The Swimming Death Trap [A CH...

By Potato0exe

18.7K 938 1.5K

Detective Germany and her uncle Austria hoped for a peaceful travel through the Atlantic Ocean, but traveling... More

1. New And Old Faces
3. Where To Store A Body
4. The Identity Of The Victim
5. Lie Or Truth
6. Lies And Answers
7. Take A Break
8. Past Mistakes
9. Nothing Works There
10.You've Chosen 2
11. A Lot Of Blood
12. Looking At The Crime Scene
13. The Interrogation
14. Words Are Powerful Tools
15. New Pain New Face
16. The Plan
17. Let's The Search Begin
18. Bad Decision?
20. A Little Surprise
21. Malfunction
22. Willing To Risk
23. Time Is Slowly Running
24. It's A Trap
25. Back On Track
26. New Plan
27. Finally Spilling The Tea
28. How To Not Get Bitten
29. Stick To A Gun Fight
30. Preventing A Mistake From Happening
31. Something Missing
33. Jumping To Conclusions
34. Stealing Is (not) Okay
35. Case Solved
36. Domino Effect (End)
New Book

32. Is It Worth it?

330 22 31
By Potato0exe

Hi! Sorry for taking it so long to post. I barely had time this week because Monday a family member of mine got pulled over by the police in the early morning. Usually it should not be too troublesome, if he wasn't driving with 0,4% alc level.

He had his "morning drinks" because he can't stay calm throughout the day without it and usually there aren't any police controlls at this area.

Except this Monday.

In Poland you're not allowed to be under influence of alcohol and he lost his driving license for the next six months. And because we're family and I'm obligated to help family members, even though I barely can help myself. So now I'm his taxi driver until he gets his license back.

Be that an example of never drink before driving. I don't give a crap if it's a glass of Stroh 40% or watered down beer 2%. Don't drink and drive. I should be thankful that he didn't killed or hurt anyone yet.

So now back to the story. As an apology for the long wait this chapter is longer than usual.

Germany pov.

Trying to convince Poland was like talking to a brick wall. I just wasted my time with this idiot.

"So what now?" Austria asked me. He gave me a worried look while I was staring at nothing with an angry frown on my face.

I could go to Russia and start the interrogation without any preparations, but it would be a waste of time. Maybe I could find information from elsewhere. The option to go and search in Russia's room seems to me the most logical one.

Austria still stood there patiently waiting for my answer. "We will search in Russia's cabin. Maybe there we will find any useful information."

"Is it worth it?" Austria asked, "What is the point on getting more information about the gang. After all we destroyed their plan and there we all are witnesses of Russia trying to murder us."

"Those are verbal evidence. They aren't always reliable. When she'll be in court I need to represent physical evidence." I pulled out the walkie-talkie from my coat and showed it to him. "The more I collect the faster she will be sentenced guilty. Last thing I want is her walking around freely and probably plotting to murder me."

Austria nodded understanding the situation. We both turned to the direction where the staircase are, but suddenly I stopped as I remembered something. My uncle noticed it and also stopped, staring at me unsure what happens next.

"We should also collect all of the evidence from the captains office." I mentioned and he looked behind us where the office was.

"How about I go to the office and you go to Russia room. I will soon catch up to you." Austria asked to which I agreed. With it we safe a little bit of time and he knows where the stuff was hidden.

It took me a while until I arrived to my destination. I could see the door on the hallway, but what surprised me was USA standing in front of her door. For me it looked like as if he was about to enter, but he noticed me and showed his usual fake smile while saying," Good morning. Where is your assistant?"

"He's my uncle not my assistant." I corrected him. The man just shrugged it away. My eyes wandered to the door and then back to him. With a questioning look I asked him, "Why are you here? Shouldn't you stay like every other guest inside their cabin."

"I was, but then I started to think for a while and came into conclusion that I could use the time and find some dirt about Russia." USA explained and pointed at the door. There was a hint of suspicious in my voice as I asked him, "What did you expect to find?"

"Im not sure, but maybe some notes or stuff that would expose her as being a criminal."

"I hope you would gave me those info, if you had found anything."

He noticed how judgmental my question sounds and immediately got defensive, "Of course I would do that. I would never do anything illegal and selfish like that."

As badly as I want to roll my eyes I had to stop myself. I tried to open the door. To my luck the door remained like last time unlocked. Which is great because Russia would definitely not give me the keys and I surely can't open a door with force.

Entering the cabin I saw the living room didn't changed since last time I was here. Only difference was that I now noticed a couple of dog toys scattered on the floor.

While walking I accidentally stepped over one of the toys. This particular toy surprised me with its squeaking sound. It was a little pig plushi with a torn off leg and tail. I picked it up and decided to take it with me. Maybe I could later give it to the dogs. They are probably hostile against me and I don't want to risk again of being attacked. Let's hope they might be less stressed, if I give them this toy to play.

USA stombed past me and kicked a couple of the toys away from his way. He walked straight to the cupboards in hope to find anything interesting.

I wasn't sure how to feel about letting him to help me. He surely is on my side, but I can't forget that he's one of my suspects. Without a doubt USA lacks on empathy. To think what he would have done to the two dogs if I wasn't there, was prove enough that he doesn't hesitate to kill.

While I inspect the room I started to remember myself about the time I asked him questions about China. He informed me about the victim's drug abuse. What wonders me now because China as a public figure would keep those kind of stuff as a secret.

"How do you know China was addicted to opium?" I asked him.

He turned to me and his behavior showed that he got caught off guard. Seeing his questioning look I explained, "You told me he was a 'junky'. Can you tell me how you found it out?"

His sunglasses made it harder for me to see his reaction, but his pause before speaking meant that he was either unsure or on guard. Later he turned his lips up into a smile and relaxed his body postures as he spoke, "I don't see any reason why this info would help you, but sure I answer it to you. My dear friend China just straight up told me."

Warily I asked, "Just like that?"

USA nodded to which I crossed my arms and responded again more critical, "Don't see it as any kind of insult, but it's very clear that his relation with you was more hostile than friendly. I would appreciate if you tell me the truth."

As expected he raised his arms to his side and shrugged his shoulder with a smile. "What can I say. That's the truth. Take it or leave it."

Not waiting for my answer he turned back to the cupboard and opened the next drawer.

"Did you got this info from UK?"

Hearing my question made him freeze and turned back to me. His smile faltered for a second before he quickly regained himself and answered, "No. She has no connection with him and I would appreciate if we don't get her involved in our conversation."

The man stood more hostile with his hands placed on his hips. He was waiting for my response.

Carefully I weighted my options. I could try to pressure him more, but I'll risk him to snap. Other option would be to end the interrogation, but I won't make any progress.

Hesitantly I answered, "I understand. I was just trying to confirm some infos I got."

"What information?" USA was now the one who's giving a question. His posture didn't change, but I noticed a small twitch on his eyebrow. The conversation was for him uncomfortable.

"Someone told me about UK enabling China's addiction by selling opium." I explained.

The man scoffed, "Who the hell told you this lie? It's obviously fake news."

"Are you sure?"

"Am I sure? Yes of course. Now tell me who said that. Was it the guns are bad vegan boy? Or the doc? I won't be surprised if it's the nonstop talking who-"

"Okay that's enough." I interrupted his ranting and continued with a calm manner, "I'm not telling from where I got the source, but I want you to calm down. There is no reason to be agitated."

"Easier said than done. I'm allowed to get mad when someone talks shit about her. Sure we don't have the best relationship, but she's still my mother." He spat furious and his body moved more agitated.

I better change the topic before he goes into one of his outburst.

"Did you find anything in the drawers?"

The man stood silent, confused at the sudden change of where our conversation was going, but he accepted it and answered, "Nothing interesting. I should have expected that she won't hide secrets in a drawer."

"Then we'll continue with the search. We have to find anything." I said and went to the bedroom. The room was surprisingly clean. Blankets folded and her stuff neatly placed. Only thing that bothers me were the dog hairs laying around. They surely shed a lot.

On the small night stand were some papers and a pen. To my disappointment the papers were blank. If it continued like this, then I will never make any progress.

Missing any ideas I picked up the pen in hope to find anything. I don't know. I'm slowly getting desperate. It's a simple ballpen. Nothing hidden inside and the tip shows that it was used. Frustrated I threw the pen back to its spot and went back to the living room.

"Did you find anything?" I asked USA once again. He sat defeated on the couch and shook his head. Russia surely knew how to hide clues. The only thing that proves her connection to the Red Sickle was the small communication device. But that won't be enough.

It kinda reminds me how troublesome it was in China's room. I nearly couldn't find any papers or evidence until Slovakia pointed at the couch.

Wait... That's it!

In fast speed I approached the victorian couch and went down on my knees. USA observed what I was doing and asked concerned, "Are you okay?"

Not giving him any attention I looked underneath the couch. My theory got confirmed as I saw a folder between the couch and the boardwalk from the couch frame. If Slovakia was still alive, then she would proudly pat herself on her shoulder.

I stretched my arm and with a little bit of struggle I managed to pull out the folder. As soon the object was out USA stared at it with wonder and interest. "What's inside?" He eagerly asked.

Making sure that he won't be able to read I opened to folder close to me. Inside were a bunch of papers. Reading it I noticed that it's the same papers like the one in Pansma's office. Only difference is that there was an additional paper in the stack.

On it was a written description about the plan and the many steps in it, but what shocked me was the last step from the plan. Destroying all the evidence including the three.

They never planned to let Panama, China and Italy to come out alive. Could it be that China knew it. After all he wrote his last will, knowing that he won't survive and not wanting that the Red Sickle get their greedy hands on any of his possessions.

Well he did predicted his future right. Only that he got killed by someone outside the gang.

"Can I finally read that pice of paper!?" USA scared me from his loud vocal question. Quickly I put the evidence back inside the folder and said, "It's not for your interest. I will keep them and later give it to the authorities as evidence.

Displeased he argued, "Oh come on. That's how you thank me for saving your life yesterday. I shouldn't have bothered to help you. Whenever I did it, it always turned against me. Like donating my blood to that guy. I still can't believe that I wasted my blood for such lowly scum."

"If you have your mouth and anger under control, then I would treat you nicer." I stopped giving any care about his rant and stood up.

To my surprise the man was calmer than I expected. He only glared at me, but he fall back on the couch with arms crossed and scoffed," Tsk sure paint me as the bad guy. It's not that I alway get reminded by everyone about my little difference of opinion."

I didn't pay attention to it and quickly glanced on my watch, revealing that already one and a half hour passed. Did I really wasted that much time for the search?

On top of that Austria didn't arrive as promised. Something happened and I'm slowly getting worried. Better would be to check on him. USA seeing that I was about to leave the cabin, asked me, "Where are you going?"

"Looking where my uncle is. You can either stay there and search for more evidence or go to your room." Not waiting for his response I left and ran to where the office was. I hope nothing bad happened.

Austria pov.

In a short time I managed to collect all the papers. The office interior didn't changed at all since our last visit. With the stack of paper under my arm I was about to leave until I noticed something strange. One of the closet door was a gap open. Curiously I opened it wider and noticed the nearly empty box.

Inside was a letter.

I took it and opened it. As I read the paper I realized that it's a testimony from China. How did it get here. Last time there wasn't a letter inside. It took me a while until I realized what was there before.

Italy's stuff were there stored, but now they're gone.

That's weird because no one expects the captain and maybe Italy knew where it was. So no one except them could have taken it. Panama was trapped in his room. Which meant that Italy had taken it, but why?

Suddenly I remembered our last conversation after he punched me. I was about to leave the workshop with the radio until he asked me what will happen to him if we all survive. Basically I told him that he would get arrested. I slowly felt how my panic grew stronger as the question popped up inside my head.

Did the brat left the ship to avoid punishment?

No he couldn't. Sure there are lifeboats, but the storm was still ongoing. He would die trying to leave. But those thoughts kept me restless. I need to check at least.

Without thinking I dropped the papers and ran out of the room. Way down on the seventh floor was the door to the outside corridor. There were the lifeboats hanging.
On the way I stumbled many times, but immediately jumped up and continued to run. Every second counts and maybe it's still possible to prevent Italy from leaving the ship.

I opened the exit door and quickly jumped back as the outside wind slammed the door open, nearly hitting me. The wind was furious and unbelievable strong. With difficulty I grabbed on the door frame and pushed myself out. My free hand grabbed at the railing outside and after standing stable against the wind I was able to see outside.

The sky was still covered by thick, dark clouds. It wasn't raining anymore, but still the wind was dangerous and even more dangerous were the gigantic waves hitting against the ship. No matter how skilled you are. In this weather no one is able to survive and especially not in a small boat.

My hands clenching on the railing I started to walk on the corridor. I barely could open my eyes as I walked against the wind, but I still could see the line of lifeboats hanging on thin ropes. The more I walk the more my hope grew that I was wrong.

It didn't took long as a noticeable gap  between the boats crushed my hopes and confirmed my premonition. Two loosely ropes were hanging and no sign of Italy or the boat was there. Clenching stronger on the railing I looked out in hope to spot a small white dot or anything that could be Italy. Nothing was there only the big waves.

He's dead. He prevered to risk his life, than to go in prison. I should have lied back then when he asked me that. For sure I have a talent for ruining people lifes, I thought biter to myself.

There was nothing I could do now. Defeated I went back inside. While walking up back to the office I found Germany wandering to the same direction. She immediately spotted me, staring at me confused with a tint of worry. I walked up to her and she started to ask me, "Where were you? It's been nearly two hours."

At that second I didn't know how to explain. So I bluntly answered, "Italy is gone."

"What do you mean he's gone?"

"He took his stuff and swam away with a boat." Germany stared at me even more confused at my sentence. So I tried my best to tell her about the last conversation, his missing stuff and about my conclusion to which it got confirmed as a lifeboat was missing.

A panicked expression morphed on her face and she opened her mouth to say something. I was ready for any kind of complaints, rants or comments, but she froze. Silently she closed her mouth again and frowned as she started to think something.

In the moment of silence I noticed the folder under her arm. "What's inside?" I asked her.

"Hm?" She left her train of thoughts and needed a second to realize what i meant. Germany opened it and showed me the papers while explaining it to me, "Those were inside her room. She got the same like Panama. Only difference is that she got this extra paper."

I was shocked as I read it. This explains why Russia brought those weapons with her and why Panama got such a high payment. They never planned to actually pay him. A sick way to safe money. "But why Italy and China. Why should they die?" I asked and Germany only responded unsure.

"Well what Brazil told me is that Soviet is a paranoid person. She might fear that Italy would snitch on the cops. The same goes to China as I didn't found any gang tattoo on his body like Poland has it."

She looked at me and asked, "Where are the documents?"

"Oh I accidentally dropped them in the office. I have to go and take them again." I admitted and as response Germany sighed, "Alright go and pick them up. It's important evidence."

"And what do we do later?"

She thought for a short time before answering, "After you get the papers we will get the keys and go to Russia. I will try to make her answering my questions and maybe I'm able to convince her to cooperate with us."

I doubt that. However I nodded and went to collect the evidence. There is no point to change Germany's mind. As soon she sets her next target, she immediately run straight to it without letting others slowing her down.

Germany pov.

After unlocking the door I stepped inside the room were Russia got locked. It's a normal cabin like mine and Austria's. Speaking of Austria he stayed outside, waiting close to the door in case something happens.

Russia sat on the edge of her bed. She always looked scary before, but now her cold deadly glare gives me goosebumps. I didn't approached closer than two meters from her for my savety. She didn't said a word and I wasn't completely sure how to start the conversation.

Unexpectedly I heard a weak metal rattling. Behind the bed her giant dog stood up. The rattling caused by the metal tag from his dog collar. The dog perked over the bed and started to growl as soon he noticed me. Russia let him step out from his sleeping place and slowly approaching me. The woman didn't let her eyes away from me and patiently waited for my reaction.

I expected that it might happen. If I don't do anything, then the dog would attack me to protect Russia. Slowly I pulled the small pig toy from by pocket.

Russia's expression didn't change except she raised her eyebrow surprised. I only slightly pressed the toy in my hand, but the high pitch sound was loud enough to grab the dog's attention.

He was still causious as his posture was still stiff and head low, but his ears moved up and I could see a small hesitant tailwag. Without exchanging a word I rolled the toy on the floor to the dog. But he didn't take it. The toy was lying in front of his paw but his eyes were still directed to me. A very well trained dog I have to admit that.

While sitting on the bed Russia picked the toy up. As soon the pig plushi was in her hand the dog broke eye contact with me and stared at Russia. She made the plushi squeak and gave it to the dog.

He immediately took the pig and in a second from a serious guard dog he transformed into a big happy doggo holding the squeaky toy in his mouth.

The canine turned around and laid down on the back of the room, giving me more space to come closer. However completely carefree wasn't the dog. He still had me under his vision. Only difference was that he's happily holding the plushi with his paws while chewing on it. The serious silence got enlightened by the small pig squeaking. Still Russia stared at me with her expressionless mask. She wouldn't risk to let her guard down.

There was no need to waste more time. I should start to the interrogation now. "How long are you in the Red Sickle?"

Russia didn't say a word. Before I could repeat my question she instead asked me, "How is Cecilia?"

It took me second until I realized she meant the other dog who is locked up in a different room. To be honest I didn't know how she is. The last person who had the dog was USA.

So I lied, "She's alright and healthy." Russia seems a little bit relieved, knowing that her second dog was okay.

"Back to the question how long are you working with them?"

"I hadn't count the time since I remember. " She gave me the not helpful answer. I could see that she was trying to avoid the question or only giving me very vague answers.

"Why are you working with them?"

"Do I need a reason?"

"Yes you do. Tell me why you want to follow the gang's order? Why don't you help me instead?"

Russia tilted her head to the side, staring at me as if I was a joke to her. "Why don't I want to help you." She repeated the question and shrugged her shoulder as she answered, "There is no reason except to stay loyal to the Red Sickle.

"So because of loyalty you are willing to kill innocent lifes?" To my surprise she gave me a crooked smirk to my question.

"Innocent." She repeated with a wider smirk, "I don't know in what kind of imaginary world you lived before, but none of those so called innocent lifes never once worn a white vest."

I stayed silent while listening her carefully, "Those innocents exploit their workers, blackmailing other people, abusing their title for their own comfort, ignoring the negative impact on others as long it doesn't affect them. You asked me why I wanted to kill them. Now I'm asking you Ms Detektiv, why do you want to save them?"

She asked me not in a mocking manner or with an aggressive voice. Her question sounded genuine to which I didn't have an answer. The silence once again appeared. Even the dog stopped playing with his toy a long time ago. Now he had his head on the plushi while watching us.

"Because it's my job and your not the judge for their lifes." This was the only sentence escaping from my mouth. I wasn't sure if the answer satisfied the woman, but then she responded, "So far you didn't do a really good job. Whoever killed China is still free."

"Not for long." I countered a little bit irritated.

Russia only shook her head and said, "For what wasting your energy on that? Sure the world will notice all of their deaths. Those people on the ship played a big part in the economy that can't be ignored, but even if their death is noticeable. No one will shed a tear for them. Even if you success in finding the murderer, you'll get a moment of fame, a pat on your shoulder and life will still goes on as if nothing happened. You won't even notice that all your work was in vain."

I was unsure of what she just said. She noticed it and continued,"They might not die today. Not tomorrow and maybe not even for the next years, but it doesn't mean that they are save. They are marked. No matter how long it will take we will find them and finish what we started."

"Not with me." I said with confidence, "You will be immediately under arrest for attempts of first degree murder. I have enough evidence that you won't be able to escape it."

Russia didn't seem to bother at my statement. "Do as you wish. We'll see how it ends. You should better put your motivation on China's murder case. You don't even know what killed him."

"Quite the contrary. I do know."

Her emotionless face turned for a second into a surprised one as she asked, "You do?"

"Yes it's clear that he got sliced by a band saw on his throat. It's not a secret anymore." I informed her and I felt kinda proud for knowing that.... I better watch out that my ego won't grow because of this. The last thing I want is to be like USA.

Russia looked kinda interest at those information and admitted, "Well I didn't know that. After all you never told what the weapon was and I didn't have a chance to see the corpse."

Right except the V3, Austria and I no one could have known that.

No one except us knew it.


Russia noticed my sudden mood change as I went completely silent. She patiently waited until I snapped out of my thoughts. My eyes widen as I realized a small detail that I overlooked before.

"I'm sorry Russia, but we have to continue our talk in another time." I said and left the room without giving her any explanation.

Outside Austria was leaning against the wall. He saw me and wanted to say something, but I walked past him, occasionally holding against the wall to prevent myself to trip.

Austria was baffled at my sudden action. He quickly locked the door and catched up to me. "What going on? Where are you going?" He asked me worried.

For him I probably looked like I lost my mind as I continued to run as fast as I was capable.

I should have known who killed China. The murderer accidentally exposed themselve a long time ago and I was too stupid to notice it.

"Germany wait for a moment!" Austria pleaded, but I ignored him. We shouldn't waste more time than we already did. After we walked through the whole ship we finally arrived at the guest's cabin door.

I knocked constantly against the wood until it opened. With a surprised expression plastered on their face the murderer stood in front of me.

4906 words

I know I'm a dick for doing that.

Can you guess who it is?

Also I want to mention a pet peeve whenever the bad guys or protagonist has to get rid of guard dogs in movies. They always throw food as distraction or to put the dogs to sleep.

It's for me annoying because a trained guard dog would never get distracted from their job or eat food given by strangers. Guard dogs are like service dogs. They take their job seriously.

The only reason why it works in movies would be that whoever sold those dogs is actually a scammer and sell normal untrained dogs as guard dogs.

Heck even my dog who isn't trained to be a guard never accepted food from strangers. It still doesn't stop him from picking up food from the trashcan.

I hope you like the extra long chapter and I wish you a good day/night and don't be like my relative.

Now that I think of it. I should at least charge him some money for being his taxi.

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