The Bad Boy of Waterloo Road

By Hipsta_Please_Harry

23.7K 192 14

Lindsay Byrne is the daughter of Michael Byrne, the brand new headteacher at Waterloo Road Comprehensive. As... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Author's Note
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Author's Note
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One.
Chapter Thirty-Two.
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Author's Note...
A Little Update...
Chapter Thirty-Four.
Chapter Thirty-Five.
Chapter Thirty-Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight.

Chapter Twenty-One.

380 6 0
By Hipsta_Please_Harry

As I sat in front of the floor length mirror in my bedroom, finishing off the final touches to my hair, it eventually sunk in that tonight was the night that myself and Finn were going to take our relationship to the next level. Right now, I'm currently feeling a mix of excitement and nerves, mainly due to the fact that every previous boyfriend I've had has only ever used me for one thing and even though I knew that Finn was totally different, it still didn't stop me having slight reservations, especially because I knew he would have a queue of girls lining up waiting for him if things ever did go wrong between us.

It's because of that reason that I've had to lie to my dad about where I am staying tonight because whenever I've had my heart broken in the past, he's always been the one to mend it. Speaking of my dad, he's currently out on his afternoon run, leaving me with the perfect opportunity to continue getting ready.

Once I was satisfied with how my hair looked, I unplugged my straighteners to allow them to cool before I strolled over to my wardrobe in search for an outfit to wear tonight. Pulling open the doors, I pushed several hangers out of the way, pulling items of clothing out every so often, but putting them back if they weren't suitable. After a while of debating, I settled for a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a white Bardot top and some white strappy sandals.

Slipping the jeans up my legs, I buttoned them at the waist before I slid my top over my head, pulling the shoulders down so they rested on my upper arms. Stepping into my shoes, I fastened the buckle before I approached the mirror again, checking to see if my outfit looked as good as I'd envisioned it to.

While I was fussing with small details in regards to my outfit, I heard my phone vibrate on my bed. Picking it up, the screen lit up and displayed a message notification off Lauren. Opening the message, I began reading it, smiling until I got to the end of it.

Lozza: Have a good time with Finn tonight but plz don't let him do anything u aren't comfortable with. I know u love him but if u still don't feel ready...don't rush into it :) Can't wait to hear the goss on Monday x

Knowing that she truly did care made me feel a sense of warmth because I really valued my friendship with her because she was everything you wanted and needed in a girl best friend. I typed back a quick response and hit the send button before I continued getting ready, only having my make-up left to do.

Remembering I wasn't one of these girls who wore really heavy make-up, I simply applied some mascara, powder and lip-gloss to my face to complete the overall look I was going for. Before I headed downstairs, I grabbed my Louis Vuitton holdall(which was a Christmas Present from last year), and packed some essentials I needed for tonight and tomorrow morning. Finally, I sprayed some of my favourite perfume on me, keeping it subtle by just placing it to my neck and wrists.

Picking up my bag, I descended downstairs, hearing the sound of keys turning in the lock as I hit the bottom step. I watched the door open as my dad entered the confines of our home, his whole being sweaty as he pushed it shut behind him.

"You heading off soon are you, darling?" He asked as he headed into the kitchen, me following behind him.

"Yeah." I simply replied, taking a seat at the breakfast bar, watching him down a small glass of water.

"Let me just grab a shower and I'll drop you off at Lauren's. It'll save you having to get the bus." He politely offered but I shook my head, hoping I could still contain my secret.

"No, it's fine. Honestly..." I rushed out, but still trying to maintain composure. "It won't take me long on the bus." I told him, hoping that he would drop the subject but knowing the kind of person my dad was, that wouldn't be a simple task.

"I insist." He smiled, walking over to the doorway. "I won't be long." He commented, giving me a kiss on the cheek before he disappeared.

Hearing his footsteps go upstairs, I heard the bathroom door close and the gush of water flowing out through the showerhead. What do I do now? If I tell him that I'm staying with Finn, it'll ruin everything me and him have planned, but I can't very well sneak out either. Or can I?

Stumped for ideas on what to do, I thought I would text Finn to see what advice he could give me. Searching for his contact, I clicked on it and began typing out a quick message, receiving a reply back within seconds.

Lindsay: Help! My dad wants 2 give me a lift to Lauren's. What do I do? xxx

Finn: Just sneak out! That way, our secret will stay between us xxx

Sneaking out was a rather frightening prospect as I've never had to do it before. Although, in order to keep our secret, I guess I'm going to have to. Glancing up at the clock, I realised that if I left in the next few minutes, I would catch the next bus heading in the direction for Finn's.

Knowing it was wrong, I took the risk because you only live once and I've got important things planned for this evening! Slipping my phone back into my jeans pocket, I stood up from the stool I was sat upon and walked back out into the hallway. Grabbing my coat off the rack, I picked up my bag before opening the front door as quietly as possible, trying to make as minimal noise as possible.

Once the door had shut, I headed down the steps as I made the short journey to the bus stop, which was right at the end of my street. Turning the corner, I saw a few people waiting for the same bus as me, confirming that I hadn't missed it. Joining the back of the queue, I sent Finn another quick text to make him aware that I was on my way.

Lindsay: I did it! See u soon. I love u xxx

Hitting the send button, I heard the bus approaching the stop. Sliding my phone back into my pocket, I got on and paid for my ticket before taking a seat, the bus setting off moments later.

Mr. I come!


Finn's P.O.V

After putting the finishing touches to both the living room and my bedroom, I stood back to admire my effort. Realising how important tonight was for the both of us, I wanted to create the perfect atmosphere, especially after promising Lindsay that I would make this evening special.

The living room was lit up by candlelight, which I had placed in different areas of the room and I had arranged rose petals on top of my bed in the shape of a heart. I know it was cliché, but Lindsay deserved the best.

For my outfit, I settled for a black shirt and some skinny jeans because even though I wanted to make an effort knowing that she was going to look unreal, comfort is still a massive factor to me. Rearranging the odd position of some of the candles, I heard a knock at the door.

Inhaling and exhaling a deep breath, I took one last look in the mirror before I headed for the door, not wanting to keep her waiting any longer. Opening the door, I saw Lindsay stood the other side, a beaming smile on her face and holding an overnight bag in her left hand.

Grinning back at her, I stepped to the side as I invited her in, shutting the door behind her. As the two of us stood in my hallway, I took in her natural beauty, which was leaving me breathless. I am one lucky guy!

"Where shall I put this?" She asked, referring to the bag clutched in her hand, snapping me out of my trance.

Continuing to smile at her, I removed the bag from her hand and placed it in a small corner of the rather spacious hallway, making sure it was tucked away so nobody could trip over it. Gracious for the small gesture, I saw her head for the direction of the living room, but I pulled her back gently, wanting it to remain a surprise for a little bit longer.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, covering her eyes with my hands, making her giggle. "I want it to be a surprise." I whispered as I started guiding her.

Shuffling forward slowly, I stopped abruptly when we came across a step. "Watch your step." I directed, the pair of us stepping down, Lindsay being somewhat more cautious than me.

Once we were inside the confines of the living room, I turned her to face the right direction, ready for me to unveil the surprise.

"Ready?" I asked, feeling her nod into the palms of my hands. "1...2...3..." I counted, removing my hands from her eyes, hearing her gasp.

"Oh Finn!" She gushed, looking further in depth at the décor of the room.

I watched her admire the candlelit dinner set-up I had arranged, as well as the dimmed lighting, recognising that the candles were our only source of warmth and light for this evening.

"Do you like it?" I questioned, seeing her turn around to face me, that beaming smile of hers not faltering.

"It's beautiful!" She whispered, caressing his cheek which became hot under her touch. "But you really didn't have to go to this much effort."

"I promised you it would be special, didn't I?" I quizzed, wrapping my arms around her waist as hers went around my neck.

"It's perfect..." She beamed. "Just like you!" She cried, pecking my lips quickly.

Unwrapping ourselves from around each other, we took our seats at either side of the coffee table before I poured us both a glass of wine. Although I knew we were underage, it's a special occasion and surely one glass won't hurt. Clinking our glasses together, we quickly took a sip before we were interrupted by the door knocking.

"Who's that?" She asked, a confused look etched onto her face.

"You'll find out." I replied, sending her a cheeky wink as I headed for the door.

Exchanging a quick conversation with the person stood outside my house, I thanked them before I returned back to the room, carrying two large pizza boxes in my hands. Placing one down in front of me and the other in front of Lindsay, I lifted the lid, the smell of freshly made pizza making me salivate.

"You ordered us pizza?" She questioned, but in a way that I wasn't sure was genuine or not.

"No matter how special I wanted tonight to be, I was never going to cook." I truthfully responded. "You'd have been going home with food poisoning!" I chuckled, pulling out a slice of pizza from the box and taking a bite.

I heard her laugh as she did the same, revelling in the taste of the delicacy sat in front of us. I'm eager to see how the rest of the evening pans out because I'm already having an amazing time. Lets hope it's as magical as I've imagined it to be!


Michael's P.O.V

After discovering that Lindsay had snuck out without my permission, I'm currently driving to Lauren's family home because I have a sneaky suspicion that Lindsay isn't going to be there and that's the whole reason she snuck out in the first place.

Pulling up outside the Andrew's household, I switched off the engine, my car falling into silence. Climbing out of the car, I headed up to the front door, knocking on it twice. The door opened seconds later, revealing Lauren's mother, who looked rather smiley but unaware as to why I'm here, especially because it was a weekend.

"Hello Mrs. Andrews, I'm Michael Byrne from Waterloo Road School. My daughter Lindsay is a friend of your daughter's and I have reason to believe that she is staying the night here. I just wanted to know if she'd arrived safely?" I asked, my doubts intensifying.

I studied Mrs. Andrews for a few seconds and I could already tell by her facial expressions that she didn't have any idea about what I was talking about.

"I'm sorry Mr. Byrne, but Lauren hasn't mentioned anything to me about some Lindsay girl staying here tonight." She answered, proving that my gut instinct was right.

Sighing, I asked, "Is it possible I could speak with Lauren for a moment please?".

She nodded, stepping away from the door as I heard her call for Lauren. Seconds later, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs as she came to the door, looking rather shocked to see me standing here on the doorstep.

"Oh." She spoke, her shocked expression turning into a guilty one. "Hi Mr. Byrne!" She beamed, faking a smile, but she could tell that I wasn't in the mood to play games.

"Where's Lindsay?" I asked bluntly, taking her by surprise at how abrupt I was.

"Lindsay?!" She squeaked, trying to think up a lie and fast. "Umm, she missed the bus. She's waiting for the next one." She replied, but I could read right through her lies.

"Don't act dumb with me, Lauren! She left ages ago and I've already worked out that she isn't staying here tonight!" I yelled, her guilty stare becoming more recognisable. "Where is she now?" I questioned, although I already had a strong gut feeling that I knew where she was.

"I don't know, sir." She muttered, yet again lying but I read through it for a second time.

"Now isn't the time to protect your friends!" I raged, becoming agitated at the fact she was hiding the truth. "She's with Finn, isn't she?" I asked, gaining a nod of the head in response.

Confirming that my gut instinct was right, I didn't hesitate in hanging around any longer as I clambered back into my car and started up the engine. As much as I had the right to drive straight to Finn's, I decided I would take the more logical approach and give Lindsay a couple hours to make the sensible decision to come home herself.

However, if she doesn't make the correct choice, I will have no option, but to go and collect her myself. With my decision in mind, I drove up the street and headed in the direction for home. Lindsay better have a very good reason as to why she lied.


Lindsay's P.O.V

I'm currently making out with Finn on top of his bed, his body hovering over mine. We'd been upstairs in his room for around twenty minutes now, the passion building as the minutes pass us by. I felt his lips travel from my own as they attached themselves to my neck, his hands roaming up and down my stomach freely.

As my fingers intricately placed themselves onto the buttons of his shirt, I started to moan as they undid a few, slowly exposing more of his skin to me. As our kissing became more heated, I felt my phone start vibrating in my pocket, feeling the fuzzy motion against my leg, distracting me.

Subtly trying to pull it out of my pocket without ruining the mood, I was unsuccessful in doing so when I felt Finn stop kissing me, his body retracting back a millimetre.

"What's wrong?" He asked as I tried to make out what was going on with my phone.

"Lauren and my dad haven't stopped ringing or texting me." I responded, but just as I was about to read the messages, I felt his fingertips overlap with mine, retrieving the device from my own.

"Leave it." He whispered, setting my phone to silent and dropping it softly to his bedroom floor. "This is our time remember? Our special moment." He clarified, connecting his lips back onto my own.

Within seconds, I had melted back into his embrace, our kissing reaching fever pitch again. Finn was right, this was our time and considering how close we were to taking our relationship to the place where we wanted it most, I wasn't going to let anyone or anything ruin it!


Well, we did it! We've finally made love for the first time and I'll admit, it was one of the most surreal experiences I have ever shared with anyone in my whole life. Sex is one thing, but being emotionally connected with someone in that moment gives the word 'Sex' a whole new meaning. He's exceeded all previous experiences I've ever had and I couldn't feel anymore connected to him than I do right now.

Snuggling into his chest, we started to reflect back on the moment we just shared.

"Well..." He started to say, snuggling in closer to me. "How do you feel?" He asked, triggering a smile to break out onto my face.

"I feel amazing!" I replied, gazing into his dreamy brown orbs. "How about you?" I quizzed, redirecting his own question back to him.

"I feel as if I don't want this moment to end." He admitted, pressing his lips to my temple. "I just want to stay in this moment forever." He mumbled, running his fingertips over my forearm.

"Who says it has to end?" I cheekily suggested, raising an eyebrow at him.

Seeing him smirk, he placed his lips to mine for what felt like the millionth time tonight, those all-too familiar fireworks still apparent from his smallest touch. Wrapping an arm around his neck, I pulled him closer, deepening the kiss to match my rising passion.

However, just as I getting in the mood again, I heard my phone vibrate, which obviously meant it was only put on silent for a certain time period. I knew that I would have to check it because I've ignored it for so long and if it turned out to be an emergency, I'd never forgive myself.

Gripping the covers tight around my modesty, I shifted my body in order for me to retrieve my phone, hearing Finn sigh at the side of me.

"What you doing?" He asked, watching me unlock my phone.

"I've ignored it for so long Finn, but something must be wrong." I justified, noticing all the notifications I'd received since being in his company.

15 texts, 12 phone calls and 3 answerphone messages, compiling from both my dad and Lauren. Instead of reading and listening to them all at once, I thought I would just read the most recent text, which happened to be off my dad. Clicking on the message icon, I began skimming through it, my happiness depleting with every word read.

Dad: You better get yourself home now, Lindsay Marie Byrne! I know that you are not at Lauren's and are with Finn instead. If you are not home in the next 10 minutes...I am coming to get you...whether you like it or not!!

"Oh no!" I cried, scrambling out of the bed sheets and frantically trying to redress myself.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked, but I didn't have time to explain in detail so I passed him my phone instead, seeing him read the message I had just received. "Wait a aren't leaving me, are you?" He asked, watching me dash around his bedroom.

"I don't have a choice Finn!" I yelled, choking back a sob. "You've read the text. He's probably already on his way to get me!" I admitted, buckling up my sandals.

"You're 17 Linds! You aren't seriously going to let him dictate to you where you can and can't stay, are you?" He questioned, starting to redress himself also.

"He's still my dad! I can't exactly defy him, can I?" I quizzed, leaving his bedroom, him hot on my heels behind me.

Heading downstairs and into the living room, where there was still a faint smell of pizza apparent in the air, I stepped over to the window and pulled back the curtains, observing the many cars driving up and down his street, praying that none of them were my dad's.

"I thought tonight was supposed to be about us?" He stated and I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was upset.

"It was, but what do you expect me to do Finn? If I refuse to leave, he will drag me out of here." I admitted, knowing it was the truth. "It's just better if I leave on my own accord." I told him, turning my body to face him.

"What if I try and convince him to let you stay?" He suggested. "He doesn't know what we have been upto." He chirped in, making me sigh because he just didn't understand what I was getting at.

"We're a couple. Of course he's going to know we've had sex!" I exclaimed, flailing my arms in the air for emphasis.

"Not all couples have sex, Linds!" He pointed out, running a hand through his hair.

"I lied to him! If we weren't trying to keep a secret, don't you think I would have just told him I was staying here tonight?" I quizzed, folding my arms over my chest.

Just as he was about to say something back, we were interrupted by the sound of really harsh, loud banging against the door. Reverting my gaze back out the window, I saw my dad's car parked outside, which obviously meant that it was him banging the door.

The deafening sound continued for a few more seconds until we heard the flap to the letterbox be lifted up.

"LINDSAY BYRNE! GET YOURSELF OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!" His voice bellowed through the small gap and you could clearly tell, he was absolutely furious.

Glancing over at Finn, who was staring back at me in hurt, I knew that staying here wasn't an option. For all we knew, my dad could kick the door down in the mood he's in. Strolling past him, I entered the hallway, Finn a couple of steps behind me.

However, just as I was about to collect up my things, I felt his arms touch me and turn me around, our eyes staring into each others. The look on his face was too much for me to cope with and I couldn't stop myself from releasing the tears that had been brimming in my eyes for ages.

"Don't make this any harder than it already is." I whispered through my tears, feeling his hands cup my face.

"I just want to say how much I have loved tonight." He confessed, my bottom lip trembling even more so than before. "What me and you share is special Lindsay and even though tonight hasn't ended the way we wanted it to, we achieved the thing we set out to do and that's what's important." He told me, placing his forehead to mine and looking deeply into my tear stained, glossy eyes. "I love you so much Linds. Never forget that." He added, wiping away a stray tear that fell with the pad of his thumb.

"" I replied, small sobs escaping my mouth between words.

I felt him press his lips to mine as we shared a goodbye kiss, the faint sound of banging against the door still evident in the background. Not wanting to piss my dad off anymore than I already have done, I kept the kiss short and sweet.

Pulling away, I picked up my holdall and coat before opening the door, revealing my angry dad, whose face was steam-hot red. Before I had a chance to even step outside the door, he grabbed my arm and yanked me out, hurting me a little. Although, I managed to pluck a small sense of bravery from somewhere and I wasn't going to let him belittle me like this, especially not in front of Finn!

"Get off me!" I shouted, shaking myself from his grasp.

"GET IN THE CAR NOW!" He raged, pulling me down the steps, not giving me time to turn back.

Forcing me into the car, he sped away from the house, not even giving me the opportunity to explain myself to him.

"Just wait until we get home Lindsay!" He yelled, slamming onto his brakes because we'd approached a red light.

Looking out of the window, the tears kept flowing freely and I'll admit, I'm rather scared about what's going to happen when I get home. I already knew I was going to get an absolute rollicking, but I've never seen my dad this angry before.

What a crap ending to what was supposed to be one of the best days of my life!

Finn's P.O.V

Once the whole ruckus between Lindsay and Mr. Byrne had disappeared off my doorstep, I shut the door and locked it before I retired myself to bed for the evening. I had never seen her dad that angry before. He was furious and I'd hate to think of him doing anything horrendous to Lindsay when the two of them got home tonight.

This definitely wasn't the way I envisaged our special night to end. She should be laying next to me right now, her head rested against my chest as we fell into a deep slumber. I'm hoping that Mr. Byrne gives Lindsay the opportunity to explain herself because I'd hate for him to stop us from seeing each other.

Although, she turns 18 next week and as she'll be an adult then, he can't exactly stop her from doing things that she wants to do. Just like that, a lightbulb went off in my head. Maybe we need to think about getting our own place? Only somewhere small for the time being. but just somewhere that we can call our own.

Question would we afford it?

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