The Bad Boy of Waterloo Road

By Hipsta_Please_Harry

25.3K 236 16

Lindsay Byrne is the daughter of Michael Byrne, the brand new headteacher at Waterloo Road Comprehensive. As... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Author's Note
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Author's Note
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One.
Chapter Thirty-Two.
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Author's Note...
A Little Update...
Chapter Thirty-Four.
Chapter Thirty-Five.
Chapter Thirty-Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight.

Chapter Six.

1K 9 2
By Hipsta_Please_Harry

TW: Mild reference to drug use.


After those random texts I received last night, I knew I would have to be extra vigilant whilst at school today. I declined Lauren's offer of walking in with her and the boys for a few different reasons. First one being, I don't want her and Josh to find out about the kiss me and Finn shared yesterday and secondly, I needed to prepare myself mentally so I was ready for whatever was going to happen today. For all I know, it could just be someone playing a practical joke on me but I am still fairly new and I am smart enough to know that I shouldn't just brush the situation under the carpet either.

As I headed down the corridor to my locker, I passed several students who were just stood with their friends laughing but I realised it was at my expense. I continued walking, ignoring all the stares and rather upsetting comments as I carried on walking to my locker. As I stepped near it, I saw my friends stood outside, considering that their lockers were in the same spot as mine. They were also looking at me but in more of a concerned manner than a bad one.

"You seen the latest?" Josh asked immediately, causing me to shake my head although I probably could have guessed what it was about.

He passed me his phone to which I saw the text that confirmed that my suspicions were correct all along.

07448 666345: Mr Byrne is having an affair with dirty Diamond!

I sighed as I handed him back the phone and opened my locker, not even bothering to give recognition to it. It's out there now! There isn't really much I can do to take it back.

"It's obviously not true! Mr Byrne wouldn't do that." I heard Lauren say to the boys, causing me to roll my eyes slyly as I had my back turned to her.

I slammed my locker shut and looked at her.

"Wouldn't he?" I asked rhetorically as I walked away from the three of them, not prepared to hang around any longer.

I began to climb the staircase upto Mr. Clarkson's classroom but I was faced with the sound of Lauren's(rather irritating) voice asking me far too many questions. When am I going to catch a break? I really can't be dealing with this today!

"Oh my god! Lindsay, why didn't you tell me about it?" She asked, causing me to sigh deeply.

Just because we're friends doesn't mean I have to tell you every little detail of my life. I appreciate her concern but my head isn't in the right frame of mind at this very moment in time.

"No offence Lauren but it's not really any of your business is it?" I told her, taking my seat at my desk and watching her sit down next to me.

"Yeah but..." was all she could say before I cut her off.

"Look, it's my family so I'd appreciate it if you just kept your nose out!" I exclaimed, her body retracting away from mine a little. Considering we were sat next to each other, she couldn't move that far away anyway.

I ran my hands frustratingly through my hair whilst Lauren remained silent at the side of me. Well done Lindsay, that's one person you've upset already today! A small part of me is annoyed at Finn also because he hasn't spoken to me at all this morning. I mean, I understand the fact that it's early but he was the one who said he didn't want there to be an awkward atmosphere between us.

I glanced behind to look at him, noticing him staring immediately. However, when he saw my face, he turned away from my gaze, obviously embarrassed at the fact I caught him staring. Sighing, I turned back around to face the front of the class where I watched Mr. Clarkson enter, carrying a few textbooks in his hand.

"Good morning class." He spoke rather chirpily.

At least one of us is in a good mood this morning!

"Morning Mr. Clarkson." The whole class replied half-heartedly.

Whilst Mr. Clarkson began calling out names on the register, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Glancing up briefly, seeing that Mr. Clarkson was occupied, I pulled my phone out and saw that the same Anonymous contact from yesterday had popped up on my screen. I clicked on the message and read it, completely missing my name on the register from being in my own bubble.

Anonymous: U and ur family are finished Byrne. Actually, there's always urs and Sharkey's little 'secret' :)

I re-read the message several times. So, it's not enough to just expose my dad and Mrs. Diamond but they want to expose me and Finn now as well! Something doesn't add up here. The only one who originally knew both secrets was myself and Finn so does that mean that we were being watched in the common room yesterday? It's the only logical explanation. I sat shocked, my head not being able to get over the fact that I could have been watched yesterday and because I was in my own little world, I didn't revert back to the present until I felt Lauren elbow me, making me jump out of my skin.

"What?" I whispered, my whole body still a bit all over the place.

She didn't say anything but she pointed over to Mr. Clarkson, who was staring at me. In fact, pretty much the whole class were.

"Lindsay, are you here?" Mr. Clarkson asked for what was probably the third or fourth time. To be honest, it could have been more than that but I've been swept away in my own thoughts to realise.

"Oh yeah. Sorry sir." I replied timidly, my cheeks hot with embarrassment.

Once I had confirmed my presence in the room, I turned my attention back to my phone, still trying to get my head around who this person could be messaging me. It was in that moment that I saw a shadow approaching my table, glancing up to see my form tutor, looking the least amused.

"Care to share Lindsay?" He asked, crossing his arms as he waited for a response from me.

"No. Sorry sir." I responded, frantically trying to slide my phone back into my blazer pocket but my clammy hands were making it a harder task than it needed to be.

I watched Mr Clarkson place his hand in front of me. "Phone." He stated, rather abruptly.

"But sir..." I managed to say before he stopped me from finishing off my sentence.

"You know the rules about phone usage in school..." He started to say, his hand edging closer to mine. "So, phone now or you go straight to the cooler!" He yelled and it was in that moment that I knew he wasn't joking.

I scoffed as I slammed my phone down onto his open palm, watching his fingers curl around the device before I slumped down in my chair and folded my arms, acting like a child who just hasn't been able to get her own way. He walked back over to his desk, opening his drawer and tossing my phone inside before sliding it and locking it shut.

"You can have it back at the end of the day." He told me, hardly making eye-contact with me.

I can't believe this! Now I have completely lost control over this whole situation. What am I going to do?


It was currently lunchtime and myself and the gang were hanging around by the bike sheds. We tend to congregate here because it is out of sight of most teachers. Finn had disappeared off somewhere for a while but had finally returned, carrying a rolled up piece of paper between his fingertips. From closer inspection, it didn't look like normal paper. Not to my knowledge anyway.

"Where have you been?" Josh asked, a smirk spreading onto Finn's face.

"Grabbin' the goods mate!" He exclaimed as he revealed what he was holding between his fingertips.

I stepped closer, trying to get a better look and it automatically sunk in. Is that what I think it is?

"What's that?" Lauren asked, still rather confused at what Finn had managed to smuggle into school.

"Just a little joint isn't it?" Finn smiled, rolling the spliff around in his fingers.

Well, that's confirmed to me that I was right! How has he managed to smuggle drugs onto the school premises?

"You've brought drugs into school!" Lauren exclaimed but keeping her voice to a whisper to prevent anyone else from hearing.

"It's only weed." He shrugged, not making a big deal out of it. "Anyone fancy trying some?" He asked, popping the joint into his mouth and lighting before as he took a drag.

He blew the smoke out which surrounded us in a massive white cloud, revoking coughs from pretty much all of us.

"I'm up for trying some." Josh stated as he took the joint from Finn and popped it into his mouth, taking a puff from the ever decreasing spliff.

Normally, I would never condone taking drugs but I'm having such a crappy day and I have a feeling that having a little drag may take my mind off what's going on in my life at the moment and provide me with a small element of escape. I glanced over at Lauren, who was currently disgusted at both Finn and Josh's actions, the pair of them giggling as their high started to take over.

"Well, I'm out!" Lauren declared. "Lindsay, you coming?" She asked me but I remained still.

I know I should do the right thing and walk away from here right now but I can't help but be intrigued by how that joint could potentially make me feel. A part of me is also fed up of being a wise girl all the time. I need to start rebelling somewhat!

"Come on Lauren, it's only a bit of weed! What harm could it do?" I questioned as I took the joint from Josh's fingertips.

Feeling a little disgusted that the joint had been in two different mouths before mine(one of whom I've kissed), I pushed that thought to the back of my head and placed it between my lips, sucking in the weed before blowing out a massive puff of smoke, making me cough a little. As much as the taste was revolting, I couldn't resist in taking another drag. Lauren studied her three friends and shook her head before she walked away. I have to admit, this is the kind of thing I needed to take my mind off things. From smoking this rather addictive drug, I feel like I could take on anything or anyone. Fingers crossed this small escape from reality lasts for a while.


I'm in Mrs. Diamond's classroom and I really do not feel right at all. I'm shaking, sweating and my brain simply cannot focus on anything. If this is what happens everytime you come down from a high, I definitely won't be doing drugs again.

I tried my hardest to concentrate on the lesson but I kept zoning out all the time, Mrs. Diamond simply becoming a blurry vision at the front of the classroom. I looked over at Finn and Josh, remembering they had both smoked it as well but to my rather blurred vision, they looked fine. I continued to feel my body temperature rise and fall until I couldn't stand being in the classroom anymore.

I stood up from the stool I was sat upon and dashed out the room, not even asking to be excused. As soon as I was out in the corridor, I felt a sense of freedom. I tried running away but my body deceived me, making me fall to the ground. In that moment, I felt terrified because it felt like my body didn't belong to me anymore and I was carrying the weight of someone else. I heard the faint sounds of Mrs. Diamond asking me something but everything she was saying just resonated as a ring in my ear.

After that, I blacked out.

Finn's P.O.V

Seeing Lindsay lying helpless on the floor in the corridor made me come to the realisation of what exactly I'd done. I purchased that weed without a care in the world and for all I knew, it could have been a spiked batch or something. I was so set on buying it that I didn't think to check with the dealer first. If anything happens to Lindsay, I'd never be able to forgive myself. I know she is only a friend of mine, but that doesn't take away the fact that I care about her a lot. I looked around me and saw that the whole class were stood outside the classroom, watching Mrs. Diamond crouched down next to a unconscious Lindsay.

"Can anyone give me an idea of what's happened?" She asked, making me look at my two friends because they are the only ones who know the full story.

Surely they wouldn't grass me up? I mean, I am their mate after all. Although, do friendships and loyalty come before helping someone who is potentially in danger? I guess not.

"She's taken drugs Miss." I heard Lauren admit, feeling my heart sink down to my stomach.

I can't blame Lauren for admitting the truth. She's just trying to protect her friend because she doesn't want anything disastrous to happen to Lindsay either.

"What?!" Mrs. Diamond cried in disbelief as she turned to face us all.

Poker face face!

"She's taken weed Miss." Josh chirped in and I immediately felt sick, mentally knowing where this conversation was going and what question was coming next.

"Well, where did she get the drugs from?" She asked, continuing to check over Lindsay to ensure she was still alive and breathing.

I glanced at my friends, pleading with them not to divulge the truth. Both of them sent me a questioning look and I was convinced they were going to blow my cover but was shocked when I heard Josh say:

"I don't know Miss."

Phew! I'm really grateful to them for saving my back.

"Can someone go and get the nurse please?" Mrs. Diamond asked and I knew that it was now my chance to take control of the situation.

"I'll go Miss!" I exclaimed, instantly running to get help, knowing that I didn't have time to waste.

I know I was the one who caused this problem in the first place and it would mean the world to me if I could put it, at least, half right. All that matters to me now is making sure that Lindsay is okay. I wasn't prepared to let my friend down, even though I know it was too late for that.


Lindsay's P.O.V

I woke up from what felt like just a relaxing, deep sleep to see that I was in the nurse's office, knowing immediately the real reason I was here. I looked to the side of me where I saw my Dad leant against the windowsill, his face showcasing an angry expression and it only meant one thing, I was in deep trouble.

"Dad...please I can explain...I..." I stuttered, trying to find the right words to say in the hope he would go easy on me but I soon realised that was never going to happen.

"WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING LINDSAY?!" He bellowed, a sense of explicit fury in his tone.

"Please Dad! I know what I did was wrong but if you let me explain..." I started to say again but was once again cut off by my dad's infuriated tone.

"You're 17 Lindsay! What even possessed you?" He asked, his stare intense as he waited for an answer.

"I was having a crap day and just wanted to see if it would make me feel better." I admitted, feeling really ashamed for what I had done.

"HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID?! Was it worth it?" He questioned, still extremely furious at my inconsiderate actions.

"No." I replied quietly, feeling a stray tear roll down my cheek, my hand frantically trying to swipe it away before he noticed.

"Where did you get it?" Was his next question, one which I didn't really want to answer truthfully.

I remained quiet, plainly because I didn't understand how to answer it without actually admitting it was Finn.

"LINDSAY!" I heard my dad yell, making more tears escape because he was annoyed at my hesitation.

"DOES IT MATTER?!" I cried in frustration as I began sobbing into my hands, my emotions encompassing my whole body.

I glanced through my fingertips as I watched my dad rub his hands over his face. I think he knew that to get through to me, he would have to stop the shouting and try a more calmer and considerate tactic. He took a seat at the edge of the bed I was laid upon and asked me the question one more time, a lot calmer this time.

"Lindsay, I have a duty of care as Headteacher to look out for the welfare of my pupils but how can I do that when there is a potential drug dealer on the premises? So, I will ask you again. Where did you get the drugs?"

I studied him for a while, watching the concerned look on his face. I know he has a duty of care over his pupils and that he could potentially lose his job over this but I also cared about Finn and I didn't want to see him get into trouble over this. Yes, he was the one who brought the drugs onto the premises but I was the one who chose to smoke it. He didn't force it on me. So the only dilemma I have now is, are my loyalties stronger to my dad or to Finn?

"It was me." I admitted, obviously lying but trying to sound as believable as possible.

My dad just looked at me and laughed. Come on Lindsay, you can convince him that it was you.

"Lindsay, I think I'd know if my own daughter was buying and taking drugs!" He exclaimed, choosing not to believe me.

"And I thought I would have known if my dad was having an affair with married women but that was a shock to me as well!" I yelled, throwing this whole situation back in his face.

"Is that what all of this is about?" He questioned in disbelief, thinking this was just a personal vendetta to get back at him. "You've done all of this just to get back at me and Sian?"

"Maybe." I simply replied, not feeling the need to expand any further.

This isn't a personal vendetta against him but I knew this was the only excuse I could use in order for him to believe me. He studied me again but this time, he looked more disappointed than angry.

"Lindsay, I don't think you realise how disappointed I am in you. As your headteacher, I have no option but to suspend you for a week." He told me and I simply nodded, understanding that he was just doing his job and following school policy. "However, as your dad, you are grounded until I think you have wised up." He added and I felt no need to argue against him.

"Can I go now?" I asked him, knowing this conversation was coming to an end.

"I'll drop you home but then I have to come back to school because I have a meeting. Collect up your things!" He ordered and I didn't think about defying him.

I picked up my bag and coat just as the nurse walked back into the room. I thanked her for taking care of me before leaving the building and getting into my dad's car and he drove me home. Great, now I haven't got school for a whole week. Why did I have to go and do something stupid?!


I was laid upon my bed, catching up on some English coursework that I had been putting off when I received a text message off Finn. Seeing his name pop up on my screen made me smile and I didn't hesitate in reading the message he'd sent me, eager to see what he had to say.

Finn: Hey. I'm really sorry 4 what happened earlier. I never should have made u smoke it!

I feel really bad for Finn. He is clearly kicking himself over the whole situation. Finn has such good intentions, he just makes mistakes sometimes but that only shows me that he's a regular human being. I knew I had to reply because I don't want him feeling guilty over something that he didn't know was going to happen.

Finn's P.O.V

I stayed behind after school today, plainly because I couldn't face going home yet and being on my own. I've recently text Lindsay to apologise for what happened earlier on today and that it was wrong of me to get her to smoke it, especially when I didn't know how it could have affected her.

I was staring down at my phone screen, noticing that Lindsay had messaged me back.

Lindsay: Hey. U didn't force me 2 smoke anything. It was my choice! Plus, u weren't 2 know what would have happened. Just thought I would let u know that I have taken the blame and have been suspended 4 a week. Enjoy school without me! :)

I had to re-read the message a few times to make sure I wasn't just seeing things. What? Why has she taken the blame?! I immediately text her back, needing to know why she took the fall for me, resulting in this reply.

Finn: What? Why have u done that?

Lindsay: Ur a good guy Finn. I couldn't c u get in trouble. I was stupid for taking it!

Realising that Lindsay had taken the flack for me, I couldn't deal with the guilt that was eating me up inside. I knew I had to take responsibility for my own actions because it isn't fair for Lindsay to be punished for something she didn't do. I collected up my things and logged out of my computer before I headed for Mr. Byrne's office. Please say he's still in the building!

Michael's P.O.V

I was just packing away the last remaining bits in order for me to head home after my meeting when there was a knock at my office door.

"Come in." I called, watching the door open and seeing Finn enter my room.

He closed the door softly behind him and stood in front of my desk, making me sit down, having a feeling I could be here a while.

"What can I do for you Finn?" I asked, straightening my tie around my collar.

He took a deep breath and I could see his hands shaking a little, indicating he was obviously nervous about something. With that, he got round to telling me what he came here for in the first place.

"I was the one who brought the drugs into school sir. It wasn't Lindsay." He confessed and truthfully, I didn't know whether to believe him.

"Finn, Lindsay has already admitted to buying and taking the drugs." I told him but he shook his head, refusing to take my words at face value.

"She's lying sir! She's obviously just trying to protect me." Finn reeled, clearly a little upset at the whole thing. "I've even got proof if you don't believe me." He exclaimed, frantically searching through his phone in the hope of finding something.

I was about to interrupt him but was taken aback when he shoved his phone in front of my face, blinking my eyes to adjust to what I was supposed to be seeing. I removed the phone from his hands and read the text conversation between himself and some guy, who went by the name of Grady.

Finn: Got a joint I can buy?

Grady: Of course! Urs for £10.

Finn: Meet me on the corner outside Waterloo Road school at 12.30pm sharp!

Grady: Got'cha.

I handed Finn back his phone before leaning forward on my desk. So, it wasn't Lindsay after all! Why would she lie to me like that, especially to protect Finn? I sighed as I regained eye-contact with him, feeling the smallest amount of anger waving around in my stomach.

"You do realise that Lindsay has been suspended because of you?!" I yelled in question, causing Finn to nod. "Why did you let her take the blame for you?" I asked him, wanting to know if there was any compliance or deal gone on.

"I never sir! I had no idea she had taken the blame until she sent me a text, hence the reason I came to see you to tell you the truth. If anyone should be suspended, it should be me!" He pleaded and in that moment, I realised he was genuinely telling the truth.

"Well, thank you for being honest Finn, but you leave me no choice than to suspend you for a week. I also expect you to take an anti-drugs assembly the day you return which will be presented to your year group." I told him, gaining another nod from him.

"I understand sir." He commented, thinking his punishment was fair. "Good evening." He spoke as he left, making me run a hand over my face once he was out of sight.

What kind of father believes his own daughter for something that is completely out of character for her? Am I really that bad at judging what people are like? Guess the only thing left for me to do now is go home and try and put things straight with Lindsay. That's if she lets me of course!

Lindsay's P.O.V

I looked up at the clock and saw that it was now 5.10pm and my dad still hadn't returned home from work. He's never normally this late but maybe his meeting ran over or something. I was just heading downstairs to grab a snack when I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I unlocked the screen and saw that Finn had sent me yet another text. I read it straightaway, curious to see what it said.

Finn: Hey. I've put things straight with ur dad. I've told him that the drugs thing was me. Been suspended 4 a week. Thanks 4 looking out 4 me. Ur a true friend :)

His text has left me really confused. Why would he admit the truth when I covered for him? Did he really feel that guilty that he just had to confess? I was just about to type back a response until I heard the sound of a key being turned in the lock of the door, telling me my Dad was back home.

Guess this conversation with Finn will have to wait until later.

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