Realms of Magic: Demon Invasi...

By daniellie802

853 155 185

Status: Complete, but under editing Everything seems fine in Irvine. The economy is great, public satisfactio... More

0. Prologue
1. Demonic Powers
2. A Day at Blazewing
3. Old Nemesis
4. The Librarian
5. Training Regime
6. Imperial Trial
7. The Royal Dinner
8. Attack of the Demons
9. Preparation of the Guard
10. Maiden Voyage I
11. Maiden Voyage II
12. Battle on Juggernaut
13. First Mission
14. Duel of Prodigies
15. Arrival of Help
16. Atrocities
17. The End of the Beginning
18. The Order
19. Banishment
20. The Demon Lords
21. Mission of the Twelfth
22. Second Voyage
23. Port Sekizaki
24. The Purists
25. A Small Reunion
26. The Mermaids Strike
27. Lady Sakurako
28. The White Witch
29. Cleaning Up
30. Infiltration Plan
31. Infiltration Plan II
32. Escape
33. The Great War
34. Battle of Toulon-Prelude
35. Battle of Toulon I
36. Battle of Toulon II
37. Battle of Toulon III
38. Expedition Golden Oasis
39. Expedition Golden Oasis II
40. Secret Mission
41. Secret Mission II
42. Prison Cell
43. The Ray of Light
44. The Ray of Light II
45. Strategical Movements
46. Return to Irvine
47. Attack on Plywood
48. Crippling Strike
49. Lovebirds in War
50. Tag Team
51. Irvine in Confusion
52. Irvine in Confusion II
53. Irvine in Confusion III
54. Irvine-Erwing War: Prelude
55. Irvine-Erwing War: First Phase
56. Irvine-Erwing War: Traitor Guards
57. The Underworld
58. Gladiators
59. Party
60. Reversal
61. Betrayal
62. Kingdom of Lutzia
63. Agnes
64. Celebration Feast
65. Fort Void
66. Noble Slaves
67. The Masked Lady
68. Bitter Reunion
69. Bitter Reunion II
70. Bitter Reunion III
71. A New Mission
72. A New Mission II
73. A New Mission III
74. Collapse of the Ferris Wheel
75. The Oedipus Club
76. Hidden Enclaves
77. She Returns
78. March on Batavia
79. Defence of Irvine I
80. Defence of Irvine II
81. Siege of Pazna I
82. Siege of Pazna II
83. Mirakarta Massacre
84. Mirakarta Massacre II
85. Southern Campaign
86. The Art of Diplomacy
87. Six Days Campaign
88. Six Days Campaign II
89. Six Days Campaign III
90. Hero of Elaise
91. Battle of Trest
92. The Road to New Trier
93. The Road to New Trier II
94. The Road of New Trier III
95. The Road to New Trier IV
97. Old Memories II
98. A Truce
99. Battle of Pallastria
100. Battle of Pallastria II
101. Amnesia
102. The Alliance's Gambit
103. The Defence of Batavia I
104. Defence of Batavia II
105. Defence of Batavia III
106. One Last Dance
107. Clash of Sovereigns
108. Clash of Sovereigns II
109. Princess Rescue Mission I
110. Princess Rescue Mission II
111. The Aglatis Law
112. Trial of Vengeance
113. Epilogue

96. Old Memories

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By daniellie802

"Teacher. I see you are still an idealistic fool."

"It's sad to see you, Weiss," Grandma says. "Because I have to kill you right here, right now."

"You're talking as if you could. Third Eye, open!"

"You leave me no other choice, Weiss," Grandma says. Lita and I walk forward to aid Grandma, but she holds us back.

"This is my duty. I created this monster. I have to end it."

"Oh, please, Teach. Those Al-Azharians who shunned me were the ones who turned me into a monster," the White Witch says. "But yes, you did give this monster claws and fangs."

"Grandma," I insist. "She's not weaker than you."

"Do you trust me, Vio, Lita?"

"W-we do, Grandma. But Vio's right. No reason to do this alone," Lita says. "If we gang up on her, we'll definitely win."

Grandma smiles, patting us both in the head. "Some people say emotions are fickle. But some emotions are unchanging–I know this day will come. And I know I must do it alone."

"Hello, is your drama finished yet, Teach?" the White Witch asks. "Do you mind if I attack first?"

"Feel free." The White Witch's hand glows.

"Mana Blast!" The White Witch extends her hand, a gigantic sphere of light advancing.

We leap backwards while Grandma casts a protective glyph, dampening the spell. "Heah!" Grandma roars, launching a powerful shockwave.

The White Witch gracefully swings her arms, creating a wall of silk fabric. She is pushed back, but only by a few metres. Both of them dash towards each other.

"Edelweiss!" Grandma shouts as the two clash in a brutal, physical fight. "It is not too late for you!"

"Not too late for what?" the White Witch asks, almost landing a strong kick on Grandma's neck. "Not too late to return to your foolish ideals?"

"Not too late to rediscover your kindness," Grandma replies. She punches her student's ribs, cracking some of them.

"Kindness is a weakness," the White Witch shoots back. "Here, let me show you, Teach, what Roenzia has achieved."

The White Witch pulls out a small, blue pill out of her robes. The pill opens, emitting blue smoke. The White Witch consumes the smoke.

"What is that?" I whisper. Lita's eyes jolt out.

"Souls," she says. "The Princess of Terror can turn souls into power ...."

"From the hundred thousand we killed we extracted two of these pills," the White Witch says. "I think you can feel for yourself how much power I have gained. Now imagine if one were to consume ten. Or twenty."

The White Witch opens her arms. "Come to me, Teach. Join us, and we all will be invincible."

"I have no intention to do so, Edelweiss. You may think you are powerful, but you're wrong," Grandma taunts.

"We shall see." The White Witch dashes forward, almost slashing Grandma's throat.

Strangely enough, Grandma disappears. "Where is she?" I hiss to Lita. I couldn't feel her aura at all.

"I don't know," she murmurs. "I can't detect her."

"Augh!" Suddenly, the White Witch falls to the ground face first. A series of mysterious explosions occur, bombarding and shredding her back.

Yet the durable vampire holds out and manages to rise. Grandma reappears from nowhere. "Impossible," the White Witch gasps. "How could you hide so well that my Third Eye can't detect you?"

Grandma smiles sourly. "Very well, I will give you one last lesson. I coated myself in my mana, essentially becoming one with the surrounding nature," Grandma says. "Of course, you, who have chosen to mix my pure mana manipulation magic with Lumiya's dark magic, will never be able to use it."

"What a load of rubbish!" the White Witch exclaims. "I don't need it!"

The White Witch pumps all of her mana into one gigantic grey orb. "Look at this, Teach! Look at all this power!"

Holy hell, she's going to hit Grandma with that?

"Grandma, what are you doing?" I scream. Grandma just stands idly with a smile, even though I feel her mana bubbling up.

"One last chance, Edelweiss. Please. The past is the past; we cannot change it. Yet we live in the present and we can change the future."

"You can stop with the nonsensical philosophy now!" the White Witch barks. The orb has become the size of a large carriage.

"Do something, Grandma!" I shout.

Grandma sighs. "I'm sorry, Edelweiss." Grandma raises her arms. The White Witch's orb, which has grown to the size of a massive building, becomes unstable and coils around itself.

"W-what?" Lita mutters. "How-how can Grandma control the White Witch's mana?"

What? Controlling someone else's mana is considered an impossible feat; the only exception is Darryl, and he uses corpses, not living creatures; and even that is only possible with his special Third Eye powers.

"Behold the pinnacle of mana manipulation," Grandma says. "You will never understand, Edelweiss. True, your raw power surpasses mine. But that is where your advantage ends."

"I-I-akh!" The White Witch struggles to control her orb.

"The White Witch's pouring all of her mana into that attack!" Lita gasps. "That's why she's powerless against Grandma's mana manipulation!"

"Explode!" With a simple command, the orb bursts into a ball of energy.

"Blood Shield!" I scream, weaving a thick barrier of blood to fend off the aftershocks.

"That's crazy!" Lita whispers in awe, "I never thought something like that is possible at all!"

"Don't just talk, help me reinforce the barrier!"

The White Witch, roasted by the explosion, stands almost motionless. Her mana has been sapped by her spell. Grandma walks slowly towards her.

"Hahaha." The White Witch laughs coldly. "So this is how it ends. You're right, Teach. You're right."

She forces a bitter smile. "Please kill me now, Teach. I have no purpose now. I wanted power–and you have proven my path wrong."

Grandma shakes her head. "You can still return, Edelweiss." Grandma extends her shaking hand.

The burned vampire looks at Grandma with two peaceful eyes. "Please grant me one last wish," the White Witch says. "Kill me."

Grandma closes her eyes, biting her lips.

"Mana Blast!" Grandma hurls a wave of energy at the White Witch.

"Wall of Anguish!"

A wall of rotting flesh and bones emerge from the ground, absorbing the impact. The Princess of Terror lands on the battlefield.

"You still have purpose, Edelweiss. After this war is over, we will establish a new order, and you will be key to it," she says. "Meanwhile, I'll finish off this pest for you. Barrage of Shadow Swords!"

"Storm of Ice Swords!" No sooner than the black blades leave the owner, they are checked by a collection of ice swords.

"Your problem is with me!" Madam Fron declares.

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