The Bad Boy of Waterloo Road

By Hipsta_Please_Harry

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Lindsay Byrne is the daughter of Michael Byrne, the brand new headteacher at Waterloo Road Comprehensive. As... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Author's Note
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Author's Note
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One.
Chapter Thirty-Two.
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Author's Note...
A Little Update...
Chapter Thirty-Four.
Chapter Thirty-Five.
Chapter Thirty-Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight.

Chapter Twenty-Two.

398 3 0
By Hipsta_Please_Harry

Pulling into the driveway of our house, the engine stopped and in that moment, it eventually sunk in how much trouble I was actually in. He hasn't spoken to me for the majority of the journey home, knowing that he was saving up everything he needed to say for when we were behind closed doors.

Letting out a pent-up sigh, I hauled my body out of the vehicle and followed him up the steps leading to the front door, walking inside and pushing it closed behind me. Dropping my bag to the floor and hanging my coat up on the rack, I reluctantly followed him into the kitchen, seeing him head straight for the alcohol cupboard.

Taking a seat at the breakfast bar, I watched as he grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured himself a Single Malt Whiskey. Forcefully putting the bottle down, he downed the strong liquid before he repeated the same process. Not being able to stand the silence any longer, I struck up the dreaded conversation that's been hanging over us.

"I know that you are annoyed with me, but there's no need to give me the silent treatment!" I announced, releasing another deep sigh.

"I think you need to remember who you are talking to, Lindsay!" He yelled, pouring himself a third glass of liquor in the space of a few minutes.

"I'm sorry for lying to you, but if I had told you the truth, you wouldn't have let me go!" I exclaimed, choking back a few tears that were desperately trying to escape.

"What makes you say that?" He questioned, placing one hand inside his pocket whilst his other clutched onto the whiskey glass.

"Because you've always been the same!" I cried, standing up from the stool I was just sat upon. "Everytime I get close to someone male, you always go and ruin it!" I added, pondering about what was going to happen to mine and Finn's relationship.

"Can you blame me?!" He yelled in question, making me look at him. "Who has always been the one to pick up the pieces of your broken heart when all of your other relationships have gone wrong?" He quizzed and I couldn't simmer down the rising level of anger within me.

"How dare you!" I screamed, my whole body in a state of fury. "Anyway, Finn's different!" I declared, but the reaction I got was a sarcastic laugh, infuriating me more.

"How do you know that, Lindsay?" He asked, a smirk apparent on his face and I was so close to wiping it off. "You've only been together five minutes!"

"In case it's slipped your mind, Finn actually loves me!" I exclaimed, furiously swiping away a few tears that had manage to escape.

"For now..." He mumbled and I think he was under the impression that I didn't hear that comment, but I most certainly did.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned, my stare deepening and my eyes growing wider.

"You are both young, Lindsay." He responded nonchalantly. "You probably don't even know what love means!" He chuckled evilly, beginning to pour his fourth glass of whiskey, not worried about the very limited time frame.

"That's rich coming from someone who's divorced and who is currently having an affair with a married woman!" I retaliated, stepping nearer to him but still maintaining a significant distance.

"This has nothing to do with my dating history, so don't even think about dragging your mother and Sian into this conversation!" He warned, slamming his glass down onto the worktop and I was surprised that it didn't smash. "You know the reason why me and your mother divorced and what me and Sian had is a thing of the past." He included, but just as he was about to pour himself another glass of alcohol, I swiped the bottle from his hands and put it back in the cupboard.

"You've had enough of that!" I dictated, slamming the cupboard door shut. "If you're just going to use this argument as a way of getting blind-drunk, you can forget about it!"

"Who do you think you are, Lindsay?" He questioned, folding his arms over his chest. "Firstly, you straight up lie to me about where you are staying and then you sneak out when I offered to give you a lift." He continued. "Also, you think you have the right to treat me like I'm some child. I'm entitled to a drink after the night I've had." He told me, but I wasn't in the mood to listen to his excuses.

"I'm not prepared to have this discussion if it means you getting pissed in the process!" I expressed angrily, taking in a few deep breaths to try and calm myself down. "Why didn't you just leave me with Finn? I was perfectly happy there." I stated, sitting back down again, eager to hear his answer.

"Yeah, I bet you were." He sarcastically remarked, taking a seat opposite me.

"We didn't do anything!" I cried, but because he was my dad, he could see right through my lies. "He invited me over for a meal and then I was just going to stay the night."

"Oh, come off it Lindsay!" He roared, running a hand over his face. "Did you really think I was born yesterday? I was your age once remember!" He questioned, but I knew the question was rhetorical and that he didn't want any answer, but the truth.

"Okay, we had sex!" I declared, a bit louder than I probably should have. "Is that what you wanted to hear?" I screamed, becoming increasingly frustrated and angry at how the conversation was unfolding.

"I kind of worked that out for myself, but I don't know why you needed to lie to me about it." He replied, a lot more calmer than I expected, rendering me shocked.

"Because if I had told you the real reason as to why I was staying there, you wouldn't have let me go in the first place." I admitted truthfully.

"You're right, I wouldn't have!" He fumed. "Do you know how many teenage pregnancies Rochdale has? Do you just want to be another statistic? You are such a bright girl with amazing prospects for your future. Why are you prepared to throw all of that away just because having sex with your boyfriend is more important to you?" He quizzed and in that moment, I realised what this whole conversation was really about.

"Is that what all of this is about?" I questioned, not giving him time to answer before I continued. "Are you worried about me falling pregnant?" I queried, looking at him with a dead stare.

"Of course I am! You are in the most important year of your academic life and the last thing you need is for you to fall pregnant with Finn Sharkey's baby!" He responded and deep down, I understood why he was so concerned, but he also needed to face facts.

"Do you really think me and Finn would have unprotected sex? Having a baby isn't exactly in my five year plan and I don't think it's in Finn's either." I muttered, making it clear that getting pregnant was not even a thought in my mind. "However, I don't understand why you are so angry about it? I mean, I've had sex several times in the past, so why is this time different?" I asked, needing to know why he'd reacted so differently this time round.

I couldn't help but think back to the time I lost my virginity. His reaction wasn't a positive one, but when he came around to the fact that I was growing up, he accepted that he couldn't have stopped it from happening, even if he wanted to.

"Lindsay, no parent wants to think about their children being physically intimate with anyone, but you have far more important responsibilities to think about right now. Exams, Head Girl tasks and I just don't want you to start slacking academically because you are too busy sleeping with Finn." He replied. "Also, Finn has been in so much trouble this year. If you did happen to fall pregnant, I don't think he would be the best role model."

Everything he was saying was just excuse after excuse. "I've slept with him once and this is the reaction I got for doing it! Somehow, I'm convinced there's more to this conversation than you are letting on." I stated, folding my arms over my chest.

"How do you mean?" He asked, clearly confused as to what I was trying to get at.

"This has nothing to do with exams or Head Girl responsibilities! This is about you being selfish because you are 'worried' about your daughter potentially falling pregnant during the most important year of her school life." I retorted, leaving my dad speechless. "What's the matter Dad? Are you worried that a teenage pregnancy in the family could impact on your capabilities as Headteacher?" I questioned, cockiness etched on every word.

"I suggest you stop right there, Lindsay Marie Byrne! I don't know what's gotten into you lately." He pondered, continuing to look intensely at me.

"I'm sick of being treated like a child!" I yelled, standing up from the stool and headed for the doorway to the kitchen.

"WELL, STOP ACTING LIKE ONE THEN!" He bellowed as he grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me back, turning me to face him.

"I'm 17 Dad, and I turn 18 next week! When will you realise that I'm no longer your little girl anymore? I don't have to abide by every little thing you say anymore!" I justified, tracing my fingers through my hair, detangling a few small knots whilst doing so.

"So long as you remain living under my roof, you will abide by my rules!" He argued, allowing me to come up with the most perfect response.

"That's sorted then..." I spoke, resulting in yet another perplexed look from my dad. "I'll move out!" I announced and without hesitating, I left the room, the bombshell I had just dropped lingering in the air.

Ascending upstairs, I stopped halfway when I heard the sound of my dad's footsteps rushing into the hallway, preventing me from going any further.

"Lindsay!" He called, making me turn around. "Please, can we talk this through?" He asked and I could tell that he felt guilty for the way tonight had panned out.

However, it was too little, too late for apologies now. Shrugging, I simply responded with, "What's left to talk about?" before continuing the short journey up the stairs.

"Lindsay..." He continued calling, but I just ignored him. "Lindsay..." He repeated as I pushed open the door to my room.

Shutting it quietly behind me, I climbed on top of my bed and laid down, releasing the build-up of tears that I had been containing for a while. From that argument with my dad, it's finally dawned on me just how distant we have become. Since my mum left, he's been smothering me and he needs to understand that I don't need that much protection anymore.

I've also come to the conclusion that I am desperate for my own freedom, but if I carry on living at home, that's going to be nigh on impossible. However, as much as I knew that moving out would be the best option for me emotionally, there's one major barrier standing in my way. How would I afford it?! When will life ever be plain sailing?

Michael's P.O.V

Hearing Lindsay's bedroom door closing, I strolled back into the kitchen, pulling out the half-drunk bottle of Whiskey from the alcohol cupboard. Grabbing the glass I'd used earlier, I carried both of them over to the breakfast bar, setting them down upon it.

Taking a seat on the stool, I unscrewed the cap and poured myself a glass before quickly inhaling the liquor, desperately trying to drown out my thoughts. Having had time to reflect, maybe I did overreact about the whole Finn and Lindsay situation, but I just couldn't help it. She's my little girl and the last thing I want is for her to potentially mess up her future for the sake of a boy like Finn Sharkey.

Deliberating over her confession of wanting to move out and coming to terms with the fact she was turning 18 in a week, I realised that I couldn't exactly stop her from doing what she wants to do. She'll be an adult by then, meaning she can make her own decisions and I'd have no choice but to support her, whether I agreed with it or not.

Eying up the remaining whiskey left in the bottle, I debated about whether I should finish it or not. However, before I even had time to stop myself, my hands were already pouring another glass. Here's to drinking away my sorrows, I suppose!

Lindsay's P.O.V

Trying to regain composure after letting out all of my pent-up frustration and anger, I remember that Finn had text me in the midst of my mood. Feeling a lot calmer and with a much clearer mind, I opened the text message, which resulted in us messaging back and forth for a while, creating a whole conversation by the end.

Finn: Hey babe. Hope everything is alright. Been worried about u. Txt me back when u get this! Love u xxx

Lindsay: Hey! I need to get away from here. Can't take anymore xxx

Finn: What do u mean? What's happened? xxx

Lindsay: The whole reason my dad dragged me away from urs was because he is worried about me getting pregnant xxx

Finn: What? But we were careful! Did u explain that to him? xxx

Lindsay: Of course I did! I told him that we used protection but he still kept going on about it. Saying how this is such an important year 4 me xxx

Finn: So what happened then? xxx

Lindsay: I told him that I wasn't a child anymore and that I become an adult nxt week but he told me that as long as I am living under his roof, I will abide by his rules but I can't take much more! xxx

Finn: So, where do we go from here? xxx

Lindsay: Actually, I wanted to talk 2 u about that. I've been do u fancy getting our own place? xxx

Finn: How would we afford it Linds? We haven't got jobs! xxx

Lindsay: I'd get a job somewhere! Look, all that matters to me is being with u. I can't stand living at home anymore Finn xxx

Finn: R u sure about all this? Why don't u sleep on it first? It's such a big decision to make babes xxx

As soon as I'd read Finn's last message, I didn't hesitate in replying back. I didn't need to think about it because it was exactly what I wanted. For us to move in together and have a place that we could call our own!

Lindsay: My mind is made up Finn! I want us 2 to get our own place xxx

Finn: U 100% sure? We don't have to rush into these things u know? xxx

Lindsay: I'm 1,000,000% sure. All I want is to be with u in our own little place we call home xxx

Finn: That's all I want as well xxx

Lindsay: Perfect! I guess flat hunting is on the cards? :) xxx

Finn: Tell u what, let's talk about it more on Monday in school? xxx

Lindsay: Look, if u aren't ready, I won't force u into it. This will b such a big change for us both xxx

Finn: No, I am ready. I was going to mention it to u as well but maybe we need to give it until Monday to decide if it is definitely what we both want. U and ur dad will make up...I'm sure of it! xxx

Lindsay: I'm not sure about that! He really crossed the line 2nite xxx

Finn: Give it time. I think it's time to call it a night now. Gutted u aren't here for me to snuggle up to but there's always nxt time :) xxx

Lindsay: Missing ur arms around me. Goodnight my darling Finn. I love u so much. Sleep tight xxx

Finn: I love u 2 babes. Goodnight beautiful xxx

After saying goodnight, I walked into the bathroom to do my everyday night routine before I changed into my pyjamas, throwing my dirty clothes into the laundry basket. Entering my bedroom again, I switched off the light and climbed into the duvet, sinking down into my mattress.

With that, I slowly drifted off into a slumber, dreaming of nobody else but Finn. I'm so excited at the prospect of moving in together. One more step closer to our future!

Finn's P.O.V

Taking a quick shower after bidding Lindsay goodnight, I climbed back into bed, turning off my bedside lamp. Tonight was supposed to be a lot different and she should be cuddled up to me right now but instead, I'm spending the night all on my lonesome in this big old house of mine, cuddling the pillow next to me instead.

It was so refreshing to discover that she was on the same page about us moving in together because I've been wanting to ask her for a while but always been reluctant to, in case I scared her off. It's so lovely to know that she wants similar things to me.

We've heading in the right direction for a really bright future! Fingers crossed we keep going from strength to strength because she really is special to me and I don't want anything or anyone to ruin our happiness!


A/N-Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I want to make a quick apology for the amount of text messages included! 🙈

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