The Quirkless Twin

By mini0nguy

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Y/N is Deku's twin sister. After idolizing All Might her entire life along with Izuku she decided to try to g... More



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By mini0nguy

You woke up, and just by the way Aizawa sounded you could tell it was going to be a bad day. He had started a lot of others on their training, and you stood next to Izuku. You rubbed your eyes and yawned, but the five of your classmates that had the extra training really looked dead. Kirishima was being held up by Aizawa's scarf, and Sato, Mina, Sero, and Kaminari were all slumped over with bags under their eyes.

"You all can go faster. Don't forget who you were before you came to UA. You've been improving, yes, but you still have a long way to go. Stop questioning why you're sweating and why your limits are being tested. That's what it means to improve." Who I was before I came to UA? You wiped the sweat from your eyes and continued the same exercises as Izuku.

Suddenly he ran up, "Hey Mr.Aizawa. Is All Might- I mean the other heroes going to be joining us? It's the third day of camp."

You tried to avoid eye contact with Tiger as you looked over to Izuku. Lucky, taking a break. "Weren't you listening? Stay focused. No, they won't All Might especially. To keep where we are a secret from villains hardly anyone knows where we are. That's what he gets for standing out so much for better or for worse. Get back to training."

"Meow meow meow meow. Anyways tonight's gonna be fun!" You looked over at Pixie-Bob with sweat dripping down your face. "We're going to be putting classes against each other in the test of courage! I know you've been training hard today, and later you'll get to play hard! How's that for a reward?!" She threw her hands up into the air and started laughing. 

"It just sounds like more training." You managed to slip away when Tiger looked over at Pixie-Bob. You stood behind Kendo and Jiro.

"Yeah, no kidding. Training in the dark no less." Jiro looked over and noticed you, "Oh, what are you doing here Midoriya?"

"Trying to catch a break. Let's just hope the night training is at least fun a little bit." You huffed and puffed trying to catch your breath. 

"That doesn't mean slack off! Push yourself to be the best you can!" She threw her hands up again and started laughing.

You looked over and saw Tiger looming over Izuku before Izuku ran back and he looked over at you. Shit. "Jiro, help me." 

"You! You aren't plus ultra! Go work your ass off! No slacking! If you get caught slacking one more time you'll be spending time in extra lessons!" He pointed, and his eyes might as well have been red as he stood over you. A chill went down yours and Jiro's spine before you took one for the team and ran back over.

Finally, training was over, but you got so pleasantly reminded that you guys had to make your own dinner. You took a spot by Bakugo to cut up fish and vegetables. You were silently cutting until you noticed he sped up. "Wow Bakugo, you're really good with that knife! It's weird..." Uraraka commented as she passed with vegetables.


"Why don't you give people a chance to catch up to your "skill" You put up air quotes with your fingers before going back to chopping with a small laugh.

"At least he's not blowing stuff up." Kaminari scoffed, and you gave him a low landed high five as he passed.

Poor Kirishima turned away and obviously sighed. You could hear him mumbling, "I don't have the energy for this." 

"Hey Katsuki, do you remember that little boy from earlier? Kota?" You asked.

"What about 'em?" 

"You know he hates heroes? Actually the whole society and stuff. Izuku tried to talk to him about it, but it was sad. His parents were those Water Hose Heroes from that one incident." He grumbled to show that he was listening, "I don't know. It just feels like something's off I guess." You shrugged.

"Why does it matter if the brat wants to be petty? It doesn't have anything to do with training to become better heroes. Get it out of your thick skull."

"Where is he by the way? I just saw him a little bit ago." Looking around, you still couldn't see him. By the way, the sun was setting it had been at least 5-10 minutes and was getting darker but still.

"I don't care."

"I know you don't but I do. He's just a kid." You looked around a little bit more before shrugging, "He probably went to his hideout.

The food was good that night. It looked appetizing, and by the time everyone was done eating and put away their dishes, it was time to do what they had planned that night. You all walked over to a big dark area in front of another big set of woods. It was eerie, and the swift breeze that passed through once in a while just to remind you of the setting.

"We've filled our bellies and did our dishes!" One of the cats started.

"Wait, first. The five of you will be joining me for extra classes. Your training earlier didn't satisfy me." 

"What..." Mina looked over with her smile frozen as he eyes looked like they shrunk. Then you noticed that the rest of them were that way too. Aizawa dragged those poor souls away while Pixie-Bob kept explaining.

"Class 1-B will start as our scarers. Class 1-A will leave every 2 minutes in pairs. The goal is to collect the tags with your names on the opposite side of the route. You aren't allowed to make physical contact, so use your quirks."

"The winner is whoever is the most creative and makes the most people piss their pants!" Tiger yelled as he stuck out a finger. 

"Rivalry in the dark." You glanced over to Tokoyami who had a serious expression still. He was creepy since day one, but now he just kept repeating that same line. Rivalry in the dark.

"It's time to draw partners! Take a random slip of paper!" 

Everyone started picking them, and when you looked down at yours it had an 8 written on it. Everyone started to find their partners until you saw Izuku standing all by himself. "You got 8?"

"Yeah, I can't find my-" You held it in front of his face, "Oh, perfect then. Guess we're last huh?"

"Well considering we did choose the last numbers. What are the odds?" You sighed and started to look around at the pairs.

"Tail- TRADE WITH ME!" You glanced over the same time Izuku did. 

Blasty looked over in your direction, "Shit." You mumbled. He stomped over and you cut his temper tantrum as quick as you could, "Deal with it. Worried you'll get shown up by half and half?"


"Then suck it up and walk back with your partner."


"No use words! Go back with Todoroki Boom Boy. Plus, you don't want to be with Izuku do you?" 

"Then he takes mine!" You folded your arms and shook your head. He stood there for a second looking between you and Izuku before grumbling and walking off back to Todoroki to yell some more which turned into him pestering Ojiro. Poor dude. 

"He's like a damn animal."

"Yeah, looks that way. Especially when he yells it's like a barking dog." Izuku commented with a smirk.

"Or just a toddler who doesn't get his way." You sighed. There's a lot of people trying to trade. Can't blame them, I mean if I got grape head or four eyes I'd probably do the same."

Eventually, they got everyone situated and started sending people out. You stood by Izuku as you could hear your classmates screaming. The team they sent out last was Tsu and Uraraka. There were still a handful of you guys left, and you couldn't help but notice Pixie-Bob lift her head and smell the air. You couldn't help but try to subtly imitate her to see if you could catch on to what she was doing.

"Black smoke. Was something set ablaze?" You turned towards the trees where there was a steady stream of smoke coming from them with a blue tint below. 

"Pixie-Bob!" She was floating towards the bushes until someone came out of them. A person, and a lizard-looking dude. It took you a second to realize she was bleeding a lot from the head as a huge magnet bar thing laid on her. 

"Sorry to crash the party. We're from the League of Villains. I can crush this kitty's head so easily."

"The League of Villains? What are they doing here?" One of your classmates asked.

"How about it dear should I?"

"You get away from her!" Tiger yelled as he was getting ready to lunge at her.

The lizard dude stepped in the middle, "Now calm down Big Sister Magne. You too Tiger. Deciding if someone is either going to live or die we better make sure it abides by stains principles. I think I recognize you, four eyes. You're the one who tried to attack him in Hosu city, isn't it? Let me teach you a lesson." He reached behind him a pulled out a huge sword made of a bunch of different sharp weapons all tied together. "Call me Spinner! I'm here to make Stain's dreams a reality!"

"That girl right there. Her name is Pixie-Bob. She's a pro hero who has saved countless lives. She's looking for a mate but other than that she's content." His face grew angrier and angrier as claws came out of his gloves, "What gives you a right to cut such a happy life short?!"

"Tiger, I've talked to everyone. Leave the safety of the other students to Ragdoll. You guys get back to camp. Class rep, you're in charge on the way there. Don't engage anyone!"

"Leave it to me. Let's go." He started gathering your classmates and pushing everyone along. "Midoriya!" You looked towards Izuku and you both had the same worried expression on your face.

"Just go without us." He told Ida.

"Mandalay!" You called out and she glanced back with her teeth clenched.

Izuku put his hand to his chest, "Kota, we know where he is."

She looked like she had some doubt before nodding. Izuku and you both powered up One for All and started heading towards the mountain. "We get him, and then go back to camp! Okay Y/N?"

"Got it! It's out of range, but it's a good scouting area. Be prepared just in case! We can help each other up there but I hope we'll get there soon enough.

"Where do you think you're going?" You could feel the terror seep through your spine as your pupils shrank. You glanced over to the side to see a scarred face smiling at you before a huge burst of blue flames hit you. 


"Izuku, go! Go save Kota! I'll hold him off the best I can!" He looked at you for half a second before speeding up the mountain. When he got up there, there was just enough time to get Kota out of the way before another villain's power quirk came bearing down with his fist surrounded by muscle fibers.

He chuckled, "I was just going to have some fun, but you, I recognize. You were on Shigaraki's kill list. There was another one too, a girl. You look kind of like her now that I think about it. Oh and I'm looking for a kid named Bakugo. Mind telling me where they are before you die?" H pulled out three pictures of the three of you.

Your back hit the tree, and you stood up just in time to avoid another blast of flames. "You're brave." His voice moved slightly up and down as he talked. His face too, he had bright blue eyes, and most of his face was scarred. There were staples it looked like holding him together. "Taking me on by yourself?"

You jumped and swung yourself around a tree branch before dodging just in the nick of time again. I have to predict his movements or I'm going to die. Once the realization hit that if you lose you die you felt your stomach sink and your heart beating faster.

"I wouldn't have taken you on if I thought I could lose." You smirked as you tried to find an opening.

"You're staying on the defense. That's a bluff kid. You were on the kill list, but you have some spunk. Let's see what you got." 

He lowered his hands and you were about to strike before you caught yourself. It's a trap what am I thinking? Catch him off guard. "You look like you have quite the backstory. What's your name?" 

"I'm goin' by Dabi right now."

You upped your speed, and you could feel the muscles in your bones slowly ripping as you moved in circles in the trees. I need to create the illusion of a blur. It'll be harder to see. Then I can use the opening to attack and resume to the burred motion. Yeah, that'll work. It has to. He just stood in the center as your circled around him with a smirk. That's it. You planted your foot on the branch and leaped off. He looked behind him and instead of hitting the back of his neck or upper back to know the wind out of him as you planned, you ended up kicking his arms. The plan was to create a diversion with your fists and actually kick, but he was quick. Too quick.

"That was a good idea. Try not o be too predictable. At least make killing you fun. Impress me. Give me a reason to let you live, Kurogiri's taken a liking to you. Lucky for you, I prefer him more than Shigaraki."

Your legs ached and ached more as you couldn't help but speed up. You tried the same thing, and he looked disappointed as he blocked you once again except this time you grabbed onto his wrists and landed on the other side with enough momentum to chuck him over you onto the ground. You pinned him and started punching him over and over, but stopped when he just looked up at you as his grin grew more and more.

"That was good." You could feel your body start to get hot as flames started to cover him again, and you had no choice but to let him out of the pin. He stood up and brushed his clothes, "Riddle me impressed. You're a Midoriya right? The other boy is your brother? Also on the kill list. We're gonna kill him, along with all of your classmates that aren't worthy. We're going to take the others and watch the hero society fall. Doesn't that sound fun?"

You took a step back, he was insane. Without another word, he charged at you, and you grabbed onto his outstretched arm and used his weight to your advantage. You pushed towards him, forcing him onto the ground. You didn't attempt to pin him this time though, you only needed to keep him at bay and not die. Distance would be helpful too.

"You're pretty chatty for a villain." You jumped up and brought your foot down on the back of his head as he slammed into the ground. 

"That's because you've already lost. We're here for a kid named Bakugo anyways. You've seen him anywhere?" Your expression changed and you prepared to fight at your top this time as he looked over unamused all of the sudden. "We've been observing I know you know who I'm talking about." He didn't give you time to react as he grabbed your face, and held it against the ground. "Tell me or I'll make you watch all of them die. Starting with your brother." You didn't say anything, and his other hand grabbed your throat and started squeezing it. 

You grabbed the base of his wrist. There wasn't enough space to break free how you normally would. You started choking, trying to get air as your face turned darker from the lack of oxygen. You could only see through the cracks of his fingers.

I can't breathe. Everything's getting foggy, and there's no air. You could feel your eyes rolling back quicker and quicker. I'm going to die here. I'm sorry Katsuki and Kirishima. I love you Izuku and Mom, please don't forget me. You could feel yourself being lost until the air flowed into your lungs and you started to cough. There was still a grip, but not enough to kill you yet.

"I can start by burning part of your face if you want. Cooperate or you're in for hell."

You clenched your teeth, "I'll never tell you!"

"Please." He rolled his eyes and pushed you back to the ground, "We know you two are close, so don't act dumb. Give us Bakugo and we'll leave with only a few deaths if you're lucky. We're here for him. Killing or taking you could possibly just be a benefit."

"No!" You tried to lift yourself up but to no avail. Panic settled in when you couldn't move and you could feel the heat starting on his palms. Please, One for All. Give me your strength, don't let me die! 

It felt like something clicked, an insane power boost percentage as you gained the ability to fight against him equally. His flames came hurling towards you. You punched the air just like Izuku would've, and immediately felt your arm start bruising. It put out the flames though, and gave you an opportunity to use your other arm, "One for All, 1,000%!" You yelled out and punched him in the gut. The punch from earlier messed up the trees, but this sent him flying. A time wedge to escape. You stopped and looked back. If I run then he can hurt somebody else. Once the boost of power was gone you stood there trying to see where he was with two of your fingers on your neck where it was bruising from the force when he was choking you.

"That was good, but you broke yourself trying to pull it off." There was another huge blast of flames and the trees caught on fire all around you. He stood in front of you again with both of his hands up ready to fight, "Brave enough?" 

"I don't have a choice." You couldn't even lift your right arm since it was so shattered from 1,000% power. On a normal basis, you could barely handle 10%. You had no good way to strongly punch him back, and before you knew it you were bleeding. Bruised all over the face and body from getting beat. You wheezed as you spit out the blood burning your esophagus. Barely managing to lift yourself up before getting punched in the face and falling back down.

"Huh, maybe you weren't all that. Weren't you the one who scored high in the sports festival? I'm not mixing up you kids, am I?" He had his hand resting on his chin as he thought for a minute followed by a shrug. "If you can't even protect yourself from me for a couple of lousy minutes then I guess there isn't a use for you after all." He leaned over and put his hand on your face.

It was okay at first until an anguished scream escaped your lips and you couldn't even breathe. You tilted your head back to try to escape it, but it just pushed further into the dirt. There was nobody to help you, and it turned more and more gut-wrenching as more flames emitted from his hand. "Let go of me!" Your voice cracked every chance it could. You tried to kick and scratch but it wasn't working. 

When you looked at him with tears forming in your eyes he was smiling. "Does it hurt?" You squinted your eyes and tried to paw him off of you. "Getting burnt isn't fun, is it? You heroes in training think you have it all figured out huh?" 

You were breathing heavily, trying to ignore the pain on the side of your face as he just spoke like nothing was happening. "Do you give up?"

"Go burn in hell!" You yelled and used the force in your arms to push him up. Without even thinking about it one for all went to the power that you knew subconsciously that you needed. You managed to stand up, and grab his wrist and force his hand off of your face. You were about to break it before he twisted it and got out of the hold. 

"You do have a fight in you." He smirked and went back into the woods.

"You don't get to just leave after that!" You wiped the tears from your eyes and ignored the pain lingering on your face. When you yelled your voice cracked from the swelling and affliction. You went in after him and punched him in the face.

"I'm not going down that easy kid." He jumped up, and you met his height as he blasted a huge flame in your direction. Instead of backing off, you upped your power percentage and tore through it. It felt like your skin was sizzling as you dove into it, taking everything out of you. You managed to hit him back to the ground with a huge crash as you landed by him. You had to duck right away as he threw another flame and you hit him with all you had and your other arm started to bruise even more. It wasn't shattered like the other one though. The force from his flame and your punch made you both fly back multiple feet.

You stood up, but something was wrong. He socked you in the face and sent you flying as your back hit a tree and you fell to the ground. It's gone. You tried to feel the tingle in your body from one for all, but it wasn't there. It's not there. Your eyes widened as you looked at Dabi walking to you with his arms outstretched and lowered with the forest burning behind him. You stood up with your entire body shaking from the sudden weakness it hasn't experienced for months. He's coming. If I punch him it'll be weak and I'll get overpowered. If I run that'll give him a chance to hurt someone else. Shit, if I attack I can die. If I run he can chase me. You stood up breathing heavily with the blue from the flames hitting your face.

"Dark shadow!" You peered into the forest. "Please!" It was Tokoyami.

That was your cue. "Gotta go. Look forward to fighting you again burnt boy." You took off into the forest in the direction where you heard the yelling. It sounded like there were trees breaking. "Toko-" 

"Shh!" Shoji jumped out of nowhere and tackled you and someone else.

"Ow-O-" You tried to not say anything, but even though you landed on Shoji there was a lot of weight on your shattered arm and burnt face. The only reason you weren't in a crazy amount of pain was from adrenaline and you knew it.

"Shh." He said again, and it was so dark you couldn't tell who else was there besides Shoji. "Dark Shadow has gone wild. Tokoyami was trying to not use him, but a villain attacked and cut one of my arms off. Luckily it was just an extension of one of them, but he couldn't see me hurt like that. He used Dark Shadow and it went mad. He attacks any little sound or movement, so be quiet."

"That's what that is." You whispered and got a little light-headed as you grabbed your head where it was still bleeding.

"You two look rough you should go back to camp and get help." 

"They're after Kacchan/Katsuki." You looked over and noticed Izuku's voice as you said it at the same time.

"Thank god." You sighed and leaned your head on him before sitting up, "Kota-"

"He's safe. I brought him back to Mr.Aizawa." You got a slight smile on your face. "We have to go to Kacchan, Shoji. His group was before yours which means he should be further along the path."

"With those injuries, the two of you have you need to be laid up in bed." He whispered to you guys again. "Please. I know you guys want to save your friend at any cost, but in order to pass we need to get through Dark Shadow and Tokoyami first." He looked into the dark where there were more crashes and roars. "Midoriya." Both of you looked down from being held by him, "I can't leave him behind, and both of you forced your broken bodies here because you're worried about Bakugo. If you want I'll distract Dark Shadow for you, and you can run."

"Wait, but the fire and camp are far from here. You'll be in danger." Shoji went to shush him, but Dark shadow already swung at the tree and Shoji dodged just in time. 

"I know, but to save people you have to take risks! That's what makes a hero a hero. Are guys going to stay here and help Tokoyamy, or rush to Bakugo's side? You have to make a choice right now." 

You gritted your teeth and shut your eyes for a second. "There's a way. I'm not choosing one or the other." You whispered to them, and it was hard to see, but you knew Izuku was thinking the same.

"If we can get Dark Shadow to Todoroki or Kacchan they can give us light. We can calm Dak Shadow."

"Yeah, we're going to have to run. If we follow the trail with those two I know they'll be fighting. We should be able to see fire or ice eventually. Use your dupliarms to make noise to lead him so he's not attacking our actual body. I can run, so you can put me down." You tried to move to the ground, but he squeezed you tighter. 

"No. I'll carry both of you. You guys are too beat up. I'll run, but be ready because we're going to have to run fast." 

"RaaaaaAAAaaAaA!" You looked over.

"It's now or never!" Dark Shadow started chasing you guys, destroying all the trees in the path and launching them. You ducked your head under Shoji's arms, and against his back with your eyes squinted shut. This is a nightmare.

"There! I see ice! Right ahead!"

"Bakugo! Todoroki! Give us some light!" Shoji screamed as he jumped out of the way just for Dark Shadow to destroy the ice. You peeked out but tried to keep your head in so you weren't thrown out. 


"Shoji, Midoriya, and is that... Tokoyami?" Todorki said, and you kept your head down and held on. He was running so fast that one little bump and you'd be thrown out even though he was holding onto you. 

"We need some light now! He's out of control!" Shoji yelled, and you felt him jump just in the nick of time again. With all this moving you could feel more and more blood flowing out and you got light-headed again. The pressure from your hand wasn't enough. If this isn't over soon I'm going to pass out for sure.

"I'll use my fire," Todoroki mentioned.

"Wait." You listened and tried to keep consciousness as the villain they must've been fighting was overrun by Dark Shadow. Then you could hear small rapid explosions and Dark Shadow fading as it got quieter and quieter. Shit. I'm gonna pass out. It's getting worse.

Tokoyami was breathing heavily, "Once again I'm a bad matchup for you bird boy."

"Thanks." He panted. "You saved me."

Todoroki looked over at him, and Shoji walked over, "Are you okay my friend?" He nodded.

"Shoji, I apologize. You too Midoriya. I'm still far too immature. Anger consumed me, and my quirk took over. It spurred Dark Shadow into a frenzy and I couldn't contain it. I ended up hurting Shoji."

"Shoji, where's Y/N? She was on your back right?" You could hear Izuku say, and your eyes were fluttering.

"There's red seeping through your arms." 

"What?" His voice got serious, "I still have a grip on her. She's there." He loosened the grip before you felt the dirt under you. 

Your breathing was weak, and now that there was light you could see Izuku's eyes widened as much as they could for being swollen. You moved your arm on your head to try not to focus on what everyone was looking at.

"Her injuries were worse than I thought. What happened? You were with her right Midoriya?" Shoji leaned over to try to look closer. Todoroki laid down the person he was carrying, and Bakugo took a step back before inching closer. 

"I didn't even know she was with you guys," Todoroki mentioned.

"She was at camp with you stupid Deku! What the hell happened?!"

"We went to save Kota, but we got separated when a villain came in between. She told me to go on and save him and she would hold him off. If I didn't leave Kota would be deaad." 

"We need to get back to camp. Your injuries are bad, but hers are worse." Shoji said as you could feel yourself being barely managable to be picked back up.

"I got it." Bakugo said, and lifted you over his shoulders, "You've been carrying both of them, and you're beaten up too. We need to find something to stop the bleeding on her head, and the burns on her face need to be treated before they scar and get infected."

Everything got fuzzy and you blacked out before there were sounds of footsteps, and you tried to mumble something.

"Guys, she's waking up." It was Uraraka. Wasn't she with Tsu?

"Where are we?" It was barely hearable, and when you slightly opened your eyes you just saw feet and dirt passing swiftly. 

"Y/N. Are you okay?"

You mumbled before your eyes shut again. You could hear people talking until you couldn't. Your brain tried to tell you that you passed out again, but the slight blue tint from the light told you otherwise. You forced yourself to wake up, and you weren't in the same place. It was sphere-like. Blue all around you, and you could only see shadows. It looked like trees passing, and you felt your head that was covered in a cloth, and the arm that was shattered had a splint. Your face still felt warm, but you tried to stand up. It took multiple times until you were successful, but a time shake threatened you to fall again. You had some strength now though. Any strength was better than no strength. Then it went dark, and it stayed dark for a while.

You felt around, and you were still in the same space. It got lighter and then brighter. You tried to see but there were just multiple silhouettes. You pressed your ear to the side though and could hear it. People talking. Shoji, Izuku, and Todoroki? What's happening?

"You rescued them!"

"Just let them go." You could see three black figures running away and then turned away from another that appeared in the trees. Until a huge cloud-type thing appeared. The warp villain?

"It's been 5 minutes since the signal. Let's go we have the targets." It ordered.

"Hang on. We're not leaving without them." You recognized that voice. It was the flame guy. Dabi.

"Don't worry. They were so proud of themselves for rooting through my pockets I thought I'd let them feel like they did it. But allow me to explain the basic tenant of magic. If I'm flaunting something shiny, it's because there's something else I don't want you to see."

It got even brighter as the slit you were looking through got bigger and bigger as he took something off. 

"He's got them!" 

The person or whatever you were in snapped, and you could hear Todoroki, "Is that my ice?" What was happening?

"Correct. I prepared doubles and slipped them into my pockets."

"Damnit! His work allows him to compress and hold things!" Is that what was happening? You were captured and that's why they were there? You hit the side but nothing happened.

"Izuku!" You tried to yell out, but like you had guess he couldn't hear you.

The slit shrunk again, and the cloud stuff got closer and closer. You could see the three of their silhouettes running towards the person as fast as they could. "It wasn't the plan to take the bird boy, but his quirk would be helpful nonetheless. Bakugo was the main target, and it only feels fitting to tell you that Kurogiri and Dabi took a liking to the girl. We'll take good care of them, so let's take one last final bow."

"You can't take them!"Izuku's voice cracked, and you tried to see what was happening.

Those words. They took Tokoyami and Bakugo too. They're after Katsuki, why? What does he mean by they took a liking to me? Wasn't I on the kill list? It got bright, and the dark ground got lighter as you flew to the top of the sphere. It must've been falling. You could tell who was Shoji, and Izuku fell rushing towards you guys after it got all bright. What is going on? You didn't like this feeling. Being helpless again. Just having to spectate and wait to be rescued. 

"Got it!" Shoji yelled, and then you heard Dabi.

"How tragic. Poor little Shoto Todoroki." 

"Todoroki! That one gonna fall in the warp gate!" 'That one's was you because when you looked down you could see the cloud stuff under you getting closer. 

He had so much momentum that you watched the black outline of him roll onto the ground. Dark figured, most likely fingers wrapped around the one that you were in. "Losing two of your friends in one night. How sad." You started breathing heavier as you could hear their screams as a last-ditch effort. "Confirm them." 

You could barely see a hand out of the warp as it snapped and the blue film disappeared and a hand wrapped around your neck. 

"Y/N! Kacchan! No!" His screams added that much more realness to the situation as your eyes got wide again.

You looked to your right to see Katsuki with a hand around his neck too with his eyes just as wide as yours. "Checkmate." You squinted your eyes and used your one hand to pull at his before you started to twist and frail. It was getting closer. The warp, if you were in there was no getting out. You grabbed his fingers and twisted before kicking him and you barely managed to get out of his grasp. You laid on the floor as he looked down at you. "Katsuki!" Your voice was blood-curdling. "Don't! Take me instead! Leave him alone!" You tried to stand up to get to him. "Please!" You could feel the tears forming in your eyes as you started to feel empty. 

"Deku. Y/N! Stay back." 

Dabi looked down and was about to step back out to drag you through before Shoji and Todoroki stood in front of you, forcing Dabi to risk losing Bakugo or escape safely with him. He chose the second option, and the warp closed behind him.

You lost your breath and held the shirt by your chest before leaning over, "NOOO!" It was long and your voice cracked as you held in your tears. Todoroki stood there with his mouth open, and Shoji couldn't do anything. Your lip quivered and you felt like you couldn't breathe. It's my fault. I didn't save him. I knew they were after him, but I couldn't. He was right there. You hit your head, but there was so much pressure and tension in your head you didn't feel it. You did it more and more until you could feel something, anything. "Why?! Why did it have to be him?" It sounded panicked and you took multiple breaths in between as you pulled your hair, "It should've been me. I should've." You leaned over so fast that your head hit the dirt again. "If I was stronger, I could've saved him!" It felt like your throat was closing on you as you choked out the words. When they came from your mouth each one threatened to be a whimper.

Todoroki clenched his teeth as he looked at you. He could see the pain and heard it in your voice. Izuku yelled too, but it was obvious that you were more shaken up, and after looking between the two of you Todoroki tried to comfort you. You smacked his hand away and just looked at your hand that you could move after bringing it back. Clenching your fist just to watch it fall back to normal over and over again. "Midoriya..." You ignored him as your breathing picked up more and more and it felt like you were suffocating all over again. "We have to take the three of you to camp. You guys need medical help."

"I'm fine," Shoji said as he stood up after giving up trying to comfort Izuku and you. "I'll get her, she probably won't want to move for a while."

"I can walk," Izuku said as he stood up, his jaw still trembling. "I can walk." He had a dazed look and walked over to your huddled ball that you put yourself in. "Y/N."

All you could hear was your rapid breathing and overflowing thoughts. It's should've been me. I should've saved him instead of me. It would've been so easy to kick his other hand and free him. Then I would've been taken and it would've been fine. He's gone. It's all my fault. What if we never find him? What if- You got smacked on the non-burnt side of your face and then you could see him. Izuku, standing over you with splints and a swollen eye.

"Let's go get you medical help. That's what Kacchan wanted to do."

"Yeah," Shoji agreed, "I don't know if you heard him, but that's why he insisted on carrying you. He wanted to make sure you were healed." He held out his hand, and you grabbed onto it to lift yourself up even though it hurt. 

"Come on." You looked at Izuku, and he tried to smile for you. It came out like he was forcing his mouth open, but you just looked down.

"I'll carry you." Shoji told you, and opened up his arms.

"Thanks." You whispered, barely audible as he picked you up. 

"You should sleep. If you sleep you'll heal."

"Yeah," Todoroki agreed, "We'll make sure you get back safe." He propped up Izuku to help him walk since he couldn't carry him without dragging his shoes on the ground, and Shoji's arm was bleeding more. "All of us."

"Yes," Tokoyami assured, taking the other side of Izuku.

"No." You laid your head on Shoji, and your cheek looked smushed, "We're missing someone. I can't. Not until we find him." You bit your cheek to keep yourself from crying again. You felt empty, like a third of you was missing as they brought you back to camp. You almost drifted off a couple of times but forced yourself to stay awake.

You could hear and feel Shoji sigh in relief, "Mr.Aizawa." You saw him look over, and he eyed Izuku and you. 

He didn't even question what happened, and sprung into action. "I'll take her. Todoroki,  take Shoji to get his hand patched, please. Midoriya, stay here." Shoji handed you to Mr.Aizawa who was going to carry you to a stretcher, but you pushed away from him. 

"No, I have to go back."

"You need medical help. Stop resisting." You didn't listen and turned to walk away, but Mr.Aizawa brought you back with his binding cloth. He tilted your face up and looked at the burns. "These need to be treated before they scar and get infected."

"But Katsuki- I need to"

That was it. Everything turned black as Mr.Aizawa knocked you out. He picked you up, and laid you down on a stretcher, "She needs urgent medical care! Burns, cuts, fractured bones, shattered bones, bruising, and more. Get the doctor's, surgery is most likely needed. The burns need to be healed right away or they're going to cause permanent blindness. Get Recovery Girl here as soon as possible, or transport the severe students to her. This one is a top-tier one of the most injured and unconscious. Get her help." He ordered, "Midoriya, you're going with her. Get in the van." He lifted the stretcher up and had Izuku sit on one of the side seats and buckle, "The driver is taking her to Recovery Girl. You get healed too. You're going to have to explain to your parents. Stay with her the driver knows where to go. Stay buckled just in case you pass out when your adrenaline goes down you'll be in a lot of pain. I have to stay here to help your classmates." He shut the doors and hit the van twice. The engine started up, and you guys were off to the hospital.

It was dark when you woke up, and you looked over to the IV stuck in your arm. You could see out of one eye since the other half of your face was covered in bandages, but through it you noticed Izuku laying on the bed beside yours, sleeping. You were confused at first until it all came rushing back to you. You were about to yell, but stopped yourself so it came out as a little whimper. Still, it woke Izuku up, and he walked over in the dark to see you trying to pull out the IV and breathing tubes.

"Shhh, shh, please. Stop you can't do that. Leave them be." You started to panic, and the beeping on your monitor sped up. He looked at it before pushing you down, "Please stop." His hair was in front of his face. He wasn't trying to smile anymore.

"How long was I out?" Your voice cracked, "How long were you out?" He pushed your wrists down so you didn't have an option to try to take them off.

"I was out for two days slipping in and out of consciousness. Yaoyorozu just woke up yesterday, and adding those up it's been three, almost four days for you." You took a small breath in before leaning back on the pillow. His grip released on your hands and you took a shaky deep breath. "We're going to get Kacchan back. Don't worry."

"How?" You asked, and blew your nose. "Don't finish that actually, hang on." You looked for the button to call the nurse. A team came in and started checking you before they had a doctor come in. 

"Your burn is mostly healed. There was a portion of completely fried flesh we had to extract or it would cause infection. You do have a scar. Thanks to Recovery Girl we were able to minimize it, and she healed your arm. One was completely shattered, and the other was fractured in three areas. How are you doing mentally?"

"I want to go home and see my mom. To sleep in my bed."

"Understandable. We will remove the IV drip, and breathing tubes for you. I'm afraid we have to keep the heart monitor for now. When you were unconscious you seized just like your brother, and your breathing would get rapid. We just have to make sure that's all good for at least 12 hours. If it is you will only be asked to stay a little longer."

You just stared blankly at him before closing your eyes. "Thank you." 

"Of course. I'll send in a nurse team to remove those. Izuku Midoriya, you should be good to go the same time she is. Tomorrow night, or the next morning after."

"Okay, thanks." He smiled, and you rolled over. A few minutes later the nurses came in and took out the tubes and the IV. 

"Make sure to drink lots of water. You have a bathroom connected to this room, if you need a refill press the orange button on the panel. Any questions?" You looked at them before looking away again. "Alright then have a good night." She said with a smile and shut the door.

You looked at the window with your arms over your head, squeezing your hair as a single tear dripped down your face. Izuku looked at you before laying down again, and you pulled out your phone hoping to see a message from him. You didn't care at this point it could say "shut the hell up dumbass." and it would make you happy, but there was nothing. No sign of him even being there, and once the reality kept hitting you harder every time you felt yourself trying to find any sign that he was somewhere. Four days and not a single text or call. You stared around the room, but just like all the other times you tried to look for anything, there was nothing.

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