Books & A Full Moon (Hermione...

By _Anxiety_sucks_

52.7K 1.6K 333

Summary : your the Daughter of Remus lupin, your dad gets a letter from Dumbledore to become Defense against... More

Chapter 1 The Letter!
Chapter 2 : Diagon Alley!
Chapter 3 : The Golden Trio
Chapter 4 : Platform 9ΒΎ
Chapter 5: Train Rides And Dementors
Chapter 6 : To Hogwarts
Chapter 7: To Dumbles Office With Professor M
Chapter 8: Sorting (Finally)
Chapter 9 : Time For Class
Chapter 10: Divination
Chapter 11: Care For Magical Creatures!
Chapter 12: Buckbeak
Chapter 13 : Sirius Black Sighting!
Chapter 14 Dad's Class!
Chapter 15: An Incedent With A Boggart
Chapter 16: Hogsmeade(really A Date With Hermione)
Chapter 18: Sirius Black Strikes!
Chapter 19: Full Moon!
Chapter 20: The Werewolf Lesson
Chapter 21: Medical Wing And Quidditch Match
Chapter 22: Quidditch In The Rain & Dementors!
Chapter 23: Hospital Wing (again)
chapter 24: Learning something new
chapter 25: The Shrieking Shack
chapter 26: Scared Slytherins
Chapter 27: Fudge in Hogsmeade
Chapter 28 : Secrets have risen
chapter 29: The secret is out!
chapter 30 Memories
chapter 31 Hungover Werewolf
Chapter 32 skipping rocks
Chapter 33 Marauders map
Chapter 34 Insults and Divination
Chapter 35 Draco gets Punched
Chapter 36 Scabbers is back
Chapter 37 Buckbeak's death
Chapter 38 Padfoot
Chapters 39 Secrets revealed
Chapter 40 Full Moon
Chapter 41 Morning after
Chapter 42 Saving Sirius
Chapter 43 confessing
the end
Book 2!

Chapter 17 : Emotions And Talking To Dad

931 34 5
By _Anxiety_sucks_

Hey guys I decided to be nice to write the next chapter for you guys!

Start of recap...


"Girlfriend" she mumbled a soft smile on her face at the word.

"what was that Mione" said Y/N breaking her train of thought,Hermiones head shot up, "nothing! I said nothing!" she yelled.

Y/N blinked owlishly and quickly ranafter Hermione who was wlakikg fast again.

"heyyy, wait for meeee!"

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Soon the Hogsmeade trip was over and Y/N had finally caught up to Hermione by grabbing her hand they were close to the school.

"Hey Mione, what's up?" she asked making Hermione stop running.

Hermione turned around and looked at Y/N, "nothing is wrong okay!" she said, Y/N was doubtful

She put a hand on her hip and smirked "I know that's a lie and your looking at the girl who has the worst lier as a Dad so tell me" she said looking Hermione in the eyes.

Hermione starred at her 'Girlfriend' the word kept repeating in her head 'Girlfriend' driving her insane. 'Girlfriend'




"it's fine, nothing to worry about" yelled Hermione pulling away from Y/N, her eyes widened at The tears forming in Hermiones eyes.

Y/N dropped her act and looked at mine with soft eyes she held her hands up in mock surrender

"okay sorry, you don't have to tell me" she said, there was an awkward silence between the two girls.

"I'm sorry Y/N" said Hermione she stepped forward and pulled Y/N in for a hug they hugged for a couple of minutes until Hermione calmed down from crying.

They then sat down on a big rock side by side. "now please tell me whats wrong you were fine earlier" said Y/N gently holding the other girls hand in her own.

She was worried about Mione, her attitude had changed so quickly she was wondering what happened in Honey dukes.

Hermione looked away but didn't pull her hand away from Y/Ns
"it's just I'm confused with my feelings for someone, they are my best friend" she said softly

This made Y/N sad 'obviously she doesn't like you idiot'

'your just a monster who could love you'


'Hermione could never love a monster'

The last thought madr her indescribably sad tear gathered in her eye sbut she didn't let them go.

With her thoughts racing Y/N didn't hear what Hermione was saying,until she snapped her fingers in front of Y/Ns face.

"*snap* hey Y/N don't space out on me" she said smiling slightly making Y/N blush but her spirits didn't lighten.

The two girls looked at each other before Ron and Harry came running over to them and Y/N quickly excused herself.

"excuse me sorry gotta talk to Dad!" she said in a rush and ran to the castle and to her dad's Office.

Once she got there she yelled the password and slammed the door open she ran to living room where her dad was sitting with a book in his hands and Professor M talking to him.

Y/N didn't see her Transfiguration Professor until she finished her rant to Remus.


The 13 year old continued to rant about everything amazing about Hermione before realising it wasn't jsut the two of them in the room.

" oh Shit" she said staring at Professor Mcgonagall who had a look of shock on her face but was smiling slightly.

Remus was to busy laughing and being shocked but happy for his daughter.

"okay Y/N we will tlak about this so sorry Professor haha" said Rmwus while Y/N slowly died of embarrassment on the inside.

She slumped onto the sofa and onto her Dad's chest so she wa slaying half on the sofa and half in his lap.

"Daddd" she asked softly

Remus smiled warmly at his daughter while he ran his fingers through her hair.

"am i a monster"

The question shocked him, "no why on earth would you think that Cub" he asked softly while Y/N mumbled into his warm sweater.

"darling you taking into my chest I can't understand you" he whispered, making Y/N lift her head tears could. Be seen in her eyes.

"Because Hermione could never love me, why would I think she could" she sobbed big fat tears rolling down her face.

Remus quickly wrapped his arms around the crying girl and shushed her.

"it's okay, you know I felt the same when I was your age and I'm sure Hermione felt like Sirius did when we liked each other" he said letting Y/N no apart of his past with Sirius.

"really" she sniffles Remus nodded and wiped a tear from her cheek.

Soon Y/N fell asleep the drama of the day getting to her and making her sleep.

"Good Night Cub I love you"

Was whispered into her ear, he pressed a kiss to her fore head and let the young tired girl sleep.

The end!

Whoooo!! Nearly 1000 words! What the fuck ahah anyway hope you liked this chapter! I love this one.

Word count : 923

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