Bitter sweet- TDI

By Midnight_Cure

37.3K 842 138

-In the end, I want to win more than ever, and there's nothing on this island to stop me. While stuck on an i... More

Not so happy campers 1 (1/2) ✅
Not so happy campers 1 (2/2) ✅
Not so happy campers 2 (1/2)✅
Not so happy campers 2 (2/2)✅
Big sleep (1/2)✅
Big sleep (2/2)✅
Dodgebrawl (1/2)✅
Dodgebrawl (2/2)✅
Not quite famous (1/2)✅
Not quite famous (2/2)✅
The Sucky Outdoors (1/2)✅
The Sucky Outdoors (2/2)✅
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Phobia Factor (2/2)✅
Up the creek (1/1)✅
Up the creek (2/2)✅
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Paintball Deer Hunter (2/2)✅
If you can't take the heat (1/2)✅
If you can't take the heat (2/2)✅
Who can you trust (1/2)✅
Who can you trust (2/2)✅
Basic Straining (1/3)✅
Basic Straining (2/3)✅
Basic Straining (3/3)✅
What happened afterward?✅
No pain, no game (1/2)✅
No pain, no game (2/2)✅
Search and Do Not Destroy (1/3)✅
Search and Do Not Destroy (2/3)✅
Search and Do Not Destroy (3/3)✅
Hide and Be Sneaky (1/2)✅
Hide and Be Sneaky (2/2)✅
That's off the chain (1/2)✅
Hook, Line, and Screamer (1/2)✅
Hook, Line, and Screamer (2/2)✅
Wawanakwa Gone Wild (1/2)✅
Wawanakwa Gone Wild (2/2)✅
Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (1/2)✅
Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (2/3)✅
Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (3/3)✅
Haute Camp-ture✅
Camp Castaways (1/3)✅
Camp Castaways (2/3)✅
Camp Castaways (3/3)✅
I Triple Dog Dare You (1/2)✅
I Triple Dog Dare You (2/2)✅
The Very Last Episode Really (1/2)✅
The Very Last Episode Really (2/2)✅

That's off the chain (2/2)✅

275 10 4
By Midnight_Cure

Previously on Total Drama Island
The new challenge force campers to build their own bikes.
The tricky conversation between Geoff and Bridgette ended up out in open.
Geoff better has a good plan to repair all of this.

-What part of yes didn't you understand? What are you five?- I sigh at Geoff.

-Yeah, at least five inches taller than you.- This makes Duncan burst into laughter, soon followed by Trent. I glare at Geoff.

-I'm sorry, please don't kill me.- He uses his arms as a shield placing them in front of his face. Instead of being angry, I join the laughter. Finally, the mood is lighter after the morning accident.

-Do you guys remember your first bike ride?- DJ asks.

-Oh yeah. I went down so bad, I popped my collar bone. You could see it sticking right out of my shoulder. It was wicked.- Duncan says.

- I flew so far over the handlebars that I skid for a mile. [laughs] Skin was hanging off me in chunks.- Geoff tells his story.

- Oh, that's nothing. I popped my arm right out of my socket. It took three doctors to hold me down while they slingshot it back into place.- Trent adds.

-Good times.- They all sigh dreamily.

-Could I just borrow her for a sec?- Heather grabs my arm and drags me away from them.

-What is it?- I look at her.

-How about a deal?

-Not a chance.- I turn to leave.

-Wait, I have something to offer. You may want to know what your boyfriend is up to.

-And why would I trust you? You always lie, Heather. It's not like Geoff is completely honest with me but come on, you're the biggest manipulator here. 

-You're clever, don't you think it's a bit... much?- She asks.

-If you think I'll believe you again...- I remember what Porter said.

-Who said you have to believe me? What if someone else backs my story?- She smiles.

-What do you know?

-I knew you'd make the right choice. Since you know some of these from Bridgette I'll just show you it's not as innocent as Geoff wants you to think. 

-What?- I shiver.

-If you want my help, you can count on me, Alexandra. I hope you won't let it slip.

-Maybe he's different. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding.

-He's a guy.

-But a sweet and caring and funny

-He's a guy! Wake up! Read this.

I scan the papers quickly and tears flow from my eyes. Secrest messages they were sending each other... Is it all true?

-I'm such an idiot. I let this happen you know.- I sob and she hands me a tissue from my bag.- I'm losing him.

-He attempts to cover up the past.

-What do I do? What do I do?- I wail.

-What are you talking about? 

-What?- I sob.

-You're Alexandra. My god put yourself together.- She hits me with my own bag.- You'll show him that you're the real star of this show. You'll remind him who you are. Go, confront the problem, and win!


Heather: I know there are more than just words between Geoff and Bridgette. Until I can get, stronger evidence I'll just keep winning invisibility. Once Alexandra is on my side, there's not a chance I won't end up in a finale. Oh, wait maybe she's already on my side.

-Come on. I have a plan.- Heather drugs me to the cabin.

-What are we doing?- I dry my cheeks.

-Turning you into his biggest nightmare.- She throws a dress at me.- What are you waiting for put it on!


-I'm not sure, Heather.

-Come on now. You look like million dollars. Time to shake this up.- She drags me back to the challenge area

-To be fair I like this look.- I smirk.

-That's more like it.- Heather smirks back.

-You okay?- Geoff inquiries when I come back to them.-Wow.- He drops the screwdriver he was holding.

-Never better.- I smirk.

-I wish I knew better words than beautiful, but my mind is empty.- Geoff smiles.

-Mesmerizing, breathtaking, wonderful.- Trent counts.

-I sure feel pretty and I sure feel like a queen.

-Hey, I know this look!- Chris shows up.

-You checked my Instagram?

-Yes, I did.- Chris chuckles.

-Creepy, but it reminds me I have something for Geoff.

I throw his letters to Bridgette in the air and hum.

-I choose to play stupid but trust me I know everything you think I don't.

-Where did you get that?- Geoff stutters. -Where are you going?- Geoff asks when I start to walk away.

I spotted Gwen leaving the area with a worried expression.

-Well, that depends. When I die, I hope to heaven. But right now, I'm going to the bathroom.- I send him a kiss and go in the direction of the restrooms.

With boys

-Geoff.- Trent says.


-What the fuck?- Trent asks.

-You'll have to be more specific. He does a lot of what the fuck stuff.- Duncan shakes his head.

-What's on this paper?

-It's between me and her. Stay out of it.- Geoff scoffs.

-Yeah like always.- DJ scoffs.

-What did you tell her this morning?- Geoff asks Duncan.

-Don't get carried away, it was just a chat. I know how to respect her boundaries now. Besides, you're not stupid enough to don't figure she's moved because of what you did.

With Alexandra

Obviously, I didn't go to the bathroom. I followed Gwen, and to my surprise, she was with Heather.

-See that motor thingy with all the fancy exhausts? Dismantle it. And make it fast, before Chef gets back.- Heather tells Lindsay, and she obeys.

-Why did you give her those letters?- Gwen starts.

-It turned out well. Don't sweat it. I have it under control.

-You promised we'd wait for a better moment.

-Oh, I'm creating a better moment trust me. The more vivid argument they get into, the better for us.

When Lindsay exits the shack with parts of the Chef machine, I reveal myself. I approach them and want to question the situation, but they take me by surprise.

-Did you see that?- Heather asks.


-The correct answer is no, you didn't. Now, walk faster.- She drags me behind them. When we are at a safe distance, I finally speak.

-What is going on here?

-And what do you think? We're trying to stay in the game.- Heather explains.

-And you work with Heather?

-Yes, for now.- Gwen nods.

-Interesting, because from what I heard you're trying to break me and Geoff apart.

-It's not like this.- Gwen protests- I'm trying to protect you.

-You know what he did. We all know, then why don't use it.- Heather suggests.

-Alexandra, I swear the last thing I want to do is cause you any harm.- Gwen takes my hand.

-Let's say I trust you. I already have a deal with Heather anyway.

-For real?- Gwen asks.

-We're in it together now. They want me to play the game, and that's exactly what I'll do.

-Now go to the idiot and forget you saw anything.- Heather advised me.

-Maybe he's an idiot, but he's still my idiot. And you'll get in so much trouble because of the engine.- I stop.

-No one has to know.- Heather says.

-No one has to know.- Gwen nods.

-Chef will find out sooner or later.- I say as I leave them to it.

Cut to the presentation of the bikes

-Well, campers, we gave you the parts. Let's see what you came up with. Excellent aerodynamics, Heather.- Chris came to check our work.

-It only weighs two ounces.- Heather smiles.

-Like her brain.- Gwen snarls.

-Spooky, yet practical. Well done.- Chris pats goth's shoulder.

-Wicked Mad Max-mobile, dude.- Our host moves to DJ. The poor guy wrapped himself in pillows and even found a helmet. 

-Now, this is a hot rod. Nice! -He points at Geoff's bike.

-Thanks, dude.

-Alexandra, small and cute. Just like you.- Chris winks.

-Go ahead. Ring the bell.- I smile. He does as I say.

-Adorable!- Chris smiles.

-Yes, she is.- Geoff winks.

-He was talking about the bike.- Gwen rolls her eyes.

-I think it works for both, the bike and the owner.- Chris turns to Gwen.- This is where it gets good. We're gonna race these babies, hard!

-Ha, awesome! Because my bike is built for speed.- Heather glances at me.

-Totally!- Lindsay stands next to her.

-Yeah, unfortunately, you won't be riding it, Heather. You'll be switching bikes. Yeah. Cruel twist, huh? All righty then. See you at the beach!- Chris laughs.

-Boys, I hope your bikes are as solid as they look.- I say.

-I can feel the pain in the air.- Duncan comments.

-Good thing we have professional medical help, right?- Trent smiles at me.

-That is if I survive.- I gulp.

-Don't sweat it. It's just a bike ride.- Geoff hugs me.

Cut to the beach

-I change my mind. It's not just a bike ride.- Geoff says.

When we enter the beach, we can see a map of the path we have to follow. 

-Okay, here's how it works.- Chris starts- Everyone picks a name out of the helmet to see whose bike you're riding. If your bike makes it across the finish line. Then you get to ride it in the final round for invincibility. 

I take a piece of paper from the helmet and open it.


-Yes, princess.- He smirks.

-I got your bike, silly.- I show him the piece of paper.

-Then it's in good hands. Hope you're ready to handle some speed.- He winks.

-Ya, dig? I know how to ride a bike, and it's not even close to the speed of a motorbike.

-You ride a motorcycle?- He questions.

-Let's say I had my try.


Duncan: Oh man, it's hard to be friends with someone you once wanted more than anything.

Alexandra: Porter has an older brother Steve, who has a motorbike. Since I visit them almost every day, we became friends as well. He showed me some basics and even some simple tricks. I love the feeling of wind in my hair, and how the world blurs around me when I focus on the road. It's like I'm in a different dimension for a while when nothing from 3D is real and obtainable. Like I'm a ghost, just an observer of reality, who can't touch it and become a part of it. Oops, sorry I got carried away [chuckles].

-I got your bike.- Lindsay approaches Heather.

-Excellent if you cross the line, and we both know you will, I get a chance in the final round. If you're losing, press the red button. 

-What does it do?

-It'll give you an extra boost.

-Before we start has anyone, anything to say in case you die out there?- Chris chuckles. 

-Very funny, Chris.- I roll my eyes.

-Okay, then racers on your marks.- We all stay in line ready to start the race.- Get, set... paramedics on stand by- Chris quickly looks behind him.- and go!!!

We all ride as fast as we can. I'm stuck on the start not, knowing how to use Duncan's machine, it has no pedals. Next to me, Heather is stuck with a DJ's bike, which is so heavy she can't move it. 

-This is messed up! Whoo, this is one moment ride!- Duncan yells in the distance.- Princess, use the skull!- He turns to me for a moment.

I do as he says and press the skull that is attached to his bike. It turns out it has a motor inside. Thanks to my experience, I know what to do. In no time, I take the lead in the race. I have a perfect balance and cross the finish line in no time.

-Yes, that's my girl!- Geoff cheers.

-Oh, shut up!- Gwen shouts as she passes by.

-Really nice, huh! It rides even without the bullets!- Now Geoff is riding next to DJ, who has my boyfriend's bike.


Geoff: Okay, so I forgot the bullets.

In a blink of an eye, DJ falls to the ground. His bike is falling into pieces. Soon, Geoff joins the accident, because he's too close to dodge a lying DJ among the scrap that is left from the bikes.

-Oh my God!!! Heather stop!!!- I exclaim.

In the meantime, Heather took off with her bike. Instead of riding it, she pushes it in front of herself, not seeing where she's going. It's too late to stop her though, and soon she crushes two boys on the ground. 

-We have three awesome wipeouts by Geoff, DJ, and Heather for the invincibility race, where Trent's fun machine, Heather's Spade Machine, Lindsay's Sunset Sally, Alexandra's Pink Dream, and Duncan's Lethal Weapon- Chris comments.-It's time to head over to TDI Motorcross.

-Geoff!!!- I run to them with my medical kit. I place his head on my legs and caress his cheeks. 

-Star, I think I broke something.

-It'll be alright, I'm here.- I reassure.

-I'll take care of that.- Chef joins me with some interns who take all the injured people to the medical tent.

-Hold on there, k?- I wave after Geoff.

-You weren't lying.- Duncan smirks, approaching me.

-I never lie, you should know that. The nice machine you got there.- I point at his bike.

-Who taught you how to ride?- He questions.

-Let's say I know a guy.- I smirk.

-Mysterious, is it Porter?

-No, I have friends beside him you know.

-That's not a surprise, princess. Who wouldn't like a friend like you? Hey, he'll be okay.- Duncan puts an arm around my shoulders.

-He better be.- I look in the direction where Chef left with my friends to the hospital one more time.

Cut to the second part of the challenge

Of course, Chris had to make it dangerous. Before I can grieve on my own life, Chef takes me aside.

-Listen closely, Sparkle. You have to ride close to the right edge of the road it's the safest part. Don't panic.

-Thank you, Chef.- I give him a quick hug.

-Wow, sweet wheels.- Gwen says when I stand next to her.

-Thanks, hun.- I smile briefly.

-Look, I just...

-Chill, I didn't tell anyone.- She just offers me a smile as an answer.

-Good, a partner in crime.- Heather stands next to me.

-And how in the world are you here in one piece?!- I turn to her once again.

-Geuss, I was lucky.- Heather smirks.

-Alexandra!- DJ is standing on the hill nearby, waving. Geoff is next to him. I wave back in relief.

-Campers welcome to the Motorcross challenge! Using your own bikes you'll race the course avoiding hidden pitfalls cue the death traps. There's dodging the landmines, going through the oil slick, and finally jumping the piranhas!- Chris explains.- Oh, and one more thing first one to cross wins invincibility, the last one to cross gets voted off the island. No bonfires, do not pass go, do not collect a marshmallow.

-Great.- I sigh.

-We got this.- Trent approaches me.


Trent: We had a talk with the boys, and we decided to help Alexandra stay in the show. As long as we can, we'll protect her. That's why we're not leaving her behind in this race.

-Racers take your position, and go!!!- The race start.

I do as Chef says and ride on the right side, and it works. Soon, Heather rides on a mine. Trent doesn't make it through this one too. Duncan slips on the oil. I'm a leader now, I make it through the piranhas and win.

-The winner is Alexandra!- Chris announces. My friends on the hill cheer. Trent and Duncan pick themselves together and clap.


Trent: Okay, maybe we are the ones who need help here, not Alexandra.

-You won! Well done, girl!- Lindsay crosses the finish line after me.

-Not so fast with the celebration. Alexandra is safe because her bike crossed the line first, but since Duncan, Trent, and Heather didn't complete the race they technically didn't cross the line. Which makes you the last one to cross the line, which means it's the dock of shame time, baby.

-What?!- Lindsay exclaims.

-You lose, Lindsay!- Chris repeats.- Chef, escort her.

-Heather?!- She exclaims.

-Oh, shut up! I can't help you now.- She flicks her hair.

-I can't believe you just said that! You mean, I've been helping you all this time, and you didn't even like me?- Lindsay looks at her.

- Uh, truth? Not really, no.- Heather checks her nails.- What? We're not here to make friends, we're here to become celebrities, remember?

-You really are mean! And all that bad stuff people say about you is true. Like how you're a two-faced, back-stabbing lying little [very prolonged censor beep] I always told them they were wrong. I stood up to you because I thought we were BFFs! But they're right! You really are a two-faced, back-stabbing lying little [very prolonged censor beep], And guess what? I don't wanna be BFFS anymore! I'd rather spend the day staring at Owen's butt than shopping with you. And P.S. Your shoes are tacky!- Lindsay lets all her emotions out at Heather.

-Ooh, that's cold, brah.- Duncan comments.

-Cold is not enough to explain this. Is there a word that is a mix between sad and angry? - I side hug, Lindsay and ask.

-Malcontented, miserable..- Trent starts.

-Smad.- Geoff cuts in. I look at him and can't help but burst into laughter. Soon others laugh at even Chris and even Chef.


Alexandra: And here he goes, leading me to tears without even trying. I love the silly things he says. How can  I just turn this off?

Time skip

-Open your eyes, beautiful. - Geoff whispers to me.

It was sunset time, and he dragged me to a special place he prepared. It's a table set for two on a hill, which gives a mesmerizing view of a forest below us and the lake. I smile sadly.

-You don't like it?- He asks worriedly.

-Geoff, the only thing I want is an explanation.

-Shall we sit first?

I take my place and wait for him.

-Doubt me, and you risk everything.- I say before he can start.

-I think there's no need to argue.

-I think differently.- I state.

-Just because I said something stupid doesn't make me as bad as if I did it.

-But you did something, Geoff. Those letters are evidence. Don't you consider it inappropriate!?

-Gosh, Alexandra can you change this attitude?!

-My attitude is not a problem here!

-You're acting like Duncan, it may have escaped your busy mind, but you spend more time with him than with me!

-You don't trust me, that's why you act this way. You know what I'm fed up. If you'd rather be with Bridgette, then go! I don't care anymore!

-Yeah? Then why are we still arguing about it!?

-Because if you want to pie me off, I want you to do it to my face, and before half of the others know before me.

-Oh, so that is your problem! You don't even care if I have a feeling for her! What people would say is your concern!

-This is not what I said! Why can't you see?

-Oh, just drop it! I'm going to the cabin!

-I'm not finished with you!


Where the fight will lead Geoff and Alexandra?

What awaits in the next challenge?

Will Heather finally get eliminated?

Find out next time on Total Drama Island!

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