By yestarday0

33.2K 1.1K 203

Inanna was sent to the ground with the other 99 delinquents. While looking for her friend, she's kidnaped by... More

part one; lost and found
one; white empty room
two; run things
three; tent sharing
four; rescue services
five; jasper
six; hanging tree
seven; edge of the cliff
eight; charity project
nine; comeback
ten; feelings
eleven; fighting
twelve; real rescue services
thirteen; infernal maps
fourteen; friends
fifteen; it's a goodbye
sixteen; wounded back
seventeen; rippers
eighteen; frankenstien
nineteen; spacewalker
twenty; trip to memory land
twenty-one; best friends
twenty-two; wrong choices
twenty-three; minefield
twenty-four; sea creature
twenty-five; together
twenty-six; becca's wardrobe
twenty-seven; last tear
twenty-nine; price of life
thirty; less-enemies
thirty-one; city of light
thirty-two; stolen memories
thirty-three; end of the world, again
thirty-four; keryonjaka
thirty-five; arkadia
thirty-six; apologies
thirty-seven; cries and lies
thirty-eight; broken machine
thirty-nine; five years and earth apart
part two; game of survival
forty; half rations
forty-one; wonkru
forty-two; fighting pits
forty-three; dark year
forty-four; war
forty-five; worms
forty-six; secrets and natblida
forty-seven; ruler for the day
forty-eight; last chance
forty-nine; failure
fifty; no more charity project
fifty-one; guilty
fifty-two; it should have been me
fifty-three; cockroaches can swim
fifty-four; kinky and homicidal
fifty-five; primes

twenty-eight; fake commander

319 14 0
By yestarday0

"They can all die as long as I keep standing!"

I've been doing this for a while now. I had put up a stand where the others were, I was on the end of the row, the only stand on my side being a lady selling dead rats, pretty good to be working with the smell of the food I'm gonna eat when I get enough coins.

People would ask me to kill for them and give me something valuable enough for me to sell and get the food into my stomach at the end of the day. I had sell watched, necklaces, rings. WHere the customers got those? I don't know or care.

I had changed. A lot. I'm convinced that if John or any of the people I once meet saw me wouldn't recognize me. I had gone back to grounder's clothes and the paint on my face. I had got a rune tattooed on my shoulder by some guy. It meant strength.

I had also found something new to kill with. A ring with a blade on the end. Pretty cool if you ask me. Better than Emori's knife. I had sold it on the first day. It bought me a grilled rat so from where I stand it was an amazing investment.

Titus, the flamekeeper, would ask me for something from now and then. He would repay it with a favor.

Right now I was on my way to a man's house. I had been told to kill him. Some unfinished business. I didn't ask why they wanted him dead. My only question is what I get from this.

If I killed this man and placed the ring the customer had given me inside of the dead man's mouth, I would get a new necklace to seal for many many coins.

I had gotten him drunk and now we were in his house. His bedroom to be precise.

"Gotta finish what you started." He says seductively as I get him wondering hands away from my body.

"You're right, I do." I whisper in his ear as I push him on the bed behind him. "You got a rope laying around?"

"You like that kind of stuff?" He grunts and I fight the urge to just kill him right away.

The only thing stopping me is his side. It would get messy and that couldn't happen.

"You have no idea." I wink at him as he points at the wardrobe.

I take the ropes and start tying his feet and wrists to the bed under him. When I'm sure he's secure, I run my finger with the ring up and down the side of his face. He grunts at me again and I smirk at him before sticking the ring on his neck.

I could feel the blood spilling from his neck reaching my face and painting it red.

"Moth-Motherfucker." He whispers as loud as he can with his neck pierced.

I only smirk in response as I run my fingers on his bloody face.

When he finally stops breathing, I take the ring from my pocket and put it in his mouth.

The job's done so I cover my head with the hood of my cape and walk away from his house, leaving his dead body on his bed for someone to find. Probably his wife when she gets home in the morning.

What a shame her cheating husband is no longer around.

I fall asleep on my bed, peacefully thinking about how I'm not gonna starve when I get my necklace.

I wake up and walk straight to the stand where the man who ordered the job is already waiting for me.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you," I smirk at him and he swallows. "Job's done. My necklace."

"For how much will you sell it?" He asks me as he takes it from a little box. It's even prettier than I thought.

"That sounds like something that's my business. Nor yours." I look up at him and take it from his hands. "You should go. We would want people to talk, would we?"

He finally leaves and I smile looking at the shiny object in from of me. Not too long after this, a man walks by and buys it for ten coins.

It would buy me four days of grilled rats.

Happy, I close the sketchy business early and walk back to my house after having my fresh grilled rats. Yummy.

In the night, a lot of things happened. From the death of a commander to a crazy lady from Azgeda killing fuck knows how many kids on the conclave. Great.

Ice Nation with a commander. What could it go wrong?!

In the middle of the night, I wake up with someone knocking on my door like a crazy person. Titus, obviously.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you wait like a normal person?!" I snap at the man as I open the door and he storms into my house.

"The commander is dead." He states.

"No shit," I reply looking at him confused.

"Ontari kom Azgeda is the new commander." The flamekeeper tells me and I look at him wondering what's his point and what do I gain with that.

"And you're her flamekeeper-"

"I gave Clark the flame. She doesn't have it. Lexa's spirit could never choose her." Titus tells me and I frown at all this information.

"There's no one else with nightblood. What the hell are you doing?!"

"Luna kom floukru." He states and I scoff.

"The one who ran and it's probably worse than Ontari-"

"No one's worse than Ontari."

"Okay, great. Why the hell should I care? Is this gonna affect my business in any way?" I ask confused about why he came to me for this when I'm nothing more than a hitwoman.

"You only care about your goddam business?! Where's your honor?!"

"There's no honor," I yell at him. "I kill to live, see any honor in that?! I serve who pays a higher price when are you getting that into your head?!"

"She'll kill skaikru-"

"I don't care!" I interrupt him. "They can all die as long as I keep standing!"

"I need you to kill her." He bursts out. "She's in the purification ritual with someone from skaikru."

"What's in for me?" I finally get interested. "It must be something good cause I might die."

"A bed in the tower." Titus proposes and I smirk at him. "When she's dead I'll talk good of you to the next commander. You won't need to kill anymore."

"I like to kill, but your offer does song appealing." I nod. "Any preference on how you want it done?"

"No." He walks out and I smile to myself.

Let's kill this bitch.

* * *
It was now or never, Titus told me how to get in and what I had to do to slash her throat open like a zip bag.

As I get closer to the tower I notice Titus and Roan kom Azgeda getting in, making me stop on my tracks.

I follow them after a while, when I arrive at the upper floor, I see Titus with his throat slashed open and bleeding everywhere. There goes my new room and easy life.

I take a deep breath before turning on my tracks and running back down. I get into my house and scream as I hit the wall as hard as I can. Titus helped since the moment I arrived and now he's dead.

I swallow everything up and walk to my stand and a woman shows up after a while, from her suspicious look I could tell that she would be ordering me to kill someone, and for the amount of anger in me, I would do it right away.

"Yu...?" (you...?)

"Ai." I say already annoyed by her hesitance. "Chit yu gaf in?" (Me)(What do you want?)

"Ai houmon." She looks down and I nod. "Yu hon in ai raunon." She takes the ring from her finger and gives it to me in advance. (My husband)(You get my ring)

"Consider it done." I nod at her.

The day passed and as soon as I got home, I walked to the man's house. I enter it and I don't even bother being quiet.

The noise waked him up and I grab my knife and stick it in his stomach, stabbing him multiple times. Taking my anger out on him. I could feel myself get soaked with his blood. He kept begging me to stop but I was so blinded I couldn't even hear his pleas.

The amount of thoughts in my head were overwhelming. How I left everyone I loved behind and forced myself to get over it. John. Only after leaving I realized how much I missed him. Just his presence would make me feel less dead. Now I don't feel anything. Just emptiness again. My heart tightens with every thought. The feeling of the blood over me was the only thing making me feel something.

After a while, I notice that he's already dead. I get up from his body and crave two runes into his back. The one that means soul and the one that means death. Death of the soul.

I put the hood over my head and walk to my house, telling myself that I was okay. Telling myself I always am.

* * *

I wake up with someone knocking frantically on my door, as always. Titus was dead so it couldn't be him. I get up from be, and wrap my half-naked body in the nightgown I had bought from someone with a few extra coins from that amazing necklace whose new owner I'm planning on killing.

"Gentleman's." I open the door noticing that there are three guards at my door.

"The commander as ordered to see you." One of them says.

"Am I in trouble?" I say seductively trying not to go to the crazy lady pretending to be a commander.

"Now." They ordered and I smirk at them.

"One minute, let me get dress," I tell them as I walk back into my house and closing back the door.

I put on my normal clothes and grab two knives, hiding them in my boots. I put the paint on my face and make sure the rune on my body can be seen. I put on the ring and fix my hair. Only them walking out.

One of the men grabs me harshly and I push him away.

"Wouldn't do that if I was you," I warn him and he gets the message.

Instead of taking me to the throne room as Titus did when I first arrived here, they take me to the flamekeeper's place. The same room I stumbled upon on the first day.

They walked in front of me down the stairs and I could hear a woman talking, who I supposed to be Ontari.

"Where's the killer?!" She snaps at the three men when she doesn't see me right away.

They move out the way and I stay on the stairs, not approaching the crazy woman.

"Leave!" She orders them and I can't help but laugh at her temper. "What are you laughing at?!"

"Nothing." I stop never letting go of the smirk on my face. "You asked to see me?"

"Yes," Ontari states, clearly mad at something. "Come down the stairs." She orders and I take a deep breath before doing as I'm told.

I finally get into the room and I notice someone on the corner tried by a metal collar. John fucking Murphy. Of course.

The look on his face when he sees me is priceless. I don't look too much at him, instead, I swallow it all up and I look at the woman in front of me.

"Where are you looking at?! Bow to your commander!" Ontari orders but I only laugh at her request. "I said-"

"I know what you said... what's your name again?" I tease and she gets closer to me clenching her jaw. "I like the scars."

"Who do you think-" She starts yelling but John gets closer as well.

"You need her. Remember?" He tells her and I finally get why he's here.

"Oh... fake commander with fake flamekeeper. And I thought this couldn't get any more ridiculous." I smile at the duo. "What the hell do you want from me?"

"What clan are you in?" She ignores my question and looks even angrier than earlier.

"The one who pays more," I answer with a smirk. "Why am I here, Ontari?"

"I want you as my guard." She says steadily and I laugh at her request not getting how serious she was.

"I'm sorry..." I stop laughing. "You know, I was sent to kill you once."

"What stopped you?" She asks through gritted teeth.

"The customer died before I could get my payment. Now if you don't mind, I have work to do." I turn my back on her but soon enough I feel her sword at the back of my neck.

"It wasn't a request. It was an order." Ontari tells me and I turn back to her.

"I don't care." I turn to her again and she presses the sword into my neck. "I wouldn't kill me if I was you."

"Why's that?"

"Cause when I got here, Titus helped me," I tell her and then walk at John. "What he also did when he gave Clark the flame was tell me who was it for."

"Who was it?" She keeps pressing it into my neck, drawing blood making me smile at her.

"If you kill me you'll never know." She finally backs off and I smile at them. "Now... I'm gonna walk out of here as if it was nothing-"

"You don't tell me what to do-"

"You'll do as I say or I will kill you, your little flamekeeper, and every single guard in this fucking tower. And you wouldn't want me as your guard if you didn't know how efficient I can be." I threat get closer to her. "You won't send anyone to torture me or I swear to god I will kill myself before you never know where that flame is."

I turn around to walk away and I feel her walking behind me.

"She won't talk." John tells Ontari.

"You should listen to that flamekeeper of yours."

"When will you tell me then?!" She yells at me.

"When I feel like it."

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