Hold Me Close | Kellic

By xQuentesx

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Kellin Quinn, a secretive demon and Vic Fuentes, a scarred angel. They don't know who they're talking to but... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 33

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By xQuentesx

"He's waking up."

"Shh, don't disturb him."

"Be patient, let him stir properly."

"Let him get himself up."

"Silence. He's awake"

My eyelids slowly fluttered open like the fabulous princess that I am. My face was pressed against a cold, stone floor and I used my hands to lift myself off the ground. I was surprised to find that doing just that was extremeley difficult, I was really, really weak.

The voices around me had hushed however I could still make out the odd whisper here and there. Once my vision had focused it clicked in my head where exactly I was. I was stuck in the place that one of the fake Mikes had been when we searched for him.

I couldn't remember how I got here but that didn't matter, what mattered was getting out. There were bars around me just like there had been when we found the first Mike. Fortunately I hadn't forgotten that they'd burn your hands if you were to touch them. Eventually I found the strength to get back on my feet. Wobbling from side to side, I stepped forward until I was only inches away from the bars that held me captive.

"He's weak, he can't do anything now. He's weak," the voices started again.

"Shut up, he's strong."



These voices were crazy. I recognised them as the same voices that tormented us when we stood on the ledge of the clock face and as the ones who seeped into Mike's brain and had him turning insane. I didn't know whether they were with me or against me.

"No. You shut up and tell me what's going on," I said, attempting to sound as harsh as I could. I turned my gaze upwards to see the burnt in faces that were carved into the wood that lined the walls. Many had began smirking at me.

"You were thrown in here," one of them said.

"And left to rot," another finished.


It seemed as though I wouldn't be getting any help from them until a little memory began forming. The reason why we had managed to get behind the clock in the first place.

"Hey," I shouted out at them, "Why did you let me and my friends in the first time we came here?" All I could remember was them trusting me only because I was able to talk back at them as I had experience with voices in my head before.

"Because you can do what you're doing now. You're strong willed enough to actually talk to us," the lowest voice of them all spoke slowly. I had a feeling this one ruled over the rest.

"Soooo, what does that mean?" I urged them on to give me more of a better explanation.

"You're like us, you have good intentions."

I scoffed, "You have good intentions? Such as what?"

"To do what's right and that is keeping Hell as it is," it replied. Those weren't in fact my intentions but I'd go with it, "We know that if we let you go, you will find a way to stop this war and so that is what we will do."

And just like that the bars were lifted, folding themselves into the ceiling above creating burn marks on the rock that this room was made of. I really didn't believe in the power the faces held until that moment. So simply did they manage to return my freedom.

Freedom was a weird idea and if anything only a conspiracy, no one was ever truly free until they learnt to let go of the emotions that came with hanging onto only the hope of being free. To be free is to not care, then that way you're free of the feeling of hurt but to elimanate the sadness from your existence, it must be balanced with taking away the good side to living. That's when you're left with nothing, once you're like that then there's no need to even consider breathing anymore because you can't feel anymore. In the end, freedom isn't what people interpret it as nor is it something needed. The security of others is more and better comfort than seeking life on your independence. The unfortunate thing is that I am still thinking of freedom even after death.

I shook my head to clear the deep thoughts that had invaded my mind then proceeded to making my way out of the cell. To my dismay I knew that the journey out of here wouldn't be any shorter than before so I started walking with no intentions of speeding up any time soon.

Whilst I made my way along the dark corridors, I kept an eye out for the other me. Just in case he was lurking somewhere and I could possibly get some more information out of him. There was rubble littering the floor by my feet. Instinctively I raised my head and peered above at the ceiling, in case it was beginning to collapse again. Finding myself stuck under a fallen ceiling would not be convinient during a war. I let out a sigh of relief when it looked as though the ceiling was stable.

I began kicking a small piece of rubble as I continued to walk. I figured that once I was fully part of the war then that wouldn't leave much time for thinking but I didn't have the slightest clue as to what there was for me to think about. Who's side was I on maybe? Possibly a strategy? Should I think about Vic like I always do? I chuckled at that. I'd be thinking about Vic anyway.

The stone at my feet echoed throughout the hallway on the hard floor that it was being kicked against. The light aroud me was slowly dimming so I knew that I was approaching the dark area. My legs were aching seeing as I was still weak so the idea of walking the two hours of darkness was anything but appealing, nevertheless I did it.


My eyes were wide with complete shock. I had no idea that I'd walk out and the first thing I would see is this. If I were alive then my breathing would have stopped as attempted to take in the scene bellow me. I'd seen a lot in my time but nothing as disaterous as this.

I stood on the ledge of the clock, feet glued to where I was because I was unable to move due to absolute horror. I looked down at the piles of bodies, stacked up high and carelessly thrown together. The piles were countless. The bodies at the top of some were almost level with where I stood. I knew what human wars looked like but this, this was something else. It wasn't just blood spilled on the ground and it wasn't just one head that didn't have a body attached to it. Obviously S didn't like Demons going against his word because none of these bodies were the Angels that S wanted to dispose of, these were all of whom should've been a warrior for S.

The smell in the air was revulting, to the point where I could've been sick and yet I'm used to such a pungent smell. A lot of the bodies had already started rotting. This was all such a disgusting yet weird sight to experience as everyone was already dead. What they were going through now was what Gabe had when he fell from the chains and didn't wake up except for all of these Demons, it was like they had met a second death and they really wouldn't wake up.

All the Demons around me were lifeless, or so I thought until I saw someone ran past a pile of bodies to hide behind another. I raised an eyebrow. I couldn't risk being in their position so I opted for not jumping off the ledge and instead climbing down the insvisible wall which was now easy to identify as there were Demons stacked up against it.

Once I had gotten myself off the ledge and down the wall, I began snooping around to try and find the person who I saw ran by. The entire time I tried to forget that I was surrounded by corpses. I was never really cut out to be a Demon.

It didn't take me long to find the mystery person because they were the one to call out ot me. He was leant against a wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Justin, what are you still doing here?" I asked as I walked over to him and leaned on the wall opposite, reaslising he had lead us into a little alley created by large stones that had fallen due to large buildings collapsing from the chaos.

"Waiting for you to wake up," he said and shrugged his shoulders a little.

"Woah, woah, woah wait," I stopped him before he said anything else, "How long have I been out for? When did," I gestured around us, "all of this happen?"

He slid down the wall into a sitting position so I copied him, "You've been up there for about," he counted his fingers, "three days at least?"

I was a mix between surprised and having expected it since that was the same amount of time as the time when Gabe was out cold except that was for something completely different, I had just been unconscious.

"And this," he pointed at one of the piles of corpses, "only stopped around an hour ago. I'm a coward who hid and waited for you so I don't know where they've gone now."

I felt bad because I didn't expect anything more of him anyway because unless he really had to fight, I knew he woulnd't. He was still an Angel.

He looked up at me through the corner of his eyes and scratched the back of his neck. He was nervous about something. "Hey, Kellin?"


"I think I should tell you why I had to become a Fallen Angel," he said.

Why he had to?

I nodded and he took a deep breath. It looked as though he was contemplating a way to say it or maybe he looked scared to say it.

"Okay so, when you speak to Vic there are those times where you can be in the same room as him, right? Right, so did you meet someone called Oli whilst you were there?" He asked and again I nodded. He shook his head.

"How did he look to you?"

I thought about it for a moment, "attractive."

"No! Not like that. What was your impression of him?" he asked again and my cheeks flushed.

"I guess he looked kinda suspicious?"

"He's a bad guy, Kellin. Of course, you wouldn't think that because he's in Heaven and he's not a Fallen Angel. Know why? Because he made me take his place. He's working with S. I overheard their conversation once and what they were planning. I don't know why Oli wants to help S but he does so when they realised I had heard them, they couldn't afford risking the chance that I could tell someone."

"So how did it make you a Fallen Angel?" I interrupted.

"Oli told Heaven what him and S were planning but instead said it was me and S so Heaven were convinced I wanted to be a part of overthrowing them and so banished me."

"And you just let them?"

"I didn't think I had a choice."

I sighed after having heard his story. So this Oli guy was the reason behind all this. If it weren't for him then S wouldn't have any inside information on Heaven. Oli was what S was relying on. It looked like I knew who to go after.


It's late so I'll probably proof read this tomorrow but I wanted to at least update. I don't like this chapter because my writing is crappy but oh well

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