To Capture A Heart | The Maze...

By void_of_andi

3.1K 113 78

Plot made by @stilestastic Eight months have passed since Felix woke in a metal box hurtling upward into the... More

~P L A Y L I S T~
1.1 Rise
1.2 Breathe
1.3 Storm
1.4 Heat
1.5 Comfort
1.6 New
1.7 Live
1.9 Die
1.10 Change
Holiday Special
1.11 Fight
1.12 Ruin
1.13 Fall
1.14 Safe
2.1 You
2.2 Start
2.3 Burn
2.4 Wait
2.5 Why
2.6 Hook
2.7 Line
2.8 Sinker
2.9 Without
2.10 Together

1.8 Love

124 3 3
By void_of_andi

The months following Nick's death were odd. I mean, why wouldn't they be? But things got stranger and stranger as time went on in the Glade.

The crops, for one thing, were rapidly dying. After the herb garden completely went out, our apple trees were next. Then our corn, and our root vegetables will probably follow soon after. It was terrifying and I was starting to believe what Newt had said about the Creators cutting us off. The Glade was running out of time, we needed a break in our discoveries and quick. Truthfully, how much more of the Maze did we need to uncover? Maybe the answer was right in front of us and we just needed to look at it with a new perspective.

People in the Glade were starting to get scared. Rations were divided in half and everyone was hesitant about using supplies. The Creators still sent almost anything we asked for, but wouldn't send animals or seeds or much food. Just some of the basics. Whenever we got blessed with rain, we would scatter to pull out any item to collect it in. It's like we treated water as liquid diamonds.

"Hey, Lix," Newt greeted me. I turned in my chair at the Keeper's table and pecked him on the cheek.

He sat down on one side of me, Cally taking the other. We were having a Keeper's meeting to determine how long we had left before all hell broke lose.

"Good morning," Alby welcomed tiredly. "We all know why we're here, but I'd say we each go around and share the... state of our workers. I want to see how they're handling everythin'."

Gally took it upon himself to start, "The Builders are crabby. They haven't been given anything to fix and it's bummin' em out. They're bored."

Alby sighed, making notes in a pad of paper, "We can assign them temporary filler jobs doing something else if needed, Gally. Anyone else?"

I spoke this time, jumping at my chance to advocate for my Track-Hoes as their Keeper. "The Track-Hoes are scared. We're out here scrambling to keep things alive, and there's a lot of underlying tension because of it, I don't want them panicking over this. Feelin' like it's their fault..."

Alby nodded, "We can arrange for some stress free activities, that should help them keep their minds off of it."

Cally spoke up this time, "What are we supposed to do with the new Greenie coming today?"

"Chances are, they're gonna be panicked already," Alby shrugged, "No use in making that worse by exposing them to the resource shortage. Treat them like every other Greenie."

Cally nods at that response, seemingly satisfied.

Frypan went next, "Leah and I have started being more... protective of the food supply. Starting tomorrow morning, we are issuing rations." Fry's information started an uproar in the meeting room. Various arguments ranged across the building, both for and against the situation.

"Quiet!" Alby yelled. "Frypan is right. Food and other supplies as well are scarce right now. This is a temporary fix until we can figure out a proper way to reuse water for crops. Once a day, a Glader will receive their rations. That is to last them the whole day. I'll be sure to reinforce some security positions to limit theft."

Frypan nodded and sat down, satisfied with Alby's words.

"Alright," Alby continued. "Does anyone else have any concerns?"

"What's the status on exploring the maze?" Newt asked from beside me.

Minho sighed, "It's the same as last week. The maze is just repeating cycles, I'm 90% positive we've explored it all."

Alby nods and Newt takes notes. "Thank you," he said.

"Meeting adjourned," Alby finalized. Most Keepers stood and left the room, but I hung back, eager to hear Alby's thoughts if he was willing to share.

As I approached Alby, Newt was offering a suggestion.

"Maybe we could have the Gladers who aren't busy enforce the ration rule?"

Alby nodded, "Maybe. But it has to be folks we can trust. Felix... any thoughts?"

I shrugged, "I could make a list of Track-Hoes I trust. And it's not like we're overwhelmingly busy." Newt held my hand for comfort.

"Sounds good to me," Alby stated. "Could I get that list by dinner?"

I nodded, "Sure thing."

"Okay," Alby picked up his supplies. "I'm gonna go help Fry and Leah with the rations. Thank you both for your help."

As Alby left, Newt leaned in closer. We had the building to ourselves now.

"He's a doing a great job," I commented.

Newt wrapped his arms around my waist and set his head on my shoulder, "Mhm."

I chuckled softly, "Someone's needy huh?" I finger-combed his blond curls. Newt just groaned something intelligible into my shirt.

I sighed and pulled him in for a peck.

"That satisfy?" I smiled, his tired eyes seemed even more exhausted in this lighting. He nodded miserably.

The thing with being second in command was that you picked up a lot of slack the first in command just never managed to get to. It was at no fault of Alby's, these were just incredibly trying times.

I picked my boyfriend up by his thighs, resulting in a sort of backwards piggy back ride. He was straddled across my front, and was being awfully stubborn about it.

"Felixxxx," He whined. "Put me down, I have work to do!"

I shook my head, exiting the meeting hall. "No sir, your work right now is getting rest. It's nap time."

He huffed in frustration, but was too exhausted to do anything about it. "Fine, but only for a few."

I continued to the treehouse, knowing as soon as his head hit the pillow he would sleep for hours. "Of course, love."


Once I got Newt to sleep, I started to work on my list for Alby. I wanted to pick people who were strong enough for the job, but also those who wouldn't mind doing it. But most importantly, they needed to be well-trusted.

I sighed as I started to hear a slight patter on the roof. It had started raining lightly. The drops ran down the new treehouse windows swiftly. While looking for work to do, the builders decided the treehouse could use upgrades. Newt and I didn't complain, for the most part, we still had this place to ourselves.

So far on my list I only had Hiro.

I sighed, feeling a little pathetic. Newt turned over as thunder boomed across the Glade. I smiled and played with his curls in my lap. It was a peaceful rain today, nothing like the storm we had experienced earlier this year, and for that I was grateful.

"I love you," I whispered to him, words I hadn't said before. But they were words I had felt for a very long time. Maybe one day I would have the courage to say it to him when he was conscious.

I sighed at my pointless dreams, picked up my pen and returned to my list.


By the time dinner had rolled around, Newt was still asleep.

"Darling..." I shook him gently. "Newt wake up, Greenie will be here soon."

Newt squinted and stretched a bit, attempting to rid his body of exhaustion.

"What time is it?" He asked groggily.

I sighed and looked out at the bonfire in the center of the glade, "I'm pretty sure we missed dinner, but the Greenie alarm went off a while ago."

Newt groaned, "Why did you let me sleep the day away?"

I frowned, "You desperately needed it, baby."

Newt sighed and nodded, accepting my call. "I suppose we should head down then..."


By the time Newt and I had reached the Box, the Greenie had arrived. Gally was in the Box, attempting to help the Greenie out, but from all the yelling, I couldn't imagine it was going well.

Newt took action upon realizing the chaos, he pushed through the crowd.

"Gally, Gally!" He held Gally away from the Greenie. "Calm down, you ain't helpin' anything." Gally huffed in frustration but ultimately listened. Newt helped the Greenie out of the Box. This month's Greenie was scared, but he had a muscular build, dark hair and freckles. His body looked like that of a Runner's...

"Where am I? Why can't I remember anything?!"

"Just calm down why don't ya?" Newt did his best to soothe him. "None of us remember anything when we first get here. Your name will come back to you in a few days."

The Greenie breathed heavily but nodded.

"Alright, everyone," Alby interjected. "Go back to the bonfire, show's over." Slowly, Gladers listened to Alby and dispersed. I moved in closer to Newt, Alby, and the Greenie.

"What is this place?" The Greenie asked.

"We call it The Glade," I answered for him.

Alby nodded, "Right. We can give you a tour tomorrow, the Box arrived late so there's no time today. Are you hungry?"

The scared Greenbean only nodded.

"Okay. Chuck!" The young chubby boy jogged back to Alby.


"Take him to Fry, he needs dinner," Newt instructed. The Greenie and the boy walked away, towards the dining hall.

"Chuck will take good care of him," Alby stated, leaving Newt and I.

"What was Gally's deal?" I questioned him.

Newt shrugged "Something about seeing him in a vision. I think Gally thinks he's the bad guy. Someone who put us here."

I sighed and took the golden boy's hand, "I sincerely hope for our case... that he isn't who Gally thinks he is."

Newt nodded, giving me a peck on the crown of my head. "Me too."


That evening, the wrestling at the bonfire was... intense. Gally had more energy than usual, assumingly from the Greenie arriving earlier, something had set him off today.

Newt and the newbie were conversing on a log, talking about what, I wasn't sure. I was sitting with Cally, talking about our boyfriends was our favorite pastime.

"I think Ben is planning something big," She said quietly to me. "He's been in the Med-bay almost all day, since he got back from the Maze at least."

I chuckled and shrugged, "Sounds like a great surprise, Cal. I hope you like it."

She smiled, "Knowing Ben, I'm sure I'll love it."

I smiled as well and took another swig of Gally's infamous liquor. I watched Newt and the Greenie stand and walk towards the wrestling pit.

"I'm gonna join them," I announced, leaving Cally to stand next to my golden boy.

"Hey Lix," he greeted, pecking me on the cheek.

"What's going on?" I asked, holding his hand.

"Gally challenged the Greenie. He's about to get his ass whooped."

I nodded in agreement, watching as the Greenie entered the circle and took on Gally. The fight didn't last very long, just two sweaty boys going back and forth with a lot of yelling.

Eventually, the brawl ended with Gally gaining the upper hand and the Greenie hitting his head roughly on the ground.

"You want more, Greenie?!" Gally hollered.

"Thomas!" The boy exclaimed, and rose from the sand. "My name... is Thomas."

Gally just rolled his eyes in response but the rest of the Gladers around cheered and chanted his name.

If only I had realized then, Thomas was supposed to be the best of us. Thomas would save us.

peep. this is not a promise for consistent updates but it is here 👍

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