My Only Star

By Def_26

23.8K 1.8K 52

'' I wanna let the whole universe know that you are Mine..You belong to me and only me.''-God πŸ“– Blue Kanawut... More

☣ ONE ☣
☣ TWO ☣
☣ FOUR ☣
☣ FIVE ☣
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☣ NINE ☣
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480 43 3
By Def_26


''G? Where is Blue? The guest is already waiting for him.'' His mom approached me. Blue is always missing nowadays. He is so hard to reach. He don't even answer his phone when we called him. And now his family held a welcome party for him and he is no where to find. I tried to call him but he is not picking up my calls. Its been a month since he came back and we did not talk privately coz it seems like he was avoiding us. Even our friends notice him.

''I can't reach him Khun Phi..I tried calling him but he did not pick up my calls.'' I said to his mom.
''What's really happening with Blue..he is so distant since he came back. He did not even talk to me and his Dad. We are so worried about him.'' His mom said. I was about answer her when I notice Blue approaching us with a woman on his side clinging to him.

''Hi Mom..I'm here. I'm just busy earlier so I did not pick up your call.'' Blue told to his mom and he turned to me and tap my back.
I just nodded to him.
''This is Shen girlfriend. Shen this is my mom and this is my friend God.'' Blue introduces to his girlfriend.
''Nice meeting you Shen..'' Her mom answered and gives her a kiss on the cheeks. I extended my hand to her and handshakes.
''Nice meeting you Shen.Good thing you make it.'' I said and I took a glance to Blue.

We are chatting when Hyper and the boys approached us.
''Hi to introduce us to your girlfriend?'' Hyper said smiling.
''Yes, yes of course.'' Blue smiled.
''Hmm..Shen this is Hyper,Dew,Brix,Kent and Duke they are all my friends.'' Blue introduce them. 
The boys extend their hands for a hands shake. After a while Blue's father approached us and introduced his son to his family friend.

''Hi boys I just want to introduce you to our family friends Mr Chen...And this is my son Blue..and his girlfriend Shen. And this is his friends..Hyper,Brix,Dew,God,Kent and Duke.''
''Uncle?? Hi how are you?'' Duke greeted the old man.
''Duke? I didn't expect to see you here.'' The old man said and they hugged each other.
''Oh..did you know each other?'' Blue's father asked.
''Yes Khun Phi he is my Mom's brother.'' Duke answered.
''I did not expect to meet him here haha..''The old man answered.
''Anyway uncle where is Win?'' Duke asked him.
''Ahh..he is in Chang Mai..I'm just here to attend a business meeting for 3 days..And Win is busy on the hospital and he has a patient to check up regularly so he can't visit you.'' Uncle Chen answered.

''Okay boys enjoy the night. We will just check on the other guest.''Blue's father said and they leave us on our table.
''Dr Chen can we leave you here for a minute?'' He said to Duke's uncle.
''Yes its okay...I'll just catch some time to my nephew.'' Dr Chen said. And Blue and his girlfriend stood up and leave us on our table.
''Guys I'll just accompany Shen to the restroom.'' Blue said and we just all nodded.

''So uncle how are you? How is the hospital?''Duke asked the old man.
''AW..We are doing okay..Win is a big help to the Blue the son of Mr.Traipi that went missing in a plane crash 2 years ago?''Dr Chen asked Duke.
''Hm..he is on his way to NY when the plane crash occurs and he went missing for two years...Good thing he is back now.'' Duke answered.

Dr Chen looked at us like he wouldn't believe what Duke was saying.
''Why Uncle? What's wrong?'' Duke asked him. The old man looked around before he started talking.

''I'm just a little bit shocked that Blue look exactly the same with Sun.'' Dr Chen said. We all looked at the old man curious on what he was saying.

''Who is  Sun uncle?'' I asked before Duke can. The old man looked at me with a serious face.
''2 years ago I went on an island in Chang Mai..I was walking on a secluded area of the beach when I notice a man lying on the sand.,..I approached him and I thought he was dead but when I checked him he still alive but unconscious. He is full of burned on his back and some part of his arms. He suffered on a major burned on his back. I get some help and we bring him to the hospital. It takes a year before he wakes up from his coma and he doesn't remember anything he was amnesia. Until now he can remember his past and he doesn't know who he is. He looked exactly like Blue. He is staying in my house after he recovered from his coma. Me and Win trying to help him recover his memory but until now he can't remember anything he doesn't even knoe who he is.
I'm just shocked when I saw Blue earlier he look exctly the same..I thought he is Sun when I saw Blue earlier.'' Dr chen said.
Me and the boys looked at each other shocked.

''I knew it!'' Hyper said. We both looked at him.
''You knew what?'' I asked Hyper. I can't explain what I'm feeling right now. I was so excited to meet this Sun.
''I knew it the first time I meet Blue or else let's call him Ken. He is not Blue. I tested him so many times. Remember when I told you before that he is not Blue? You guys just shake your head and did not believe me. Remember when I bought a seafood? He eat it all..Blue have a worst allergy on seafood..he can't even stand the smell of a seafood in front of him. He doesn't drink any kind of coffee except his favourite Thai Latte. He doesn't have the guts to mingle with some people and most of all he is a gay he doesn't like girls..look at him now he is so different. He doesn't even go to the doctor for his check up and he always ignore us and his parents..He is not Blue. I'm telling you. I know Blue more than you guys know him..he is my bestfriend for 10 years and I can assure you he is not Blue but you did not believe me.'' Hyper said.

''So what are we gonna do now?'' Kent asked looking at us.
''We can't cancel this party now..we will put Blue's parent in an embarassing situation.'' Brix said.
''Okay maybe we need to talk to Blue's parents now before they announce him on the public.'' Dew said.
''Maybe Dr. Chen can help us talk to Blue's parents.'' I told them.
''Okay boys calm down. You can't think straight if you guys won't calm down..'' Dr Chen said.
''Uncle..Where is Sun now?'' Duke asked.
''He is in my house with Win. Don't worry he is safe..he just can't remember his identity and his pass but he was safe and healthy..we are always checking him up we asked him if he was a dream erytime he sleeps but he always said that he keep dreaming of a some random people that he doesn't meet before and then forget about his dream when he wakes up in the morning.'' Dr Chen said.

''Ok let's do something now before they can announce about this fake Blue.'' Duke said. I was about to stood up when  Ken and Shen approached our table.

''So, are you not going to start the party Blue? We are all waiting for the party to start. Or you want me to start it for you?'' Hyper asked.
Me and the boys looked at Hyper in frustrations but we are shocked when Hyper gets up and went to the stage.
''What is he doing?'' Duke asked
''Just let him handle this he knows what he was doing''. I told them and they look at me like I said something weird.

''What's happening?'' Ken asked me I can picture the horror on his face while looking at us.
I just looked at him with a straight face and I looked at Hyper in the staged grab the phone in the stand.

''Good evening everyone. I just want to call Mr Ken to come up on staged so we can start the party tonight.'' Hyper said on the mic while looking at our direction.
''What is Hyper doing? He is not the host of this party so what is he doing?'' Ken asked.He was started to get anxious. He is looking at us but we just looked at him.

''Just get on the staged Ken. The guest is waiting.'' Duke said.

''Again I'm calling for Mr Ken.'' Hyper said again. Blue's parent comes up on staged and approached Hyper..Hyper took them at the back and talked to them for a minute then Hyper is back.

''It seems like our celebrant for tonight is so shy to get on the staged so lets just enjoy the little surprise that I prepare for him.

After a while the video on a projector comes play and we all watch Ken while he talked to someone on the phone.

'' I will continue living the life of Blue until I get all of his money. I don't have any problem now they provided me my own condo...I will just enjoying this life..They will never know that I'm not Blue. They told me everything about Blue so it was so easy to live his life.
I'll return to Chang Mai when I settled everything here. This is so cool having someones look a like.Who would thought that they will all fall into my sweet and innocent face like Blue. So stop calling me and live your grandious life now. Stop bothering me.Bye.''
And the video plays about the real identity of Ken. They showed on the video who really is. After a while the screen went off. And we can hear all the guest murmuring about what happened.

After the video cuts off Hyper went down of the staged and approached our table.
'' did you managed to get those video Hype?'' Duke asked.
Hyper looked at me and shake his shoulder.
''Asked God,,he is the one who's give me that footage.'' Hyper said and everyone looked at me with their eyes asking for explanation.
''I'll explain later but where is Ken?'' I asked them.
''He leave with his girlfriend.'' Duke said. I let out a sighed and seated beside Hyper.

'' So what just happen?'' Dew asked.

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