rory into a wall but he doesn't get far as Natasha then decks him

i warned you! if you jeopardized my sister I would jeopardize you now keep your goddam hands off of my sister -Natasha growls and keeps herself between the two

we don't know everything, Rogers. we just act as we do -Rory says rubbing her throat

I bet you both knew Fury hired the pirates didn't you -Steve

well, it makes sense. The ship was dirty. Fury needed away in so do you -Natasha

I'm not asking again! -Steve yells and is about to slam Natasha again when Ember flies out of Rory's arm and lands between them glowing

well you pissed off Ember -Natasha

we know who killed Fury -Rory

Steve's facial expression drops at Rory's words

Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists. the ones that do call him the Winter Soldier -Natasha

he's credited with over two dozen assassinations in the last fifty years -Rory

So he's a ghost story -Steve

I remember him. he was one of my teachers back in the day. he was a cruel vindictive bastard back then -Rory

I also saw him. Five years ago I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran. somebody shot out my tires near Odessa we lost control went straight over a cliff. I pulled us out but the Winter Soldier was there. I was covering my engineer so he shot him straight through me -Natasha says pulling up her shirt slightly to show the scar

I remember that -Rory

Natasha puts her hand on her shoulder

Soviet slug. no rifling. Bye-bye bikinis -Natasha

yeah I bet you look terrible in them now -Steve

Ember lights up again

Ember doesn't agree -Rory says grabbing Ember from the floor and putting her back on her arm

Going after him is a dead end. I know. I've tried -Natasha

like you said he's a ghost story -Rory

well let's find out what the ghost wants -Steve

both nod then Natasha notices the red forming on Rory's shirt

what happened why are you bleeding -Natasha says going into big sister mode

Steve can you give us a few minutes -Rory

you got Ten. you know where the car is -Steve

so -Natasha says pulling Rory's shirt up


After Explaining

am gonna kill that son of a bitch! -Natasha says right as she finished getting the glass out of her little sister's back and used fire to help her back heal up as well as her other wounds

he paled when I said I was gonna tell you -Rory

good. when I get my hands on that son of a bitch he's going to know about it -Natasha says then helps Rory put her shirt back on

am still gonna kill him -Natasha

make it slow. he hit some insecurities -Rory

with pleasure little sister -Natasha all but growls

if it helps I did cut up his face -Rory

that's my girl. though am still gonna kill him -Natasha

do what you want. just make it hurt oh and remind me to never go inside his head again. fuck I need therapy of that -Rory shivers in disgust

Natasha laughs a little and wraps her arm around her

let's go see our dear Captian huh -Natasha

just keep him away from any glass -Rory

the sisters share a snicker as they get in

Natasha hops in the front

Rory climbs in the back and lays out on the back seat where Natasha gets in the front

that's not safe -Steve

since when do I care about safe -Rory wondered out loud

true. but I can't really talk. maybe it's a Romanoff thing -Natasha jokes from her place in the front

the sisters share a smirk

Steve shakes his head and drives off


Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter... But... ;P -Chels Out

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