By yestarday0

33.2K 1.1K 203

Inanna was sent to the ground with the other 99 delinquents. While looking for her friend, she's kidnaped by... More

part one; lost and found
one; white empty room
two; run things
three; tent sharing
four; rescue services
five; jasper
six; hanging tree
seven; edge of the cliff
eight; charity project
nine; comeback
ten; feelings
eleven; fighting
twelve; real rescue services
thirteen; infernal maps
fourteen; friends
fifteen; it's a goodbye
sixteen; wounded back
seventeen; rippers
eighteen; frankenstien
nineteen; spacewalker
twenty; trip to memory land
twenty-one; best friends
twenty-two; wrong choices
twenty-three; minefield
twenty-four; sea creature
twenty-five; together
twenty-six; becca's wardrobe
twenty-seven; last tear
twenty-eight; fake commander
twenty-nine; price of life
thirty; less-enemies
thirty-one; city of light
thirty-two; stolen memories
thirty-three; end of the world, again
thirty-four; keryonjaka
thirty-five; arkadia
thirty-six; apologies
thirty-seven; cries and lies
thirty-eight; broken machine
part two; game of survival
forty; half rations
forty-one; wonkru
forty-two; fighting pits
forty-three; dark year
forty-four; war
forty-five; worms
forty-six; secrets and natblida
forty-seven; ruler for the day
forty-eight; last chance
forty-nine; failure
fifty; no more charity project
fifty-one; guilty
fifty-two; it should have been me
fifty-three; cockroaches can swim
fifty-four; kinky and homicidal
fifty-five; primes

thirty-nine; five years and earth apart

382 5 0
By yestarday0

"I can't do this without you."
"I'm not going anywhere."

After some hours we were in Polis, while the others went to the bunker, I went to meet Kane at the throne room. There was a conclave happening. One warrior per clan. The ones that actually stood a chance were Ilian kom Trishanakru, Fio kom Trikru, Luna kom Flokru, Roan kom Azgeda, and finally, Octavia kom Skaikru.

The winner would have the bunker for themself and their people. The losers would burn in Praimfaya.

"Is she still alive?" I ask Kane and he nods at me.

It was down to O and Luna. Luna was the last of her clan meaning that if she won, no one would take the bunker meaning we would all die in Praimfaya. y now, even the loser clans were begging for Octavia to win so that the human race wouldn't be obliterated in forty-eight hours.

Suddenly, the doors to the throne room open, Octavia showing up, covered in blood. She walks towards Gaia and handles the marks of the other warriors to the flamekeeper.

She won.

"The crypt of the first commander belongs to her people." Gaia states, everyone could see she wasn't particularly happy with the result.

"No." Octavia says steadily and gets close to the throne. "I wasn't fighting for Skaikru today. I thought I was fighting for myself, but I now know that's not true, either. I was fighting for us all. Skaikru will not take the bunker alone. We will share it equally because we are equal. We are one clan, and we will survive Praimfaya together."

I look at her, giving her a small smile and a nod.

She walks down and out of the tower, telling Kane, me, Gaia, and Indra to follow her. We walk towards the bunker with some guards behind us.

When we arrive at the flamekeeper's room, we see the bunker guards on the floor, I walk towards their bodies noticing that they all had been gazed.

Kane tries to open the opening to the bunker but he can't.

"No, no, no," Gaia mutters. "Keep everyone out." She orders one of the guards.

"It's locked!" Kane keeps trying and I lick my teeth, angry and nervous at the same time.

"They took the bunker," I mutter not looking at anyone in particular.

"How could they do this?!" Kane argues as he keeps trying but obviously fails.

"Skaikru has betrayed us all." Indra states and I take a deep breath.

* * *

Hours had passed by and Praimfaya keeps getting closer and closer. Octavia's plan was to wait for Bellamy to open the door from the inside, and knowing how much he cares about her, it wasn't that bad of a plan.

Echo had shown up, with the promise to keep the others away from the locked bunker if we let her people in. Apparently, she had been banned from Azgeda for interfering in the conclave.

After a while, Bellamy finally showed up, opening the bunker and letting us in. To my surprise, John was with him. When our eyes lock the only thing I do is nod at him, to what he only looks away in response. Echo wasn't allowed in, but as Octavia promised, her people were.

There were one hundred beds for each clan and we were in the main office with Jaha, Clarke, Bellamy, Kane, and Abby. Gaia wasn't there and neither were the guards that were with us earlier. Bellamy had one of the beds, and Murphy had another one.

Raven had stayed in Becca's lab trying to cure her head and had told us that she was okay so they wanted to go back and get her before the death wave.

"This facility won't run itself," Kane states looking at the bunker's map in front of him.

"We'll need to prioritize doctors and engineers." Abby states as Jaha stays at the door looking at the crazy amount of people outside.

"All right. Of course, we go for Raven." Kane nods never looking away from the table.

"You call this justice?" Jaha asks looking back at us and Octavia looks up at him.

"I call this making things right, thanks to my brother." She looks at Bellamy and Jaha keeps his mouth wide open.

"You let this happen. How many of us have to die?" Jaha walks towards us.

"You're lucky it's not all of you," Indra tells him making me wide my eyes at him.


"We have 100 spots." Kane tells his friend. "The other clans have all..." he hesitates, "...have all chosen their survivors. We have to do the same."

"One hundred?" Jaha asks, "We have over 4 times that."

"A pain that all clans feel," Octavia tells him.

"Is this what you wanted?" He asks Clarke.

"No one wanted this." She replies.

"Want's got nothing to do with this." I snap at them.

"Skaikru gets 100 beds, same as everybody else. Bellamy gets one of them. Murphy gets another one. The rest is up to you." Octavia looks at me and them at them again. "The death wave comes in 24 hours."

"You've got 12 to decide." I finish and we both walk away, Indra eventually catching up with us. "We make a good team. I told you we should stick together." I look at her speaking low enough for only her to hear.

We walk to the other part of the bunker, letting them alone to decide for themselves. I look back at Indra, who's still with us.

"Is Delphia and Osmo on Trikru's list?" I ask her.

"They are." She nods at me and I take a deep breath. "Delphia's proud of you."

"She should be." I look at Indra. "She made me. The same way you made O."

"Yes, she did." Indra looks away from me and walks towards her clan, leaving us.

* * *

Delphia had told me to go get one of the guards that were on the doors to the part where Skaikru was, so I do as I'm told. As soon as I step out of the others clan's place, Clarke comes running towards me. I tell the man to go to Delphia and look back at Clarke.

"We're going to get Raven." She tells me. "I was expecting you to come with us."

"Should have thought about that before letting us outside to toast in the death wave."

"I'm sorry. It was the only option-"

"Clearly it wasn't." I look around. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Murphy's coming with us." Clarke tells me as I walk away making me turn back at her.

"He got a death wish or something? Why would he do that? He has a bed in the bunker." I ask her confused.

"He probably wants to help Raven." She shugs and I frown my brows at her.

"It's John Murphy we're talking about, since when does he do anything for anyone but himself?"

"I don't know, but he's coming with us. Bellamy is too. So is Emori." I take a deep breath at her words and curse to myself.

"Where's he?"

Clarke walks towards the door to the exit of the bunker and I walk behind her, wining side looks from everyone I walk by. She opens the door and I'm faced with the group wearing radiation-proof suits.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I snap at them and then look at my right side, noticing that Abby's there as well. Of course, she is why wouldn't she?

"Helping our friend. Have a problem with that?" Emori snaps back at me.

"Calm the fuck down, will you?" I look at her and then at the others as Clarke dresses the suit. "You're gonna die. All of you. Raven too."

"We won't. We have 23 hours until the death wave hits." Bellamy tells me. "On a good day, it takes 10 hours to get to the island and 10 hours to get back."

I look at them not understanding the point of this.

"Look, I get why Emori's doing this, she needs a bed in the bunker, sure, I don't care." I look at her and then at the other. "Now, Clarke has a bed, obviously." I look at Abby, "And you two, also have beds. We made sure of it." I look at the two men.

"Go help Octavia, you're not changing our minds." Bellamy tells me and I scoff and look at John waiting for him to wake up and be the same person I once dated.

He doesn't say a word and I nod at the four of them.

"You're okay with this?" I ask Abby who takes a deep breath and nods hesitantly. "You're daughter will go on a suicide mission. How are you okay with this?!"

"We're saving Raven and we'll be okay. We have time." John finally speaks up to say the last thing I would hear.

"Three hours' worth of mistakes, right?" I asked sarcastically as I walk towards him. "Have fun dying." I say, our faces so close that I could feel him breathing in my face before I turn on my heel and walk away.

Before I'm able to exit the room, he grabs my arm and our lips crash together like I never thought they would again. It feels like a goodbye, which makes me forget to control the tears from falling down my face.

When he pushes away I swallow the lump on my throat and quickly clean the tears away.

"Don't die. You can't hate me if you're dead." I tell him before taking a deep breath.

"I don't hate you." John replies and I nod without knowing what to do before walking away, and back to Octavia.

* * *

In the voting for who was going to survive from Skaikru, hell had broken loose. Everyone was screaming and fighting so much we had to intervene. They were upset Niylah was on Skaikru's voting while she was a grounder at their eyes.

We see her screaming telling a man that was grabbing her to get away. Octavia grabs the back of his shirt and pushes him to his knees, placing the sword on his neck.

"Niylah you're with us," Octavia tells her.

The woman comes towards Indra and Octavia looks at me and I take the hint that she wants me to do the honors.

"She's safe! Now you have one less spot to fill!" I yell loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Octavia, Inanna, please. You got to stop this." Jaha begs us and I look at Octavia who is looking back at me. "You're Skaikru. You're one of us."

"We're one of you? You made me hide under the floor. You floated my mother. You floated her father. You made her live with her abusers." She speaks for me and I look at Jaha.

"We're not hiding now," I tell him as we walk away.

"Don't do this," Jaha begs again.

"Every other clan has chosen their survivors, every other clan. Skaikru is no different. You have until midnight. Choose, or you all die." Octavia tells them before walking away.

* * *

Time was up. Skaikru hadn't chosen their survivors so we were ready to attack. When we open the doors to reveal the group, we're faced with their all in the ground like the guards outside the bunker. Octavia and I look at each other no knowing what happened.

Two men in gas masks look at us. Kane and Jaha. They would choose with a list that Clarke had made when she thought we would stay in The Ark. Kane kept repeating the same words, almost trying to make himself believe them.

"This is how we save our people." He kept muttering.

I was with Octavia and Indra reading the list, giving the grounders the names, and pointing them out so they could help them out of the bunker.

When this task was done, the chaos stopped and things went calm for a while. The time kept going and John and the others weren't here. I was sitting on one of the chairs in the main office with Octavia when the radio started working.

"Octavia? Inanna? It's Bellamy." He calls and we both look at each other and get up, grabbing the radio as fast as we could.

"Where the hell are you?" Octavia asks her brother worried.

"Becca's lab-"

"You don't have time to come back." I interrupt him, taking the radio from O's hands.

"We're going on the rocketship. Raven says she can get us in the ring." He explains and I gave O back the radio, bringing my head to my hands. "Echo, Monty and Harper are here with us. Monty says he can produce food. Echo saved us."

"How do you get back?"

"We don't know." He replies and I look at Octavia who looks worried. "It's the only way."

"Is... Is John with you?" I hesitate in asking.

"Yeah, you want to talk to him?"

"Does he want to talk to me?" I ask back and he doesn't answer, instead, I can hear him calling his friend.

"Hey," I hear John saying and I can't get anything to leave my mouth. "Inanna?"

"Yeah..." I finally reply. "Uhm... five years, uh?"

"Five years." He replies.

"I told you it was a bad idea."

"Hey, we'll meet again." John assures me and I nod even tho he can't see me. "We will."

"Mmhm." I swallow hard. "I'm sorry, about everything."

"Me too. I shouldn't have left you in Polis. Not after everything."

"Yeah, I shouldn't have agreed on testing Emori neither... or tie you to the rocketship... or pointing a bow at you." I hear him chuckling at my words and I let out a breathy laugh. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." He replies and I take a deep breath. "I'm gonna pass the radio to Bellamy, he wants to talk to Octavia."

"Okay." I agree. "May we meet again."

"We will meet again." He assures again.

"I love you." I say as fast as I can and he hesitates before replying.

"I love you too." I hear him saying before ging Bellamy back the radio.

"Hey," Bellamy speaks up.

"Hey," Octavia greats again, "Five years. Can you really survive up there?"

"Raven says we can. As soon as it's safe, we'll find a way back down. We will meet again." Bellamy assures her and I look away taking a deep breath trying not to cry.

"I'll be waiting... under the floor." I get up noticing that they might want to talk alone but she stops me.

"You're not that little girl anymore." Bellamy tells her but she doesn't reply. "What is it, O?"

"I'm not sure I'm up for this, Bell. They look at me like I know what I'm doing just because I won a fight. They look at you like that because you saved them." She confesses and I give her a sad smile. "But it won't last."

"Now you have to lead."

"How? I'm not a leader. It should be you or Clarke or-"

"O, stop. Neither of us could've done what you did, and it wasn't just winning a fight. You gave people hope when there was none. You're... you're Prometheus, stealing fire from the gods and giving it back to the human race."

"Prometheus got chained to a rock so that eagles could eat his liver." She groans.

"Thanks for ruining my metaphor, O." He says and by his tone, I can tell that he's smiling on the other side.

"I love you, big brother." She tells him. "Guess it takes the end of the world for me to say it."

We start to hear static and she tries to make the radio work again.

"Bell?" She calls but the static keeps going as she keeps playing with everything on sight. "Bellamy? Bellamy, can you hear me?" She tries again but nothing. "Bellamy?"

She stops calling his name and swallows hard.

"May we meet again." She mutters with tears in her eyes.

Octavia puts her hand on top of mine and I look at her.

"I can't do this without you."

"I'm not going anywhere."


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