President Grande

By bieberbible

109K 4.2K 1.5K

With great power comes huge responsibility More

Vote Grande
Good job
Trouble in Paradise


3.7K 166 55
By bieberbible

Both of us panting as if we ran a marathon. I place my warm hand on her slightly sweaty back as we are connecting. I furrowed my eyebrows at the sensations that I am feeling throughout my entire body.

"Just like that baby" Madison said making me open my eyes. When I opened them, I didn't see Madison instead I was with Ariana. I shook my head to bring myself to the present and Madison was there again.

Our bodies slapped hard against each other as I went faster and faster, I gave in to my dark desire of Ariana and she was all I could see now in front of me. Even with my eyes open.

I came with a sigh, letting my body go limp beside Madison.

"That was different" she commented making me turn my head, still out of breath.

"Different as in good or different as in bad" I said confused. She sat up and put only some of her clothes on.

"It was just different Y/n".

I don't know what is happening to me lately, my days are feeling all blended together. My life feels on repeat constantly. It feels like as if I have never felt joy before, the only thing that is sparking anything in my life right now is my President but that just follows with all my anxious thoughts of us getting caught. I mean what would happen to me.

I could only imagine the worst.

"I done some more digging" Pete who literally came out of nowhere said while grabbing my shoulder making me jump.

"Pete what the fuck" I said loud until he covered my mouth.

"Stop being so loud" he whisper shouted at me.

"We're outside" I looked at him confused. I was enjoying my coffee at the side of the house until he came up scaring me.

"That's what I have to tell you, apparently there's more people in on this than we know" I shook my head at him.

"In on what" I said confused.

"On whatever is going on around here" he looked around skeptically "something isn't right Y/n. I've been seeing it since we all started here, there's been secret meetings, staff in the corners whispering. We have to get to the bottom of this".

"Pete" I sighed we are literally whispering to each other right now.

"Y/n you need to stay with me on this. You are literally the only person I trust in here. In my life right now. I feel like I'm going insane" he looked at me with nothing but desperation in his eyes, maybe I'm feeling exactly what he is feeling. Something isn't right about this place and maybe the energy is just rubbing off on me.

"This seems too risky Pete, if you are wrong or right. It could go terrible for us".

"What are you guys taking about" Kiko came out of nowhere with her usual huge smile on her face.

Both Pete and I got scared. Pete cleared his throat "not much" I couldn't help but look at Kiko differently. Normally I would love to see her smile but right now. She looks creepy and suspicious.

"Okay well I'll get going then" she was about to walk away until she turned back around to say "oh Y/n" she laughed "I almost forgot, the President wants to see you, she says it's important".

Pete and I didn't exchange words with each other just a look, I knew he knew with the way I was looking at him, that I now believed him fully.

"Where have you been" was the first thing Ariana said to me as I entered her office "I was worried" she dropped a little stack of files on her desk.

I squinted my eyes at her "I was on my break, I told you" I looked at my watch "it's still not over yet" I stared at her as she said nothing.

I couldn't help but think that Everything is starting to get really suspicious.

"Are you questioning me" she took her glasses off and dropped them on her desk just like she did with the files.

I tried to talk but I choked on my words as she walked up to me.

She rubbed her hands up and down my chest "you know that makes me angry Y/n" she looked me dead in the eye "apologize".

"I'm sorry" I was quick to say but did not mean it.

How am I so addicted to her.

A small smile came on her face "good" she pulled me in to kiss her "today is a big day for you" she walked back to her desk.

"And that is because" I waited for her to finish.

"You're meeting the Vice President, Miss Gadot today" she smiled as she sat down. "She's finally back from Europe and I want you to give her a warm welcome" she paused "not as warm of a welcome as you would give me" she smirked.

I stood out on the runway with all the security, I held onto my umbrella tightly as the rain poured down on us. I looked at my watch to see that she should've been here twenty minutes ago. "Where is the plane" I turned to the head of security that was here.

"It must've got delayed, I mean look at this weather, it's terrible". I look up to the dark sky to see only some of the rain drops that were coming down. I found it strange that it started to pour when I got here because the forecast said that it was supposed to stay sunny. I was lucky the security had spare umbrellas.

"Here we go" he nudged me. He must've noticed my anxious state "don't worry she's much nicer than Miss Grande" he chuckled "she won't bite your head off as long as your polite".

"Bite my head off" I said back to him and all he done was give me a side eye. I found it strange that he would use them words for someone that's much higher up than him. I mean anyone of the other security guards could tell on him. Even I could.

The plane landed and we all made our way closer to it now that it was fully off. The security stopped at the stairs as did I. Miss Gadot stepped out of the plane, as she did I felt a shiver run down my spine. She is frighteningly beautiful I thought.

"You must be Y/n Y/l/n" she said as she came face to face with me.

"That's me" I chuckled and smiled at her and all she done was smile the faintest smile at me.

We made our way to Ariana's office. I knocked on the door and after I was allowed to enter along with Miss Gadot. We were both met with the sight of Ariana, Frank and Zendaya sitting around the room. Frank and Ariana on the same couch and Zendaya on the other.

"Miss Gadot how kind of you to finally join us" Ariana said as she stood up.

"I'll get your coat" I took off Miss Gadot's coat and I couldn't help but feel the gaze of my President on me.

"It's nice to see you Y/n" Frank said with a smile as he was still sat down on the couch.

"It's nice to see you too" I smiled at him and then Zendaya and I both shared a smile.

I made eye contact with Ariana's intense ones as I said "I'll get back to my work".

Before my President could say anything, the Vice President spoke.

"Don't be silly, you stood out in the rain for an hour waiting for my arrival, sit by the heat.  Ariana isn't that cruel" she looked at Ariana as she poured wine into her glass "or are you" she chuckled.

"Of course not" she smiled. That smile, why is it making my heart melt. "Sit Miss Y/l/n".

I shook my head slightly "it's okay I don't mind" before I could finished the sentence I was cut off.

"I insist" Ariana stared me down. I made my way over to sit next to Zendaya and it almost made the President even more angry that I didn't sit closer to her.

What exactly is going on here.

Ariana sat down after refilling her own wine glass "how was Europe" she asked Miss Gadot as Miss Gadot sat down on the last empty seat.

"It was lovely" she smiled "I was glad to be met with a beautiful face when I landed" she looked over at me and I couldn't help the awkwardness that I felt in that moment.

"Would you like a drink Y/n" Frank asked me to which I was happy to nod my head to.

"I hope everything stayed professional" Ariana tried to make a joke and it seemed like it but not to me. If anything Ariana will be the one ripping my head off, not Miss Gadot.

"There you go" he handed me a glass of wine, filled almost to the top. I looked over at him and he gave me a reassuring smile. He could sense my awkward state. If only he knew why. He would not be putting the glass in my hand, he would be throwing it at me.

"Of course Ariana, you know I always keep everything strictly professional". Why is she making it out that we done something.

Zendaya couldn't help but give me a look of confusion, I gave her the same exact look back.

"How about we get back to work" Frank said and I couldn't be happier.

"I agree" I went to stand up but Ariana's hand came out to grab my forearm, keeping me seated. Frank's eyes latched to the contact.

"We all work too much plus I just got off an eight hour flight, can't we all just talk" miss Gadot said as Ariana's hand slowly moved away from my arm.

"It's great to have you here again Miss Gadot" Zendaya finally spoke.

"Thank you Zendaya" she smiled at her.

"I'll finally get some of my work off of my hands" Ariana joked.

I was now on my fourth glass of very overfilled wine from Frank and I was starting to feel more comfortable, simply because I'm feeling slightly drunk. Every time I got a new glass from him both Ariana and Zendaya would cast a glance at me and Miss Gadot and Frank would smile at me.

"Well I better start heading home, I'm flying out to Canada tomorrow" Frank said as he stood up. Ariana stood up with him.

"It was nice to see you Frank" Miss Gadot said.

Him and Ariana shared a kiss to which I did not want to see, I went to look away but mine and miss Gadot's eyes made contact with each other.

Does she know.

"I'm very tired after my flight, I'm going to leave as well" after Miss Gadot said that Zendaya was quick to stand up and bid her goodbyes.

When the door closed it was just myself and Ariana. A small silence was held until she turned around from the door to face me.

"I told you not to do anything with her" I was quick to deny everything because it felt as if my life depended on it.

"Of course I didn't do anything with her, I'm not stupid" Ariana took small steps closer to me.

"Oh really" she now stood directly in front of me leaving no personal space.

"Yes" I sighed "I promise you nothing happened".

"I'm not really a big fan of promises, I know one way I can find out" she looked me dead in the eyes as she slid her hands into my pants.

I was not  going to object for two reasons, I had to prove to her that I didn't do anything sexual with miss Gadot and. It felt like it has been years since we've had sex with each other. Something inside me was scared that she was already bored of me and was going back to being with Frank.

I heard Ariana giggle which brought me away from my thoughts.

"I could never get bored of you" I furrowed my eyebrows. Did I say that out loud.

"Stop thinking" she pulled me in to kiss her. I put my hands on the pit on her back to hold her closer to me. She bit my lip multiple times and then went to my neck as she brought me closer to her desk.

My President pushed me down on her desk.

"I'll help you think of nothing but me from now on".

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