By sophia_ispeng

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What happens when you fall for someone you know you're not supposed to fall in love with? ''It's cool to have... More

Author's note.
CHAPTER 50 {The End.}


51 44 8
By sophia_ispeng

After a long period of time, things changed between Dave and Jasmine.
Literally everything.
Their communication, the time they spent together, everything became different.
They rarely got to see each other and they hardly ever communicated.

Jasmine took a break from social media with the aim of figuring out herself. Although, she went over to Dave's occasionally but she seldom met him at home.

The only good thing about their friendship was that they didn't necessarily have to talk everyday, they didn't even need to talk for weeks but whenever they did, it was like they never stopped talking.

The excitement they had for each other could never fade away.

During the weekend, Saturday precisely, Jasmine went over to Dave's place and fortunately for her, she met him at home.
She dressed up in a sexy way.
Not because of Dave, but because she felt like dressing that way.
She was putting on a black off shoulder long sleeve crop top and a denim mini skirt.

She had heard rumors about how terrible things happened to girls who wore skirt to a guy's place but that was what she felt like putting on and nothing was gon' change her mind, not even the rumours.
Besides, she didn't picture Dave to be someone of that kind.

She was looking nice though, no doubts. But Dave would never leave a compliment for her, no matter how beautiful she looked.
It didn't bother her though, It was something she was already used to.

When they were finally together and had started gisting, she complained to him about how she was always stopping by but never met him and he told her he had been busy lately.

They had several conversations.
He said a lot of things that made her laugh hard, leading to a belly ache and then slight hunger that became worse by the minute.

She complained to Dave and he told her to prepare something to eat in the kitchen.
She didn't want to dig too much in his kitchen so she she just made her favorite cereal, cocopops.

She wanted to make him eat with her but he refused so they began to run round the couch with her plate in her hands just so she could feed him.
She couldn't get him, so she rested.
After the whole time they had spent playing, laughing and eating, it was time to take her leave and so she asked him for a hug.

Dave also wanted a hug from Jasmine but he always waited for her to ask first.

He was seated on the handle of his couch and she was standing in between his legs.
He started to stare at her in a completely different way, she couldn't tell what was going on in his head.

It was more like a feeling of love and lust bottled up together.

He wrapped his hands around her waist, feeling her soft skin on his. The crop top made part of her skin visible.
His touch was more intimate than it used to be, a lot deeper.

He pulled her closer to him and buried his head in the crook of her neck inhaling her every scent and she stood there, savouring the feeling of his hands moving delicately over her back in caresses

He pulled away and began to stare at her again, in that same manner.

He gave her neck kisses which felt so nice and soft. Just that simple action of his made her yearning for more. Every action he took sent chills running down her spine. She was feeling everything he was doing to her. And then he laid his head on her breasts.
She didn't really feel comfortable with this so she gently took his head away.

She didn't know what was going on with him, neither did she know why he was behaving that way towards her.
He continued to stare at her and then his hands gradually went down from her waist to her thighs causing her to gasp sharply.
He pulled her closer to himself and began to raise up her skirt, feeling her thighs while staring directly into her eyes. Lust was taking over him at this point.

He leaned in closer, brushing his lips against hers ever so slightly. He was teasing her, leaving her craving for more.

"Dave w-we can't do this." Jasmine stuttered out.
Immediately she made that statement, it felt like Dave came out from whatever trance he was in because he stopped.

She walked straight to the door and Dave walked right behind her. He grabbed her by her waist, sat down and placed her on his d*, still staring at her in that same manner.

He made her to whine on him pressing her ass firmly on his d* before he let her go.
It felt like he needed a self satisfaction and he was as well tempted by what Jasmine was putting on.

He controlled himself from going far tho.
Jasmine couldn't help but think about what just happened.
She low-key liked it but she didn't perceive Dave to be that type of person.

What if he couldn't control himself and it led to rape?
What would have happened after that?

She was over thinking everything again!

She hadn't been active on social media but she came online on whatsapp to know what was going on with him.
She asked him what all of that was for but he ignored the question.

She persisted and he finally replied.

"I don't know, I just wanted you in my arms."

"you wanted me in your arms or on your dick?😒"

"😂😂😂however you put it."
Seen 8:40pm.

Jasmine overlooked his actions, having the perception that he just needed someone to cuddle with but it happened again.

This occurred after his birthday.
It was more like a make up visit for not being available during his birthday. Although, she wished him a happy birthday through the phone.

She told him how lucky she was to have someone like him in her life and said some prayers to him.

She wanted to go on and on but then she realized that he wasn't even there for her on her birthday so she didn't pour out her mind like she wanted to.

This time around, Jasmine put on a pair of trousers while going to visit.
He was having a cup of tea when she arrived and because of that, they both sat on the dining table.

She took his phone from him.
She always did that whenever she came around.
She began to go through his pictures and she saw screenshots of birthday wishes he got from different girls but hers wasn't there.

Girls talking about how they met him and how Dave brought so much happiness to their lives.
Their wishes were so long Jasmine began to regret why she didn't pour out all her mind in her birthday wish for Dave.
He didn't even screenshot hers.
Does that mean her wish wasn't really important to him?

She started to feel insecure again but she knew she couldn't let it show at the moment.
Besides, if she should let it show, Dave would be happy that he succeeded in making her jealous.

As she went on with the pictures, she saw pictures and videos of Olivia.


Was Dave kidding her right now?
She knew he wasn't practically doing anything to her at the moment but he had a way of hurting her feelings without even knowing that he was doing so.

She just arrived and she was already hurting.

She could recall when Dave told her that he showed Kylie's picture to his mom and he playfully told her that was the girl he would be getting married to and the mom gave a nice comment saying she was beautiful.

All of this began to make her feel uneasy and she reminded herself of what the adviser said to her some months back.

"Forget pictures, I have this girl that steadily sends me her pictures and she low-key friend zoned me.
Go and talk to your man."

She also calmed herself down with the fact that the videos they made together was still on his phone.
She returned the phone back to him before she died from jealousy and then began to have a conversation with him.

She heard rumors concerning him and a girl and so she decided to confirm from him.
He was a very honest person, all you needed to do was ask.

He told her all she needed to know and everything that happened between them in the past.

At this point, she concluded that your secrets weren't really safe with Dave.
This was the same way he could be telling another girl about his relationship with Jasmine when they were no longer friends.

She also made up her mind not to do anything stupid with him.
At a point, he began to ask her to take her leave and it made her feel really embarrassed but she didn't let it show.

She told him she wasn't going anywhere.

He asked her for the third time and after she refused, he picked up his phone, went to Instagram and began to view stories. Paying no attention to her anymore.

All she did was stare at him with a lot going through her mind.
She began to wonder if this was how he was going to leave her hanging and she felt so stupid at that point.

She contemplated on if she should leave or stay but picking up her bag to leave would do nothing but make him win over her.
At the same time, she was admiring his beauty.
He was very handsome, with long lashes.

He sensed her steady gaze on him and asked why she was staring.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have a nice nose?"
She asked.

"Nobody has," He responded.

"Let me be the first person to tell you that." Jasmine stated making Dave blush as he replied with a "thank you."

He put down his phone, carried her and placed her on his laps.
He turned on a nice and slow music and began to make her whine on his dick.

He gave her soft neck kisses as she rode on him and she took a deep sigh,
allowing the gentle feeling of his slight touch envelop her.

His hands began to go up to her breasts but she took it away and came down from his laps. She couldn't do these things with him and she knew that.

He carried her and placed her back on his laps.
She stylishly came down again and then ran into the sitting room.

She told him to stop because she wasn't comfortable with him behaving that way.

His response to her was that he asked her to leave earlier but she refused so. . . !

While she was on the couch, he asked her to come to him but she refused.
He then went to her, carried her and grabbed her ass.

She asked her what his issue was with grabbing her ass all the time and he said it was ''too soft.''

He also told her that she smelled so nice, her fragrance was making him want to be around her the more.
He wanted to sniff her body to the last.
Her fragrance was messing with his head.

They were both standing now, Dave behind Jasmine.

He put his hands in her hips and pressed her ass firmly on his dick.

It looked like they were having sex but with their clothes on.
It was crazy, scary and funny at the same time.

He kissed her softly on her neck, and directly on her lips.
They were now doing more of the lip kissing as they both enjoyed it but Jasmine liked it more.

He hugged her when she wanted to leave and put her in a taxi.

While Jasmine was in a taxi, she looked at herself in the mirror and admired how beautiful she was.
She didn't want to ponder too much on the event that just took place.


End of chapter thirteen💫💜
I want to give a special shout out to @II-pille for always following up my stories and voting.
I don't know you but you're always on my notification💎
You inspire me to write more,
Thank you love💜

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