The Swimming Death Trap [A CH...

By Potato0exe

18.7K 938 1.5K

Detective Germany and her uncle Austria hoped for a peaceful travel through the Atlantic Ocean, but traveling... More

1. New And Old Faces
3. Where To Store A Body
4. The Identity Of The Victim
5. Lie Or Truth
6. Lies And Answers
7. Take A Break
8. Past Mistakes
9. Nothing Works There
10.You've Chosen 2
11. A Lot Of Blood
12. Looking At The Crime Scene
13. The Interrogation
14. Words Are Powerful Tools
15. New Pain New Face
16. The Plan
17. Let's The Search Begin
18. Bad Decision?
20. A Little Surprise
21. Malfunction
22. Willing To Risk
23. Time Is Slowly Running
24. It's A Trap
25. Back On Track
26. New Plan
27. Finally Spilling The Tea
28. How To Not Get Bitten
29. Stick To A Gun Fight
30. Preventing A Mistake From Happening
31. Something Missing
32. Is It Worth it?
33. Jumping To Conclusions
34. Stealing Is (not) Okay
36. Domino Effect (End)
New Book

35. Case Solved

429 24 23
By Potato0exe

Germany pov.

The door opened and I saw UK being the first who's coming out. She looked around, searching for her son, but she stopped as soon she noticed me. I watched as she walked up to me tucking her coat closer to her to protect herself from the wind.

"Where is he?" UK asked worried.

"He will soon be with us."

She didn't accept my answer and so she asked again, "What did my son do this time?"

Austria closed the door and catched up to us. Her worries grew more when I stayed silent. It was only us three outside in the middle of the night. She tried to act calm and collected, but I could see that she grew more and more stressed.

Thankfully we didn't have to wait long as the door opened once again. This time Portugal and USA arrived at the same time. They both showed great concern. USA immediately spotted UK and walked up to her, "Are you alright?"

In time I noticed how she barely shook her head, but stopped. Instead she responded, "Yes I'm alright. Did you get into a fight?"

"No. I was told that you need help." He answered confused.

Portugal gave a quick look around. His eyes wandered warily to me, "There is no emergency."

"That's correct. I called you three to finally solve the case." UK and USA stood silent, but the doctor let ot a tired groan before speaking, "How many times do I have to tell you. I didn't killed my ex patient."

"I know. You're not the murderer." I made it clear and he reacted surprised at my changed statement. "If you know it, then why am I hear?"

"Because you where there when he got murdered."

After I said it Portugal paused. He didn't say anything and he stood there with a relaxed body posture, but I could see in his eyes that he's panicking. His eyes wandered between me and the other two. No one dared to say anything. I guess it's my turn to explain everything.

"During the investigation I always overlooked the reason why China got murdered. I was in belief that it was only the accusation on Portugal's rehabilitation clinic, but there was more behind it. If China went into trial to give his statement, then he also had to admit from where he got his opium."

I looked over to UK. She immediately stare at me surprised and with wide open eyes she looked over to Portugal. The doctor only shook his head. Signaling her that he wasn't the one who I got the information.

They both kept being silent. I continued to explain while watching her, "I wonder where you got the opium. At first I thought you got it prescribed by a doctor, but then I learned about your illegal sellings of the drug. To be able to sell it, means you have to get the drugs from somewhere else. From someone who has a doctor license to buy it legally."

Portugal immediately reacted defensively, "That's absurd. First you accused me of murder and now you're telling me that I smuggle drugs? I have more important things to do, than listening to those nonsense in the middle of the night." The doctor was about to leave, but Austria was blocking his way.

"No one is allowed to leave." I briefly mentioned.

Portugal turned bacj to me. He frowned and said annoyed, "You can't hold me against my will. There are no evidence to support your claim."

This time Austria was the one who responded with a big smile, "Oh there is evidence." He pulled out the small opium bottle and raised it so everyone could see.

Portugal went silent and stare in shock at the bottle. He then faced USA. The other man also had the same reaction at first, but soon his faces morphed into anger as he growled, "You stole it!"

"Thank you for admitting that it's yours." I spoke and got everyone's attention back to me,"With the license you could very easily buy the opium. A part of it you gave it to UK. She later sold it to her clients, but that's not all. As a compensation for getting the drugs she only had to advertise your clinic. China was probably not the first one falling into your scheme. You told me that he stopped his rehabilitation because of him being uncooperative. Is that correct?"

The doctor didn't say anything. He didn't even got the guts to face me properly as he stared down on the floor avoiding me.

"I believe that he didn't left your clinic because of his impatient, but because he noticed and realized your deal with UK. He left and wanted to expose you both, but he didn't managed because you three killed him."

The wind was the only things I heard through the silence. For them there is no escape. They're trapped until they confess. It feels as if the seconds were stretched into hours. Until USA broke the silence with a self confident smile," Nice story. A little bit far off, but sounds good enough. Maybe you should be an author, instead a detective. The only issue is that you have nothing to prove it. Like how did we murdered him? We three barely know each other and only saw us since boarding on this damn ship."

"It's not as hard as you think." I countered, " You even told me that you saw Portugal arguing with China before boarding. Before entering the ship you knew about China's intention. Outside you saw the disposal bandsaw blades and with it you all made the decision to murder him. The plan was to take the saw, wrap it in cloth, to prevent yourself from getting injured, and lure the victim outside where no one would find him that fast."

I walked to the bench while explaining,"The only issue was that it wasn't easy to kill him. To be able to cut his throat you have either drop the weapon above his face, or wrap the band above his shoulder to his neck. It's very difficult because he was stressed and on guard. No matter who was dropping the saw above his head, he would have got enough time to catch the saw before it hits his throat. Guiding the blade over his shoulder would be less alarming for him, but it has to be someone he trusted, as the murderer would touch his shoulder before killing him. Because of recent events China would never allow Portugal and USA to be near him, but he would trust an old friend. Am I right UK?"

She didn't answer.

"USA lured China outside to talk about business, but instead him it was you who waited outside. Knowing that USA would take his time the victim went to sit down on the bench and waited for him to come. You used the opportunity and without hesitation you killed him. In the meantime USA went to China's room and stole the opium. With this no one would connect his murder with you three."

"Complete bullshit!" USA shouted denying to everything I just told, "If it's true what you said, then show us the evidence! You have nothing. It's all just a stupid story out from your head."

I leaned against the backrest of the bench. Without a word I grabbed the bloody saw from the seat and showed it to them. They all looked at the saw in horror. But USA was the first one who furrowed his brow confused until his confidence came back.

He laughed, "Pha! Nice try, but we aren't some fools."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"That's obviously a fake. You're trying to confess us about a crime we didn't commit by using a fake murder weapon." The man explained with a big grin.

"How do you know its fake?"

USA confidence vanish in a second as he realized what a grave mistake he made.

I asked Austria who was the whole time standing in the background, "You heard everything right?"

"Every single word." He clarified.

True it's a fake weapon because the real one is in the deepest depth of the ocean, but who would have known that, if not the murderers.

Uk pulled slightly at the man's sleeve. A sign to tell him he should take a step back. Portugal grimace as he looked more conflicted than before. Barely audible he mumbled, "I never wanted to kill him."

"You're also at fault." UK mentioned emotionless without looking at the doctor. At her statement Portugal yelled, "I tried to save him! Not killing him!"

"What do you mean?" I gave him the question to which he immediately shouted, "I tried to talk him out of it! To drop it. To keep it a secret, but he was stubborn. He was soo stubborn that even death didn't scare him. I never wanted him to die."

Portugal continues while showing me his scratched handpalms, "I went so far to even tried to pull them the weapon away."

"Stop acting like a victim." USA growled, "You're as fault as we are."

Unexpected UK stepped a couple of steps closer to me and asked with a surprisingly calm voice, "There is no reason to deny it anymore. Is there a possibility to change your mind? What do you want to get for forgetting what happened on this ship."

"There is nothing to bribe me. You will be arrested for murder. USA and Portugal for participating of the planned murder."

"Germany please." Portugal pleaded, "I never wanted to be part of it. I- I was threatened to do it. I'm innocent!"

"I'm sorry Portugal, but it's the law. You'll get the same punishment like everyone else." I explained and Portugal looked more desperate.

USA however looked rather entertained than worried. The fact that he's being arrested seems to not bother him at all. I surely will never understand this guy. "So what will happen to us now?" He asked digging his hands inside his pockets.

"Until the rescue team arrives you three will be locked up to your room. By resisting my order you'll get harder punishments."

"Then we'll better play along." USA said with a grin and headed to the exit. Portugal and UK followed him soon. I was perplexed by his sudden attitude change. Usually they should throw a tantrum, denying everything or even try to escape, but he. He decided to play along.

I felt my guts telling me that he was planning something, but I ignored it. Maybe I'm just getting paranoid.

We all left the crime scene and headed inside. The case was finally solved.

Poland pov.

The crowbar is heavier than I thought, but it's good so. After I took it from the workshop my plan was to go where Panama's room is.

I didn't want to kill him, but I wanted to avenge for what he did to us. Maybe he'll get some broken bones.

But on my way through the fifth floor someone prevented me from doing my plan. I heard a door opening behind me. I turned my head and I saw Brazil walking out from her room. She saw me and showed a kind smile to me.

How did she know that I walked past her door? Was she the whole time awake? It's in the middle of the night.

Doesn't matter I know that her smile is fake and I shouldn't lower my guard.

The woman walked up to me and greeted me happily, "I see you're still alive."

"What do you want?" I snarled back. Seeing that her positive mask didn't work she dropped it and continued to talk with a more normal serious tone, "I need to get something from USA's cabin, but the door is locked."

"I'm not breaking locks anymore." I promised Hungary that I won't do it anymore and I definitely don't want to disappoint him again. As I was about to turn away she said, "I pay you the double."

That would be a thousand. We surely need money to survive, but it's not worth breaking the promise. Not saying a single word I started to walk away from her. But she was stubborn. With confidence she rose the price, "I'll give you 5000."

In disbelief I looked back at her. She didn't showed a sign of a lie and continued, "Of course I don't have so much cash on me right now , but I can pay you the half of it upfront and the second half when we arrive on land. It sounds like a really good deal."

Brazil raised her hand to me, ready for me to accept it. I looked at her hand and thought about it.

5000 is a lot.

I can't even remember last time I had that much and it surely helps me for a new life, but once again I gave Hungary a promise and I'm not going to break it.

"Sorry, but I don't feel like to disturb a person's privacy for your entertainment. Maybe call a locksmith? They could swim on a small inflatable boat for you."

She lowered her hand and her kind smile dropped, instead an angry frown appeared on her face. It looks like she wasn't used to be rejected. "Tch- Fine it's your lose. Let me know if you changed your mind. My offer is still open."

"I won't." Not gonna lie I was curious what exactly she wanted from the gorilla, but I'm not taking the risk. I already messed up enough and didn't plan to mess up more. Not wasting my time anymore I continued my way. She didn't try to stop me again and went back to her room.

To my frustration I heard once again steps behind me. Looks like she didn't give up after all. Annoyed I growled, "Listen how many times do I have to tell you. I won't accept your money!"

I paused shocked as I saw Hungary instead standing there confused.

"I uhhhh. Sorry I thought you were someone else." I tried to explain. "Where is Czechia?" I asked him as soon as I noticed that she was missing.

"She's in the infirmary. We decided to steal a mattress so we three could spend the night together. It is good for all of us." He answered to which I agreed. I trust Czechia, but it's better to have an eye on her for a while.

He walked closer to me, but he paused when he noticed the crowbar. Pointing at it he asked, "What are you doing with it?"

I tightened my grip on the tool. Of course saying that I want to attack the captain and beat him up until he's a bloody mess is surely not the right answer.

Hungary noticed my nervousness. He might not know what I was planning, but my behavior seems enough for him to understand that I wasn't planning to do anything good with the tool.

"Can you give it to me?" He asked me worried and hold his hand to me, waiting for my answer.

I hold back, but seeing that I can't escape from the situation I gave in and let a frustrated sigh while giving him the crowbar.

He took it and to my surprise he didn't sound judgmental when he asked, "Thanks. Let's bring it back to the workshop. Shall we?"

Not to worry him more I gave a small nod as an answer. Silently I followed him while we walked back to the workshop. I was frustrated, but also ashamed. It wasn't my intention for him to catch me.

Hungary frowned as I didn't say a word during the whole time. When we walked down the staircase he looked worried down to me and asked, "What did you plan to do with the crowbar?"

I stayed silent and started to take two steps at once to be as far from him as possible. But I felt his hand on my shoulder stopping me and once again he asked me worried, "Poland. Seriously what was your plan?"

"Promise me you won't get mad."

To my surprise he rose his hand and stretched his pinky finger to me. I hooked my finger to his and hesitantly I told him about me wanting to punish Panama.

Hungary looked baffled at me and I feared he would get angry, but as he promised he stayed calm. His face softened as he spoke, "Oh geez Poland. You know that it won't bring her back."

I tried to explain him in a calm way, but as soon I opened my mouth I began rambling with a broken voice, "I know. I just needed to let out my frustration on something. For once I have something like a family, but like everything else in my life it got ripped apart. The whole time I tried my best to stay calm for you and Czechia's sake, but I also have my limits. Especially since I learned how far Czechia was about to go, if I didn't stopped her."

Great now I feel how tears are building on my eyes.

"It's not your fault." He insisted.

I released my hand from his and accidentally rose my voice, "It is because I stood like a stupid deer under headlight when Slovakia got shot!"

Hungary frowned. "Poland listen to me. Okay? It's not your fault and there was nothing you could do back then. You still have me and Czechia. No matter what happens I will always stay by your side."

"You mean it?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course." He leaned the crowbar against the railing and opened his arms. "I know you don't like hugs, but you'll feel better. Trust me."

Unsure I thought about it. He stood there patiently until my emotions get the better of me. I let myself fall into his hug and hide my face against his shoulder. Hungary gently embraced his arms over me and I couldn't hold my tears anymore.

I lost track of how long we stood like this while I was sobbing. When my tears finally dried I felt a soft pat on my back and Hungary asking, "Do you feel better?"

Weakly I nodded and said, "Sorry I stained your shirt."

He let a small chuckle, "It's alright. I told you you will feel better after a hug."

"Yeah." I looked up, letting my head rest on his shoulder and noticed something. "Hey Hungary."


"How comes that you're as tall as me?"

We both released from the hug and looked down to see that Hungary stood two steps higher than me on the stairs.

I tried my best to hold back my laughter as if my life depends on it, but I was weak. Hungary looked at me pissed while I was trapped in a laughing fit.

"Okay no more hugs for you." He said annoyed and walked past me with the crowbar.

Between my laughter I desperately tried to speak, "Haha Hungary! No. Wait!"

"Nope. I'll bring the tool back and go to sleep."

I managed to catch up to him, but talking to him with a straight face was still impossible. "Hungary please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your small feelings."

He glared at me and as his final straw broke he said, "That's it. You are going to sleep outside."

"Okay I'm sorry. But you can't blame me for something I cannot control." I tried to explain between gasping for air. Hungary didn't face me as he walked further away, but I could see that he was also smiling.

Maybe I still can convince him to not let me sleep on the hallway.

Germany pov.

I listened to the violin music while I wrote on my notebook. Austria was playing on his violin while I was sitting on his bed. It's nice to hear him playing after a long time.

Tomorrow the rescue team will arrive and I can't wait to finally have my feet on the ground. Of course there will wait a lot of paperwork for me and press conferences about the case. But at least I will come out victorious.

My attention went to Austria after he stopped playing the violin. He furrowed his brow and looked at me.

"Is what?" I asked him and he answered, "I was thinking about Portugal. Are you sure he should be arrested?"

Dismissively I answered, "It's the law. He's guilty and there is nothing we could do."

"True, but still he save Poland's life and helped us a lot. Also he regrets what he did." Austria tried to explain.

With a heavy sigh I closed my book and spoke, "Everybody feels regret, if they get caught. I'm trusting our justice system and I'm sure whatever sentence he'll get it's deserved and fair."

Austria raised his brow doubtful, but didn't commented on it. My eyes wandered down to my foot. It was resting on a pillow with an ice pack laying on my swollen ankle. Finally I can rest my leg and don't have to hear everyone's bickering anymore.

He noticed were I was looking and said, "A week ago I thought that I finally managed to pull you out from work and give you a nice vacation. It's hard to believe how wrong I was."

"Well those are things that are outside our control." I commented and looked outside the window. The rescue team got informed that Italy was missing on the sea. I hope they would find him alive.

"You know," Austria started to speak, "It would be way easier for you if you have just slowed down yourself and think without jumping to the next target."

I looked at him annoyed. "It's not my fault. You know very well how hard it is for me to sit still or being patient. On top of that there was the time pressure."

"Pressure or not you still should learn to pause for a second and think before acting. Do you understand?"

"Yeah I'm still learning."

"And you need to start taking more care about your health."


"Letting others help you."


"Are you even listening?"

I chuckled, "I am. Don't worry I will take your advice seriously."

"Good." He said and resumed to play his music. Meanwhile I looked down at my book and let my finger slide over the leather cover. This week felt like months for me. I hope my life on land will be less adventurous than on the ship.

3770 words.

Next chapter will be the last one.

I hope I didn't disappoint anyone by who the murderer was. I loved to read all the comments and theories about the murder mystery and there were theories/ideas that I thought "Damn. That's better than I have."

I never expected that so many of you would read my book. I thought I write only 10 chapters and then lose interest, or no one would want to read it because no matter what I wrote, it always was a grammatical error filled garbage.

My worries was also that I disappoint those who know me for my other CH book "WW2 historical moments [ a CH comic]" (I really need to change the title with a better one. So far I'm still stuck in the interwar period).

There my main focus was about less know historical moments about Poland, including a lot of research. It's strongly connected with our real life history and "The Swimming Death Trap" is clearly the opposite of it as it has nothing to do with real life government and events.

Except some little connections like the countries occupation is based of the real world. USA being world wide weapon provider, Panama being the captain of the ship and so on, including the opium war and both World wars references.

In the next chapter I will open QnA. You can ask any questions about the story and to the CH characters.

Now excuse me I have to bake cookies for you all as compensation of what next chapter will happen.

I wish you a good day/night!

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