Hell on Remnant(Ghost Rider x...

By GabeTheFallen

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Time for a new journey for The Ghost Rider. This time Remnant is the target, Duncan wishes to visit some old... More

Old and New Faces
One Hell of a Teacher
A Crazy Night
Blast From The Past
The Dance on The Windy Night
A Lost Soul
A New Form?
Chain of Events
Incoming Troubles
Inside Out
The Fall of Beacon
Moving Forward
Dark Times
Incoming War
Ozpin's Sins
Behind the Shadows
Old Town Road
Ludicrous Speed
Welcome to Atlas
Gear Up
Girls Night Out
Boys Night Out
Problems Arising
Inner Conflict
Fight or Flight
War At Our Door
Roses and Demons
Huntsmen VS Blackheart
Roar of the Tigress
Dies Irae
No More Gods
Carry On

Welcome to Remnant

8.5K 84 120
By GabeTheFallen

3rd POV:

Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.

Some legends help people understand things bigger then themselves or far too horrifying for the simple mind to comprehend.

Some may not know that those legends walk among them, protect them, enact vengeance on the souls of those who had it coming.

He is not a saint nor a sinner, he is not an angel nor a demon, or maybe he is both.

Meanwhile in the depths of Hell.

A bunch of demons gathered around for a ritualistic sacrifice.

Chief Demon: "Brothers this lowly maggot pledged allegiance to a false king! He will be our gateway into the mortal realm! ALL HAIL BLACKHEART!"


As the Chief Demon started marking with blood the traitor, one of his lackeys swinged his sword cutting the head of the traitorous one.

As the demon's head fell to the ground, a fiery blaze erupted from the ground, opening a rift into the human world.


But before he could finish a chain shoots straight through his chest killing him in the process.

As the demons looked back, they saw their worst nightmare. A leather clad man with a flaming skull.

Duncan Redgrave, The Ghost Rider, a.k.a The King of Hell

Demon1: *scared* "RUN! IS DUNCAN REDGRAVE!"


Duncan: "No... Duncan is the other guy. TODAY YOU GET GHOST RIDER!"

But Duncan was not alone, he had more Ghost Riders alongside him.

As demons tried to jump into the rift, chains shot out from the ground ripping them apart.

Duncan whiped out his chain, catching a smaller demon and dragging him into his hands.

Duncan: "This is your third attempt this week, where were you heading this time?"

The small demon struggled, trying to escape Duncan's iron gripp.

Demon3: "Like i would tell you anything! YOU ARE NOT THE TRUE KING!"

Duncan: "Is that so?"

Duncan then looks at one of his Riders.

Duncan: "Bring this one into Level 7, dip him in oil and have his flesh flamed! Maybe that will make him talk."

Duncan then hands over the demon to the other Ghost Rider.

Ghost Rider1: "It shall be done."

The other Riders left, leaving Duncan and an open rift into the human world.

Duncan: "Time to go home."

As Duncan jumped through the portal, the rift between Hell and Earth closed.

Duncan took a good look around himself and saw that he was brought into a forest close to Fuyuki.

Not wanting to attract attention, he changed back into his human form.

Duncan's POV:

It's been a while, the human world, at last something that doesn't reek of rotten flesh and blood.

How much time passed? Months? Years?

My thoughts were interrupted by my partner Zarathos.

Zarathos: 'Do not worry partner, it may have passed several years in Hell, but in the human world bareley passed an hour.'

I know, but still... Let's go home.

Zarathos: 'On that we can both agree.'

I whisteled for my bike and lo and behold from the ground erupted a pillar of flames and then my bike apperead.

Mounting my bike i set course to my house, or mansion? Hard to tell with Morgan's redecorating.

Zarathos: 'Hey, why don't you visit one of those realms?'

Huh? Where did that come from?

Zarathos: 'Well it's about time you take a break, you know relax after all the shit that has been happening.'

Sounds good, but i still got work to do, can't let this place unsupervised, plus with demons trying to escape...

Zarathos: 'Everything is gonna be fine, the other Riders can take care of themselves.'

Ok, so what you got in mind?

Zarathos: 'Hmm, maybe Remnant? Let's visit that dusty old Qrow and that coockie monster Summer.'

Sounds good to me, i wonder how team STRQ is?

Zarathos: 'Wasn't Qrow's sister trying to get in your pants at the time?'

Ugh! Don't remind me, plus i think Tay had a thing for her.

Sadly we had to stop our visits...

Zarathos: 'It was around the time you took the throne, Qrow will understand, what i wonder the most is if Ozma kept his word.'

To put an end to Salem by the time we return, yeah, i remember... maybe that visit doesn't sound so bad now.

Shortly we arrived at our house.

As i took my bike to the garage, someone decided to welcome me home.

Ashley Redgrave

Ashley: "Glad to have you back bonehead, how was Hell?"

Duncan: "You know the usual, they tried to use some ritual to escape, but i managed to stop them in time."

Ashley: "Good, now you should get some sleep, you look like shit."

Duncan: "And you are as beautiful as ever... not..."

Ashley: "Bite me, but on a serious note, take some rest, now if you will excuse me i need to do something."

Duncan: "... Sakura, right? Make sure to put a soundproof barier at least."

Ashley: "Will do bro, good night."

Duncan: "Yeah... good night..."

With that Ashley went back inside the house.

Zarathos: 'She won't be getting any sleep, is she?'

Got that right...

Now to get some sleep.


Duncan's POV:

As i said i will be going on a little... trip?

Zarathos: 'Something like that.'

After getting some shut eye, i told everyone that i will be going out, time passes different between the realms so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

As i was working on my bike, i felt someone embracing me from behind. I could see long purple hair in my peripheral vision.

The next thing i knew she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Duncan: "Well someone is in a good mood."


Medusa: "What is that i hear about going on a trip?"

Duncan: "Yeah, it's to help me relax a little, i spent too much time in Hell or dealing with any supernatural thing in general that i may lose what i have left of my humanity."

Medusa: "That is right, you keep being to much Ghost Rider and you may forget who you are."

Yeah... when i attacked those demons... i said something similar...

Medusa: "That is why i will come with you."

Duncan: "What? Are you sure? Not that i mind, but i'm going into another realm."

Medusa: "No, i don't, plus we get to spend some time together. So where to?"

Duncan: "A place called Remnant."

???: "Remnant!? Really?!"

Looking towards the entrance i saw Ashley.

Ashley: "Say "hi" to Summer from me will ya? Been a while since we have seen those four."

Duncan: "Will do sis, now let's get ready."

Hehe, Summer and Ash got along like sisters back in the day, Remnant should be devoit of any grimm, that is if Ozpin or Ozma did as he told me would do.

Zarathos: 'Let's hope for the best.'

As i mounted my bike, Medusa took the backseat, she put her hands around me holding tight knowing how fast i ride... hehehe...

Duncan: "Ready?"

Medusa: "Ready."

I took off riding down the streets of Fuyuki until we reached a more desolate place, there i opened a portal.

3rd POV:

As Duncan and Medusa passed through the portal, they ended up in what appeared to be a forest.

Duncan: "Ok, this should be close to Vale, can't let those people see us coming out of a portal."

Medusa: "Yeah, it may seem normal to us, but other people..."

But something caught Duncan's attention, he looked deep within the forest.

Duncan: "No... they should be no more..."

Medusa: "What are you talking about?"

Duncan: "I'm talking about those."

Duncan pointed towards the forest, seeing some dark creatures with red eyes coming from between the woods.




Medusa: "So this are the creatures of Grimm you talked about?"

Duncan: "Yeah but they should be gone, guess this complicates things. Get ready for combat."

Duncan summoned his chains getting ready for a fight, as for Medusa she materialized her Servant outfit.

Duncan's eyes flared up as he lashed out his chain catching a Boarbatusk by his tusk with his chain, Duncan pulled back his chain making the Boarbatusk fly towards him, raising his feet he gave an axe kick to the head crushing the Boarbatusk's head.

Medusa dashed towards the Beowulf, as the beast prepared his claws for attack, Medusa seemingly disapeared from Beowulf's sight, only to feel something his spine crashed by Medusa who appeared in a blur dropckicking the beast, the hit was enough to make the Beowulf disappear.

Duncan then focused on one of the Ursas, the chain in Duncan's hand started to glow orange and emit heat, whiping out his chain and coiling it around the Ursa Grimm, Duncan then pulled the chain making the beast turn into ash.

Medusa looked once at Duncan and nodded before she dashed between the Grimms, she maneuvered herlelf between the Grimms and started to bounce between the trees before she landed next to Duncan, tugging the nameless chains in her hands, among the Grimms appeared from the astral form what seemed to be dozens of chains, pulling the chains the Grimms got caught in a web like chain trap ripping into Grimms killing them.

Medusa: "This seems to be all-"

But she didn't get to finish as the earth started to shake.

Duncan: "You were saying!?"

From the forest another Grimm made his apereance, this one more powerful and more agressive.


Duncan: "Medusa... stand back...*transforming*... this one is mine..."

As Duncan took his Ghost Rider form he let out an earth shattering roar filled with rage.

What Duncan didn't know is that the power of The Ghost Rider got the attention of some individuals.

Meanwhile in a distant place, in the Beacon Academy.

In his office a white haired man was enjoying his cup of coffee.


As he was looking through some papers, he was ready to take another sip from his cup, he suddenly stopped, his eyes widened hearing an unholy roar in the distance followed by an unnatural amount of magical power.

Ozpin looked through the window into the forest in the distance trying to mantain a calm expression.

Ozpin: "So, you have returned, after all these years... guess the Gods aren't on my side, isn't that right Duncan?"

Ozpin contempleted, he adopted a thoughtful look.

Ozpin: "Old friend, it has been almost 19 years since you have been in this realm, what brought you back this time?"

Is Duncan's arrival a blessing or a curse?

Meanwhile in the land of Grimm, in the dark side of Remnant, in the Land of Darkness.

There laid a castle filled with darkness, there resided the one who rules and controles the monsters of Grimm.


Sitting on her throne waiting for any news from her lackeys, she then jolted from her throne widening her eyes hearing the unholy roar sending shivers down her spine.

Salem: "Such malice... such rage, just what kind of beast is this? No, a monster far worst then my Grimm...?"

She then took a seat back on her throne, looking into the distance, the roar still echoed throughout the realm, Salem tried to calm down.

Salem: "Ozpin, is this your doing? Another attempt at ending this war? Hehehe, or is it something completely out of your control? Maybe it could be of use..."

Having an evil smile, she sat crossed leg, thinking victory and whatever caused that roar is in the palm of her hand.

Back with Duncan and Medusa

Duncan still in his Rider form stood victorious on top of the corpse of the beast like Grimm who started to disappear. As Duncan turned his skull towards Medusa, his flames started to turn blue.

Duncan started to change back as he was walking towards Medusa who in a flash of light, changed back into her casual clothes.

Duncan: "Sorry, this wasn't supposed to happen, it was supposed to be a break from all the fighting..."

Medusa: "It's okay, at least we can enjoy a walk through the woods."

Duncan smiled as he took Medusa by the hand, only for an engine to interrupt them. Looking towards the sky they saw what seem to be an aerial vehicle.

Duncan: "Oh bloody Hell! A bullhead?! I can't enjoy even a walk?!"

This chapter's meme:

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