Chance Encounters

Par postylove74

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Candace Daniels and her 3 year old son Liam just moved to the suburban town of Cottonwood Heights, desperate... Plus

Merry Christmas!!
Author's Note


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Par postylove74

"I wish we could just stay here forever" I smiled before placing a tiny kiss on his warm chest, his own lips reciprocating my actions as he placed them gently against the crown of my head, a wide smile spreading across my face as I closed my eyes at the feeling that mixed beautifully with the heat of our bodies pressed against each other and the soft movement of his fingertips gently moving over the middle of my back.

Today was the last day of our five day mini vacation, and if I was being frank I didn't want a moment of it to end. The both of us have really deepened our connection with each other on this trip, not only physically--although that was the biggest way that we deepened things between us--but also emotionally. We learned a lot about each other from spending the majority of our time locked away in our hidden cottage in the mountains, the majority of our days spent talking mixed with a variety of intimate moments ranging from cuddling with each other on the couch to getting to know every detail of each other's bodies between the sheets. Being alone with him solidified every feeling that I ever had about him. Thanks to him I finally knew what it meant to be in love and I finally knew what it felt like to have someone truly love me in return and I was never more thankful for my son introducing us that day then I was right now.

"I'd love to do that lil miss but" he laughed placing his lips gently against the top of my head again, the small action always making my eyes flutter closed even if it was for the briefest of seconds, "I don't know about you but I miss that son of ours like crazy" he said exaggerating the last word just slightly as I looked up at him with a smile.

I started moving my body, his hand separating from the skin of my back as he gave me a curious look as I shifted positions so my body was lying on top of his, my elbow resting on the softness of the mattress on the side of his head as I smiled down at him. His hands finally made their way to rest on the soft curve of my ass as he looked up at me, the sparkle behind his gorgeous blue irises making my heart start to race. He let out a small chuckle clearly feeling the rapid beating of my heart against his chest, his head lifting from the pillow just slightly as he connected his lips softly with mine.

"Do I still make you nervous lil miss" he joked, giving my ass a tiny squeeze as a string of giggles left my lips.

"You will always make me nervous baby because I still can't believe that I am the lucky one to have you" I smiled, his lip coming between his teeth as his cheeks started to turn a rosy color at my words.

"Believe it Candace because I wouldn't want to have anyone else. I just hope you like me because you're going to be stuck with me for a long time" he smiled, my index finger coming up to tap the tip of his nose before falling down to trace the outline of his plump bottom lip, his smile leaving his lips as our eyes connected with an intensity that I couldn't even begin to describe.

He rolled me over quickly, gently laying his body weight atop of me as he pressed his lips softly against my own. The passion that flooded out of him as we slowly moved our lips together was becoming harder and harder to ignore, his tongue running against my lips as I parted them for him obediently loving how he shyly slid his tongue between them as if he were afraid to cross a line that we had crossed so many times in the past. The passion increased as our tongues swirled together, the kiss deepening drastically as he reached down grabbing my hands in his, his fingers sliding between the empty spaces of my own as he gave them a tight squeeze. We never separated from each other in an effort to explore other parts of our burning skin, rather we stayed in the moment loving the feel of each others lips as we surrendered to the love that they were being given from the other.

We pulled away from each other after several minutes, our heaving chests brushing against the others as we shared in romantic glances, sweet smiles and chaste kisses while we waited for our breathing to plateau at a normal rate. I was quite content in our current state, realizing that I could stare into that blue ocean that made up his perfect eyes all day long and not become bored in the slightest since every time our eyes connected it was always a new body of water that I needed to explore.

"So something tells me that is not where you wanted that to go" he smiled pressing his lips gently against mine as I started to chuckle underneath them. He had this uncanny ability since we first met to always know what I was really thinking something that no one has ever taken the time to perfect.

"No" I laughed, "It definitely wasn't but I'm not complaining in the slightest" I smiled, his own smile lighting up his already happy and content expression as he gave me another kiss. I loved how he could never get enough of me--something I was also guilty with when it came to him--making me feel like he was always afraid he was going to lose me and wanted to get as much of me as he could when in reality I had no intention of going anywhere, ever.

"What I was going to say before you interrupted me" I said rolling my eyes, his fingers coming to gently tickle my sensitive waist as I started to squirm underneath him my laugh infecting him like a welcome plague as he started to join in with the jovial moment. "Austin!" I said with a loud laugh, his face buried into the crook of my neck as he started peppering it with small kisses the small act making him slow in his assault at my waist as he slowly became consumed in the small intimate moment.

"You're distracting me again" I said quietly, my one hand coming up to card through his tiny curls as my other started to rub gently over his soft back.

"Now you know how I feel whenever I look at you or hear your voice. It's excruciating isn't it" he whispered sexily into my ear, the harshness of his voice making my body tingle as I moaned softly at his words knowing all too well that a smug and satisfied smirk was consuming his face, loving a little too much the effect that he instantaneously had on me. But, I'd be lying if I said I actually cared. He could distract whenever, wherever and however he wanted and I would instantly succumb to his actions with not one ounce of shame.

He continued kissing down my neck, paying special attention to the spot he knew I loved, the feeling of his lips sucking against the sensitive skin making my body come alive, the tingles that consumed it feeling like a million ants marching over my skin as I moaned loudly beneath him. I felt his dick become hard at the sound as he slowly started pushing his hips against my wet heat, small moans leaving his lips as he continued to consume my skin.

"Fuck Candace you're so wet sweetheart" his rough voice echoed off my skin, his soft lips navigating their way towards my ear. "Can I have you Candace?" the fact that he even cared enough to ask not just this time but every time always making me more ready for him.

"Yes baby, please" I said quietly, my head sinking further back into the pillow as he smiled against the skin of my neck.

He lifted himself just enough to line his dick with my more than ready entrance, sliding into me easily as our moans of extreme pleasure drifted from our lips, mixing together in perfect harmony as he slowly started moving his hips against mine. The feeling of his hard dick rubbing against my swollen walls making my body start to instantly quiver, as he brought his lips up to mesh with mine. Something about the intimacy between us making everything different and for the first time in my life I wasn't just fucking someone. No, I was making beautiful and passionate love with the man I was madly in love with and the thought of that made every emotion, every feeling in my body feel like it was on overdrive.

"Austin" I moaned quietly, the beauty of everything happening between us bringing a wave of tears to start flowing from my eyes. I have never felt this way with anyone before—not even with Shawn—and if I could make this feeling last forever I would, but I knew that as long as I was with him I would feel it everyday of my life.

He dropped his head into the crook of my neck, his hot breath tickling my sticky skin as he continued moving in me slow and hard, my own hips pressing against his as I brought my lips to rest against his ear.

"I love you Austin" I said quietly into his ear, the words sending a wave of tingles through every limb of my body as I felt him press his lips against the soft skin of my neck.

"I love you too sweetheart" he said, lifting his head from the crook of my neck as he took in my tear streaked cheeks for the first time. His movements didn't falter as he continued moving slowly, my breath catching in my throat as he gave me an understanding smile before placing his lips softly against the fresh set of tears that had fell from my lashes.

"I feel it to sweetheart and it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever felt" he said quietly as he leaned his forehead against my own, our gazes never separating for an instant as we quickly drove each other to our much needed ends, our orgasms feeling more intense then they've ever felt before as we meshed our lips together beautifully.

Neither of us wanted to move so we succumbed to small kisses and whispered I love you's as we both swam in the beauty of the new experience we both shared in together. The fact that he felt the same thing that I did making the moment even more special, even more real and made me even more sure that I was finally with the man I was meant to be with forever.

"You okay sweetheart?" he asked after several minutes of comfortable silence, his body sliding off of mine as I curled into his chest.

"I've never been better baby" I said with a smile that he returned almost instantly before we pressed our lips together softly.

"I've never felt that before with anyone Candace. I always just thought that was something I would never have the opportunity to feel, but I couldn't be happier that it was with you sweetheart. You truly are everything I've been waiting for" he said pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Me either Austin and I'm so happy it was with you" I smiled as he brought his hand up to gently cup my face, leaving a lingering kiss on my lips before we laid in each other's embrace soaking in the new found love making we both shared in for the first time.


"Yeah baby"

"What did you really want to tell me" he said with a laugh. "I promise you I won't interrupt this time" he said with a smile as I placed a kiss on the eagle on his neck.

I raised herself up so my elbow was resting on the mattress, my head placed delicately in my hand as I stared down at him with a warm smile. I brought my index finger up to gently trace his plump lips before tapping the tip of his nose, a wide smile taking up most of his face. He gently grabbed my hand lacing his fingers with mine, his lips pressing delicately to the back before his thumbs started caressing the peaks and valleys of my knuckles.

"I just wanted to say thank you for accepting Liam, and treating him like your own when you've only known him for a month. From the very first day you didn't even hesitate when he called you Daddy and I can't tell you how much that means to not only me but to him" I said feeling the tears start to form in my eyes as I tried to keep my trembling lip at bay.

"Candace" he said, wrapping his arms around me as he pulled me in close to him, the tears finally escaping from my eyes as I cried softly into his chest. The only person that Liam has ever had to look up to was my Dad, and he was great and taught Liam so much but he never really had a Father figure. Since the day that Liam met Austin he instantly felt that feeling and he has had this connection with him ever since and there was just something about Austin that made me feel okay with it, something radiated off of him that told me to let it happen because he would never hurt my child's heart...or mine.

"Sweetheart I love the both of you so much and I would do anything for that little boy. You have no idea how much it means to me that he thinks I'm the person that should be his Dad" he said quietly, his hands gently rubbing my back as I placed my lips softly against his warm chest.

"I love you Austin, and I've told you this once and I'll keep telling you until you believe it too. There is no one else that I can think of that can even hold a match to you. You are everything I could ever hope for for Liam and nothing is ever going to change my mind" I smiled up at him, his lips pressing against my forehead as he gave me a tight and comforting hug.

"I love you too sweetheart more than I thought I could ever love anyone" he said as I lifted my head to feel the warmth of his lips pressed against mine, my own involuntarily curling up at the corners as we shared in several small kisses before breaking apart with quiet laughter.

"When do we have to leave?" I asked him, curling immediately back into him, his arms quickly becoming my favorite place to be since it was the only place I felt the most safe and comfortable.

"We should probably get ready lil miss. Our five day vacation may be over for now but the surprises are still coming" he said with a wink as I gave him a quizzical look.

"Austin..." I said with a serious look on my face as he leaned up giving me a playful and overexaggerated kiss pulling away with a loud pop as he tapped my nose with his index finger.

"Don't you worry you're gorgeous little head lil miss" he smiled before biting gently on his bottom lip. "Come on let's get dressed" he said giving my ass a tiny smack before slowly pulling away from my embrace as he focused on getting himself ready for the day, my own eyes dancing heavily on his naked skin wondering how I got so lucky to have an amazing, sexy and caring man like him in my life.
"Aren't we going the wrong way?" I laughed. "I may have only lived in Utah for a few months but this definitely looks like we are going the wrong way" I said looking over at him to see his gorgeous blues staring back at me, a sparkle within them that made my heart flutter as he chuckled reaching out his hand for mine.

"We are, but I forgot something at our other house when we were there the other day. Since I don't know when we will be back here I figured I'd get it now" he said with a smile, picking up my hand as he placed his lips against it delicately. I couldn't hide the wide smile that was attached to my face at hearing him refer to his other house as ours. The way that he always included me on things that were already his made my heart flutter.

"Okay" I smiled as he turned on his blinker turning onto the road that would lead us to his second home. He pulled into the driveway easily, shutting off the engine as I looked over at him curiously.

"You comin lil miss?" he asked with a grin as he opened up his door and started walking over towards my side, the door swinging open seconds later as I turned to face him, my lips attaching with his as I looked up at him from the passenger seat.

"I was just gonna stay if you are only running in to get something I'll just stay" I smiled, my hands finding his as I laced my fingers together with his loosely.

"But" he said with a pout that made my cheeks turn red as a small giggle left my lips. "I can't stand being away from you, please come with me?" he asked, pouting out his bottom lip as he started to flutter his eyelashes.

"You're impossible, you know that?" I smiled as he turned around motioning for me to hop on his back.

"Hop on my little koala bear" he said over his shoulder with a wink, my lip coming between my teeth as I grabbed onto his strong shoulders, my legs wrapping around his waist as he hoisted me up to a comfortable position. He turned to look at me, his lips puckered up as I rolled my eyes at him.

"I can't believe you aren't sick of kissing me yet" I laughed, watching as his eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped like I just said the most ludicrous thing to him ever.

"Excuse me lil miss but I will never tire of feeling those perfect lips on mine. But clearly you're tired of kissing me so..." he said quietly, his shoulders shrugging and his cowboy boot kicking against the tan Utah dirt as I rolled my eyes with a laugh.

"Get over here" I laughed, turning his chin so he was looking at me as I pressed my lips against his, my tongue running across his bottom lip as he separated his own quickly allowing for my tongue to snake its way between them as I deepened the kiss just enough to leave him wanting more.

"Now does that seem like a person who is tired of kissing you?" I asked with a smile, watching as his cheeks flushed crimson as he gave his head a small shake.

"No ma'am, but now I want another one," he said, biting on his bottom lip and wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

I ran my hands down his arms, my lips ravishing the rose gold skin of his neck as I moved them slowly up towards his ear, my lips connecting with his earlobe briefly before I placed a gentle kiss just on the outside of it. "You're gonna have to wait until we get home baby. Then you can have all the kisses you want" I said in a sexy whisper, smiling as I saw his eyes close as he swallowed hard.

"You don't play nice" he laughed, giving me a playful look out of the corner of his oceanic irises as he bounced me back into my former position on his back so he could continue on his way up the stairs.

"What fun is it if I have to play nice" I laughed, the vibration of his own laughter coming through his body as I placed my chin gently on his shoulder. "I love you" the urge to tell him that all day everyday always resting on my lips as he looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

"I love you too" he smiled, reaching out and pushing open the door as an eager Liam came bolting at us from the living room.

"Mommy! Daddy!" he said as he ran up to us, wrapping his arms around Austin's legs as he looked up at us with a happy smile.

"Hi bubba!" I said as Austin slid me down from his back, my arms circling around my son as I lifted him into my arms giving him a tight hug and kiss on the cheek. "I missed you so much!" I said with a smile as he reached out for Austin who happily grabbed him and mimicked my actions.

"Hey buddy! I missed you so much! Thank you so much for my birthday card, it was the best gift ever" Austin said, a small smile tugging on my lips as I saw Liam smile wide before wrapping his arms around Austin's neck giving him a tight squeeze.

"I'm glad you liked it Daddy" he said still holding onto Austin tightly as if he was afraid if he let go he would disappear forever.

"I loved it" Austin said pulling his head away as he gave him a soft kiss on the cheek before placing Liam gently back down on the ground. "Were you a good boy for Aunt Teenie and Uncle Eric?" Austin asked ruffing up his hair as Liam looking up at him with a large smile.

"Yes Daddy" he said with a sigh as he rolled his eyes, everyone in the room laughing at his cute gesture as Austin picked him back up quickly and gave him another hug, the love he had for my little boy clearly evident in everything that he does with him.

"Good, because I have a surprise for you" he said to him, Liam's eyes lighting up with excitement as Austin's eyes slowly came to look at mine. I was too consumed by the raw emotional moment that was happening between them to even recognize his mention of yet another surprise, the only thing I was able to do was smile as I walked up next to Austin. He put his arm around me giving me a kiss on the top of my head as I reached out to grab Liam's tiny hand in my own bringing it to my lips as I gave the back of it a soft kiss.

"Mommy what's my surprise!? I promise I was good" he said bouncing in Austin's arms, a small string of laughter leaving my lips as I looked up at him.

"Well bubba it wouldn't be a surprise if we told you would it" I smiled, giving Austin a sideways glance as I saw him smiling proudly at my curious state. "Plus, it's a surprise for Mommy too. I guess Daddy wanted to surprise both of us" I said gently nudging Austin as he placed another kiss on my head.

"Okay Daddy" he said nodding his head with a smile as Austin placed him back down on the ground, his arm immediately wrapping around my waist as he pulled me in close to him. He pressed his lips softly against mine, his hand coming up to gently cup the side of my face as he pulled away from me slowly, his thumb running over my bottom lip as our eyes danced together.

"Enough PDA you two, didn't you have enough time to stare and touch each other while you were gone" Teenie's voice rang through the room, my face starting to turn a light pink color as Austin bit on his bottom lip as I nestled back into his side. "Lover boy, you and Eric heading out?" she asked grabbing a bottle of wine out of the fridge before walking slowly over to the counter setting it down with a small thud as she started to drum her fingers off the top of the marble counter top.

"Are you trying to get rid of me Teenie?" Austin said with squinted eyes as I started to laugh quietly next to him.

"Well now that you mention it yes, yes I am" she laughed walking over towards me. "I'd like to get some best friend time before Eric and I leave tonight" she said grabbing me by the arm as she pulled me over towards her, my arm reaching out for Austin as he started laughing.

"Fair enough" he said giving me a wink. "Eric you wanna go ride?" he asked leaning up against the countertop as Liam walked back over towards him, holding his arms out for him as Austin lifted him up easily sitting him on the counter next to him, his arm resting around him in a protective nature as Liam rested his head on his shoulder.

"Yeah man sure" Eric said walking up behind Teenie wrapping his arms around her waist as I used the brief distraction to run back over towards Austin, his arm instantly held out for me as I instantly nestled into his side wrapping my arms around his waist as I nestled my head into his chest.

"She's going to be so mad at you lil miss" he whispered with a laugh into my ear before placing a gentle kiss on my temple. I looked up at him with a smile standing on my toes as I placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"I don't like being away from you" I said with a smile as he started leaning in to give me a kiss when he stopped just before our lips would be touching to look over at Liam, his fingers gently tickling my sides as he gave him his full attention.

"What's up buddy?" he asked with a smile, Liam's eyes drifting from me back to Austin and back to me again before he looked down at his hands laced together in his lap.

"Can I go with you?" he asked, his eyes slowly coming up to meet with Austin's who gave him a happy smile in return.

"That's okay with me buddy as long as Mommy says it's okay" he said turning his head to look at me as he raised his eyebrows. "Mommy?" he asked, the both of us smiling at each other before I glanced at my patiently waiting son who was desperately hoping that I would give him the permission to go with Austin on the quads.

"Are you going to go slow?" I asked him, my stern Mom voice coming out to play which he immediately caught on to as he nodded his head seriously in reply. "Are you going to be careful?" he nodded his head again placing a kiss on my forehead. "You're not going to drink?" he was hesitant for a moment, until a sideways grin broke out on his face as he looked at me. "Austin!" I said giving him a playful slap as he started laughing.

"Lil miss of course I'm going to be careful, I won't let anything happen to him and I won't drink when he's on the quad with me, I promise" he said placing his lips on my temple as I let out a sigh.

"Okay" I said giving them both a smile. "You can go with Daddy" I said, an ecstatic smile breaking out on Liam's face as he started to climb onto Austin's back, Austin holding tightly under his legs to make sure he wouldn't slide from his grasp.

"Is this my surprise Daddy!?" he asked hopefully, his eyes like two saucers as he waited for Austin to either confirm or deny his question.

"Nope not yet buddy. Tomorrow is your surprise, I'll tell Mommy later but I'm positive that you are going to love it" he said leaning down and giving me a lingering kiss. "We'll be back in a few hours okay sweetheart? Call me if you need something and I'll get back here as soon as I can" he smiled before pressing his lips gently against mine again.

"Okay baby, have fun and be careful" I said with a smile as he rolled his eyes at me playfully. Despite his actions I knew that Austin would never let anything happen to Liam, but my Mother side was always worried and I don't think that would go away until they both came back to me in one piece.

"Bye Mommy I love you" Liam said happily as Austin bent down so I could give him a kiss and a hug.

"Have fun bubba. I love you" I said, Austin looking at me with puppy dog eyes as I gave him a small shove on the shoulder. "I love you too baby" I said with a smirk as he instantly became satisfied at my words. 

"Love you too sweetheart. Bye Teenie" he said as the three of them walked outside and headed down the stairs towards the garage where Austin housed all of his toys. I knew he was more than excited to use them, from what he told me on the first full day of our vacation he wasn't up here a lot and most of them just sat in the garage hardly getting used. So, having Eric here was like a gift from God because now he had someone to go riding with him, and the fact that he wanted to include Liam was more than I ever could've asked for.

"So" Teenie said leaning against the counter top with her arms folded in front of her. She gave me a look that any best friend would give the other after they knew they had sex with their boyfriend for the first time. I felt my face flush red knowing that she was going to push me past my comfort zone and make me tell her as many dirty details as she could get out of me when in reality I was fine with telling her that it was amazing and everything I thought it would be and more and move on. But, I knew Teenie and she wasn't going to settle for that.

"Why" I laughed grabbing the bottle of Austin's wine as I headed over towards the soft couches nestling my body comfortably into the corner as she quickly made her way over, her body nestling into the opposite cushion as she positioned her body to be facing me. Her legs were crisscrossed and her hands were resting impatiently in her lap as she waited for me to dive head first into the most amazing sex I have ever had in my life.

"Why!? Because I need to know if there were instantaneous sparks! If you were instantly more in love with him after that then you were before. If he was nice, gentle, loving. Details woman details!" she said hurriedly as I pulled the glass cork from the bottle pouring a hefty amount in both glasses.

"Fine, but you're going to be disappointed because I am not going into all the details. I'll answer you're questions and that's all" I said pointing my finger at her as she nodded her head enthusiastically. I knew she was happy for me, especially since she knew that I haven't had sex in almost four years.

"I'll take anything I just have to know" she said, her hands motioning for me to continue as I laughed quietly shaking my head as I took a long sip of wine taking a deep breath as I shared just the right amount of details about our intimate moment with her without spoiling the moment and giving it all away.

"It was absolutely perfect in everyway" I said with a sigh remembering the first night we had sex together with a smile. "The sparks were absolutely instantaneous, it was as if I was waiting for him to make everything about sex feel the way that it should" I said with a small laugh, my cheeks turning a bright pink as she gave me a warm smile.

"He didn't rush anything, he was gentle, caring, loving, sexy and affectionate all wrapped into one glorious package. It got to the point where it wasn't just us fucking each other just to say that we were doing the normal relationship thing" I said wanting to share this next part with her but also wanting to keep it between Austin and myself since it was the first time either of us have felt like we were actually making love and not just having sex.

"You can't keep me hanging there!" she said throwing her hands out to the side as I started to laugh heavily weighing out whether or not I wanted to tell her or keep it a forever secret between me and Austin. But, like normal, I always caved under Teenie's curious gaze and decided to share it with her knowing that she would never tell anyone what I was about to tell her.

"For the first time in my life, I felt like I was actually making love to someone and it was one of the best things I have ever experienced, but what made it everything was... he felt it too Teen and the fact that we felt it with each other for the first time only makes it even more evident to me that we were meant to be" I said with a wide smile, fiddling with the tiny drops of wine that were sliding down the cup as I gave her a shy look. "I love him Teenie I love him so fucking much. I know that we've been down this path before but Austin is so different. He doesn't just love me for one thing, he loves me for everything" I said, thinking back to how he always looked at me like I was simply the best thing that has ever walked into his life.

He never gave me a superficial stare, never just settled for the exterior or what just lied on the surface. He never just commented on a specific attribute of me or didn't just settle liking one of my many personality traits. He never made me feel like I wasn't good enough for him, if anything he made me feel like I was everything to him. He looked at me like he was staring into my soul and when he told me he loved me, he said it in a way that made me positive he loved me for everything that I was, everything that I am and everything that I will be in the future. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't something that made me nervous because it did, I knew what he was—meaning a celebrity—and I knew that his life had ab lot of pressure and expectations and the thought that he was going to leave me for someone better always lingered in the back of my mind. But, then he'd kiss me, hold me and tell me that he loves me and all of those fears were put to rest.

"Candy anyone with eyes can see how much he loves you and now more than ever. You guys needed this week to cross that line of your relationship. It was bursting at the seams and it wasn't just something for him to put another notch in his belt and for you to feel like you were doing what you were supposed to do" she smiled grabbing her glass of wine as she moved closer to me.

"It needed to happen so you both knew how much you mean to each other and the fact that you both felt like you moved beyond just having sex to feeling love...that's so special Candy and I feel even more confident leaving knowing you're with someone who cares for you and Liam so fucking much" she said pulling me into a hug as I started to cry happy tears on her shoulder.

"He wants to meet Mom and Dad" I said pulling away from her with a smile that was quickly replaced with a nervousness I wasn't expecting. "But I'm afraid" I laughed shaking my head.

"What!? Why!? They will love him. As soon as they see how he treats you it's game over" she said shrugging her shoulder. "Not to mention I may have softened them up a bit" she winked as she got up and walked outside.

"Teeny Colette!" I yelled running after her only to completely forget what I was even going to reprimand her about as I saw Austin and Liam riding the quad on the trails below the house. Even from this distance Liam's laugh could be heard over the roar of the engine and Austin's gleaming smile could be seen shining brightly towards us. The happiness that was radiating from them making me wonder if the brightness that surrounded them was from the glow of the sun or the own glow of their happiness surrounding them.

"He loves Liam so much to, but I think you know that" she said as I walked up next to her watching as he was attempting to show Liam
how to drive the quad cheering him on happily when he finally took over.

"I know he does, he couldn't wait to get back to him today" I smiled breaking my connection with my two favorite men as I looked over at her to see her smiling at me.

"He planned today for you. He knew that we wanted to hang out so he changed our flight so we don't have to leave until ten or some shit" she laughed. "And tomorrow he said he wants to have a good old fashioned family day, so he can feel normal with his girlfriend and their son" she said with a smile, my face flushing red as I couldn't help but chuckle quietly, the fact that he wanted a normal family day with me meaning more than anything.

I turned my head to look back at Austin and Liam in the distance, a wide smile spreading on my face. Despite what he thought it was me who was the lucky one and I counted my lucky stars everyday that he was sharing first place with Liam for the most important person in my life and I wouldn't change any of that for the world.

A/n: these two 🥰

9-1-21: What Happens In Vegas (2 more)
9-2-21: Changed Since Texas (2 more)
9-3-21: Drinking Alone
9-4-21:  Chance Encounters
9-5-21: What Happens In Vegas (final)

Continuer la Lecture

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