I am in Your Debt. (Black Clo...

By GayAsHECK101

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You saved me. I will forever be in your debt until the day I save you back, or death comes knocking on my doo... More

Chapter One : You Saved Me!
Chapter Two : I Just Can't get a Break
Chapter Three : Let The Magic Knight Exams Start!
Chapter Four : So Many People I Want to Talk to, so Little Time!
Chapter Seven : Attempt One Through Five
Chapter Eight : Crimson Lions!
Chapter Nine : Asta's First Mission!
Chapter Ten : A Black Market?
Chapter Eleven : Temporary Magic Knight Reporting For Duty!

Chapter Six : The Sleepover Competition

385 7 6
By GayAsHECK101

Hellooo, this is a write and post situation, I did not proofread it or edit it, I will get back to it so there is going to be a lot of mistakes and some bad writing, I am sorry-

Also I changed the cover of the book! Do you guys like it?



All of us immediately jumped out of our fort and ran, snowballs came raining down at us but Martha did her best to protect us. Knolan ran in through the entrance where he immediately ran into Edward, I guess he was the guard of the place.

Gerald and I ran to the back, the snowball rain stopped as we left their line of view. I quickly summoned Martha as she tackled the back wall, the snow wall bursted, it came rushing back at us making us shiver at the cold. The mini snow storm I made died away, making an entrance for us. We climbed through the snow debris to a hallway.

"This doesn't look right. . ." Gerald spoke, and he was right. The hallways spanned a great distance in both directions, but on the outside the walls curved.

"Maybe it's Rill's magic?" I questioned, deciding to go right.

"I don't think Captain Rill is able to play with the world like this, he can only create things."

"Edward then? I don't think I heard what his magic was."

He nodded, "I can only assume it's him, Sarah's magic is smoke so we can rule her out."

We walked in silence, the hallway felt like it stretched forever. Did we take the wrong way? It probably would have been the same the other way. We walked for a few more minutes before Gerald started to get bored.

"Can't we break through this wall?"

I was about to reply but two doors opened on either side of us, Rill and Sarah walked out, Sarah on Gerald's side and Rill on mine, Martha immediately got ready to defend. Rill smiled before a wall came from the ground between my partner and I, blocking us from each other. The good thing was that Martha is still able to help Gerald, but will she is the question.

My eyebrows furrowed, watching Rill as he stood there with his hands clasped behind his back, that's what he wants me to think, but I'm certain he has either snowballs or his paint pallet and brush.

"You have nowhere to run now." his grin widened, "Lets see if you can dodge this!" He quickly said and revealed that behind his back he had a snowball. He threw it towards me but I just took a step to the left, the snowball crashing into the snow wall behind me. "Oh."

I almost fell down laughing but I stabilized myself and grabbed some snow from the wall and quickly formed it into a snowball.

Martha started making snowballs at the side so I started throwing towards Rill.

He leaned down and gathered some snow, his reloading speed was so much worse so I was hoping to be able to hit him at least once but he painted a shield that blocked most of my attacks.

Martha tackled the shield and Rill yelled in surprise, he quickly took off down the hallway.

I grabbed a snowball before chasing him, he looked back and threw the last snowball he had, which completely missed as he couldn't properly see where I was. He laughed but kept running, Martha blocked his escape forcing him to slow down, I was able to catch up to him and tackle him to the ground.

"Oof!" he sounded.

I turned him around and sat on his stomach, he tried grabbing some snow and throwing it at me but I quickly caught his wrist, "That was an absolute fail back there man, couldn't have fucked it up any better." I chuckled.

"Oh shush! I was hoping you would be too surprised that I could get you instantly." he pouted.

I raised my snowball above him and slowly brought it down, Rill stared at it and tried wiggling out from underneath me. I dropped the snowball on his chest, declaring him out.

He wasn't impressed, very sad for losing almost instantly. But he smiled up at me anyways. "Congratulations. . . I guess" he playfully rolled his eyes.

"I just gotta hope that Knolan and Gerald win their battles and then I fully win." I was about to get off him but I felt a cold wet sensation hit my back. ". . . Dammit."

Rill laughed as I got off him and turned to look at my defeater, Sarah stood there, she seemed out of breath and her hair wasn't as neat as it used to be.

"That- stupid- o c t o p u s !" She took breaths after every word so she didn't pass out. So it seems Martha took a liking to Gerald and protected him, aggressively. AND YET SHE DIDN'T PROTECT ME AT THE LAST MOMENT WTF. She let both Gerald and I down.

"So Gerald's out?" I gave a hand to Rill and he took it, helping him stand back up.

She slouched over and put her hands on her knees for balance, "y e s -" she wheezed out. "I had to- full on fight like- three tentacles- while it was sucking my mana out-"

Martha is also a sore loser.

"Ah- I'm sorry about her!" I apologized, placing my hand on her back, slightly rubbing as she gathered oxygen.

"So that means you're still in the fight Sarah, and whoever won the fight between Edward and Knolan would determine if you're still fighting or not." Rill spoke up, walking over to us.

"God I hope not, I feel like I'm gonna pass out."

We walked back and coaxed Gerald out of the ball he made of himself. We walked back out of the hole I made and made our way to the front, where we saw Edward rubbing his jaw and Knolan looking more pissed off than usual. Both on the sideline. . . Meaning they got each other out.

I groaned, "looks like Rill's team won."

Rill rubbed that in my face for a few minutes before I threatened him that I will let Martha keep him in her hold.

Sarah needed a bit to get her mana back and we were at it again for the second round.

This time we decided that because Knolan failed but also technically succeeded in taking Edward down we would all go together through the front and hope that it would be a 3 v 1.

This actually worked and we took down Edward without a hitch as his group decided to not switch up their strategy.

Edward looked down at where he got hit then calmly walked out.

We scouted the place more and found Rill alone. He put up his hands before bolting again.

He sharply turned a corner, we followed but that was a bad idea as Sarah was there and immediately started throwing snowballs at us, Gerald got hit but Knolan was safe as he used me as a shield. I, sadly, got hit in the face, which doesn't count! But it's still really fucking cold!

Martha made half a wall for us to duck down for protection, Gerald lied face down into the snow behind us, pretending to be dead.

With six of Martha's arms being used as a barrier the other two slowly made snowballs for us, we started throwing them over at the enemies. Nothing seemed to happen so I jumped over Martha's arms and locked on the two people and threw the two snowballs I had, successfully getting them both out.

We won the second round!

We now had one point each, the final match will be the decider as to who gets an entire week off, excluding Rill and I of course.

Everyone agreed that we should have an entire war outside as Walter and Fragil don't know what's happening when we are in Rills fort.

The third battle began after we made small half walls all over the field for shields, we then made snowball piles to help anyone who got to it first.

The sun started setting so we had to make this quick. We all walked back to our forts as a starting point and Walter blew the whistle.

Everyone immediately ducked behind the closest wall. I made a lumpy snowball as my hands were cold already from making the battlefield. I leaned against the wall and blew into my hands to warm it up. I wasn't wearing the best clothing to tackle snow, but I'm a frozen fighter. >:)

A snowball flew over my wall and landed in front of me. Someone was trying to lure me out so instead of going over the top I ran towards Knolan. When passing I looked out towards the other side to see Rill peeking out the side of a mound. I caught his eye and before he could raise his arm to aim I was already behind a wall.

Knolan glanced to the side before tossing a snowball over. I passed him and crawled closer to Rills side, keeping no part of me seen.

I heard a yell, Gerald got Edward out but was then taken out by Rill, making the fight still even with a 2v2. Rill jumped over the mound and ran over to Knolan, I tried to yell but it was too late so I kept my mouth shut to not give out my location. I took a risk and ran from one wall to the other, not only could I have been seen but the snow was very loud if it wanted to be. Rill either didn't hear me or wanted to play dumb.

Sarah was nowhere to be seen and Rill was on my side of the field so I had to use both sides of the wall. Rill walked without a care around the area, searching for me.

His eyes scanned the area, the snow crunched underneath him, a noise caught his attention as his head snapped to the direction of it but all he saw was my snowball flying towards him.

He sucked in breath from surprise as the cold ball hit his shoulder, crumbling to the ground.
He stared at it before sighing, "Darn it." He made his way off the field.

My triumph didn't last long as Sarah threw a snowball to my back, "AGAIN?! COWARRRDD" I laughed lying down of the snow, the cold started to numb my body.

I saw Sarah's head peek out from a wall behind me, "Well it's not like I could hit you anywhere else! You kept running away from me!" She got up from the ground and made her way to me, looking down at me.

"I shouldn't have switched the sticks, you were my downfall. You owe me." I grumbled.

"Finee" she rolled her eyes and helped me up.

"WE DID IT!" Rill cheered as he ran over to us, everyone else followed.

Rill jumped on Sarah giving her a hug which left the girl in a red and stuttering state, "Great job!"

I sighed, I can't believe I lost, it must have been my team weighing me down- I'm just kidding, they were a great help. "Well that's a point to Rill, plus Edward and Sarah get a week off of work."

"I beat you, I beat you!"

"What was this competition for anyways?" Knolan asked.

"Duh, we are having a sleepover." Rill stated as if it was obvious, calming down from his high to cross his arms.

"Walter said that sleepovers were competitive so he set us up a few battles- oh can we add the battle we did before? Make it even?" I asked.

Rill made an X with his arms and shook his head. "I didn't ask you" I mumbled.

"Sleepovers aren't like that?" Sarah looked at Walter and he explained that we didn't give him enough time to fix his wording.

"Well that doesn't matter, can we go inside? I'm freezing!" I quietly sobbed, my whole body shaking.

Everyone turned to me, silence followed before they all yelled, ". . . WHY ARE YOU WEARING A DRESS?!"

"You guys just noticed?"


I can't move-

I was dragged into the house and turned into a burrito with tons of blankets. Everyone sat away from me as I started thrashing around at first. They are now drinking hot chocolate and talking while I have to lie on the ground and silently glare at them while drinking my cup with a straw that Walter placed in front of me.

I was definitely warmer but I still had a few minutes on the clock before they would allow me out. We all decided that we would not have a snowman contest because of the fact that it was turning night, and totally not because I almost got frostbite.

Walter informed us that the next contest between Rill and I is an eating one, which is great as I haven't eaten since this morning from the festival.

"Y'all can suck an egg." I said as Rill walked up to me.

He laughed, "You're the idiot that decided not to change."

I started squirming, "I DON'T HAVE CLOTHES RILL"

He started unwrapping me, chuckling at my grumpy face that was pressed against the polished floor.

Once out we followed Walter into the huge room, there were people chatting around the area but there was a huge gathering far away from us. Walter parted the crowd and showed us to two tables sitting directly in front of each other with a good amount of food on each table.

Our team mates had a front row seat as Rill and I sat in the chairs. The magic knights whispered, now extremely curious as to what is going on. Their Captain and a random girl? Sus-

Walter stood to my right, Rills left, and started explaining.

"Here I will commence an eating contest between Captain Rill Boismortier and Y/N." He gestured to us when he said our names.
Speculation of what was happening stopped, but they started either asking why, or betting who was going to win.

Obviously it is going to be me because in every book I've read they even out the playing field before the last task starts so it keeps everyone on their toes for who is actually going to win. It happened in the snowball fight!

"The winner is whoever can eat the most, or if they finish all the food first." Walter looked at Rill and I, we both nodded to indicate we were ready, "Let the contest. . . begin!"

The food that was in front of me was glorious- this was definitely showing how rich these people were. I had pasta, lobster tails, oysters pre-cracked, a shrimp cocktail (tails off), and some pig meat cut in slices which were roasted with the skin looking crisp. I wish this wasn't timed, I would have savoured this for hours.

(Sorry if you are vegetarian or vegan, please just ignore everything I say about the certain foods Y/N eats and pick your own food!)

The pasta will be the most time consuming so I started with that, I stabbed my fork into it and twisted, picking up as much as it could and shoved the food into my mouth. I almost became self conscious but I saw Rill was deepthroating the lobster tail so we all good. (I'm sorry- lmaoo)

A few minutes went by and I finished the pasta, Rill ate both lobster tails and was onto the oysters. I decided to follow him as that will be extremely fast.

I barely chewed which was a waste of food but I still get the nutrients anyway so it's not really?? Anyways the oysters were gone so I moved to the next most time consuming thing, the pig meat. It was very chewy and I had to take big gulps to swallow the delicious food. Lobster tails and shrimp cocktail was last so I went with the tails, my stomach was already feeling full so if I went with the bigger item then the smaller shrimps will have little effect. The lobster had a butter tray and lemons. I grabbed a lemon and squirted the juices onto one, loving the tangy taste it gave, for the other one I dipped it into the butter. Rill was onto, his last dish as I was, I had a feeling I was going to win as he slowed down a lot and now had to eat the fluffy pasta which was taking a lot out of him. The shrimp cocktail was last, I grabbed it and dragged it to be right in front of me before grabbing 4 each and scarfing it down, spending a bit of my precious time dipping it in the creamy sauce.

"Y/N wins!" Walter shouted out, most people sighed and some clapped. Rill placed his head on the table and groaned from the pain. I felt like I shouldn't move or I would throw up, the hot chocolate did not help in any way.

"That was so good~" I smiled through pain, it was the best meal since- it was the best meal i've ever had.

My smile dropped as I remembered something, but Walter snapped me out of it.

"Let's get into the final task as we don't have much time." Walter walked all the way back to Rills room as the two of us slowly got up from the discomfort of our full bellys.

I gasped as we arrived. The room was littered with pillows, Rills art supplies were moved out so we had more room. On either side of his bed were mountains of pillows that were just waiting for us to flop down on it.

"Pillow fight." Walter answered an unasked question.

"Hell yes." I walked over to the left side and grabbed a pillow fluffing it up.

Rill just watched me, his eyes were already drooping from exhaustion. He yawned but went and got a pillow of his own.

"I will leave you too it so I don't get hit with cross fire" Walter bowed and left, the door clicking shut as he pulled it closed. He decided to give us 20 mins before he returns to see the outcome.

He read his book and sipped tea, when he looked up at the clock he was ten minutes late to his set time. He got up, marking his spot in his book and placed it on the tray next to his empty tea cup and walked back to the room. He creaked open the door and peaked in, it was quiet and nothing seemed to be happening. With that he slowly went into the room but stopped as he saw us.

It seems that we were both so tired that instead of having the pillow fight we used the pillows as a mattress (yknow, like the one that is a few steps away from you- lol) and slept on them. Walter smiled, both Rill and I slept on our sides facing each other, in my sleep I pulled him towards me so I rested my chin on the top of his head where his was tucked into my neck.
Walter walked over, grabbing a blanket and draped it over us before shutting off the lights and closing the door, leaving us to dream.


3193 words!

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