(KaoEarth) The Force Of Desti...

By Bank_Teresa

37.7K 1.4K 176

Some men can be born with the capacity to get pregnant, others do not, what Earth did not know is that he was... More

The Day I Met You
Next target
My First Kiss
Freshmen Ceremony
Be My Boyfriend
I want to stay πŸ”ž
I swear to you
I hope to be with youπŸ”ž
Cold and painful words
I lying in bed with youπŸ”ž
Chapter closed
I Lost You
I do not want
Thinking Of You
No One Will Take You Away From me
The Reencounter
Fathers And Daughters
I Will Never Forgive You
Erony Of Destiny
Running Away Again
A Dangerous Contract
I Came To Fix My Mistake
Give Me A Chance
Words Without Thinking
Fear In Our Eyes
A Pleasant Day
Lie Discovered, You Had No Right
You Are My Destiny
I Want My Daddy
A Moment With My Daddy
I Have a Daughter
We Only Have One Life
You Banned But I Remember
You What?!
No Strength To Speak
I Was The First Love
Feelings Of Guilt
Do You Regret It?!πŸ”ž
Maya Smart GirlπŸ˜›πŸ˜
Our First Photo Together
An Unexpected Apparition
Don't Touch My Daughter
In The Middle Of The Night
Me What?!
Is Not Waking Up
My Love For You My Daughter
Inexplicable Kiss
Always Together
The Force Of Destiny Parte 1πŸ”ž
The Force Of Destiny Part 2πŸ”ž
Unexpected News
Six Months Passed
Love At First Sight
A Normal Day
Blood Type
Complicated Day At The Hospital
Apology Request
There Is No "We"
Are You Sure?
Free Words
It's Him....!
Be What I'm Not
Discovered Lie
Relentless Seduction
The UltimatumπŸ”ž
Three Minutes
I'm Going After You Part 1
I'm Going After You Part 2
Fanfic characters πŸ“–


346 8 1
By Bank_Teresa


Seo ji is in the bathroom, Kao is in the bedroom next to the window, Seo ji woke up before Kao, Kao left the window and stood in the middle of the bedroom, with both hands inside the pocket of the robe he was wearing, he spent a week thinking about how to end up with her without hurting her. He doesn't want to hurt her, Kao has done that a lot in the past, he's changed a lot since Earth left him five years ago.

Seo ji still in the bathroom calm, dried her hair, in the middle of drying Seo ji imagines the scene of the party where Earth Kao and Maya are together, but calmly she continues to dry her hair. After an hour in the bathroom she leaves the bathroom, gets dressed, sits on the sofa in the bedroom, calm, feel light after her shower, starts putting the earring in her ear, Kao had left because someone from the company called him, after talked on the phone, entered the bedroom, look sideways see Seo ji and try to start the conversation.

Kao: N'Seo ji, on the issue of marriage....

Seo ji putting the other earring in the other ear without looking at him, said interrupting him.

Seo ji: Don't worry my love I've already decided... let's postpone everything...

Kao confused, not knowing anything.

Kao: the wedding?! ...

Seo Ji sitting on the couch trying to put the earring on talking at the same time, not looking at him, pretending be the poor thing.

Seo ji: love, there's no way to think about marriage, partying, until we reset this whole story, and start again...

Kao: what do you mean we reset and start again?! ...

Seo ji looking sideways, with the body also turned sideways, still sitting on the couch, crosses her arms, with a smile and a strange look, as if wanting something more.

Seo ji: I already know how and where we will start.. Nong Han...

Kao confused, not really enjoying the direction of the conversation.

Kao: what?! But! ...But Seo ji! ....

Seo ji turns to look at him with a smile.

Seo ji: Let's spend a weekend at that hotel we stayed in last time... Me, you and Maya... that's where our fight started... Kao tried to say it's her fault, but she's not let him talk.. I know, okay, I know, partly my fault, you don't have to throw this in my face, I know.. Seo ji starts slowly approaching Kao... That's why I want to fix, my mistakes... she making a cute face, and pouting, putting his arms around Kao's neck, Kao didn't grab her, his hands stayed at his sides... Love, you won't deny me this.. .. If you still want me as a wife and your wife still... She puts her head to the side of his neck, rests her head on his shoulder, looking sideways, not looking at him, giving him a calm look... You accept ? ... So love, I've made so many concessions to your wishes, go...

Kao still not really enjoying it, wanting to break up with her but not succeeding, put his hands on her shoulders, pushed her away and walked away from her, went behind her, speaking at the same time.

Kao: but Seo ji do you think it's a good idea?! Isn't it better that we both turn this page at once?! Forget that day, and what happened at the party?! ... And...

Seo ji turns to him, a little angry that he's trying to deny what she wants, but controlling as she turns to look at him, talking at the same time.

Seo ji: but that's what I'm proposing to you p'Kao... That's why I want the trip... To fix everything and then forget about it...

Kao a bit not knowing what to do, and not wanting to make this trip.

Kao: but do this now?!

Seo ji: what's the matter my love?! Don't you want to travel with me?!

Kao stumbling over his words.

Kao: No! .. It's not... that's it... it's not...

Seo ji: so is what?!

Kao: We can go to so many places... Why do we have to go back to that place?!

Seo ji upset to see Kao doing so many turns, raising his voice a little.

Seo ji: because there is symbolic for me p'Kao...

Kao unable to end the relationship, gave a light sigh, trying to conform, and find a way to end it all.

Kao: Good... Since that's what you want!..

Seo ji smiling, grabbed Kao's suit, making a cute face.

Seo ji: So let's go! ... Go .. The sooner the better... doing a worried look... I don't know if you understand! that's where I completely lost you in that place, you see.. And I desperately need to find myself again... Are you going to make the arrangements?! Hmm...

Kao still not conforming, but he had no other solution, he saw that he would hurt her if he refuses, not liking it, with a serious look and unwilling to do so.

Kao: alright I will ask p'piak to solve this...

Seo ji a little angry.

Seo ji: no, I'm referring to the idiot Earth, it's Earth that authorizes Maya to come with us... Seo ji turns and turns his back on Kao, with a look that really wants Maya to go with them... The girl won't go with us without Earth's permission, isn't that right...

Kao: It's fine! ... I'll think of the best way to ask for this permission on him...

Seo Ji hearing this with his back to Kao, gave a smile at the corner of his lips, happily turned and walked over to Kao, put his hands around his neck, gave him a kiss.

Seo Ji: Thank you so much my love... I knew you wouldn't deny me that... I love you...

After this conversation with Seo ji, Kao leaves the bedroom and goes to the company, when he arrives at the company he sees Earth next to Kimmom talking to him about work, jealously approaches them both, fixing his gaze on the two, annoyed to see Kimmom near Earth, looks at Kimmom.

Kao: N'kimmom I need the documents I asked you yesterday... Kao look in Earth... N'Earth I need to talk to you now...

Earth not liking his behavior, angry that he had interrupted his conversation with Kimmom.

Earth: But now?! Can't you wait a little longer?! Kimmom and I are solving company issues... This is important...

Kao serious and angry.

Kao: This can be for another day... What I have to say is more important....

Kao walked to his office door, opened it and looked at Earth, indicating him to enter the room, Earth angry, not wanting to be near Kao but as he is at the company, knowing he takes his job very seriously, walked quickly, entered the business room, and turns immediately as Kao enters and closes the door, crossed his arms and said angrily.

Earth: what do you want from me?! Say it soon I don't have your time...

Kao a little serious, not really enjoying saying this, knowing how Earth's reaction will be, calm, doing his best not to upset Earth.

Kao: Maya is going to take kindergarten vacation in a week... Can you....can you give me this week's vacation with Maya?! I'm going with her and Seo ji in the same city I took her to earlier... In Nong Han...

Earth squinted, surprised by the request and wanting to know why.

Earth: a week of vacation with Maya?! Why do you want to spend the holidays with her?! Is there a special reason for this?! You already spend two days with her, why do you want to stay with her on vacation?!

Kao not wanting to but he has no other solution, he can't invent a lie in Earth, because Earth will most certainly be furious with him after finding out, always keeping his words and his eyes calm.

Kao: Seo ji wants to make peace with our daughter .. She is sorry for having fought with Maya and with you ... So to apologize she wants to make our daughter happy ... Maya loved the lagoon there! And the hotel... Please... I know I shouldn't ask for this... So...

Earth looking at him, looked sideways, turned his body sideways, put a hand on his forehead to the side, tried to see the good side of this request, but he saw none, the man he loves is asking him to spend his vacation in a hotel with the bride, looked at Kao, giving a sad look, trying not to show how much this request bothers him.

Earth: So... Are you and Seo ji going to be in the same bedroom?!

Kao upon hearing this, sighed, with a serious look and with all the certainty in his eyes.

Kao: The person I love is you...Finding you after five years was the best thing that ever happened to me ... But as you see, I just proposed to her, because I had given up hope of meeting you again... But now that I've found you I won't miss this chance ... I want to satisfy her desire and make her comfortable, I don't want to hurt her like I did to you five years ago... I'm going to end this engagement after this vacation...

Kao started walking towards Earth, Earth seeing him say these words and seeing him approaching, turns towards Kao and starts walking backwards, trying not to let him get closer, Earth knew that with this approach so suddenly Kao would try to touch and kiss him.

Earth stopped behind the desk in the office, looked sideways at the table and looked quickly ahead, he was startled when Kao quickly grabs him by the neck with one hand the other grabs his waist and pulls him, Earth gave a slight moan with this force made by him.

Kao when trying to kiss him, Earth immediately puts the hand he had placed on the table on Kao's chest, the other was already on Kao's chest as Kao pulls him, Earth wanting to get away from this man's arms.

Earth: P'Kao stop! No, I do not want ...!

Kao getting close to his lips, his voice thick and full of pleasure, teasing Earth.

Kao: what don't you want?! Say, I can't hear you...

Earth seeing the lips almost touching, immediately with an absurd force pushes Kao, passes by the side and stays behind Kao, trying to compose himself after this sexual harassment, Kao turns and Earth does the same too saying quickly without letting him to speak.

Earth: You can spend this vacation with your daughter... I won't stop you... After all, she's your daughter too... Just don't leave your fiancee alone with my daughter... If she wants to apologize, everything well, but let my daughter not be alone with her... Now, if that's all you wanted to tell me, excuse me, I have a lot of work to do.

Earth left Kao's office, Kao placed his thumb between his lower lip, caressing both lower and upper lips with his thumb, gave a smile at the corner of his lips, imagining the moments he spent with Earth five years ago.

Kao: he will never change! That's why I love you Earth Katsamonnat...

A week passed, Maya, Kao and Seo ji arrived in Nong Han City.

Kao gets out of the car first after him, Maya leaves talking happy to be on her first day of vacation with her second father.

Maya: Papa Maya wants to go on a boat.... let's go please... please...

At the hotel they went to, there's a lagoon, tourists and people from all over the country go to this lagoon, Kao wanted to go with Maya but he saw that it's too early to go for a walk, Kao turned around, looked into little Maya's eyes, meanwhile Seo ji gets out of the car with a smile, listening and seeing Maya's happiness.

Kao: my love, not now, we just arrived....we can't run like this... Tomorrow we're both going to take a walk ...

Maya sad, did not want to wait for tomorrow.

Maya: but if it rains tomorrow?! ...

Kao didn't want to see his daughter's sad face, but he still has work from the company that he hadn't finished yet.

Kao: I have some important phone calls to make my love... Kao with a smile, bent down to be at her level.... why don't you go with Perth! ...

Perth is Kao's driver, and a good friend of Maya's, he gets out of the car as soon as he has heard the last words.

Perth: LET'S GO beautiful! ....

Maya still sad, wanting to go with her father.

Maya: OH! Daddy I wanted to go with you ...

Kao seeing that she didn't want to go with anyone but him, he sighed, not wanting to see her like this, he said as he stood up and put a hand in front of Maya.

Kao: it's okay... if my princess just wants daddy then let's go...

Kao turning around and taking just a couple of steps.

Phone ringing...

Kao stops, lets go of Maya's small hand, takes the phone out of his pocket, sees it's company business, answers it.

Kao: speak Kimmom... Kao looks at Seo ji, busy with company affairs forgetting Earth's warning.... Please go with her Seo Ji...

Kao distracted, phone in hand, Seo ji smiled when Kao asked her to take Maya to the lake, Perth looks at Seo ji.

Perth: Madam want me to accompany you?! .....

Seo ji takes the bag that is on her shoulder, hands it to Perth, when she delivers it she speaks and looks at Maya with a smile at the same time.

Seo Ji: No... No need, let me take Maya myself.... she gives her hand to Maya..... Come on my love...

Maya looks at her, give  her hands too, and they go to the lagoon. After just twenty minutes.

Seo ji is with a bunch of flowers in her hand, looking at Maya, she slowly takes one petal at a time, blows on the petal and the petal falls into the lagoon water, Maya in front of her, with her back to her, happy to see so many fish, turns sideways to look at Seo Ji, points index finger beside her in the lagoon.

Maya: Look! there are so many fish, do you see ?!...

Seo ji calmly, always blowing on the petals and throwing them aside around the two of them, responded with a smile.

Seo Ji: That's good right?!

Earth is in the kitchen preparing lunch for him, Fluke and the twins, they and Fluke are at the table, hungry, screaming for Earth.

Akira and Ara: Fast… Fast Uncle Earth… We're hungry… Fast ----- Fast…

Fluke smiling when he saw his daughters' hunger.

Fluke: Sorry N'Earth! you must be tired... Fluke tries to get up from his chair.... Let me help you...

Happy Earth with a smile, said as he made fluke sit down and walk with plates in hand to the table.

Earth: No! No need, I can...

Sound of plates falling ..

Earth quickly puts a hand on his chest, on his heart, opens his mouth a little, unable to breathe, fluke when he sees this quickly goes to him puts his hand behind Earth's shoulders, says worried when he sees Earth squeezing hard on the chest.

Fluke: but what! ....Earth! .... what's happening? ....N'Earth! .... Calm down, breathe .... My GOD! ... N'Earth are you alright?. ... Talk to me ...

Earth looks sideways, desperately runs to the house's landline, grabs the phone, desperately calls the first number that's in his mind, Fluke seeing Earth's sudden behavior, quickly walks to Earth again, Akira and Ara are a little scared to see they uncle behaving like a madman.

Fluke: Earth! .... what's happening with you? ....

Earth looks at Fluke, tries desperately to call this person, he starts to let tears of despair fall on his face, shocking his words.

Earth: Me! I don't know either.... I just....just don't... damn, answer it at once P'Kaooo.... My daughter!....Earth puts a hand on his forehead....I feel that my daughter is in danger P'Fluke.... Earth looked again at Fluke.... Something is happening to her, I feel.... I just...

Fluke confused, not knowing what Earth is talking about.

Fluke: why do you say that? ...Don't worry, P'kao is with her! ...come to bed... I think you're just tired...

Earth didn't want to do what fluke says, still feeling anguished, kept trying to call Kao. Kao is walking through the hotel's garden, the phone to his ear, talking to Kimmom.

Kao: Kimmom I don't care if you couldn't get what I ordered, that's your problem..... Solve it, that's what I pay you for ...

Kao hangs up the phone, looks sideways.

Phone ringing sound...

Kao answers quickly, angry at kimmom.

Kao: Kimmom if you keep calling me....Earth?!

Kao stops when he hears Earth's voice.

Still on the lagoon, Seo ji makes the boat move a little far from the hotel, stops from set sail, grabs the bunch of flowers again and looks at Maya, with a smile taking a petal again and then blows, making the petal fall in the water of the lagoon, she speaks at the same time she does this, wanting to know.

Seo Ji: How about swimming lessons with P'piak?

Maya a little sad.

Maya: my mommy told me to continue later... he said I'm still too little...

Seo Ji gave a small laugh, said as she continued to take and blow off the petals.

Seo Ji: What a shame a girl your age doesn't know how to swim, you know?! ...

Maya not accepting what Seo Ji just said.

Maya: Maya knows a little... Maya just can't stay too far from the edge...

Seo ji turned his head and pointed it with a head to the side.

Seo Ji: Here for example, you would only dive if you stay very close to the boat, right?...

Maya glanced sideways and then looked at her.

Maya:  Can we swim here?... Is the lagoon low?! Can I touch the ground?

Seo Ji looks around talking at the same time, relaxed as if he doesn't want what she wants most.

Seo Ji: I don't see anyone here, so I think you can swim?... And yes my love... The lagoon is low and you can touch the ground...

Maya smiling and wanting to swim, thinking she can swim in the lagoon no problem.

Maya: Will you let Maya swim?...please...

Seo Ji smiling, pretending to care.

Seo Ji: ME!...she takes the sunglasses off her face, smiling... Maya I'm not your daddy or your mommy.... She looks sideways and then looks again at Maya... let's see .... Only if you promise me you won't say anything to your daddy, otherwise he'll fight me!...

Happy Maya.

Maya: Okay...he won't know... Maya will jump on, na...

Maya gets up and starts to take off her clothes, she just kept her underwear on, turned around and jumped into the lagoon.

Hello guys, are you all happy to see another chapter?! I hope you all enjoyed this one😊but calm down, it's not over, in six hours I'll post another one, so stay tuned.🤓

Thanks again for all of you still like and waiting for my Fanfics🙇🌸

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