The Swimming Death Trap [A CH...

By Potato0exe

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Detective Germany and her uncle Austria hoped for a peaceful travel through the Atlantic Ocean, but traveling... More

1. New And Old Faces
3. Where To Store A Body
4. The Identity Of The Victim
5. Lie Or Truth
6. Lies And Answers
7. Take A Break
8. Past Mistakes
9. Nothing Works There
10.You've Chosen 2
11. A Lot Of Blood
12. Looking At The Crime Scene
13. The Interrogation
14. Words Are Powerful Tools
15. New Pain New Face
16. The Plan
17. Let's The Search Begin
18. Bad Decision?
20. A Little Surprise
21. Malfunction
22. Willing To Risk
23. Time Is Slowly Running
24. It's A Trap
25. Back On Track
26. New Plan
27. Finally Spilling The Tea
28. How To Not Get Bitten
29. Stick To A Gun Fight
30. Preventing A Mistake From Happening
31. Something Missing
32. Is It Worth it?
33. Jumping To Conclusions
34. Stealing Is (not) Okay
35. Case Solved
New Book

36. Domino Effect (End)

589 27 66
By Potato0exe

[This chapter will be a little different. I'm trying to write everything in third person out of curiosity to see if it's better than first person or not.]

The lights of the cameras flashes like crazy and a huge crowd of paparazzis are storming to the courthouse. A group of bodyguards pushed the people away making a path for their client.

The man causing this huge scene stood at the open doors with his signature smile plastered on his face. He corrected his sunglasses to make sure they won't fall down while it's protecting his eyes from the flashes.

Down the road his long awaited limousine finally arrived. The muscle packed guards split the crowd to gave a free way to his car. The reporters are desperately trying to get pictures of him and were shouting their questions in hope he would answer them. They do anything to make their articles be sellable.

But he ignored them and walked confident, if not even arrogant, to his car. His smile never faltered. As he opened the door he gave the crowd a brief goodbye wave and climbed inside the limo.

The chaotic noises and tumult vanished as soon the door closed. The only sound that appeared was the soothing sound of the car engine that started to drive him away.

"You couldn't cause more attention, could you?"

He looked over to his side where UK was sitting. She didn't looked up to USA as she was reading the newspaper.

"Well I can't help myself. Those hyenas went crazy after I got pleaded not guilty." The man crossed his arms behind his head and relaxed on his seat.

UK turned a page over and spoke, "You know that this whole scene was caused because you couldn't shut your mouth."

USA rolled his eyes and countered, "Oh geez. It's not my fault. She tricked us. On top of that it was in the middle of the night. I was tired and annoyed."

His mother only responded with shaking her head disappointed. He noticed it and groaned, "Oh come on it's not as if she ever had a chance at the beginning. No matter how many evidence she would have collected, my net worth made it to be useless for every single court."

For the first time during their conversation she looked up from the newspaper and corrected her son," Still for the future you need to be more careful. Right now we're in every paper and screen because of the murder. It will take weeks until they get interested into another drama."

"You're talking as if I don't like the attention. Did you forget that I always get called as a murderer because of my branch." USA smiled and gave a small glance over the paper. Of course the murder trial was the headline of the newspaper. Being accused for murdering a world wide billionaire is a goldmine for every paper press. A small picture of the detective was included in the article as she was the one leading the case.

The man couldn't help but chuckle at the thought about how naive Germany was. She really believed that it was easy, but the world works different. It was never about justice or separating from good and evil.

It's all about options and opportunities. Sending USA to jail would cause more harm than good to the economy. Especially since he would have to stop his business meaning a stop of providing weapons to outside conflicts. That's a risk the government never want to take. And since UK and Portugal were also involved with the case they also got out free.

At the end the one who hold the power wins.

The small old TV played the news about USA's and UK's court cases like every other channel that existed.

Out of frustration Germany shut the TV off with the remote and threw it to on the coffee table. It's been a week since they got rescued. They all immediately got greeted by the police and sended to the hospital for a check up.

When they checked on Germany's ankle the doctors were shocked that she was still able to move it. They diagnosed achilles tendon rapture and it was serious enough that she had to go under surgery. The doctor kept saying that it's a miracle that she was still able to walk on it after it swelled.

But even with the good news that she won't get any life long damage she still sat frustrated on Austria's couch. For the next couple of days she stayed over at his place so he could make sure that Germany will take a rest while her ankle was healing.

Austria noticed the sudden silence after the TV stopped playing. From the kitchen he entered the living room and asked, "Was it again about the two?"

Germany puffed angry, crossing her arms and complained, "Yes. I can't believe that they got away so easily! The worst part of it is USA knew that he get away with it. Even with the evidence it wasn't enough!"

The man picked up the remote and turned the box on. While switching over the channels he spoke, "I guess if you have the right connections then you can do anything you like."

He stopped at some senseless sitcom show that implanted fake laughing sounds at every joke that wasn't even remotely funny. "Finally a channel showing something different." With that comment he placed the remote back to its spot.

At this moment Germany didn't know what's better. Getting brain damage by watching a low budget overstretched sitcom show, or actually trying to suffocate herself with the couch pillow.

Thankfully both options never happened as the door bell interrupted her thoughts. Germany wanted to use this opportunity to get out from the couch, but her uncle stopped her and walked to the door instead.

He opened the door and get greeted by Hungary carrying many suitcases at once. With the many bags and violin case under his arms he greeted Austria, "Here is your damn stuff."

"Thank you for helping me. It's very consider of you." Austria said with a big grin and let him in.

Hungary threw the baggage on the floor to which the other man alarmed, "Hey be careful! My violin is fragile!"

"Sorry it "slipped" from my hands," Hungary commented while stretching his back until a crack was heard.

Austria cringed at the sound, but he put his attention back to his suitcases."I don't understand why the police had to hold it for a whole week."

"They needed a while to search every suitcase for any illegal substances or weapons before giving it to us." Germany explained while watching the show. She looked over to the bags and asked, "Can I ask you why you were carrying his stuff?"

"I just wanted to help." He quickly answered, but didn't look at Germany. Austria stare at him with a wide smile, knowing that Hungary straight up lied to her.

Hungary got uncomfortable by his staring. He took a step away from Austria, but his brother took a step closer.

"Okay what do you want?" He asked annoyed.

Austria took his time to answer without dropping his grin, "So when's the wedding-"

He couldn't finish his sentence as a punch on his guts brought him to the floor. Painfully he curled into a ball and groaned with a dying voice, "It's worth it."

Germany seeing it asked confused, "What's going on?"

"Nothing!" Hungary answered completely flustered and went to sit on the couch. The two heard Austria shouting while he still was on the floor, "You can't forever hide your feelings."

"I can." Hungary remarked ignoring Austria in hope he would leave him alone. But he was completely wrong. As soon Austria finally managed to stand up, he went to Hungary and continued his teasing. "So when did you realized that you're in love? I need to know as much as possible when I'll write my best man weeding speech."

"Can you shut up!" Hungary barked embarrassed.

"Nope." His brother answered short and continued, "Oh but obviously you two need to go on a date first. What you think about picknick only you two under a starry sky like in the movies? You two could hold hands together while lovingly stare at each other's eyes."

Hungary groaned embarrassed  and hid his red face with his hands. He won't answer to any of his questions and just want to dissolve into thin air.

Germany watched even more confused at the two men and decided to ask,"So Hungary has a partner?"

"Not yet." Austria answered, "And he never will, if he won't confess."

"And who is it?"

The two men looked at her surprised. Hungary stopped hiding his face and was about to answer her, but Austria stopped him and said smiling, "Let her guess. She's a detective after all."

Germany watched helplessly as they both agreed to not answer her question. She has no idea who it is and tried to remember anything that would help her. Hungary never mentioned about having feelings for someone nor did his behavior changed. At least that's what Germany thought.

Amused Austria looks how Germany got more desperate as she couldn't figure it out. He petted on her shoulder while saying, "You'll figure it out one day." With this last sentence he decided to leave them alone and gave his attention back to the baggages.

Germany looked at Hungary, but he only responded, "I won't answer to any of your questions."

"Oh come on. How can I guess who it is without any clues?" she asked wanting to know who it is.

But he stood stubborn, "That's the point. The less people know the better." Austria took his stuff including the violin case and went to his bedroom, leaving the two alone.

Hungary noticed it and knew it was only a matter of time until Austria notice that he "accidentally" threw the violin into water before packing it back to its case. A small payback for annoying him.

"Is it at least someone I know?" Germany didn't gave up, but Hungary already was pretending that she doesn't exist. He took the remote and decided to switch between channels looking if there is anything interesting while still ignoring her questions.

Unfortunately he got bored really fast as the other channels were only telling the same thing. USA, Britain and Portugal are not guilty, some kind of judge died in a car accident, drama about who will own China's company and obviously most importantly the weather forecast.

Hungary left the TV alone and instead looked around the room to find something interesting. He spotted a crumbled paper ball laying on the floor. Curiously he left the couch and went to the ball.

Germany seeing this immediately soured her mood. She knew what was written inside the paper as she was the one crumpling it and threw it away out of anger.

As Hungary picked it up he already could see that it's from the police station. He gave Germany a questioning look. She however said coldly, "Read it."

He carefully unfolded the paper and read.

"Dear Germany in the name of the head of the police, I wholeheartedly thank you for your service and the risk you took to investigate the two murder cases. With that we will grant you for your bravery the next three weeks as paid vacation."

Hungary looked up and commented, "That's great." But Germany anger didn't vanish and ordered, "Read the rest."

Now more warily he continued to read.

"After the vacation we will together find a solution to solve the issue caused by moments during your investigation and also give a sincerely apology to those who got wrongly accused. I wish you a restful time during your vacation and best regards to your family."

After he read the last sentence Germany spoke,"They didn't give me vacation. I caused too much trouble and now they want me to be gone until the media calms down."

"Can they do that?" Hungary asked flabbergasted.

"Of course they can! That's why the three got away with murder. That's why Russia didn't got arrested. Everything I did was in vain!"

"Okay Germany let's calm down a little bit. Not everything was pointless. I mean Panama got arrested, right?"

"He's behind bars until his trail starts." She mentioned still angered at the letter.

"That's great." Hungary tried to cheer her up, "At least you won this fight."

She silently nodded to that. At least one will face justice. Feeling how her anger builds up she decided to change the topic. "I forgot to ask. How is Czechia and Poland?"

"They are both well. Today morning Poland got released from the hospital and we three decided to visit Slovakia this afternoon."

"Any plans what to do after that?"

Hungary shrugged his shoulder and answered, "We will improvise and see what the world has prepared for us."

The calm atmosphere got interrupted by a high pitch screaming from Austria's bedroom, "HUNGARYYYYY-!!!"

He knew what just happened while Germany was perplexed at the shouting. Not wasting any more time he speed walked to the door and spoke very fast, "Iwillgonow. Bye!"

He vanished behind the door before the detective had time to react. Soon followed with the sound of angry footsteps Austria stomped inside the living room looking around furiously.

"WHERE IS HE!?" Austria yelled in anger.

Hesitantly Germany answered, "He just left right now. What happened?"

The man raised his instrument and turned it around exposing the giant crack on the back.

The outside surface of a violin is usually protected by layer of varnish, but the inside is unprotected raw wood. As the water got inside, the wood soaked the water and expanded. After the water evaporated the wood couldn't change into its original form and so a crack between the fiber happened.

"I'm gonna kill him!" He shouted and went to to the door. Before leaving he grabbed a walking stick from the umbrella holder and left, letting a lout bang when closing the door.

Germany sighed. She fall back on the couch and stare blankly at the TV. She tried her best to not think about the murder cases or about the involvement of the Red Sickle. Her thoughts wandered to Panama. He's the only one who get punished for what he'd did. At least she got this little victory.

"Let me tell you Mr. Panama . There is zero chance for you to get out. Our best option would be to make the judges clear that you regret for what you did, gaining their sympathy. With this we can get to lower your sentences." Switzerland sat on the metallic bench opposite of the once captain Panama.

Wearing the orange jumpsuit he fidget with his fingers while listening to every word his lawyer told him. In a couple of days he will be brought from the holding cell to the court. He accepted the fate that he will spent his future in prison. Nonetheless he wanted to fight for a lower sentence. It wasn't fair that only he will take the consequences of his actions. For unexplainable reasons Russia got out free. The same goes to USA, UK and Portugal.

Switzerland interrupted his thinking by opening his briefcase. He pulled out a file opened it and spoke, "To your luck one of the victims have violence in his criminal record. We could try to change the murder attempt accusations into self-defense. That would lower your sentence a lot."

Panama only silently nodded. He was never in a court so he had no idea how it works and what awaits him.

Seeing his lack of communication Switzerland sighed. He sometimes hate his job when it comes to defend murderers, but he had to accept this job for his law firm. How else he could earn his daily bread.

The lawyer continued to read the various documents until he spotted at the written record of Panama's interrogation. "You mentioned about getting paid for the murder." Switzerland mentioned and looked up to the other man who nodded.

"Can you tell me for what the money was needed? With this we could put it as an act of desperation. We can use it to our favor."

Panama hesitated to answer. With a hint of shame he avoided his lawyers stare and began to slowly explain everything, "We, I mean my family and I have a massive dept over the years. There is only two months left until we get evicted from our home. This woman seemed to know our trouble and offered a job to me. I have only to continue my normal work and let her henchmen doing their job. She promised she will pay, if I do everything she said."

Switzerland listened very attentive to every word and as he finished his story the lawyer responded," Unfortunately there aren't any money transfers on your account. So we have no evidence to proof it. Those henchmen, is there one who could enter as a witness? You know to prove that what you said is true."

Panama shook his head. "I'm the only one alive. China died on the first night and Italy tried to escape. So far I know the rescuer found his half sunken boat with his stuff. He was announced dead."

"That won't help us." The lawyers noted and rubbed on his wrinkled forehead. A guard entered the visitors room and informed the two men that the visiting time was over. Switzerland packed his stuff and said goodbye to his client and to the guard as he left.

No matter how much he could turn the information around. Panama will end up in prison.

A figure waited on an empty parking lot. To his luck there was nobody, but to be save he hid his green white red face underneath his hood. Ever since he got declared to be dead he should avoid the risk of being recognized.

Italy never left the ship before. He put his license and other small stuff on a lifeboat and released it on the ocean. Meanwhile he took waterbottles, some snacks and hid inside the vents the whole time. Even after the ship arrived the port he waited an extra day to make sure the ship was completely empty.

Covered in dust and cobwebs he crawled out of the vents and successfully fleed from the ship. Now that everyone thinks he's dead no one would go and search for him.

His attention went back to the present as a small old car drove to the middle of the parking lot. The tires was squeaking as the car sharply stopped. A small old man stepped out from the car and angrily stomped to Italy.

"Hey Vatican it's nice to see you-"

A sharp slap across Italy's face interrupted him. The old man was shaking in anger and didn't hesitated his voice as he shouted, "What in Godess name have you done!? You were gone a whole month without telling me where!"

Rubbing the stinging pain on his cheek Italy whispered, "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry!" Vatican still railed up flared his arms around, "Is that all what you have to say!? Italy! Yesterday I read in the newspaper that you were declared dead! Do you have the slightest idea how scared I was! Knowing that my prayers that you'll come back home, that you won't end like your father got ignored. That I will never see you again until you called me an hour ago telling me that you need a ride! I was soo scared for you."

Italy stood there frozen not knowing what to say. He knew that Vatican would be angry at him, but never expected how angry. What caught him off guard was his godfather grabbing on his arm and pulling him down for a tight hug. The young man felt how the older one was shaking.

"Never do that ever again." Vatican whispered scared. Italy hugged him back promising that he will try his best.

They released the hug and Vatican gently hold Italy's face moving it slightly to every angle, "You aren't hurt are you?"

"No I'm fine." He said trying to pry off his hand Fram his face, but as soon he opened his mouth Vatican eyes widen in shock. "Wait show me your teeth!"

Italy hesitated knowing what the older man just noticed. Nonetheless he showed it, preparing himself for the next wave of lecture. Vatican stared in disbelief at the gap between his teeth where once a tooth was. "What! HOW? What have you done!?"

"It's nothing serious. I got hit by a cane." He pulled away from his grip and started to walk to the small car. Vatican close behind him kept talking, "We will as soon as possible get a dentist appointment and don't you think you will get away without any punishment. When we arrive home you will spent the rest of your life helping me in the community church. Including Sunday the whole day!"

Italy could still hear his ranting after he entered the car. Vatican corrected his car seat cushion before he sat down. Even after they drove away Vatican didn't stopped his ranting. Italy came into conclusion that being dead was way better than listening to Vatican.

The doctor's privat office looked as if someone dropped a bomb there. Papers scattered everywhere on the floor and desk. All drawers and closet doors are wide open or not fully closed. In the silence the only thing that could be heard was the mechanical sound of the paper shredder machine eating the documents the doctor pushed in it.

Portugal collected all files he had about China and five more patients to destroy it. Later he will take the shredded spaghetti paper and burn it outside to make sure no one would be able to trace it back.

It was pure luck that he got away with murder, but now awaits him the meeting with the Medical Commission. He might be at risk to lose his license, if they found anything illegal activity in his clinic. To his luck he had a little bit of time to destroy all the evidence before they could find it.

What also could save him is the fact that Poland is still alive. Obviously Portugal hid the fact that he used an unauthorized blood transfusion, but it could be ignored as the patient was still alive and well.

A knocking sound interrupted his silence. Nervously he sprinted to the door. Occasionally slipping on the papers laying on the floor.

Portugal opened only a gap. In fear whoever knocked on his door might see what he was doing. To his relief it was only the nurse working in his clinic.

She gave a short warily glance at Portugal's strange behavior. Usually he would tell to come inside his office or at least open the door in a normal way.

But she wasn't payed to question the doctor's behavior and did what she got ordered, "Excuse me for interrupting you sir, but Mr. India arrived and is waiting now in the waiting room."

"Ah yes I had a meeting with him. Thank you for informing me. You can go now."

She gave a slight bow and walked away. Portugal closed the door and looked back at his mess. It's kind of inconvenient that India arrived today. He had to continue his work another time. Maybe at night?

For now he gathered the paper he needed and went outside the office. After locking the door he walked down the hallway with a gentle smile, ready to take his next patient.

Silently the three stood in front of the columbarium in the cemetery. Czechia stepped closer to the stone wall and placed a liquor bottle on the ground next to the flowers underneath where Slovakia's ashes was stored.

"Don't you fear thar someone might steal the bottle?" Poland asked her.

Czechia shook her head. Not taking her eyes away from the stone board she said, "Who would try to steal from the dead and even if someone does. It's a cheap bottle. I can replace it."

Hungary looked around at the cemetery. Even though it's a warm shining day the many graves and dead flowers gave him an eerie feeling. He really want to leave the cemetery, but he didn't told Poland and Czechia. They need their time and he fully understand that.

Poland noticed how Hungary moved around uncomfortable changing weight from one leg to the other while looking around. "Hey Czechia." He called her and she turned to him, "Shall we slowly go. It's getting late and I'm hungry."

She gave a quick glance at Slovakia box before nodding. "Didn't the hospital feed you?" Czechia asked the Pole. The man scoffed while the three walked out of the place, "They only feed me soup! I swear toilet paper probably tasted better than what I got."

"Then let's go to a burger place." Hungary offered. Poland's eyes sparkled and nodded to his idea. Whoever Czechia butt in, "Shouldn't we safe money?"

"We should." Hungary admitted, "But we could do an exception. We three are alive, Poland got released from the hospital and Slovakia can finally rest in peace. It's worth to celebrate it." Poland nodded again, approving his idea.

Czechia sighed knowing that it's 2vs1. "Fine. But because its your idea, you will pay for us."

"I can live with that." He said. The three slowly arrived to a burger place, ordered their food and sat down at the table next to the window. Times passed and the three talked and laughed about various small things. No word about death, murder or other stuff they had to live while being on the ship. It's the first time they could be carefree.

Czechia fished her cigarette package out from her pocket. Hungary seeing this, asked her, "Didn't you say you will stop smoking?"

"Yes, but this is the last cigarette. I swear." She promised and walked outside to smoke. Through the window they still could see her lighten up her cigarette. Hungary sighed to which Poland respondes relaxed, "Take it easy. You can't expect she would quit an addiction in one day."

"Of course not, but she will never quit if she keeps on procrastinating." He said defeated and played with the straw from his coke. His mind traveled around.

He's scared about the future. To his luck he managed to find a low rent apartment with a single bedroom, but he needed to find a job before the end of the month. Deep in thought Hungary leaned back on his seat, but flinched in pain as soon he touched his head against the back lean.

Austria managed to hit him after he tried to run away. Of course Austria can't run because of his knee, but he can very precisely throw his stick from a far range. Hungary could feel the bruise forming on the back of his head. Next time he will wear helmet.

"Is everything alright?" Poland pulled him out of his thoughts and looked at the man concerned. The last five minutes Hungary was very quiet and that worried the Pole.

"Uhm yeah. I was just thinking about stuff."

He noticed how empty the place was and Czechia was still smoking outside. It's only the two of them sitting at the table. Should he take Austria's advice? Is that even the right time?

Poland watched how Hungary frowned more as he went back inside his mind. The Pole sighed. He leaned forward and shook gently at his arm to get his attention. Hungary's eyes went back to Poland. "What's inside your mind? You know you can tell me everything." He reassured him.

Hungary looked at Poland's hand still holding on his arm. Slowly he pulled Poland's hand and hold them while finally opening his mouth, "Listen Poland I-"

He looked up at Poland. The other man was watching him with worries and yet showed patience, giving Hungary time to express what was bothering him . He could see that Poland cared a lot about him.

Yet he remembered how Poland was when they first met. After he woke up from surviving his injuries the man was hostile and paranoid. Hungary tried his best to befriend him, but Poland avoided him as much as possible, ignored anything he said and sometimes when Hungary was extra annoying for him, he threw insults and other harmful words around.

No one would have believed they'll end up as best friends. But after time passes Poland realized that Hungary only wants to help. That there aren't any bad intentions and for the first time for a long period of time he had someone he could trust.

Hungary didn't want to destroy it. After all these years they became inseparable. He didn't want to risk losing it for some feelings.

Hesitantly he let Poland's hand go and with a forced smile he answered, "It's nothing. I was just overthinking."

Poland felt a little bit hurt knowing that Hungary lied, but he understood if he wants to keep it to himself. After all everyone has their own little secret.

Czechia came back inside from her smoking break. She let out some raspy coughs before asking, "Shall we go? The sun starts to go down."

They both agreed and cleaned the table before leaving. As they walked on the sidewalk through the city Czechia asked, "Hey Poland can you tell me how you got the extra money?"

"Oh I got this from the woman. She paid me to unlock a door." Poland answered unfazed.

"She paid you 500 for that!?" Czechia responded baffled.

Poland nodded and continued, "Yup and she wanted to buy my service again." Hungary looked up alarmed, but Poland quickly calmed him down. "Don't worry I declined."

"YOU DECLINED 500 BUCKS!!!" Czechia shouted in disbelief.

"Actually at first it was 500, but I still declined after she rose the price ten times." He explained unbothered at Czechia's reaction.

She stare at the man in horror with her mouth wide open. Hungary saw the rage on Czechia's face. Quickly he walked in between the two. Seperating them, to prevent her from sending Poland back to the hospital.

Thankfully it worked. Czechia was still in shook and mumbled to herself, "5000. You declined 5000."

Poland looked scared at her, knowing that she's now a ticking time bomb. But it didn't happened. Hungary was protecting him and Czechia slowly came back to her senses.

What came unexpected for the Pole was Hungary looking up to him with a genuine smile, "You kept your promise. I'm proud of you."

Poland's eyes widen in surprise. He didn't know how to handle it. Feeling how his face got warmer he looked away from Hungary. Nonetheless he built up the courage to whisper, "Thanks."

The sun was gone and clouds quickly covered up the sky. On a lonely street away from the big city drove a limousine. Inside at the back seat sat Brazil. She stare anxious outside the dark tinted window. Since leaving the ship it was awfully quiet for her.

Obviously she got hit by a wave of paparazzis and the constantly questions that the police gave ger, but that's not what she meant. For her it's quiet because there was no action from the Red Sickle. She has nothing to offer them. Nothing to protect herself.

Her last hope was to find anything to blackmail USA as his power and connection would be enough to keep her safe, but the scar faced rat declined her offer.

To prevent herself from overreacting she picked up the newspaper that was laying on the seat next to her. Reading might help her to passed the time faster. There was still half an hour ride until she arrived to her secure mansion.

The first pages was all about USA being not guilty. That didn't surprise Brazil at all. The man was basically untouchable. She kept on turning the pages until she read the dreadful article. The judge decided not guilty for Russia. The reason was lack of evidence, but Brazil knew it was because of fear after the previous judge died due an car "accident".

She regret helping Germany. Brazil knew that the detective was naive. In delusional that justice arrives to everyone. Yet Brazil was dumb enough to believe that the detective would help her.

She looked up from the newspaper, seeing how her driver was concentrating on the road. They are driving through a thick forest.

20 minutes away from her safe heaven.

An awful feeling spread inside her guts. Soon she noticed on the back rear mirror a second car behind them. Scared she ordered her driver, "Drive faster."

The man listened and stepped the gas pedal further down. The limo picked up speed, yet Brazil observed how the car behind them slowly came close to them.

She knew it wasn't some random stranger. They're too far away from the city and drove over the speed limit. Her worries confirmed as the car changed the lane and drove past them.

Brazil clenched her hands as she saw that the car was now ahead of them. As soon the car was on their lane it slide down its window. A hand holding a box appeared.

Time slowed down for her. The person dropped the content of the box. Big sharp metallic needles spreaded across the road. Impossible to avoid them.

The tires exploded and the bottom of the car let an ear deafening screech as it grinds against the asphalt, sliding them off the road. The driver desperately tried to stear the car back on the road, but Brazil knew it was over.

At her last remaining second she watched how they hit against a tree in dangerously high speed.

Nervously she slide her hand against the dog's fur. She was on her way to meet Soviet. The car ride was uncomfortable quiet. Russia knew after getting a message to meet her mentor that she was in trouble. The mission failed. Two of them died and all their targets survived.

Cecilia was laying next to Russia on the car seat while Mikhail was sleeping on the floor against Russia's legs. Cecilia noticed the nervousness inside her human. Immediately she took the responsibility to get her attention. The doggo sat up and burrowed her head underneath Russia's arm. With her head she stretched as close as possible to her human's face, letting a soft growl.

Russia looked down at her and smiled seeing how Cecilia happily wagged her tail. The woman hugged her dog and whispered, "You're right. I shouldn't worry so much."

She released the hug and Cecilia laid down, putting her front paw and head on her human's lap. Russia petted her and looked down at Mikhail. Like the couch potato he is, he sleeps through the whole ride. The only downside to have two cuddly bear dog is they forget that they aren't lapdogs.

The two giant fluff balls weight over 55 kg and their body heat is enough to give Russia nearly a heatstroke, but that's a sacrifice she's willing to pay.

She remembered how she found the two. It was in the middle of winter when Russia found a box on the snow-covered sidewalk. She was surprised seeing two small shaking puppies inside without blanket. They were only a couple of days old, not even able to open their eyes. She swore if she ever find out whoever threw the puppies away, she would torture the person until they see hell as heaven.

Of course she took the puppies and nursed them. It was very difficult to convince Soviet to keep the dogs. Her mentor is a stereotypical cat person who hates dogs, but after weeks of convincing she finally allowed Russia to keep the dogs.

Back then they both didn't know what dog breed the two were and it was for Soviet an unpleasant surprise as they both grew into big bear dogs. At least they both proven themselves to be perfect loyal guard dogs.

Her attention traveled back to reality as the car stopped. Until now she noticed that she arrived at the mansion. She took a deep breath, thanked the driver and stepped out of the car. Her dogs followed her close.

At the entrance waited Belarus. She greeted Russia and both entered inside.

"Is she mad?" Russia asked trying her best to hide the fact that she was scared.

"Yes."Belarus answered briefly. She was always straight with her answers and don't see the point of sugar coating bad news. The two women reached the second floor in front of the door to Soviet's office.

Belarus stopped Russia from entering and informed her,"She wants you to enter with only one dog."

"Why?" It was strange for Russia as she always walked with both of them.

"It's her order." Was the only thing Belarus said. She never questioned Soviet's order because it was like asking her to get mad.

Russia understood and looked down at her dogs. She would choose Mikhail as he was still a little bit sleepy and so more calmer than Cecilia. Before she decided to enter the office she kneeled down and took off from both dogs their collars. Belarus looked at her confused, but didn't question it.

With the collars in her hand Russia took a deep breath and entered the office.

"Good luck." Belarus whispered to her before closed the door. Russia saw Soviet sitting at her office desk with the newspaper in her hand. Her mentor looked up with an emotionless expression.

Memorized Russia greeted her formally with all the respect she has, "Good evening Soviet. You wished to see me."

"Indeed. I read the report of your mission." Soviet spoke with an ice cold voice.

Russia felt how her hair stand up. Mikhail noticing the fear in his human pressed himself closer to her leg. He wanted to bark at the other human, scarring her away, but he learned that his human only gets more scared when he does that. So he didn't do it.

"I admit the mission failed, but I didn't come out empty handed." Russia showed her the two dog collars.

Soviet stood up from her seat and walked close to Russia. Only then at a closer glance she noticed the many written names inside the collars.

Back in the ship Russia took her time and wrote everything that was inside the Detective's notebook on the inward of the collars. It's the safest way to transport the information without getting noticed. After all who would dare tacking the collar off from a barking giant dog that are breed to kill bears.

Not saying a word Soviet took the two collars, seeing the information might have some value. Nonetheless she looked back at Russia and spoke, "Do you think this would be enough to cover your failure?"

"Of course not." Russia quickly responded.

Soviet turned around back to her desk. She placed the collars and instead picked up the written report and a gun.

While she came closer to Russia her mentor started to talk, "On the report you described clearly that the mission failed because of the unexpected death of China and Italy betrayal including the many failed attempts from the captain Panama. Is that correct?"

"Yes." She answered. Soviet stopped as she was an arm length apart from Russia. "However there is something that bothers me."

Soviet loaded her gun and pointed it directly at Russia's forehead. "At the end of the report you wrote that USA was pointing a gun against you. Forcing you to drop your weapon. Is that correct?"

"Yes." As Russia gave her answer Soviet smiled, but her eyes didn't.

"Why are you lying? You never feared death."

A loud bang echoed inside the office, but Russia didn't feel any pain. The barrel of the gun was pointed down. The only thing she felt was something wet splashed against her leg.

Russia didn't dare to look down. The pressure and warmth she felt from Mikhail was gone. Forcefully she kept her eyes up to Soviet. Her vision got blurry as tears started to form.

"It was obvious that those beasts only cause trouble." Soviet mentioned unfazed and put the gun away. "From that moment onward I won't allow any animals during missions except they're part of the plan."

After saying it she turned her back to Russia and walked back to her desk. Russia was shaking in fear and anger. Her dogs aren't "beasts". Mikhail and Cecilia are like her children.

Russia rose her fist as her emotions took over her. She was about to attack Soviet. To at least do any damage on this woman, but Soviet noticed it and dodge her attack.

Before Russia could react Soviet grabbed her hand and neck. With a quick move she pushed her against the table. She tightened her grip until Russia stopped fighting due the sharp pain.

Soviet stayed calm, but she sounded disappointed, "Didn't I teach you to not let emotions take the better of you. Only once I allow you to get away with it as you're clearly over emotional right now."

She released her grip and Russia stood up, but evading Soviet's stare. Soviet noticed it and ordered, "Russia look at me."

Hesitantly she faced Soviet. Russia gulped as she felt Soviet's hands gently cupping her face and with her soft voice she spoke, "Russia my dear I only do what is the best for you. Your failure at finishing the mission was the reason why this animal died. Let this warning teach you that you shall never disappoint me again. Do you understand?"

Russia gave a weak nod.

"Good because without me you wouldn't survive in this world." With her last word Soviet let her face go. Not saying a word she walked past the dead dog on the floor and left her office.

Outside was already Belarus waiting for Soviet. "Any updates from the others?" She asked her.

Belarus nodded, "They successfully finished their task. No one survived inside the car."

A barely visible smile showed on Soviet's face, knowing that she got rid at least one of the big threats. Finally one good news she got on that day.

7007 words.

*placing freshly baked cookies on the table*

I never mentioned that the story will get a good ending. Here are some free cookies for you and please don't hate me.

And with this ends The Swimming Death Trap. I had a lot of fun writing it and I surely never expected that so many of you would like it. For real I don't know how to thank you.

At the very beginning while writing chapter one I never planned far as I was in the belief that I wouldn't write more than five chapters before losing interest on continuing it. But seeing how many of you love the garbage I wrote, I decided to continue it and try my best to write as good as possible.

To be honest I actually used to hate writing because language was my biggest insecurity and writing was always used on me as punishment.

I still remember how my old elementary school teacher used to pick up the worst written text whenever we got a task to write a story and read it out loud to the class. Nearly every time it was my paper she read out loud and commented because German isn't my native language and I only started to learn it when I entered elementary school.

Let me tell you one thing. German language is extremely hard. Not as hard as polish, but still enough to make me hate it.

But English is surprisingly easy for me to write. I'm still bad at it and made thousands grammatical errors, but I have at least fun writing it.

So now the question of what I will do now after the story ends.

I want to get better at writing and started to think about to make a sequel of the story as I have many more ideas about other CH's, but couldn't push it inside without making it confused.

It will take a while because I don't have an idea yet about how the next story will go, but for sure the CH from The Swimming Death Trap will appear once again.

If you love to see other countries or any feedback to improve my writing, then I'm more than happy for you to comment.

For now I'm opening a QnA. You can ask any questions about the book, characters or to me.

Once again I thank you a lot for reading my book and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.


I wish you all a great day/night. Stay safe and maybe we'll see each other again in the next book.

Bye! (^ヮ^)

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