bat, grimm and the cat can fi...


294K 13.4K 658

Harry is on the run after inflating his aunt. He encounters a large black dog, the boy spontaneously takes hi... More

Hello people:)
Escape and a new friend
Thoughts in the night
I thought I had holidays
Bathing fun, or something
A birthday present to run away from
The rest of the birthday
Nocturnal thoughts 2
Shopping with Snape and Dog
An unpleasant truth
Nocturnal thoughts 3
Everyday life begins
A necessary divorce
Man or dog?
Dark magic
Sirius Black
Holiday stress and gather allies
Rat hunting plans part 1
Rat hunting plans part 2
An evening with friends
Three men vs. wild magic
A train ride is funny part 1
A train ride that's funny part 2
Articles and more
A theory raises questions
Turbulent times
Rat trapped/ Rat in a trap
Help for Remus
Freedom for Sirius
No more games
Family Black
Three schools
A reason to risk your life
The first exam
After the fight
Dancing lesson
The ball
The second task
The most important person
The beetle's core
The third task
It was not planned that way
The reason
After the tournament
Wasted vacation
Fish on the hook
An overdue law
Feather and groove, or dog and cat?
She needs behavior lessons herself
A true lord
It makes bones shiver with fear
Veela Nest
Off to the etiquette
Proper behavior at the table
I 'm ill?
Politics is tough business
Seats, seats, and more seats
Not sick but stupid
Cat in love
Draco's friendship
Harry Werther
The pack invades the village
A letter against loneliness
A nice evening
Christmas morning of a special family
Christmas with Lucius
The reason behind the festivals
Not a boring celebration?
Just a normal boy
The last letter for the time being
Full throttle into summer
Recreation for adults
Finally breathe again
Lessons at the ball
how it goes with the Greeks
Revenge for the big mouth
Festival of the senses
Hand kisses and gigolo
Silver star
Cultural exchange part 1
Cultural exchange part 2
Wonderful acquaintance
Cord disconnection with starting difficulties
one week vacation part 1
One week vacation part 2
Nice days part 1
Nice days part 2
A Victorian lady
Off to the sixth year
Lucius' household
A brilliant strategy
Soon a new director
Prologue and Epilogue
part 2

Sirius in father mode

2.3K 129 1

Harry had asked everyone not to reveal anything about the "Wind Cut" article. He wanted to show that to his fathers himself. And the best time would be lunch break. So everyone saw how lying the headmaster was once again. His friends had promised him to be quiet. They didn't want to miss this scene either.
But of course the rest of the class made the rounds. and by lunchtime the whole school already knew what the new teacher had allowed herself.
Harry's fathers stared into the ground at the woman at the staff table.
"It's good that Severus took over the manners class. they really would not have been the best choice. Maybe they should take part too. ”Sirius poisoned.
“Forget it, I already have enough to do with the children. She'd better buy some books on the subject. ”Severus growled.
Unfortunately, Umbridge couldn't say anything against this hostility, because unfortunately she really didn't know whether she had behaved as wrongly as everyone said.
"I'll buy some today." So she gave back sheepishly.
“At least you are capable of learning. There are people in this castle to whom this unfortunately does not apply. "
At the words, Minerva cast a somber look at her superior.
"I thought you liked the man?" The pink woman was amazed.
"I liked the man I thought he was, but he never seems to have existed." Snapped the mother lion.
Umbridge preferred not to say anything to it. This topic really seemed to be a red rag for the teachers.

severus looked at the lion table and there at his son.
"What's the matter with Harry?" He whispered to his husband.
Sirius now turned his attention to his godchild as well.
he wasn't as good an observer as Severus, but he too could clearly see the glowing white streak.
"Something is extremely upsetting to him," commented the former Auror.
the jailer nodded, he resolved to speak to the youth later. But if he looked closely, he noticed that it seemed like everyone who was in a class with Harry. or rather, every fifth year Gryffindor and Slytherin looked like they wanted to strangle someone. Of course, that aroused the curiosity of the former spy. this anger couldn't just have something to do with the behavior of her teacher?

Harry was turning to the half vela next to him.
"Gabrielle, I have a favor to ask of you."
The little girl looked up at the boy attentively.
"Should I comb your hair for you?"
Half the table burst out laughing.
"Even the best spell can't do that, believe me, we've tried everything." Hermione laughed.
"And his streak just shows that our little cat is about to freak out," Ron explained to the child.
“I've already noticed that. The whole world is talking about Harry's white streak. It's even in the newspapers. "
Harry hung his head at the blonde's words.
“Oh, what a joy. They should all start their own lives. And yes, I know that I keep saying that. "
"What do you want then?" The little one distracted her friend.
"Oh yes, right. Then I have to talk to my fathers in the hall where everyone is present. In the meantime I would like to ask you to go outside or to have a spell put on you that will temporarily numb you. "
"Why that, do you have secrets?" Wanted Gabrielle offended.
“Everyone has secrets, but that's not the point. Only the two of them will start cursing violently. At least that's what I suspect. I just don't want you to hear this. besides, Fleur would behead me if I let you learn swear words. "
Now the girl giggled again.
“You could be right about that, my sister doesn't like that at all. but why do you want to talk to them in the hall when you know how they will behave? "
"Because he just wants to ask our principal." Neville answered the question.
"Exactly." The confirmation came.
“All right, I'll be enchanted. But are you all coming to visit today? I wanted to show you my animals. "
Immediately everyone agreed. Most of them had already grown fond of the little one, so you couldn't say no.
They finished their meal quietly, then Harry got up and walked over to his fathers.

When Severus saw his son approaching them, he automatically leaned forward a little. Sirius next to him did the same.
"Dad, Siri, I need to talk to you guys." It came from her angry son.
"Come on, we're going to our apartment." Severus was about to get up, but was stopped by the green-eyed man.
"No wait. I wanted to show you here. "
"What?" Curious, Sirius leaned even further across the table.
The other teachers also had long necks. But they were all ignored by the student.
"Professor Umbridge showed me something interesting in our defense lesson today."
"We already heard about that." Sirius said grimly and glared at the woman.
Harry shook his head again.
"I didn't mean this slip, I'm talking about it."
The boy pulled the newspaper from his cloak and handed it to the two men.
"Since when have you been reading the 'Windschnitt'?" Sirius wanted to know.
"I won't do that, and I certainly won't do it in the future either." Harry growled grimly.
Severus took the newspaper from his son and looked at the front page. Immediately his expression darkened.
"Sirius, take a look at this."
both men bent over the paper and began reading the article.
When they finished, Sirius looked like what you would imagine a mass murderer to be. And even Severus would have been trusted to do anything at that moment.
some students even shrank back at the picture they gave.
And that was when Hermione put the spell on Gabrielle.

Before the jailer could react, his husband had stormed to the center of the teachers' table.
Angrily, the aristocrat clung to the headmaster's robes and tore him from his chair.
“What are you actually thinking of, you approve of a teacher's apology? How dare you turn the words in my son's mouth? Harry said several times already in no uncertain terms that the madman won't come back. it's history, and when I'm done with you, so will you. Old, lying fool! "
Dumbledore, who at first didn't even know what had come over him, freed himself from Sirius's grip. His eyes fell on the newspaper he had given an interview.
"Sirius Black, behave yourself, or I'll have you kicked out of school." He poisoned the man.
The old man was well aware of all the looks. and he would have loved to give Harry a hefty detention for exposing him so. But he would hardly have made friends with that.
Sirius straightened to his full height and glared at the Headmaster.
“I told you once before that you have no right to address me so confidentially. To you, I am still Lord Black, finally make a note of that. With your manners, it's no wonder the kids need tutoring. they are even worse than Professor Umbridge.
And you can certainly not throw me out. You are the principal at this school, but you do not own it. or have you already forgotten that in your arrogance? I have every right to be here with my family. Especially when I have to protect her from creatures like you. And it's not just my family who seem to need protection. Do you think nobody noticed how you look at the magical beings? You are a lot, but certainly not a role model.
So how dare you give this ridiculous interview? and which despicable reporter wrote that trash too? How could you spread such rubbish on behalf of my son? Come on, do you justify yourself, or can't you think of anything? "
sirius had to take a few deep breaths. But not because he was so out of breath because of his rant, but because he had to stop himself from slamming the old man.

"Are you finished now, Lord Black?Dumbledore emphasized the title in a particularly derogatory manner.
"Far from it, but I want an answer." Growled the aristocrat.
“Well, then you will have one. I was just telling the truth to the people out there. tom is back, and the sooner society can prepare for it, the better. "
"The Ineffable is not back, Mr. Potter has credibly assured me." Umbridge interjected.
“Oh, and you believe the story of the blood? what nonsense, where's the proof? If so, then Harry should share the big secret with all of us. But not, even James told me. So it must be a lie. ”Growled the headmaster.
“Now you are starting too, isn't it enough for a person to commit such a social faux pas? However, it shows that James wasn't as stupid as I always thought. otherwise he might really have confided this secret to them. ”It came from angry from Severus.
"When it comes to something as important as a war, then you should put social mores on the back burner.Albus said with conviction.
"Something you've been doing for years." Sirius countered bitterly.
"That's not true, I just know when you can give a damn about all these rules."
"Yes, whenever it comes to murdering magical beings." It was dark from Hagrid.
Before the old man could say anything else, Sirius was already speaking again.
"Why do you really want people out there to be scared?"
"Because it's the truth," roared the old man.
“Bullshit, and you know it. Harry would never lie when it came to such a serious subject. ”Sirius growled.
“It's perfectly clear why he's working towards a new war. our esteemed director wants power, because he keeps losing it. First, a baby outstrips him. Then he loses even more power because the magical beings were suddenly put on an equal footing with humans. and at the end Harry said the lord was not coming back. "
At Severus' words, all eyes widened in the great hall.
Harry stared at his headmaster with hostility.
"Is that true? do you want a war to push yourself back to the fore? If you want attention so badly, work for it. .they had their success after your duel against Grindelwald and when you found out the uses of Dragon's Blood. What more do you want? "
"You don't understand." Was the answer he got from his headmaster.
"Right, I don't." Harry grumbled.
His strand had settled a little. But only because he knew his fathers would now take over the helm.
“Harry, you can't kill a wizard like Tom that easily, even if you want to believe it. I actually expected that your fathers wouldn't raise you to be a coward who is so reluctant to tell the truth. but you too will still recognize that Tom is out there and at some point you will have to face him. Like a few times. "
Immediately Harry Strand straightened up again.
“Don't you dare insult my fathers again! the two are braver than you could ever be. "
"Quiet, kid, we'll do it." Severus warned.
"What happened to you, before you trusted my judgment." Sighed the headmaster.
Harry growled.
"I rather believe the words of Professor Quirrell, who also said it wouldn't have been Voldemort who took possession of him. Besides, I'm not stupid, I know what I've seen. the madman is no longer, just be happy about it. "
With that, Harry turned and went back to his table. Mainly because otherwise he would probably have jumped in the director's face.
his friends patted him on the shoulder.
Then they took the spell from Gabrielle and walked out of the hall with her.
Luna and the Greengrass siblings followed.

Now it was Severus who sat up in front of Dumbledore
“What do you get when you scare children? Whenever you see my son do you try to scare him? Why?"
“Because it is his fate to free us from evil.” It came from the old man.
“He's already defeated Voldemort, that's all he needs to do. Finally leave him alone. He's a kid and not your plaything. ”Growled the Potions Master.
“You are all so gullible. have you ever thought that the boy might just lie to us all? "
Again it was Sirius who shot forward.
"Don't you ever dare to portray my son as a liar again!"
“And don't get too close to it, it is not your property. He's our child and we'll protect that. ”Severus interjected.
“Harry is the chosen one, he was born not for his own good but for ours. you have no right to him. ”The old man yelled back.
Sirius stood so close to the wizard that their noses almost touched.
“Harry is not a weapon, he only belongs to himself. leave him alone or I'll finish you off. "
Snorting angrily, he turned and stormed out of the hall.

Only in their apartment did Sirius calm down a bit. But only when he was hugged by Severus.
“I hate this guy. How could I ever trust him? ”He sighed.
“Because everyone trusted him. Once an order of Merlin and all hearts flew to him. Ridiculous, actually. but I went to him when I needed help. ”It came from the Potions master.
Sirius broke away from his husband a little.
“As soon as I'm a little calmer again, I'll make my way to the ministry. otherwise I will stay in the wrong fireplace for a long time with anger. I want to ask Lucius if he knows anything about this reporter. "
"Respect, you are no longer acting too hastily."
The former marauder laughed.
“I now have a family to look after. you no longer run blindly to the left. "
“Well, then you take care of the newspaper, I'll look for our son. Not that he's still burning the forest in his rage or anything like that. ”Severus grinned.
they shared another tender kiss, then parted.
The thought of her son made them both smile. The little one had turned her life upside down. And none of them would want anything else .

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