Exiled... Again

By lov3_dontchang3

36.1K 2.5K 1.8K

QURAN - Quran can't wait to get back to Georgia, he missed being there with his cousin and more importantly t... More

Quran 1
Quran 2
Semaj 3
Semaj 4
Jacobi 5
Jacobi 6
Nazeer 7
Nazeer 8
Luciano 9
Luciano 10
De'Vaugh 11
De'Vaugh 12
Tripp 13
Tripp 14
Quran 15
Quran 16
Semaj 17
Semaj 18
Nazeer 19
Nazeer 20
Beaux 21
Beaux 22
Jacobi 23
Jacobi 24
Luciano 25
Luciano 26
De'Vaugh 27
De'Vaugh 28
August 29
August 30
Quran 31
Quran 32
Semaj 33
Semaj 34
De'Vaugh 35
Slayer 37
Slayer 38
Luciano 39
Luciano 40
Nazeer 41
Nazeer 42
Jacobi 43
Jacobi 44
Beaux 45
Beaux 46
Jacobi 47
Jacobi 48
Quran 49
Quran 50
Semaj 51
Semaj 52
August 53
August 54
Nazeer 55
Nazeer 56
Luciano 57
Luciano 58

De'Vaugh 36

501 44 31
By lov3_dontchang3

Call me soft or whatever but I loved shyt like this; sitting on a blanket while covered in another blanket watching the sun come up with my dude... to me shyt like this was dope as fuck. You gotta have a genuine connection with someone just to be able to sit in complete silence and still feel like y'all were saying everything; Tripp laid his head on my shoulder, silently smoking a blunt while looking up at the pink, dark blue, orange, and gray mixture. When I pulled up, we fucked, there was something about being in nature that was just.... I could be as loud as I wanted, we were far enough away where if anyone was to hear us they were probably doing the same thing we were doing. Tripp turned to me and kissed the side of my head before turning back to look up at the sky, I swear he was the funniest nigga I knew even when he wasn't high he be saying some off the wall shyt but once he smoked, he really goes there and I fuckin loved it. My thoughts drifted to Nazeer, last night when I found him in my house he looked so.... sad and while a part of me knew that I should've probably stayed with him, I knew Nazeer wouldn't talk unless he was ready, I definitely needed to check on him a little later but I wasn't ready for this moment to end.

"You know what I love most about you?" Tripp asked breaking the silence for the first time since announcing that he was cumming. "You got a good heart Day.... you're always thinking about helping others, even now... I can see it on your face you're worried about someone and you're thinking of how best to help them." Tripp said kissing me again.

"I've been told I was a selfish muthafucker a time or two.... mainly from family members who get pissed when I don't put them or their boyfriends on, or when I won't pay their rent.... but other than that I guess I am pretty selfless.... So tell me Thaddeus." Tripp winced and I started laughing. "What do you want, like you're so easy to make happy but I wanna do something that really leaves you speechless." I said looking over at him.

"I'm a simple man.... materialistic shyt doesn't offer me any type of pleasure. Do you want to make me happy? All you gotta do is keep taking this dick and occasionally providing it when the need arises.... I could also go for a breakfast Baconator from Wendys." Tripp said smiling. "Come on.... let's go grab something to eat, I gotta help Quran with some shyt and you look like you got some stuff you need to handle." Tripp said standing up and it was weird but hearing his but the sound of his dick smacking his legs as he walked over to our clothes was making me wanna fuck again. I watched as he bent down to pick up his shorts and he jumped back, looked down again, and started shaking his head.

"What's wrong?" I asked walking over to him and seeing a big ass snake resting in his shorts.

"My keys are in my pocket." He said nervously. "I don't even want them damn shorts... I just need my keys. Man fuck it....." He said kicking the shorts and waiting. It took nearly an hour for the snake to finally move and Tripp being the 'not give a fuck' type, grabbed his keys and we walked back to our cars, he was wrapped in the blanket and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm trying to see you tonight.... come by my place, I got something special planned." I said rubbing his dick through the thin blanket. Truthfully I didn't have shyt planned but I had all day to come up with something and as we've just discussed, he wasn't difficult to please.

"Should I wear boxers, briefs, or let this big muthafucker hang free?" Tripp asked smiling. I gave him a look and he nodded with a smile on his face. "Call me if you need anything.... I'm serious Day, anything....." Tripp said kissing me.

"Aight bet...." I said kissing him with as much passion as he kissed me. "Take your ass straight home, I don't need my property out in these streets, I would fuck someone up if they stare too long. I love you." I said kissing him.

"I love you too....." He said walking over to his car and hopping in the driver's seat. I watched as he pulled off, his house wasn't that far so I drove past to make sure and saw him standing on the porch getting cussed out by his sister. He saw me and smiled as I drove by and once I saw his sexy ass smile, I drove off to go check on Nazeer....

When I got home, Nazeer wasn't there.... I wasn't even entirely sure when he had left but I called Scorpio and he hadn't seen Naz either, I called my Uncle Neji and he promised he would go looking for him but Naz disappearing like that didn't sit well with me because he had been through a lot and I knew it would take next to nothing for him to finally snaps. Since I wasn't doing shyt, I figured I would look into that dude Eleazar.... from what I've seen he was a rich kid with a lot of time and access to a lot of money, he's thrown a few of these festivals before and they've all been successful though they mainly catered to white folks which is probably why I've never really paid attention to them. Before I could do some more digging, my phone started ringing.

"De'Vaugh buzz me up, we need to talk." Omari said and I looked at my phone wondering if this was some kind of prank. "Come on bro, the bitch at the desk and the security is looking at me funny."

"Yo ass is going to get enough of popping up like we're coo.... we're not even business associates so there's really no reason for me to come down there and if I do it won't be for the reasons you think." I said growing tired of the games he was playing.

"Why are you acting like a bitch De'Vaugh? I'm trying to talk business and you acting like we were never coo..... man let me up so we can talk." Omari said.

"My office hours are from 9-5 on alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays.... if you wanna discuss business then you'll have to schedule an appointment." I said seriously.

"Damn it's like that? Nigga we've grindin from the mud to get to this point and now you wanna act funny because you and that nigga Scorpio got a drop of success..... I guess it's true, money does change people." Omari said and this nigga was really starting to piss me off.

"Nah you and Babyface or should I call that nigga by his real name Blake, decided that y'all wanted to move in a different direction, Scorpio is the only one who stuck with me and now that loyalty is paying off.... You know what let me not even drag that nigga because at least he apologized and admitted he fucked up." I said as a lot of unresolved hatred for the dude who was supposed to be my brother started to boil to the surface.

"Look I got business to handle in LA, I was just coming by to see if you were off your period.... when I get back we're going to have a discussion." Omari said hanging up and if I wasn't mistaken, that kinda sounded like a threat.

I was heated, which kinda worked out in my favor because I did my best thinking when I was angry, I was able to plan a whole ass romantic dinner for Tripp.... romantic by his definition, now I know once y'all see what I got planned y'all may think I was outta my damn mind but my nigga deserved it and I knew what kind of nigga I was dealing with from the jump. Once that was settled I got back on my search for Nazeer, who no one had heard from all day and I was really starting to get nervous, what if his crazy ass mom snatched him up?

"Nah, I don't think it's that, I've been keeping an eye on Natalie since she showed up at your parent's house. She's still being held in protective custody and she hasn't left and from what I understand she doesn't have access to a phone..... she couldn't have done anything to Naz. I'll find him, he probably went somewhere to clear his head." Uncle Neji said.

"Aight... well I'm extremely worried about him, let me know if you hear anything." I said hanging up. I paced around my living room just thinking.... Eleazar, Omari, Natalie, Uncle Neji, Tripp, Scorpio, Slayer, Dex, my mom...... there was just a lot going on right now, some really good and some really, really bad. I just wanted to make money and stay outta this drama shyt but some people just hate seeing people they used to be coo with successful.

After I called my assistant to put the finishing pieces together for Tripp's surprise, I called my big brother Dex, I wanted to see if he made any progress with finding out what my mom and Natalie were discussing but so far she was as tight-lipped as ever. That really concerned me, what exactly had Natalie said to my mom? Whatever she said, it had my mom shook..... I finished up with my big brother and looked at the time, damn whenever me and Dex spoke time seemed to fly by and it was almost time for my surprise.

"Ayy my bad, I ain't know if you were busy or what but I got some papers for you to sign.... or if you want you can take them to your lawyers or whatever..." Slayer said and he seemed really distracted, kept looking down and away from the camera but other than that..... "I told you I wanted to go into business with you and that means ownership....." Slayer said and I really wanted to get those papers tonight because knowing Slayer he liked to get shyt done fast.

"I kinda got something planned for tonight, so it'll have to be quick. Can we meet somewhere?" I asked and Slayer decided on a place that was closer to me, but he would be a while and he would text me when he was on his way. Once I finished with him I saw that I was really pressed for time... it would have to be a quick shower, but it would definitely be worth it...

"My sister gets on my damn nerves...." Tripp said walking into my penthouse. "And why does your doorman give me shyt every time I come over? I swear that nigga is a fuckin hater.... Now, what was so urgent that I needed to stop my smoke session?" Tripp asked taking his shoes off.

"I appreciate you man....." I said walking towards him and he smile.

"Ayy if you want some dick you know buttering me up is the best way to do it. I'm a cocky ass nigga, so stroking my ego is definitely a turn-on..... maybe that's why Quran's ass is always throwing shots, he knows I get off on compliments." Tripp said and I shook my head.

"Nah, I don't think you understand just how much I appreciate you.... like your energy just it's so positive and that positivity is so damn infectious, but it also makes you difficult to please because you're always so happy.... So I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure out the best way to show you just how much I appreciate you as a person.... then it came to me." I said smiling as I let out a loud whistle. "These are some friends of mine.... don't worry about their names, that's not important their sole purpose is to please you in any way you see fit." I said as three fine ass niggas entered the room. They surrounded Tripp and he was struggling on which ass to examine because they were all thick as fuck.

"All this for me?" He asked smiling as he took two of the dudes in his arms.

"All for you.... I thought you'd enjoy this." I said looking at him as he kissed one dude before turning to the other and kissing him, the third dude was rubbing on his dick and I could tell he was impressed; hell I get surprised every time I see it and I'm dating him. "Aight have fun...." I said winking as I decided to give them some privacy.

"Wait, where are you going? Look you know I'm more than capable of handling all three of these fine ass chocolate dudes.... but it would be more fun if I had a tag team partner." Tripp said motioning his head and one of the dudes walked over to me. I was surprised by his request but then again I really shouldn't be.... another thing I shouldn't be surprised by was the fact that Slayer decided he wanted to let me know he was on his way at that very moment.

"I gotta go handle some business right now but it shouldn't take long, why don't y'all go ahead and get started without me." I said grabbing my keys and leaving my penthouse. I got to the garage, it was empty as fuck and I took that as a sign from God that he wanted me to get back as soon as possible.

I got to my car and as I was opening the door I felt a blow to the back of my head..... next thing I knew I was being jumped by three dudes, I curled up and covered my head because the blow had left me a little disoriented and it was all I could do to protect myself. Then three shots rang out.... a body hit the ground and two of the dude took off running..... I looked up, Nazeer was standing there with a gun, his eyes..... he looked like this was just a minor inconvenience and he was more upset that he wasted bullets than the fact that he just killed someone. Nazeer looked at me, shrugged, and walked off leaving me more afraid of him than I had ever been in my life because it was clear.... Nazeer was gone and someone new and cold had taken his place......................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Scorpio, Slayer, Beaux, or Loyalty?

2) What should be the next two stories I post chapters for; Anthology, Amor, Defender, Final Semester, The Kingpin's Sons, or Reckless? Pick TWO!!

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