By yestarday0

31.6K 1.1K 196

Inanna was sent to the ground with the other 99 delinquents. While looking for her friend, she's kidnaped by... More

part one; lost and found
one; white empty room
two; run things
three; tent sharing
four; rescue services
five; jasper
six; hanging tree
seven; edge of the cliff
eight; charity project
nine; comeback
ten; feelings
eleven; fighting
twelve; real rescue services
thirteen; infernal maps
fourteen; friends
fifteen; it's a goodbye
sixteen; wounded back
seventeen; rippers
eighteen; frankenstien
nineteen; spacewalker
twenty; trip to memory land
twenty-one; best friends
twenty-two; wrong choices
twenty-three; minefield
twenty-four; sea creature
twenty-five; together
twenty-six; becca's wardrobe
twenty-seven; last tear
twenty-eight; fake commander
twenty-nine; price of life
thirty; less-enemies
thirty-one; city of light
thirty-two; stolen memories
thirty-three; end of the world, again
thirty-four; keryonjaka
thirty-five; arkadia
thirty-six; apologies
thirty-seven; cries and lies
thirty-eight; broken machine
thirty-nine; five years and earth apart
part two; game of survival
forty; half rations
forty-one; wonkru
forty-two; fighting pits
forty-three; dark year
forty-four; war
forty-five; worms
forty-six; secrets and natblida
forty-seven; ruler for the day
forty-eight; last chance
forty-nine; failure
fifty; no more charity project
fifty-one; guilty
fifty-two; it should have been me
fifty-three; cockroaches can swim
fifty-five; primes

fifty-four; kinky and homicidal

316 6 2
By yestarday0

"Whoo hoo hoo!"

We were walking around, knocking on doors and trying to see if anyone was there. Apparently, everyone was gone, what I wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing.

As we're walking around Emori calls us, it had the Ally symbol on some weird little flag that was hanging around. I swallow hard remembering what happened.

"Hello? Invaders from Earth! Can we come in?" John knocks on a door and Emori tells him to shut the hell up.

"If we want to do better here, we can't be just-" Clarke starts saying but it's interrupted by John kicking a door open.

"Well, look at that. This one's unlocked." He looks back at us and gets in.

We walk around and notice chains tied to the wall. They were there to restrain people making me second guess the fairytale we had walked into.

"Hmm, kinky." John mutters and looks at me. "You had knife thing-"

"Shut up or I'll attach that to you and keep you there forever." I warn him.

"I don't know about that, I would prefer the other way around-"

"Oh my god." I look away taken away by the amount of shit leaving his mouth.

"Would you two mind?" Bellamy looks back at us and I give him a forced smile and then looking back at John, hitting him with my elbow making him laugh.

"It's some kind of shrine." Clarke speaks up.

"What?" I ask confused and walking towards her noticing a shrine in front of her. "Oh."

"Blood." She grabs a bowl with a few drops of fresh blood.

"Eligius III." Bellamy looks at the wall and sees a picture of a family.

"All named Lightbourne. They sent families." Clarke states.

"Nice to be remembered."

"Or worshipped." I correct.

"Dead bugs." John says as he looks at a glass box. "Karma's a bitch."

"Come on. We shouldn't be here." Clarke walks out.

"Hey, you want a music player?" John handles it to Bellamy who stares at him for a few seconds.

"Behave, Murphy."

"All right." He walks away behind Bellamy and I grab the music player walking behind them and poking John's shoulder.

I give it to him as I raise my brows and he gives me a small kiss taking it from my hands.

* * *

I and Emori were trying to open the main door, she was failing miserably so I tried.

"Oh, do you remember this one?!" John looks up from the music player and starts to play one of the songs we heard on A.L.I.E's bunker when we were still talking.

"Whoo hoo hoo!" He sings making me laugh.

"Hey, come on. Forget the door." He pushes me away from the door. "Forget the door and dance with me. Dance. Come on."

"Jesus Christ, John, you need to calm the fuck down." I laugh as he grabs me and makes me spin as he grabs one of my arms.

I get away from him as I notice Emori laughing at us and walking away from the show John was about to put on.

"These things you keep. You better throw them all away." He gets closer to me and starts singing again as I keep trying to open the door. "Ohh... You wanna turn your back. On your soulless days." He sings as he gets away, not before running his fingers through my hair making me shiver. "Once you were tethered. And now you are free. That was the river. This is the sea!" He keeps singing/shouting like a crazy person.

He keeps singing and dancing and I eventually give up on trying to open the door and stand still watching the show.

"How fine your life used to be Running around banging your drum Like it's Well, that was the river And this is the sea..." He was on the ground pretending to be playing guitar when he looks up and sees the ship flying away. "No! No!" He yells.

"They're stealing our ship!" I state angrily.

Suddenly I hear Emori screaming and running towards us with a knife in hand. She immediately goes towards John, cutting him and trying to stab him.

I run towards them, kicking her away but too late to keep John unharmed. Echo and Jackson hold her away as I go towards him, trying to see if she had hurt him too badly.

"He'll do it to you too!" She keeps screaming, out of her mind. "Aghr!"

"It's in the air." Clarke states.

* * *

I was worried. If Emori did that, what the hell would I do if I got like her. We had sedated her and Jackson was patching John up while I was sitting by his side, grabbing his hand.

I blink a few times, starting to feel off.

"Inanna," I hear Delphia's voice and I blink again trying to understand what was happening. "Innana," The voice kept coming closer and closer to me. "Inanna!" She screams making me jump on my seat.

"You okay?" John looks at me squeezing my hand.

"I don't know." I get away from him, not wanting to get him worst than how he already is.

"For two days, heaven is hell, and friends become foes." Clarke reads the children's book in her hands. "Whatever is in the air, it affects people, too."

"Why are the rest of us ok?" Miller asks.

"I don't know, but according to this, it comes from the plants."

"It's a children's book." John states.

"Yeah, but it's coming true. When we were running from the bugs, Emori went down in the brush. It's probably why she lost it first." Clarke says and I swallow hard.

"First?" Echo asks.

"We're all breathing it in." Bellamy states. "According to your theory..." He looks at Clarke. "Inanna's next."

"If you're homicidal on a daily basis, I don't want to know how you'll get like that." John looks at me and I nod at him.

"If it's the air out there, then we'll stay in here." Miller suggested. "We are gonna ride it out."

"That's a great plan, Miller. What happens when we're trapped in here and the rest of us lose our minds?" John asks.

"Murphy's right. There's more restraints in the school. I'm guessing they're everywhere." Bellamy states. "We need to separate."

"I'll stay with Emori." Echo offers and we nod.

* * *

We were locking ourselves, I was with Clarke, John, and Bellamy. I was walking towards the place where I would be staying and the feeling comes back again.

"Inanna," Delphia calls and I look around. "I'm dead, Inanna, I'm not here. I'm in your head sweetheart." She says and I keep looking around. "You killed me remember!" She screams in my ear. "You're a coward. The only thing you know how to do is cause pain to everyone around you."

"Shut up." I mutter.

"Name one person you haven't hurt." Delphi says.

"O." I replie after a while.

"O?" She mocks. "Blodreina." I hear her laugh. "The woman who stood by your side as you massacred your people. Cute."

"Inanna." Bellamy calls and I snap back to reality and walk with him.

"Hey," John greets me as we get in. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." I say not really looking at him as he grabs my wrist, locking the chain around it.

"Gun." Bellamy asks for the gun John had in his hands.

"You should be unarmed too." I tell Bellamy.

Clark had his key and he had hers. I had John's and he had mine.

I sit on the floor and after a while, Delphia starts talking again.

"Inanna." She sings. "I brought visits." I can hear her smiling. "First, we have mom and dad, killed by the space people. Then the second place we have the couple you murdered in cold blood when you were only thirteen!" She says as if she was announcing an award. "Then on the third place, we haveee... the drum rolls... Tiga! Died in your arms, killed by your homicidal space friend, blah, blah, blah... Then in fourth place, we have Linn!!! One of the people who taught you how to fight."

"He died for you."

"Yes he did, but if you had been there he would be here... probably... since you went on a murder spree for six years. But you're never there, are you, Inanna?" She says evilly. "On fifth place, we have Onto. The love of my life that you left to die in a pit." She popped the 'p'. "Than last, but not least, we have me. The person who loved you like a daughter. WHO TOOK YOU IN!"

"I didn't mean to."

"Oh, but you did! It's your fault, Inanna! I got shot in the stomach and you couldn't save me! You took me and everyone to a war you knew we couldn't win but you couldn't give away the power, could you?! You couldn't let it go! You liked it! The six years! You liked to kill!"

"I didn't!" I yell as I feel tears running down my face. "I didn't."

"Keep telling yourself that, pet." She says. "I forgot someone on your murder list, Wonkru."

"I did everything I could to keep them safe!"

"Sending them to a war? Was that to keep them safe?"

"Yes! We didn't win because SOMEONE worked with the enemy!" I scream looking at Clarke. "We would have won and you would still be alive so shut the hell up!" I bring my hands to my head, blocking my hears, trying not to turn batshit crazy like Emori.

"I'm in your head! You can't keep me out, Inanna!" Delphia keeps talking. "You destroyed Wonkru. You and your little friend, Blodreina. You killed hundreds. Not to mention the number of people who died in the fighting pits-"

"What the hell would it eat? We would have died!" I yell at her.

"The cannibal queens. Sounds quite good if you ask me, and it fits. You did rule by fear." She says and I can hear her smirking. "You should kill Clarke. No, you should kill them all, you know, add a few names to the murder list. You're doomed already. You can't be fixed."

"Shut up." I say starting to feel the urge to actually do what she was telling me to.

"What would have happened if it had go as planned? Clarke cause my death. She helped you kill Wonkru. She took everything from you. And Bellamy? He thinks he rules, but he doesn't. He's weak. He can't do what it takes. He betrayed you, remeber? he even betrayed his own sister." She keeps talking. "And the other one-"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"John Murphy. The person you love. Boo-hoo. You should kill him too. Spear him of the thought of you killing everyone in here. You caused him so much pain that I'm suprised he can still look at you. For this pace it won't be long till he can't. Remember when you tried to murder Emori? Or when you left him, multiple times. Or when you pushed him away, again, multiple times." She says. "And the other way around. He hurted you so much. If only he had stayed in the bunker that day."

"You're a clock bomb, you'll eventlually blow and take everything around with you. It's best to spear them of that, don't you think?" She finishes.

"Will you shut up if I do what you say?"

"Sure, whatever. Start with the blondie." She orders and I look up at Clarke and at the chains in my wrist.

I tried to get free but fail.

Suddently we start hearing noise upstairs, Clarke and Bellamy unlock themselves and run away, leaving us there, my swords still there with the guns.

I keep trying to take my hand out of the chain around my wrist, and eventually, I do, breaking my wrist.

"Inanna?" John calls noticing I had released my arm.

"You key." I throw it at him. "Run."

"Oh fuck." He mutters and I smirk as he frees himself and looks at the guns on the other side of the room.

"No guns allowed, baby." I tilt my head to the side and he nods to himself.

"And I thought you couldn't get any creepier." He mutters.

"You can get one of the swords." I throw it at him and he looks at it and then at me. "You want me to kill you now?!" I snap at him noticing he hadn't moved.

He swallows hard and steps out of the room, running away as soon as he gets out of my sight.

"You have five seconds. If I find you.... well... you know what happens then."

After the five seconds I walk away from the room and start to pace around the castle.

"I told you, you would die around me." I shout. "This is just me proving my point, might as well have some fun with it."

After a while I see Bellamy walking around. I walk towards him, getting my only blade ready to fight him, who didn't have a gun on him.

"You are Wonkru or you're the enemy of Wonkru. Choose!" I get closer to him and he tries to fight me but before he gets close, I kick him on the stomach.

He gets closer to me again, and I smirk at him. The grounder tries to punch me but I cut him on the stomach without even trying.

I turn around as the grounder's blood covers my blade and he groans on the floor.

"You are Wonkru or you're the enemy of Wonkru. Choose!" I repeat as I see someone else approach me, another grounder.

Unlike the other one, this one has a sword. He steps back from me.

"You are Wonkru or you're the enemy of Wonkru." I say quietly as I walk towards him. "Chose!" I scream at the top of my lungs and I hit him with the blade but he hits it with his', pushing me back, making me take a step back.

"Be the last." I hear a voice saying.

"Kill him!" I hear Wonkru screaming.

"You are Wonkru or you're the enemy of Wonkru. Choose!" I yell at the person in front of me when he didn't fight me. "Everyone fights." I tell him. "You can't just stand there."

I flip my weapon in the air and cut the side of his arm, when he brings his hand to cover his wound I move the weapon again, cutting his chest.

"You eat, or you die." My own voice echoes in my mind making me flinch.

"Fight!" I ignore it and scream at him.

He grabs the blade on his hand and tries to cut me but I dodge it. He didn't know how to fight.

The grounder puts his hand on his chest and I look at him, flipping the blade once again, cutting his stomach this time, making him lay on the ground with the other one.

I look up from the two dying men and at the woman looking at us horrified.

"You!" I scream. "You're an enemy of Wonkru! You killed Wonkru! You're a traitor!" I get closer to her. "You know what happens to traitors?! They fight in the pit. But you're special! You'll fight me!"


"Dokwocha." I correct as I get closer to her, cutting her in the leg, causing her to fall on the ground, her backpack falling on her side.

I put myself on top of her and flip my blade in my hands, ready to stab her in the chest with it.

Before I can. Everything turns black.

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