Tears of Blood (wlw)

By avcdg143

139K 4.6K 1.4K

"She has a smile that could end wars." Devyn Ackerman is the top student at the elite school of Arden, and i... More

autumn breeze
introduce yourself
turf wars
fall for me
your ideas of mercy
three to four
meet your match
get along
stay down
stay in your lane
code yellow
saved by dimples
born a mistake
black on black
to hell with chaos
suit yourself
family feud
inner turmoil
beg for me
love is dangerous
the art of falling
declaration of war
do u have plans
sharp and dangerous
letting go
strawberries & cigarettes
irresistible leeches
winners & losers
don't die idiot
stay awhile
all in the eyes
never say never
let's dance
who wants what
under the stars
About a week ago
smoking kills
ticket privilege
21 questions
2AM spies
summoner ring
say my name
blood on your hands
ray of sunshine
who are you
into the night
satin green dress
humble abode
be back
elizabeth ackerman
who are you
tears of blood
welcome to orien
Author's Note

Bro code

1.3K 49 9
By avcdg143


I walk into the cafeteria and it feels like it's been ages. Scanning the area, I look for Sierra. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I see her standing behind me.

"Let's find a seat shall we?" She leads me to a table and we both sit down with a sigh.

"How are you feeling? Shouldn't you be resting?"

"Yeah but I need to get back on track in school, I've already missed two weeks." Just thinking about it was stressing me out. It's been chaotic after the attack, and after my accident.

"Your rib is probably not even healed yet, what if you hurt it more?" Sierra sounds genuinely concerned.

"It's going to heal by itself. I already feel better."

"And your head?"

"All good."

"Mhmmm. Broken rib, and all types of wrong with the skull but back because of school? You sound crazy."

"Father needs me to come on top. Exams are soon. And then we're done."

"Whatever floats your boat. I just think you need to be careful. Exams aren't as important as you body, mentally and physically."

"I know. Where's everyone else?"

She nods towards their direction and I look to my left to see Gabe, Ash and some other students laughing about something.

"Wow. Has Ash talked about..-"

"Yeah. Filled both me and Gabe on your adventures. I'm the last person to judge, but really Dev? Andrea? You know Ash really likes her."

"Has he said not to talk to me?"

"He wants nothing to do with you. But I can't take sides. So I've gotta run around between you two and I hate that we're all split up over some girl."

"Me too. I've told him I'm sorry many times. Look, I literally broke a rib in this matter. I'm so sorry and I have no idea what else to say."

"What you did was fucked up."

"It wasn't just me okay. She kissed me too."

"Yeah that's why he broke up with her."

"Have you seen her around?" I look around the cafeteria to spot her but I don't see her anywhere.

"I do sometimes, but I haven't talked to her. Forget her right now can we talk about us? Look at us, we're deteriorating. We don't have Brianna and now we don't have each other."

"And what am I supposed to do?"

"Fix it. I don't know how, but do it."

"You know what? Right now all I have to do is focus on my upcoming exams.. that's it." I grab my books and leave the cafeteria. As I walk through the halls I notice that Brianna's locker has become a kind of a memorial site. There's flowers, candles, pictures, and notes from so many people.

"It really is unfortunate, she was a great kid." The headmistress says as she sees me standing.


"And how are you holding up Ms.Ackerman?"

"Getting there."

"Will you be able to preform your exams, or will your injuries get in the way?"

"No- I mean yes, I will be fine." The bell rings and the headmistress goes into her office while I head to class. As I enter, Ash sits in the front and not in the back with me. It kind of hurts to see him like this, we've done so much together. I want to talk to him but I don't even know what I'd say. The worse thing is he acts like I don't exist. The silent treatment.

After class, I head over to the bathroom because I can feel the gauze strips on my stomach peeling off. Lifting my shirt up, I realize that I was right. Slowly bending over my backpack, I reach in for a new set of gauze strips.

"Do you need help with that?" Iris says as she stands in the doorway.

"I do." I reply feeling defeated.

Handing her the new gauze strips, she bends down to take a good look. Her hands feel warm on my stomach.

"It looks like it's getting better." She says as she takes off the old strips. Her eyes find mine as I look down at her. I wince as she puts the new ones on. The bathroom door swings open and Andrea walks in. She doesn't even look at me. Iris senses the tension because she gets up and gives me an awkward eyebrow raise.

"I'll see you around." She leaves the two of us together.

I pull my shirt down and I found myself feeling nervous.

"Andrea..." I start to talk but I have no idea what I want to say. She starts to pace back and forth and it gives me even more anxiety, so I grab her.

"Can you stop doing that for a second?"

"Doing what?"

"The pacing." She wiggles out of my grasp.

"Ash hasn't talked to me since that night. We broke up."

"That makes two of us."

"I took something beautiful, and I ruined it." She sighs.

"I think I should say sorry. It's because of me all of this happened."

"No it was me too. I was the one in a relationship."

"You know.. I- well I don't understand. What is this? What are we? Is it really just nothing?"

"I don't know." She turns away.

"Fine. Well, I've got exams to work for." I grab my things before I can hear what she has to say. I've never let anyone make me feel vulnerable, but I let her. It made me angry because I know it was useless. I hated having a soft spot for her.

Reggie comes to pick me after classes end. I don't talk much on the drive home because I felt mentally and physically exhausted.

"Bad day?" Sloane asks as she enters my room to find me sprawled out on the bed.

"I don't even know."

"Want to talk about it?" She climbs onto the bed.

"I wouldn't know where to start."

"Well, I want to start with Andrea. What's that all about?"

"Wow. You're really starting strong."

"I guess I am. So...?"

"So, you know how I said Andrea and Ash were dating, right? Well, that day after Bianca.. you know.. we were all at the beach getting drunk and what not. Somehow me and Andrea ended up kissing.. well.. yeah I guess you can call it that...."


"Yeah. And on top of that, Ash walked in on us."

"No way."

"I fucked up big time. Like always."

She takes a long pause.

"I knew you liked her!" She squeals.

"Why are you so happy? This is terrible. I just lost Ash to a stupid decision."

"He'll come around. I'm not saying what you did was stupid, because it was, but she wanted it too right?"

"I think? She's confusing."

"You can't pick and choose who like.. it just happens. So don't beat yourself up over liking her."

"I think it was just a heat of the moment type thing."

"No, no, you see I hate when you do that. I can see right through you. You like her and it's not a big deal to admit that."

"You know what? It doesn't even matter right now. I've got exams, I have to figure out to fix things with Ash, I have no idea what is going on in this country, it's all a bit crazy."

"Fine. But I think she's different. I don't know why, but I like you two together. Sounds fucked up though right? Sorry. But come on you can't blame me, Ash and her just don't fit." Sloane gets up and gives me a pat on the shoulder before she walks out. I proceed to scream into my pillow.

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