Por GhostValleyLord

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Zhou Zi Shu loves Wen Ke Xing , but not the way Wen Ke Xing wants Zhou Zi Shu to love him . WenZhou ( Word o... Más

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Ch - 14

1K 110 26
Por GhostValleyLord

Like every night , after Zhou Zi Shu left the room , Wen Ke Xing sat on the bed leaning his back on the headrest . Though he had planned to avoid Zhou Zi Shu for repressing his rising feelings for him . 

But it didn't help much . Wen Ke Xing thought it was truly said distance makes the heart grow fonder . 

The more Wen Ke Xing was avoiding Zhou Zi Shu , the more his heart wanted to see him . The more he wanted to hug him and enjoy his warmth like before . He was missing those sweet smiles of Zhou Zi Shu like before .

Wen Ke Xing tried to fall asleep , but couldn't . He then decided to study to pass his time . Wen Ke Xing came down from the bed and was going to walk towards the study table when Wen Xiang tugged his hand from behind . 

Wen Xiang hadn't fallen asleep either . She had been noticing for the last few months the changes in Wen Ke Xing's behaviour too . She noticed how Wen Ke Xing frequently missed his night sleep and the next day went to school with a sleep deprived look . 

Wen Ke Xing turned back . Wen Xiang sat up . She looked at Wen Ke Xing with a sad face …. 

" Gege , you are again missing your sleep at night ? " 

Wen Ke Xing sat beside her . She patted her head …. " Ah Xiang , I was just going to study ! " 

Wen Xiang didn't seem to be convinced with Wen Ke Xing's words . She knew very well that Wen Ke Xing only acts like this when he is distributed with anything. 

In tension , Wen Ke Xing always acts like . He made himself busy to avoid the problem which is disturbing him . 

" Gege , what happened ? …. Please tell me ! ….

…. I know there is definitely something which is disturbing you ! ….

…. Or you won't act like that ! " 

Wen Ke Xing pulled Wen Xiang in a tight hug . She also wrapped her arms around him . She complained ….

" Gege , your attitude not only makes me sad ! ….

…. Yifu is sad too ! ….

…. Yifu also misses you ! ….

…. Gege, why don't you spend time with Yifu like before ? " 

On hearing Wen Xiang's words, Wen Ke Xing's last layer of control got broken . Tears started to drop from his eyes . Wen Xiang's shoulder got wet . She quickly wiped his face ….

" Gege , why are you crying ? …

…. Please don't cry ! …. If you have any problem please tell Yifu ….

…. He will definitely help you ! " 

On hearing Zhou Zi Shu's name , Wen Ke Xing started to cry harder . He kept mumbling in between his sobs ….

" Ah Xiang , your Gege is the worst ! …

… He is the stigma to the family ! ….

…. He is in love with someone whom he could never have in his life ! …. 

…. Ah Xiang , I am a disgrace ! …. " 

Wen Xiang pulled away from the hug . She said he would never feel disgrace with Wen Ke Xing . 

" Ah Xiang , you should hate me ! …

… I am not good ! ….

…. You should feel disgusted with me , Ah Xiang ! " 

" No ! … I will never hate you Gege ! " 

" Gege , if that person doesn't love you ! … It doesn't matter ! 

….  I love you ! … Yifu loves you ! … Grandma and grandpa loves you ! "

" Ah Xiang , that person loves me too ! … But not in the way I love him … not in the way I want him to love me ! " 

" Who is the person , Gege ? … He must be a bad person to not love my Gege ! …

… My Gege is the best , still how could he not love my Gege ! " 

Wen Ke Xing put his hand on Wen Xiang's lips , making him stop from saying more … " No , Ah Xiang ! …. He is not bad ! ….

…. It's me who has crossed the limit ! …. And now I don't know how to face that person ! " 

Wen Ke Xing then told Wen Xiang to fall asleep as it was already too late in the night . He laid her down and started to run his fingers in her hair ….

…. Ah Xiang , don't tell this to Gege ! " ….

" Why Gege ? … Will Yifu be angry to learn about this ? " 

" Yes, something like this ! ….

…. You won't understand , Ah Xiang ! " 

" Why would I not understand ? …

…. Gege , I am 12 years old ! " …. Wen Xiang pouted . 

Wen Ke Xing put a kiss on her forehead and said … " Okay ! Okay ! …. Ah Xiang you will understand ! …

… But I am a bad explainer ! ...

…  So please don't tell Gege about this ! " 

" Okay ! I will not tell Yifu ! " …. Wen Xiang put a kiss on Wen Ke Xing's cheeks .  

After sharing everything with Wen Xiang , Wen Ke Xing felt lighthearted too . He then laid beside her and slowly drifted off to sleep . 

More months passed away this way . Neither Wen Ke Xing nor Zhou Zi Shu wasn't close to each other like before . Zhou Zi Shu started to get irritated with this attitude of Wen Ke Xing . 

But Zhou Zi Shu couldn't say anything to him . As there was no fault of Wen Ke Xing for this . It was normal for a teenager to fall in love with someone . Zhou Zi Shu also came to know that Yan Lan is a good girl and a brilliant student like Wen Ke Xing . 

And Wen Ke Xing was right too , he really needed time to study for his exams . But why Zhou Zi Shu was feeling miserable , why his heart was disturbed with this Wen Ke Xing's attitude towards him . 

Zhou Zi Shu was looking for a chance to spend time with Wen Ke Xing like before . He wanted to return the charm of their relationship like before . 

Finally after a few days , he got the chance he was looking for . The admit card for Wen Ke Xing's entrance exam was out . 

An idea played in Zhou Zi Shu's head . He decided he would ask Wen Ke Xing to take a look at the examination centre beforehand so that there would be no tension of finding the examination centre and they would know the time needed to reach there . 

Zhou Zi Shu thought it wasn't a bad idea . They really needed to do that . He had also done that before his entrance exam too . And he thought it would be helpful, at least Wen Ke Xing's mind will be free from exam's stress for a few moments . 

As thought , Zhou Zi Shu proposed his idea to Wen Ke Xing . Wen Ke Xing denied the idea . Zhou Zi Shu then made him understand that's really important or they would get late during the college entrance examination day . 

Zhou Zi Shu also said it would be troublesome for them to locate the examination centre on that day . As everyone knows that day the whole country has heavy traffic . And if they didn't find the examination centre on time it would be a disaster . 

Wen Ke Xing after considering Zhou Zi Shu's opinion , agreed with him to go there and locate the examination centre beforehand . But his mind was telling otherwise . 

Wen Ke Xing was afraid he would make a fool in front of Zhou Zi Shu . If he spends time alone with Zhou Zi Shu . Even after avoiding Zhou Zi Shu for all these months , still Wen Ke Xing's love for Zhou Zi Shu didn't even change for a little bit , further it getting more and more stronger day by day . 

Wen Ke Xing released a sigh . He looked at Zhou Zi Shu , who was looking at him with a sweet smile playing on his lips and his eyes were bright with anticipation to hear a positive response from Wen Ke Xing . 

Wen Ke Xing felt his breath get stuck in his throat . Zhou Zi Shu was looking so cute , Wen Ke Xing felt his heart would jump out from his chest .

 Wen Ke Xing thought how could someone be so adorable even without trying . How could Wen Ke Xing stop himself from falling in love with such an adorable man in front of him ? 

Wen Ke Xing then remembered that Yan Lan's seat had fallen on the same examination centre too , so why didn't he take her with them ? In that way he would not be alone with Zhou Zi Shu .

" Gege , Yan Lan will go with us too ! " 

Zhou Zi Shu felt a pang in his heart . He himself felt confused with his own reactions . But he didn't want Wen Ke Xing to became sad , so he agreed to take Yan Lan with them . 

Wen Ke Xing nodded his head and walked back to his room . Zhou Zi Shu sat down on the sofa in the living room with a confused heart .

After a few minutes , Wen Ke Xing came back to the living room with a small piece of paper . Zhou Zi Shu was watching his every action . 

Wen Ke Xing held the receiver and started to dial someone's number . Zhou Zi Shu thought Wen Ke Xing wanted to talk at nine in the night . 

" Yan Lan , tomorrow you , Gege and I will go to check our examination centre in advance ! " 

Zhou Zi Shu couldn't listen to Yan Lan's response . But from judging Wen Ke Xing's reaction , he understood Yan Lan must have agreed to go with them . 

" Then wait for us at the school gate , we will pick you from there ! " 

Next day arrived quickly , after dropping Wen Xiang at the school , they picked up Yan Lan from the school gate . 

That day Wen Ke Xing was sitting on the backseat . Yan Lan sat beside him . Zhou Zi Shu did not like the closeness between them . 

Zhou Zi Shu started the car . Yan Lan, being a talkative girl , started talking the moment she stepped into the car .

" Wen Ke Xing ,  so this is your Zhou Gege , you always talk about ? …

…. You are right ! …. Zhou Gege is really handsome ! " 

Wen Ke Xing rolled his eyes . Yan Lan kept talking … " Zhou Gege , I'm Yan Lan …. Nice to meet you ! 

…. Wen Ke Xing always talks about you ! " 

Zhou Zi Shu had a bitter face but when he heard Wen Ke Xing always talks about him to Yan Lan , he suddenly got a happy feeling ….

…. Nice to meet you too , Yan Lan ! ….

…. What did Ke Xing tell you about me ? " 

Yan Lan smiled …. " He said his Zhou Gege is the best person in the world . He is like an angel who lights his world and he loves …. " 

Before Yan Lan could complete the whole sentence , Wen Ke Xing elbowed her to stop . Yan Lan winced in pain …. " Agh... !!! " 

Zhou Zi Shu anxiously asked why Yan Lan shouted suddenly . Yan Lan lied to him that an ant had bitten her .  

Wen Ke Xing whispered something in Yan Lan's ear . He was scolding Yan Lan .  Zhou Zi Shu was looking at them from the rearview mirror . He felt a sour feeling in his heart . 

They finally reached the examination centre . Zhou Zi Shu calculated it would take one hour from their house to reach there . He thought on exam day they had to go out at least two to three hours before examination time to reach the centre considering the heavy traffic that occurs every year on that day . 

While they were strolling around the examination centre , suddenly they came across Bei Yuan . He waved his hand at Zhou Zi Shu …. 

" Hey ! Zhou Zi Shu ! What are you doing here ? " 

Zhou Zi Shu turned around on hearing Bei Yuan's voice . Wen Ke Xing and Yan Lan also looked at him . Zhou Zi Shu walked towards him . 

Both of them shared a hug . Wen Ke Xing felt jealous to see Zhou Zi Shu being close to Bei Yuan . 

" You know , I can also ask you the same , Bei Yuan ? "

 Bei Yuan started laughing and then hit Zhou Zi Shu's forehead …. " Then I will reply … Did you forget I had come by nearby to meet with a client ! " 

Zhou Zi Shu then remembered . He had totally forgotten about Bei Yuan coming for a meeting with a client because of his present restless mind . 

" So , what are you doing here , Zhou Zi Shu ? " …. Bei Yuan flung his arm over Zhou Zi Shu's shoulder . 

Bei Yuan's eyes then fell on Wen Ke Xing standing behind Zhou Zi Shu at a distance with Yan Lan . He recognised him as a young boy from that night . 

" Hey , you ? What are you doing here ? " 

Zhou Zi Shu introduced them …. " Bei Yuan , meet Wen Ke Xing ! " 

" Wen Ke Xing , meet my business partner Bei Yuan ! " 

" We can be life partners too , if you want ! " …. Bei Yuan teased Zhou Zi Shu like always . Wen Ke Xing angrily glanced at them and started to walk away from there with Yan Lan . 

Zhou Zi Shu was astonished with Wen Ke Xing's sudden change of mood .  He was going to walk after them , but Bei Yuan stopped him ….

" Zhou Zi Shu , what are you doing ? Let the two love birds enjoy themselves ! " 

" Lovebirds ? " … Zhou Zi Shu quickly ran towards them . Bei Yuan also went with him . 

They saw Wen Ke Xing was upset about something and Yan Lan was trying to cheer him up . They were looking like a young couple full of love .

Then  that time Zhou Zi Shu didn't like the closeness between them . He coughed to get their attention …

" Ke Xing , let's go back ! …. Have to receive Wen Xiang from the school ! " 

When Wen Ke Xing looked at Zhou Zi Shu he thought he saw a hint of jealousy in his eyes , but before he could confirm Zhou Zi Shu eyes and his expressions were already back to normal . 

They got into the car . Zhou Zi Shu wanted to drop Bei Yuan but he said he had some work there . Yan Lan and Wen Ke Xing got into the car . 

But before going , Bei Yuan did something that made Wen Ke Xing's heart burnt in jealousy and his nerves on fire . 

Bei Yuan put out his handkerchief and started to wipe the sweat droplets on Zhou Zi Shu's face . Zhou Zi Shu knew Bei Yuan was again teasing him but when his eyes fell on Wen Ke Xing . He saw his eyes were filled with anger . 

Wen Ke Xing was trying hard on the backseat not to interfere between Zhou Zi Shu and Bei Yuan . But what Bei Yuan said next , it broke Wen Ke Xing's self control ….

" Zhou Zi Shu , remember you told me to look for a beautiful girl for you ? " 

" When did I say that ? " … Zhou Zi Shu asked with a confused look . He knew it was also a part of Bei Yuan's daily  teasing . 

Wen Ke Xing poked his head between them . He pushed Bei Yuan away and looked directly into Zhou Zi Shu's eyes ….

" Gege , let's go back fast …. Wen Xiang will be waiting for us ! " 

Zhou Zi Shu bid farewell to Bei Yuan . Wen Ke Xing and Yan Lan were sitting quietly in the backseat . During the drive back to school , Wen Ke Xing decided something . He thought whatever happened he had to confess to Zhou Zi Shu about his true feelings for him .

Wen Ke Xing thought he wouldn't be able to see Zhou Zi Shu being closer to anyone except him anymore . He won't be able to tolerate seeing Zhou Zi Shu being in another person's arms while Wen Ke Xing was the one to fall in love with him for so long . 

Wen Ke Xing decided he would confess to Zhou Zi Shu after the examination . 

Wen Ke Xing knows Zhou Zi Shu could be angry or disgusted with him after that . But he had to take a chance . 

They reached the school . Yan Lan got out of the car and went to her house on her own from there . They picked up Wen Xiang and returned back to their house . 


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