There's A Hidden Beauty in Th...

By ThanomWang

348K 12.4K 1.1K

Achara get into a car accident but instead of dying, she was reborn into Beastworld filled with over populate... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Pink Egg
Chapter 3- Danger Alert!
Chapter 4 - Black Out
Extra Clip
Chapter 5.1 - Beauty in the Beast World
Chapter 5.2 - Beauty in the Beast World
Chapter 6 - The Stalker
Chapter 7 - Encounter with a Handsome Pervert
Chapter 8 - To distract herself from shame
Chapter 9 - Pampering yourself with food
Chapter 10 - The Familiar Visitor
Chapter 11 - Free, Sexy and Single
Chapter 12.1- Are they really here for treatment?
Chapter 12.2- Are they really here for treatment?
Chapter 13 - Unexpected weapon of all time
Chapter 14- Widespread Half-Assed Rumor at Clemour Tribe
Chapter 15.1- Shameless
Chapter 15.2 - Shameless
Chapter 16 - The Epic View Behind
Chapter 17 - The Annual Celestial Mating Event
chapter 18 - what if..
Chapter 19.1 (Busted)
Chapter 19.2 ( Busted)
Chapter 20 -Kidnapped
chapter 21- Finally, we are Alone
Chapter 22- Obeying the Do Not Disturb Order
Chapter 23- The escape
Chapter 24 - Sorry but I am out of here
Chapter 25.1 - An ass for an ass
chapter 25.2 - An ass for an ass
Chapter 26 - After Her Fake Death
Chapter 27- Rui
Chapter 28 - Chief Meeting
Chapter 29.1- Important Guest
Chapter 29.2 - Important Guest
Chapter 30 -What is this pervert doing here?
Chapter 31- Help! Left Alone with a Pervert
Chapter 32.1 (Settlement Plan for the army)
Chapter 32.2 (Settlement Plan for the army)
Chapter 32.3 (Settlement Plan for the army)
Chapter 33- His Arrival
Chapter 34 - Collecting the Reward
Chapter-35 (Thoughts to Return him back)
Chapter 36 - Got to burn incense and pray to have good luck
Chapter 37 - Her Sexy Lace Panties
Chapter 38- Her Beastform
Chapter 39 - second meeting with the female from waterfall
Chapter 40 - Feral
Chapter 41- Carrying the heavy him
Chapter 42- Spying the Enemy Tunnel
Chapter 43 - Expose
Chapter 44 - The tittle of an Underwear pervert
Chapter 45 - Plan for a Luxury Day
Chapter 46- Kick him out of the house

Chapter 2 -Adilliea Flower

16K 603 61
By ThanomWang

In every 1000 years, there is this mysterious plant known as Adilliea plant that blooms only on full moon night.

It can be easily mistaken as a normal violet dilli flower which help relief symptoms such as vomitting. This mysterious plant increases strong female hormones more than necessary. If a female beastman happened to eat it she will become more feminine and if a straight male beastmen happen to be eat it, he will become more feminine to the point he start liking the same sex.

But what if a pregnant female eat it? Well, the aftermath of it is exactly what's happening to the female cheetah. She was sick and the egg she laid have not hatched until now.

Yep, you read it right!
Because the father was one of the bird species , despite being a mammal the female cheetah laid egg.

In beast world, the cubs inherit their father genes and become the same species as their dad. Unless the female is twice as strong as their male husband it is impossible for a female to give birth to the same species as themselves.

The female cheetah name was "Rose" and she was currently unconscious. She's being checked by the healer from another tribe. Sometime passes and the healer could only sign in distress.

The female cheetah does not have much to live longer , so the healer reluctantly tell everyone to psycologically prepare for her death.

In this Beast Continent, females are very rare. Around 1:10 ratio of the total population only. It was normal for a female beastmen to have many husband to balance their few population with overwhelming males.

Whatever a female says , goes their way. Females are like emperor having a harem of concubines while their commands were like an imperial edit.
That's how much females are valued. Meanwhile, males beastmen only have one female for life and their female are their top priorities.

The words from the healer was like a lightining towards Rose's husbands and sons. Grief, panic, helplessness and unwillingness could be seen in all of them.

Among the husbands, there was this leopard beastmen who acted out first. He was the very first husband of rose and grown up with her since childhood.

"No! this cannot be happening. I cannot accept this. Nothing will happen to my rose" he shouted.

He harshly pulled the healer and threaten him" I said cure her. If she is not cure, you will be killed"Cold sweat drips on the forehead of the healer.

One of Rose's husband, a bear beastmen come forward to calm him down. " Calm down man, you are gonna disturb rose if you keep going like this".

The leopard beastmen fall down and sit on the ground out of distress. The anger he felt turn into sadness and desperation.

He sobbed and cried " Please ! i am begging you healer, please make her well, i don't mind dying but i am just afraid to lose her. She is everything to me".

The father of the pink egg who was a roseate spoonbill bird beastmen come forward and apologize. Despite his dashingly handsome and exquisite look , his expression was the worst among all of them.

He might look calmer than the leopard beastmen but inside he felt ten times more miserable than the others.
" I am sorry. If she was not pregnant with my unborn child and give birth, she would not have been like this. But being desperate would not help anything you have to think the best for her".

The leopard beastmen irritately push his hand away and retort " Sorry huh? Can your sorry make rose well? You think that i would just sit by and watch her leave? In your dream! I know why rose is ill. It is all because of that stupid death egg. She have been suffering for months and she almost vomitted even the little amount she ate. Yes, that death egg is the culprit. The culprit that will kill my rose. I need to destroy it"

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