
By nikki13088

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This story takes place a few months after the final battle, the trio returns to Hogwarts to finish school an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note

Chapter 20

762 24 16
By nikki13088

Ginny woke up the next morning to the sound of Draco's breathing in her ear; she kept her eyes closed and just enjoyed hearing him sleep next to her. She felt him starting to wake up and gave a small smile when she felt him grab her closer to him. She loved waking up in his arms, not that she had many opportunities to do so, but when she did, she always found herself never wanting to leave them. She soon felt his lips on hers and her smile grew wider against his kisses.

"I guess that really is the only way to wake you up... well with a smile at least." he laughed.

She finally opened her eyes to see his face over hers. He smiled upon seeing her eyes flutter open and meet his and he took in how beautiful she looked right now. Her long fiery hair was spread all across her pillow and over her shoulders. He leaned down and gave her a long passionate kiss before he got out of the bed.

"You should get up to, we really should practice more today... I'd like to do something more intense this time and really see what we could do." He said throwing a shirt on.

Ginny suddenly shot up at this comment and she remembered the events of last night. She had hoped it was a dream, but she knew it wasn't and she quickly jumped out his bed. She felt her emotions getting ready to overflow and she started walking towards the door. She felt Draco gently grab her arm and turn her to him.

"Hey, what's the matter?" he said, studying her face.

She looked into his mercury eyes, the ones that she so often got lost in; but this time as she stared into them she could only think about the child she now carried and she just needed to get away from him right now. She knew she had to tell Draco, but she hadn't even come to terms with the results yet and she knew Draco would completely freak out over it. She made to turn and walk away when he turned her back to him again.

"Ginny? I asked what was wrong?" he looked at her, this time with worry in his eyes.

She mentally cursed at herself when she felt tears swell up in her eyes and she knew Draco would definitely know something was up. She desperately searched her mind for an excuse for her sudden emotions.

"I'm sorry... it's just that... today is Fred's birthday," she said with a tear escaping her eye and she felt him ease his grip on her arm and she took that chance to quickly leave the room.

She knew Draco had no clue what was wrong, even last night when she came to him crying she knew he thought it was because of the fight they had. She had to tell him and soon, she just needed to get her mind straight before she did.


After Draco got dressed, he started making his was way down to the kitchen and saw George sitting in the living room working on some new prank it seemed. He walked over to him and watched him for a moment.

"Hey George, Happy Birthday mate," he said happily.

George just looked at him and gave a small laugh. "Ha, what are you up to Draco?" he said, continuing to work on some mechanical device that Draco knew would soon cause mayhem to one of them in the house.

"What do you mean?" Draco asked sounding confused.

George looked at him again. "Well, for one, it's not my birthday."

"What? But Ginny said it was Fred and your birthday today," he said, trying to make sense of what was going on.

"Oh, wonder why she told you that... unless she's back to her pranking days and she has something up her sleeve. Maybe she planned on having you wish me a happy birthday when it really isn't to throw me off or maybe....."George went on and on as Draco tried to understand why Ginny would tell him it was their birthday when it really wasn't.

He ignored George's ongoing possibilities of what Ginny could be up to and went to go look for her.


"Come in."

Ginny opened the door to McGonagall's room and sheepishly stepped inside.

"Morning, Miss Weasley, I was just on my way down. What can I do for you?" she said without looking at her as she bustled about the room.

"Um... I performed the spell," she said quietly.

McGonagall stopped in her tracks and turned her attention to the youngest Weasley. Her face became a mixture of seriousness and nervousness. "Oh... and?" she asked in a soft voice.

Ginny looked down at the floor, she felt ashamed that she let this happen. She then gave a small nod.

McGonagall let out a long sigh and then walked over to Ginny and embraced her into a gentle hug. She placed her hands on her shoulders and looked into the young girl's eyes where saw fear and uncertainty.

"It's going to be ok Ginny, but you need to tell Draco and before you tell Draco you need to tell your parents," she said gently.

"Draco is going to hate me, he can't even call me his girlfriend yet and now I'm having his baby," Ginny said more to herself than anything.

"I think we can both agree that Mr. Malfoy's reaction will be... priceless," she smirked causing Ginny to give a small smile.

"He's waiting for me to practice and he wants to do more. What should I do?"

"Well, I think I can get Mr. Malfoy's mind off of practice for a bit. Kingsley gave the all clear for us to go into town again to get some things for the wedding tomorrow." McGonagall said.

Ginny let out a relieved sigh. "Thanks."

"But Miss Weasley... when we get back... you need to talk to your parents or I will. Understand?"

Ginny nodded.


They soon arrived at the small familiar town and Mrs. Weasley took Hermione and Luna off to some Accessories and more store and Mr. Weasley and the guys went to a local pub to grab lunch. Ginny was walking with Draco through the little town just window shopping and enjoying the beautiful day.

"Why did you lie to me?" Draco asked suddenly.

Ginny froze, she wasn't sure what he meant, was he referring to her being pregnant? She decided to play dumb. "Lie about what?"

"That it was Fred's birthday? I wished George a happy birthday and he looked at me like I had three heads. Not to mention now he thinks we are planning some kind of prank."

Ginny let out a relieved breath. "Oh, sorry, I think I'm just emotional that you're going to be leaving."

"Then why didn't you just say that this morning?"

"I don't know, because we had a huge argument yesterday and I didn't want to start up anything I guess." she lied and he just gave a slight nod. She watched his face become a bit more serious. "You know... you don't have to go," she said softly.

He stopped walking and looked at her in surprise. "What? Of course I do, you know I have to. There's no way I would back out of this, the more we find out about where my father is the sooner we could work towards a plan to take him down and end this."

She nodded. "What if I asked you to stay?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her with a bit of confusion. "Ginny, what's going on? As much as I would love to stay you know I can't. We both know how important this is."

"I know, I'm just... scared that I'll never see you again."

He gently took her hand and rubbed his thumb over it. "Don't worry about me... I'll be fine." he gave her a soft smile.

She just smiled back and started walking again. Ginny had noticed a small shop filled with baby stuff across the street that had cute little outfits in the window with stuffed animals displayed all around. She smiled to herself at how cute the tiny clothes were and absent-mindedly placed a hand on her stomach. She quickly moved it away and then thought about how she was going to break the news to Draco. It took everything in her to not completely break down and cry, her emotions were all over the place to begin with and now being pregnant wasn't helping. McGonagall was right... she needed to tell her parents, she had to tell someone, but she knew she wasn't ready to tell Draco yet. Her facial expression must have turned to one of sadness because Draco stopped walking again and looked at her.

"Are you ok?"

"Uh, I think I want to head home actually. I'm just an emotional mess today I guess... you know with everything going on," she said not looking at him.

"Ok," he said, putting an arm around her shoulders, then they made their way to meet up with the others.


Later that afternoon after they arrived back from town, Ginny found herself pacing back and forth in her bedroom. She was becoming flustered at the thought of telling her parents and she thought that if she felt like this with just trying to tell her parents then how would she feel when it came time to tell Draco. She sat on her bed for a moment and ran her fingers through her hair. "Mum... Dad... I'm pregnant. Hey Mum... Dad, I have some news. Mum... Dad, you guys are going to be grandparents." she rehearsed possible ways to tell them and then threw herself back on her bed in frustration as her mind went to Draco again. Dean and Draco had avoided each other since the fight they had and she thought about how the whole thing could've been avoided if she could just tell Dean she was with Draco. It frustrated her beyond anything that Draco couldn't be open about his relationship with her. She rubbed her eyes and then stood up and headed to her parents' room.

She saw their bedroom door opened and she watched her mum putting clothes away and her Dad was talking to her about work. Ginny just stood in the doorway watching them for a few moments and soon felt those damn emotions getting the best of her again. She let out a long sigh and then knocked on the open door.

"Oh hey, Gin-bug come in," Arthur said turning to her.

That was it, at hearing her father call her by one of her nicknames made her that much more emotional. She felt so guilty and ashamed that she would be burdening everyone because of her own poor choices. She closed the door behind her and she started crying which made Arthur and Molly stop what they were doing and turn their attention to their daughter.

"Ginny dear, what's the matter, are you alright?" Mrs. Weasley said leading Ginny over to sit on the bed.

"I... n-need... to tell y-you guys'.... s-something." she sobbed.

They looked at each other. "What is it, Ginny? Are you hurt?" Mrs. Weasley asked with more worry in her voice.

Ginny jumped up from the bed and frantically started pacing their bedroom; shaking her hands violently to stop her nerves from making her tremble so much. "You guys are going to hate me and be so disappointed but I need to tell someone because I don't know how to act or what to think. I'm scared and I don't know what to do; I feel my mind is just going to explode and -"

"Ginny, calm down," Arthur said, grabbing her shoulders gently to calm her.

She looked into her father's eyes and tears spilled down her face. She buried her face into her father's chest and started sobbing and Molly came running over.

"Ginny what's wrong your scaring us?" she said, looking as if she might cry herself with how distraught her daughter was.

Ginny suddenly muffled out the words. "I'm pregnant."

"WHAT!" they both yelled together.

Arthur pulled Ginny away from his chest to look at her face. He stared at her and she couldn't meet his gaze.

"Please tell me your joking Ginny and that this is some kind of obscene prank." Molly pleaded with her.

Ginny slowly shook her head no.

"Ginny... are you sure you're pregnant?" Her father asked.

She nodded as more tears streamed down her face."I know you guys hate me for being so stupid and I'm so sorry. I don't know how I could've been so irresponsible and-"

"Ginny, look at me," her father said firmly.

She slowly brought her tear-filled eyes up to his.

"Your mother and I could never hate you. Yes, we are shocked and disappointed at this sudden news, but we love you very much and that will never change... ok?"

She nodded through her tears and then threw her arms around her father and cried. She felt her mother's hand on her back and she turned to look at her. Molly's expression was a mixture of shock, anger, and comfort.

"How long have you known Ginny?" she asked her daughter.

"Just since last night, but I have been suspicious since the night of the fair."

"Who knows?" Her mum asked.

"Just McGonagall, she didn't tell you's because she wanted to give me the chance to."

"Draco doesn't know yet?" Arthur asked a bit surprised.

Ginny shook her head. "I'm terrified of telling him... what's going to happen to us now? To me? To my life? Have I ruined everything?" she asked them.

"Ginny everything will work itself out, you need to believe that. Your mother and I will talk to McGonagall about sending over a MediWizard to examine you and we can make sure you and... the baby are ok." Arthur said the last part looking at his young daughter and had just seemed to take in the news that she was having a baby.

Ginny nodded.

"You need to talk to Draco dear." her mother said in a soft voice.

They all just suddenly found themselves standing there. Ginny knew that they were unsure of how to react and she understood why, but she was more grateful that they didn't completely blow up at her. Her parents gave her another hug and she left the room and when she was out of sight Molly broke down into tears in her husband's arms.


Later that evening the house was filled with talk about the wedding tomorrow and Mrs. Weasley was finishing some final touches on Hermione's dress. Ginny had spent a good part of the early evening finally helping Hermione decide on a hairstyle. Ginny felt a lot better after talking with her parents and she knew they wanted to talk to her more about it, but it was hard when nobody else knew of her pregnancy. She had planned on telling Draco tonight after dinner and as dinner neared and they all sat down to eat, she felt her nerves starting to kick in. Kingsley had made a surprise visit right after they had sat down for dinner, saying he had some news to share with them.

"Sorry to intrude Molly and Arthur but there have been some developments that I need to address," he said taking a seat at the table.

"Nonsense Kingsley you're always welcome," Molly said with a bright smile.

"Well, I'm going to come right out with it then... we think there might be a Death Eater camp set up right outside of town here. Now I was hoping to bring a few volunteers with me tonight to take it down before they have a chance to scout the area or cause any harm to the Muggle people," he said looking around the table. "I was hoping we could do this as soon as possible, I don't think it's any of the higher ranking Death Eaters so it should be a breeze I'm hoping."

Ginny's heart sank, she knew Draco would offer to go and help. The thought of him going out there and risking his life without him knowing she was pregnant was eating away at her and she suddenly felt panicked. She couldn't keep putting it off and she just had to tell him already.

"So Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Harry and Draco, you guys good to go on this?" Kingsley asked standing up.

"Yeah of course," Harry said also getting up.

"Ok, I'll meet you all outside in five minutes," Kingsley said.

"NO!" Ginny shouted suddenly standing up. She turned to Draco and looked at him. "I need to talk to you."

Molly and Arthur exchanged a look and McGonagall looked over to them.

Draco looked at her like she was crazy. "Ok, we can talk when I get back... calm down," he smirked at her making his way over to Kingsley.

Ginny felt her heart racing and she wasn't sure why, but she felt she needed to tell him before he left. She was surprised by her own actions when she grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"No, please I need to talk to you now." she pleaded with him.

He looked taken aback by how she was acting. "Ginny it needs to wait this is more important right now," he said, pulling his arm from her grip and continued walking.

"Miss Weasley, if everything goes well we shouldn't be gone too long," Kingsley said reassuringly.

She turned her gaze to her parents and Molly gave her a small smile. She looked over to McGonagall, who had a sad look on her face and then she looked at Draco. She watched as they all gathered to get ready to head out and her heart was pounding and her emotions began to surface. She felt herself turning hot and she knew her powers were starting to take over. The chitter chatter around her made her head feel like it would explode at any moment and before Draco could reach the door to leave she released the words that she had been dreading to tell him.

"DRACO, I'M PREGNANT!" she yelled out to him.

Silence filled the room and everyone's eyes were on her and then on Draco. There were a few gasps and looks of shock on everyone's face. Mrs. Weasley had her hand up over her mouth in worry of how Draco would respond. Draco turned around to face her and noticed by the tears running down her face that she wasn't kidding.

"What?" he whispered, walking closer to her.

She was trembling from head to toe as he looked down into her eyes. She could see the instant fear and emotion on his face. "I... I'm pregnant."

He opened and closed his mouth a few times to try and speak and then quickly exited the room. As he walked away, Ginny let out a huge breath she had been holding in and fell into a fit of sobs. She felt her mother put her arms around her and then she saw the mixture of emotions on all of her brother's faces. She felt nausea hitting her and she quickly ran to the bathroom; Mrs. Weasley followed her to make sure she was alright. The room remained quiet and then McGonagall stood up and spoke.

"Mr. Thomas, I would like you to please take Mr. Malfoy's place and accompany Kingsley tonight."

Dean nodded and then got up and joined the group by the door. Kingsley nodded and then led the group outside. McGonagall couldn't help the smirk that came to her face as Harry, Bill and Charlie left the house with their mouths still opened in shock. McGonagall turned her gaze to Narcissa, who was also wearing a shocked expression on her face.

"Looks like you're going to be a grandma."

Narcissa looked at her suddenly with a tearful smile and then turned to look out the window where she saw Draco sitting down by the lake. "Looks like it," she whispered.


Draco threw himself to the ground near the lake and ran his hand through his hair. He was breathing heavy and his heart was racing as he took in the news Ginny shared with him. A baby? He thought to himself. He was not father material... there's just no way... he wasn't ready for this. He wasn't sure how to react or what to do now. He was so scared about losing Ginny this entire time and still was so uncertain about their relationship and now he was going to be a father. He desperately pushed back the tears that stung his eyes. He got up and walked over to the nearby dock and looked at the moon laying on the still water. He grabbed the railing of the dock tightly in frustration.


He turned to see his mother standing there; she had her own tears that threatened to fall. She walked over to him and stopped until she was only about a foot from him. He looked at her and his jaw trembled from the overwhelming emotion that filled him and then he felt the hot tears spill over and down his face. He couldn't look at her like this; he must look like a fool he thought.

"What do I do mother?" he sobbed.

She reached out and grabbed him into a tight hug; resting his head on her chest. "It's ok Draco, everything is going to be ok," she whispered to him through her own tears as she stroked his hair.

"I messed up so much already.... and now... this... I'm a failure in every way... how can I even hope to be a good father." he cried in his mother's arms.

Narcissa turned his face to hers. "You're not a failure Draco... you never were... you were just... lost. You are exactly where you need to be right now... here with Ginny and the Order... and you will be fine. I know you will because you love her and you would do anything to protect her." she said softly wiping his tears away. "I'm sorry Draco... I'm sorry that I was never there for you... I love you... my son," she said pulling him tighter into another hug.


After Ginny broke the news to everyone downstairs, she stayed up in her room for the rest of the evening. She wasn't sure of how everyone's reactions would be and she didn't feel like facing them all tonight. She wanted to see how the mission went tonight to make sure everyone was safe, so she had just sat at the top of the steps and listened. Kingsley and the others had made it back safely and took care of the small group of Death Eaters outside of town. Kingsley said they shouldn't be worried about future camps anytime soon nearby and that it was just a passing group rather than a permanent setup camp. They were lower-ranking Death Eaters just like Kingsley thought they would be and didn't put up much of a fight.

Ginny changed into her pajamas and then sat on her bed and started brushing her hair. Draco still hadn't come to talk to her and she wasn't going to approach him yet again about the news. She knew he needed time to process things and that he didn't like showing his emotions so she figured it best to let him deal with the news in his own way. She was relieved that the news was out about her pregnancy and now that it was she was just now realizing that she was going to be a mother. She was anxious about seeing the MediWizard and finding out if everything was ok with her and the baby. She was also waiting to hear back from McGonagall about whether or not using her powers was harmful to the baby. She was snapped from her thoughts when she heard a light knock on the door.

"Come in," she said in a sad tone.

She jumped up out of bed in surprise when she saw it was Draco and that nervous feeling she thought she had finally gotten rid of was back. Her stomach twisted into a knot as she watched him walk into the room and close the door. He didn't say anything, he just had his head down and he looked a wreck. He lifted his eyes to hers and she saw his eyes were red and she knew he must have been crying, which made her want to just grab him and hold him.

She watched as he slowly walked over to her until they were only inches apart; she could feel his breath gently hit her face and she was sure he could hear how fast and loud her heart was beating. She felt immobilized by her nerves and her entire body tensed up when he cupped her face. Before she knew it, he had his lips against hers and her body melted in his arms it seemed. She grabbed his face and kissed him back and it felt so nice to feel his touch right now and have his lips on hers.

Draco dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his forehead on her stomach and hugged her to him. She felt his body start to shake with emotion and she knew he was soon in tears again. She slid down onto her knees to meet his face and grabbed him to her.

"Ginny... I'm scared... I'm really fuckin scared... I don't know what to do or how to be what you're expecting." he cried not looking at her.

She lifted his face to look at hers. "Draco I'm scared too... but what scares me even more... is having to do this without you. I don't know what I'm doing either, but I need you more than ever right now. Please don't fall apart of me." she was crying too at this point.

"I don't think I can be a good father," he said shaking his head.

Ginny brushed his hair back out of his face. "You can and you will be Draco... I know it and as far as what I'm expecting from you... I'm only expecting you to give me a hundred percent of you. I need all of you right now and we have to work as a team; no more back and forth and pushing me away... please?"

He nodded and then she kissed him again and they held each other for a while, letting the rest of their emotions out. Ginny could only think about how right it felt to be in Draco's arms right now and to have his support. She knew it was going to be a rough road ahead and that Draco would still question how to act. Despite that though, she knew he would be there when she needed him because he was always right there whenever she was in any kind of trouble.


The next morning Mrs. Weasley woke them all up bright and early because there was much to do today. She had gone to wake Ginny up when she saw Draco and her asleep together in bed. She smiled to herself when she saw them cuddled so closely together fast asleep. She cleared her throat to try and wake them and they didn't move. She walked over to the side of the bed and put a simple spell on the alarm clock which made it ring out. Both of their eyes snapped open and they sat up seeing Mrs. Weasley with an amused smirk on her face. Draco tried to turn off the alarm, but it wouldn't stop ringing and Ginny let out a frustrated growl and covered her head with a pillow.


"I'm trying" Draco mumbled and Molly was standing in the doorway laughing at them.

Draco finally grabbed the alarm clock and threw it against the wall, making it break into a bunch of pieces.

"Hey... my clock" Ginny said, popping her head up from under the pillow.

"Well, you wanted me to shut it off," Draco said, falling back onto his pillow.

"You two need to get up," Molly said suddenly.

"Really Mum? It's so early and I barely got any sleep." Ginny groaned.

"Yes, really... and you both better get used to it now since you'll be doing it in nine months anyway... and go make sure Ron and Hermione are up also," she said walking away from the room.


Draco turned to look at her and he gave her a small smile. He wasn't sure why, but he felt somewhat at peace at this moment... he felt different. The love he had for the woman beside him and the child she carried seemed to have grown even more. He was still so scared about being completely responsible for someone else's life... but somehow every time he looked at Ginny it gave him hope that everything would be ok. She smiled back at him and then hopped out of the bed.

"I guess I'll go wake the bride to be... why don't you go wake your new best buds up." she teased him walking out of the bedroom.

Ginny made her way to Hermione's room where Luna was also staying and quietly walked inside. She saw her form lying under the covers fast asleep and she did a light running jump onto the bed and began to shake her awake.

"TIME TO GET UP HERMIONE, IT'S SOMEONE'S WEDDING DAY!" she shouted and then gave a small laugh.

"Are pregnant women suppose to be jumping on beds like that." came a muffled voice from under the blankets that Ginny knew didn't belong to Hermione.

She pulled the blankets back and looked surprised when she saw Harry's head pop out.

"Harry? What are you doing in Hermione's bed?" Ginny asked and then her eyes grew wide when she realized somebody else was lying next to him in the bed. "Oh my god Harry, please tell me that's not Hermione under there," Ginny said with shock in her voice.

"WHAT? NO!" he said, turning the blankets down to show Luna's face.

"Hey Ginny," she said with a giggle.

Ginny let out a relieved sigh and then looked at both of them. "Where's Hermione?"

"Well, if I'm in here then......" Harry said letting Ginny figure the rest out.

A giant smirk spread across her face suddenly and she started to laugh.

"What?" Harry asked, smiling also.

"I just sent Draco to go wake you and Ron up." she laughed followed by Harry and Luna. "Well Mum wants you both up and please wait for me to leave as I'm sure you're both naked under these blankets." she teased and then quickly left the room.


"Weasley... Potter... you guys need to get up." Draco said opening the bedroom door after nobody responded to his knocking.

They still didn't answer and he walked over to the bed and kicked it lightly. "HEY, WAKE UP!" he said a bit louder this time.

Ron popped his head up from under the blankets and looked at Draco. "What the hell do you want?"

"Your mother wants you-" He stopped mid-sentence when he realized the other bed was empty and there was clearly another person lying next to Ron under the covers. "Ok, please tell me Potter isn't under those covers with you?"

"SCREW YOU MALFOY!" Ron said, throwing a pillow at him.

He heard Hermione's laugh under the blankets at the thought of Harry and Ron in bed together.

"Oh... so Granger is under there?" he teased, and then dramatically breathed out a sigh of relief.

"SOD OFF MALFOY!" Ron yelled, throwing another pillow at him.

Hermione giggled again and then popped her head out from under the covers when Ginny appeared in the doorway. She was laughing when she saw Draco's discovery and told them how she thought Harry and Hermione were in bed together. They laughed at the thought but laughed even harder when Draco told them how he thought Harry and Ron were getting it on.


The rest of the day seemed to have gone by in a blur with how much there was to do before the ceremony started. Hagrid, Fleur, Seamus Finnigan, Kingsley and a few other people Ginny didn't really know that well were coming to the wedding. The house was filled with everyone running around doing last minute things. Nobody spoke about Ginny's pregnancy the whole day, mostly because there was just so much going on that there was no time to stop and talk. Every time Mrs. Weasley found someone taking a break she would lecture them about the many things left to be done and then point them to where they were needed next.

The weather turned out to be beautiful and was probably one of the warmest days they have had all winter. The setup of the ceremony turned out to look a lot better than any of them thought it would. There were chairs lined up on both sides of the aisle and a large tent with a few tables set up inside. It reminded Ginny a lot of Bill and Fleur's wedding just not as big and minus a lot of the bells and whistles.

It was only a few minutes before the ceremony would begin and Draco was making his way to Hermione's room to let her know. He softly knocked and heard a faint "Come in" from her.

"Hey, Mrs. Weasley said ten minutes before-" he stopped and saw her looking at herself in the mirror. "Wow," he said, taking in her dress and how different she looked.

"That bad, huh?" she gave a sad smile.

"You look... beautiful Hermione," he said walking over to her.

"Thanks," she blushed. "You don't look so bad yourself," she said, gesturing to his suit Ginny helped him transfigure out of a bathrobe and some sheets.

"Ha, I always look good in any suit... .ask Ginny, she'll tell you," he smirked, thinking back to his and Ginny's visit to the suit shop not too long ago.

Hermione gave a small laugh and a defeated nod to show she agreed and then she looked down and her smile faded.

"Draco?" she said, fighting back tears.

"Yeah," he said, noticing the change of tone in her voice.

She looked up at him. "Promise you'll bring him back to me." she cried out, letting the tears slide down her face.

Draco smiled at her and then he grabbed a tissue off of her dresser and gently wiped her face of the tears. "I promise," he said softly.

Hermione gave him a small smile and then took the tissue from Draco and quickly patted her face dry and made sure she didn't make any of her makeup run. Draco grabbed her bouquet off of the chair in her room and handed it to her.

"Ready?" he said, holding out his arm for her.

She let out a nervous breath and nodded, then took his arm.


Draco was just staring at her and watched as her flaming hair gently blew every so often as a gentle breeze came through. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant loose bun that made a bunch of strands fall all around her face. Ginny was standing beside Hermione, holding her bouquet as she and Ron said their "I do's". Everyone cheered for the now married couple and there were plenty of tears all around, Draco even noticed his mother get a bit teary-eyed and she slapped him on the arm when he teased her.

After the ceremony, the sun began to set and the after party was in full swing and it wasn't long before the Firewhisky was consumed and started claiming its victims. It seemed the only sober ones left were, of course, Ginny, then McGonagall, Narcissa, and Molly. It was well into the night and the party was still going strong, even though almost all of the guests had left. McGonagall and Mr. Weasley were able to get some Muggle music to play and Ginny watched her brother dance with his new wife. She was so happy for the both of them but her heart was filled with sadness at the thought of Ron having to leave her in just another day and soon she thought about how Draco would be leaving her too. She decided to push all thoughts of that aside for the rest of the night and just have a good time.

"Hey, come dance with me," she said, getting up and grabbing Draco's hand.

"Me?" he asked in surprise.

"Yes, you," she laughed.

"Eh, I don't know."

"Come on... please?" she begged, batting her eyelashes at him.

He smirked and then reached over to his glass of Firewhisky. "I'm gonna need this then," he said, throwing the drink back.

Ginny pulled his arm again and led him to the dance floor where she found Luna pulling Harry in every direction.

"Alright, here we are let's see what you got." Ginny laughed at him.

Draco swayed for a moment and then laughed at her and he grabbed her hand and started spinning her. After about the fourth spin, she stopped him. "Are you just going to spin me the whole time?" she giggled.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Draco!" she whined.

"Ok, ok, observe." he slurred his words a bit and then wiggled his body from left to right and then soon bopped his head from side to side which didn't go along with the beat of the song at all in any way.

Ginny burst out laughing and so did Molly and Narcissa and soon Draco started cracking up also. Dean came staggering over and threw his arm over Draco's shoulders and gave Ginny this huge smile.

"Hey Draco come on we're gonna go swimming," he said dragging him along.

"Oh sweet," he said abandoning Ginny and following them all down to the lake.


"I say let them learn the hard way," Narcissa smirked.

Molly looked at her. "The hell with it, they want to drink and act stupid then let them go crazy," she said, sitting back in her chair and watching them all line up at the edge of the lake.

Ginny shook her head and watched as Draco pushed Dean in and he screamed like a girl. She was laughing hysterically at this and then after Ron and Harry also attempted to go in, they all soon backed out.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE LETS TAKE THIS PARTY INSIDE ITS FREEZING AND ITS GETTING LATE!" Molly yelled at them. They all raced each other to the back porch to see who could make it back inside first. "Fricken kids, it's literally like running after a flock of children... grown adults they are and yet..." Molly trailed off, walking after them into the house.

"I think they'll be paying for it in the morning," McGonagall smirked.

They all laughed.

After another hour or so of Hermione racing everyone up and down the stairs, of Luna playing a fake piano in mid-air and of George and Bill trying to look for George's missing ear, Molly had sent them all to their rooms saying that enough was enough. Ginny had helped Draco to his room and she had to practically throw him onto his bed with how much dead weight he was leaning on her. She tried to help him change, but he kept thinking she was initiating a shag session.

"You are totally wasted." she laughed at him.

"Shush Gincy" he slurred and tapped her nose with his pointer finger.

"And for the millionth time it's Ginny, not Gincy." she giggled.

She suddenly felt his lips on hers and she kissed him back and then pulled away. "You reek of alcohol," she said, trying to push him back.

"NO! You do... you and that stuff... the thing you do... you know the rock outside..." he trailed off and started laughing.

Ginny was dying from laughter. "Oh really, is that so?"

She sat on the bed next to him and then before she knew it, he was on top of her and kissing her all over. Ginny thought about pushing him off again, but she figured if she couldn't join in on the drinking tonight she might as well get something out of it. Soon they were both naked and tangled together; Draco's intense kisses were driving Ginny insane, making her want him more and more every time his lips met her bare skin. He suddenly lost his balance and fell off of her and onto the hard floor and once again, Ginny found herself laughing so hard that she was almost in tears.


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