Bookshop Encounters (Chris Ke...

נכתב על ידי mediagirl94

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Book 1 in the Fantastic Foursome Series *COMPLETED* When Rachel went to work, she expected another dull day o... עוד

Authors Note #1
Chapter One: Rachel Watts
Chapter Two: Bookshop Encounters
Chapter Three: Housing Issues
Chapter Four: Fantastic Foursome?
Chapter Five: Twenty Questions
Chapter Six: Secrets!
Chapter Seven: Wake Up
Chapter Eight: Home Sweet Home
Chapter Nine: Amber Alert
Chapter Ten: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Eleven: Lifts and Betrayal
Chapter Twelve: Brighton & Board Games Pt.1
Chapter Thirteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.2
Chapter Fifteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.4
Chapter Sixteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.5
Chapter Seventeen: Meeting Zoella
Chapter Eighteen: Date Night
Chapter Nineteen: Sugg Sunday Special
Chapter Twenty: Lazy Sunday Afternoon
Chapter Twenty One: Bookshop Encounters 2.0
Omegle Boy (Danisnotonfire) Book 2
Social Media!
YouTube Imagines Book
Achievement Hunter Imagines Book

Chapter Fourteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.3

986 57 28
נכתב על ידי mediagirl94


Video is my new 'wattpad Top 10 FanFictions' series - this week ThatcherJoe

End of A/N

Chapter Fourteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.3


I woke up and stretched trying my best to avoid Chris who had wrapped himself around me during the night. He was adorable when he slept with his hair covering his face, I knew he wouldn't wake easily so I parted his hair and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. My talk with PJ had put a lot of things in perspective about my relationship with Chris; I needed to confront him so that we could both move on with our lives. Whether that was together or separately then so be it.

I crawled out of Chris's arms and nearly stood on Dan's head, how had I not noticed last night how close he was to us. I tiptoed around the three sleeping bodies noticing that PJ was nowhere in sight, he must already be up. I got my answer when I stepped into the hallway and through the open kitchen door and heard the kettle boil and someone pulling stuff out of cupboards. I smiled and padded towards the kitchen, I could do with a cup of tea especially with the day I was about to have.

I leant against one of the counters near the kettle as PJ rooted around for enough mugs for the five of us, I quirked an eyebrow and smirked. He obviously hadn't heard me come into the kitchen, oh I was going to have some fun.

"For someone who drinks a lot of tea, one would think you'd have a multitude of mugs to choose from."

PJ jumped and I couldn't keep in my laughter, he turned around and glared at me but it wasn't long before he cracked a smile and joined in laughing. Between laughs he placed five mugs next to him.

"Yes, you would think I'd have cupboards full of mugs but I like to drink out of the same one. Plus they take up a lot of space; just ask Dan and Phil about their mugs."

To my side the kettle boiled, I watched as PJ dropped five tea bags into the mugs before reaching around me and grabbing the kettle. While his back was turned away from me I had one question on my mind.

"How do I confront Chris without Dan and Phil knowing and manipulating the situation?"

"Well love I was thinking the exact same thing after our early morning talk. Now I do have food for breakfast in these cupboards but I think it would be nice if you and Chris went down to the local bakery, they do really good pastries."

He turned back around and put the kettle back on its stand, I tilted my head to the side and folded my arms across my chest.

"Will it work?"

PJ nodded and his curls bounced on top of his head as he walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk.

"Chris is obsessed with that place, you two can talk. Maybe take the longer way back."

He poured the milk into the mugs and stirred them before putting the milk back. He then picked up a sugar pot and motioned in my direction.


I nodded.

"Yes please two."

PJ stirred the sugar into the mugs before handing one of them to me. I gratefully accepted it and blew on it to cool it down before I took a sip. PJ mirrored me and leant on the counter opposite me. I took a cautious sip and although the drink burnt the top of my mouth it was some of the best tea I'd had.

"PJ, you really are the master of great tea making."

He chuckled and shook his head.

"We all have something we're good at. Mine just happens to be the art of tea making."

"Do I smell tea?"

PJ and I turned our heads to see Chris standing in the doorway; it didn't look like he'd been there long enough to hear mine and PJ's plan. He shuffled in and picked up one of the mugs before leaning on the counter next to me. I eyed PJ over the top of my mug and motioned my head at Chris, PJ took a deep breath catching onto my hint.

"Chris, do you think that maybe you could take Rachel to the bakery and pick up something for breakfast? Before Dan and Phil wake up and complain about being hungry."

He sounded casual as he asked Chris; if that was me I wouldn't have been able to keep my cool. Damn PJ was one smooth guy. Chris nodded his head eagerly and a huge smile spread across his lips, okay maybe PJ wasn't joking when he said that Chris was obsessed with this place.

"Yes. I love that place. Come on drink up Rachel, it won't be long until phan stir from their slumber."

Chris took his mug and left the kitchen, when he did I let out the breath I'd been holding. PJ tilted his head in my direction.

"See easy as pie. The sooner you both get it out in the open, the faster you can heal this relationship. Besides I ship you two as my new OTP."

"Thanks, hopefully everything goes smoothly. If we're not back in an hour then send out a hunting party because I might have killed Chris."

PJ quirked an eyebrow.

"Are you confessing to me that you might kill Chris? Damn I'm too handsome to go to prison for helping you get away with murder."

I smiled and PJ cracked a smile, I knew he was only joke being serious. I took a few more sips of my tea before heading towards the living room but not before glancing over my shoulder back at PJ.

"I would never let them take you to prison. You're way too valuable on the outside, who else is going to make me great tea?"

"Err thanks I guess, I think you and I are kindred spirits when it comes to playing different characters. If you're not back in an hour and Dan and Phil start asking questions I'll take care of them swiftly."

I couldn't help but giggle as I made my way into the living room. Chris put a finger on his lips and motioned to the still sleeping forms of Dan and Phil. As much as I wanted to play a prank on them, I knew that working on my relationship came first before friendships. If this conversation with Chris went tits up then I might not be able to call Dan, Phil and PJ my friends anymore. The thought saddened me until I felt someone nudging me, it was Chris.

"Come on lets go before they wake up."

I placed my half drank tea on the coffee table before slipping into my shoes, I threw my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head and put on my glasses. PJ was still in the kitchen when we entered the hallway, I grabbed my coat and slipped it on over the outfit I'd worn yesterday and fell asleep in. What I wasn't one of those girls who were fussed with their appearance in the morning.

The cool Brighton morning air was kind of chilly as we walked side by side down the pavement. There were very few people out except a couple of runners who ignored us as they passed us. Seagulls circled above our heads and squawked loudly, I had learnt to live with the sound of London traffic but seagulls were a pain in the ass.

"What are you thinking about Rachel?"

Chris's voice snapped me out of my own head; I bit my lip and turned my head away from him. I was suddenly nervous and sweaty all over. I had nothing to be ashamed about; Chris was acting cool while I was paranoid about how this talk would end up. Why wasn't he more worked up then me? he should be more worked up as that's how it's supposed to go in this situation.

"Stop and tell me Rachel, something's bothering you. You've been off since London, what's going on?"

He grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to stop in the middle of the pavement, I felt tears prick my eyes but I didn't want to cry in front of him. After everything he'd done he didn't deserve my tears.

"Why don't you tell me Chris?"

I didn't mean for the question to come out harsh like it did, but then again maybe it needed to in order to make Chris think that he'd done something wrong. He released my shoulders and turned away from me, hell no only I was allowed to turn away from him. The anger inside me was bubbling to the surface and I found myself grabbing his arm tightly and spinning him around to face me.

"I know you kissed Amber the day she came over to ask about Wi-Fi. Don't try and deny it, you lied to me over the phone when I was having coffee with Dan. I had to find out from Amber of all people; even she seemed shocked that you hadn't told me Chris."

I practically screamed the words at him; he looked taken aback by my abrupt change in attitude. I didn't think him cheating had affected me that much but apparently I was just in denial and my true feelings were coming to the surface.

"I know I should have told you over the phone but I couldn't..."

"You couldn't what, tell me that you kissed your bleeding ex girlfriend in the flat we share. You assumed that Dan would be the weak one but we obviously underestimated how weak you were Chris. Did it mean something?"

When he didn't answer immediately I let the tears flow, why was he hesitating? Did the kiss mean something to him? I couldn't even look him in the face anymore so I took the next logical step and ran away. I ran and ran, taking random turns until I found myself a little lost. It was a dumb move on my behalf since I didn't know Brighton but at the time it felt right. I walked for a few more minutes sniffling and trying to keep the tears back when I found myself close to the boardwalk by the sea.

I ran across the road and climbed onto the wall before dangling my feet over and watching the waves crash against the rocks below. Maybe I'd been too hasty in running away, maybe he was shocked by my question and I didn't give him enough time to explain. I bit my lip and wrapped my arms closer around me, this close to the sea the wind had picked up and loose strands of hair were blowing in my face.

"You're not going to jump are you?"

The voice behind me startled me slightly and I had to grasp the wall to stop myself from falling. The person swore and ran up to and all but pulled me off the wall, I fell into their arms and they caught me bridal style. The voice most definitely did not belong to Chris, but a part of my mind recognised it.

"Here let's get you back on your feet."

The stranger lowered me down and I quickly regained my balance and stood up ready to thank them when I came face to face with the last person I expected to see in Brighton. ThatcherJoe or Joe Sugg as the guys referred to him by. Despite what non youtubers think, most youtubers don't go around calling youtubers by their online name unless their online name is their actual name.

"You're Joe Sugg, I just got saved by Joe Sugg. Err thanks for saving me I think, I wasn't going to jump but I nearly fell when you startled me. Sorry I'm kind of a rambler when I'm around people who I watch on YouTube."

Joe chuckled and I found myself blushing, why did have to blush in front of Joe Sugg of all people? Luck really wasn't on my side today. He snapped his fingers and smiled brightly.

"Are you Rachel, the girl dating Chris? I've seen you in a couple of his videos, you're a youtuber right?"

I nodded and chewed the inside of my lip; Joe watched Chris's videos and had recognised me from them. I wasn't some big time youtuber like him; I'd never have that many subscribers.

"That's me but I don't have as many fans as you. Also Chris is the reason you found me on this wall."

Joe tilted his head to the side and brushed his hair out of his face, he looked generally interested in what I'd just said.

"Are you okay?"

I shook my head and wiped away a stray tear with the back of my hand, should I open up to someone I'd only just met? Joe seemed like someone who cared about people in his videos and maybe it would be nice to get an unbiased take on the situation.

"Chris kissed his ex girlfriend in our flat and then lied to me over the phone the very same day. He just went about life as if nothing had happened and then I just confronted him not far from PJ's and when I asked if the kiss meant something, he didn't answer straight away."

"Okay that's a lot to digest. Come here you look like you need a hug. And I've been told I give great hugs."

Before I knew what was actually happening Joe pulled me into a bear hug and I instantly found myself relaxing against him. I hugged him back which only made him squeeze me more which made me laugh as I tried to push him away.

"Joe, you're squeezing me."

"See, I made you laugh."

He pulled away smirking and I mirrored the smirk. It felt good to laugh.

"You might have made me laugh Mr Sugg but I still have a big problem."

Joe nodded and folded his arms over his chest.

"Yes you do, did you give me time to answer the question?"

I shook my head; I knew I should have given him more time especially if it was the first thing Joe bought up. Okay no I felt like an idiot.

"I kind of ran away."

Joe reached out and patted me on the shoulder.

"Now I'm not exactly good at this relationship advice, that's more down my sisters road but ring him and give him a chance to explain. You'll never know the full truth if you continue to run away."

I knew Joe was right; I needed to call Chris and let him try and explain. I probably scared him when I run off and he couldn't find me. I play punched Joe in the shoulder and smiled.

"Wow Joe, maybe you should think about going down the advice route. I might just take yours and call him."

"Nah I'll stick to comedy, here give me your phone."

I handed Joe my phone without a seconds hesitation, what if he texted Chris? Crap I really needed to think it through before I just handed people my phone. That's what you get when you're too trusting of people. He handed it back to me and I noticed that he had added himself as a new contact under ThatcherJoe.

"We should collab sometime when you're back in London. Now call you man and work things out. I came out to run."

I nodded and Joe patted my shoulder one last time before running around me and down the boardwalk. I'd just met Joe Sugg and got his number, I'd also just been given advice by him which I decided to go through with. So I scrolled up my contacts until my finger hovered over Chris's name. It was now or never, I hit call and bit my lip.

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