One Last Chance (Dimentio X M...

By SilverStarWarrior

2.2K 123 427

(Book 2 of 3) Luigi and Daisy are now happily married. They have put the entire incident of the Phantom behin... More

Miss You ♡
Welcome To Rogueport
Here To Stay (Temporarily)
Once Upon a Time
I Know Why You're Here
A Song of Mine
My Duet
When I Heard You Sing...
Getting To Know You
Insecure Bonds
You're Going Home
Sing For Me
The Show Must Go On
Curtain Call
(AN) What If I Just...

On With The Show

97 7 23
By SilverStarWarrior

Everyone in the audience talked amongst themselves as they waited for the show. The stage had been cleared and lights were set up to point down at the stage, the place already becoming dark.

"I'm excited! The flyer says that the man in green and a mystery singer will be performing!" Timpani exclaimed.

"Wait, Mr.E singer or mystery singer?" Nastasia asked.

"It's funny either way." Mimi chuckled.

Mario walked over to them and scoffed sitting down.

"It's the same singer. Besides, if we're lucky, there won't BE a show and he'll be left on the stage!" Mario spat.

Mimi scoffed back and turned to face the plumber.

"COME ONNNN... You are SUCH a MEANIE! Why can't you just enjoy the show?!" Mimi complained.

"Because it's run by a DEMON!" Mario retorted.

As Mario and Mimi argued, Dave tugged on Daisy's shoulder.

"Mother, may Luna and I please both go get a drink?" Dave asked.

"We're both getting a little thirsty..." Luna added sheepishly.

Daisy chuckled a little and pulled out a few coins, passing them to them.

"Alright, just try and be back soon and don't go far! The show will start any moment!" Daisy told them.

Luna and Dave nodded to her.

"Okay!" They both replied.

The twins quickly got up and scrambled down the bleachers. Mimi groaned at Mario.

"UGHHHHH... It's just a show, Mario!!!" Mimi exclaimed.

"Yer actin' like it'll be a life changin' situation!" O'Chunks stated.

"BECAUSE IT IS!!!" Mario retorted, "If Luigi sings tonight-"

Blumiere sighed.

"Honestly, Mario. You're acting like it is the end of the worlds." Blumiere replied.


Jevil chuckled to Marx as he played around with the headset on his head.

"Look at the tag I bought, bought! I'm now the assistant manager, manager!" Jevil chuckled.

Marx squinted at the tag he wore.

"Hahaha!" Marx laughed, "Jevil, your tag says a-"

"Is the house full already?"

Jevil and Marx spun around to see Dimentio standing there, a different outfit on.

"Yup, yup!" Jevil replied.

"Ready to go, the man in green is ready to be cued~!" Marx exclaimed.

Dimentio smirked.

"Let the show begin," Dimentio stated.


Everyone talked nonstop until the stage lights began to dim. Mimi shot a finger up to Mario's mouth.


Blumiere hushed the both of them and then turned his attention back to the stage. The entire crowd fell silent as a spotlight turned on to the center of the stage. Out of thin air, Dimentio appeared, his familiar teleportation chime ringing out.

Everyone in the crowd gasped at what they saw. Dimentio was wearing his original jester outfit, his broken mask still covering only half of his face as he bowed to the audience. The entire crowd began to murmur to one another as they began to recognize him.

Meanwhile, Daisy's entire group remained frozen with shock. Dimentio got up from his bow and looked them all in the eyes. He started towards the back of the stage, where a piano had been set up.

Dimentio sat down on the bench and cleared his throat. Jevil and Marx watched from backstage.

"Hit the mics, mics!" Jevil exclaimed under his breath.

Marx nodded and ran over to the electrical terminal, flipping a switch.

"Tonight... Is my last public appearance." Dimentio started.

Everyone in the audience shared murmured shock while Marx and Jevil were taken aback.

"When did he say that?!" Marx hissed.

Dimentio waited a few seconds for the noise to die down before continuing.

"This shall be my last public show. You might all know me by different names... But, the one name I wish for you to remember me by is my given name from all those years ago..." He trailed off, "That name being Dimentio. I may be going away after this show... But after this show, I would have brought someone back..."

Dimentio glanced over towards the entrance to the stage, seeing a silhouette standing off to the side. The man walked out from the shadows and stood at the edge of the stage. He had on a black jumpsuit, belt, green bandana, and a green cap covering his eyes with shadow from the stage light. Dimentio looked and smiled, seeing the green rose pinned to the man in green's shirt.

Dimentio glanced up at Daisy and everyone else in her group.

"Please... Enjoy..." Dimentio murmured.

He took a deep breath and placed his fingers on the keys.

~Start Music~

Dimentio: Past the point of no return...

                      No backward glances...

                      Our games of make-believe are at an end!

Dimentio played his hands along the piano board.

Dimentio: Past all thought of if or when!

He shook his head.

Dimentio: No use resisting!

                     Abandon thought and let the dream descend!

                     What raging fire shall flood the soul?

                     What rich desire unlocks its door?

                     What sweet seduction lies before us~?

Dimentio stood up and held a gloved hand out toward the man in green.

Dimentio: Past the point of no return~!

                      The final threshold!

                      What warm, unspoken secrets will we learn~?

                      Beyond the point of no return!

The man in green took a few steps toward him.

Mr.L: You have brought me!

            To that moment when words run dry!

            To that moment when speech disappears into silence ~

Mr.L held out his hand to Dimentio.

Mr.L: Past the point of no return...

            No going back now!

            Our passion play has now at last begun!

He began walking towards Dimentio, a smirk on his face.

Mr.L.: Past all thought of right or wrong...

            One final question!

            How long should we two wait before we're one?

            When will the blood begin to race?

            The sleeping bud bursts into bloom?

When will the flames at last consume us?!

They both started towards each other, hands outstretched.

Mr.L / Dimentio: Past the point of no return!

                                The final threshold!

                                The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn!

                                We've passed the point of no return!!!

Both Dimentio and Mr.L ran to each other and then wrapped each other in a hug.

~Stop Music~

Mr.L and Dimentio remained standing where they were as the whole place stayed silent. All of a sudden, Timpani stood up and began clapping and cheering. Moments later, everyone else started to join in. Dimentio let out a sigh of relief and leaned against Mr.L.

"Oh Grambi, that had me going for a moment..." Dimentio said with a small chuckle, "Shall we take a bow, L?"

Mr.L chuckled.

"Sure, Dim." Mr.L replied.

The two of them turned to face the audience and gave a long bow as they cheered. Dimentio took Mr.L by the hand and then snapped his fingers, teleporting them both away.

Mario sat dumbfounded as everyone continued to applaud.

"Oh Grambi, Luigi actually went through with it..." Mario mumbled.

Mimi pushed past Mario and ran up to everyone else.

"Was that DIMMY?!" Mimi exclaimed, "What was he doing here?!"

"He was here doing those mystery performances this whole time?!" Nastasia questioned.

"Well, not the whole time. He was actually at Castle Bleck for some time." Blumiere stated, "But I thought that he was killed! Again!"

Timpani giggled with delight.

"I'm SO happy to see him using his abilities for good~!" Timpani cheered.

Daisy chuckled.

"Well, once I find the kids, do you all want to come meet up with him?" Daisy asked.

"WOULD I?!" Mimi screamed.

As everyone bustled with excitement, Mario was beginning to panic.

"Oh Grambi, he's going to corrupt Luigi again! And then all the worlds are going to be destroyed!" Mario exclaimed under his breath, "I have to do something! ANYTHING!"

Mario shook his head and quickly stood up, running off.


Mr.L and Dimentio arrived backstage and Dimentio was practically beaming with joy.

"I am so happy that you actually went through with it! After everything I did, I almost thought you wouldn't want me!" Dimentio exclaimed.

"Of course I still want you! Just never pull any of those stunts again!" Mr.L laughed, "If Luigi wasn't going to go on stage, I would've dragged him out there!"

Dimentio smiled up at him and took off his hat, revealing the already beginning to decay sprout.

"Alright, this may hurt a little," Dimentio warned.

Dimentio snapped his fingers and Mr.L winced. The Floro Sprout seemed to retract whatever roots it had and then fell to the floor. Dimentio quickly snatched the plant out of the air as Luigi began to come to.

"Ohhh... Did I do a good job..? Is Mr.L alright..?" Luigi tiredly asked.

Dimentio gently held the sprout in his palm.

"Yes, you did a good job, Luigi. And Mr.L shall be just fine..." Dimentio replied, "You may run along to find your princess."

Luigi put back on his hat and smiled.

"First I'm going to change, heh. Shall I meet up with you backstage..?" Luigi asked.

Dimentio hummed in response as he thought.

"Hmm, definitely," Dimentio replied.

Dimentio took the Floro Sprout and floated off backstage.

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