Agent Han ☆ Minsung ✔

By SaniTheFriendlyBoy

16K 737 262

"He is a monster. He's always been one. I'll do the world a favour by killing him." - agent au Mysterious age... More

before you start reading ❤


1.2K 43 22
By SaniTheFriendlyBoy

[Will putting memes up there ruin the mood? Probably]

Minho's pov

I woke up really early, already feeling anxiety settle at the pit of my stomach. I was packing all morning, taking my gun, spare ammo and clothes, together with some other necessities. I didn’t know how long I would be gone, but I decided not to care.

Thinking about it the majority of the night – about the agent Jisung, my job – I was actually kind of excited. Anything was better than what I have been doing at the agency.

I heard you’re the best agent in the agency,” I heard Jisung’s voice say in my head, chuckling at how silly that statement sounded.

I used to be one. An agent that was respected by everyone, even people older than me, but it all changed after one mistake I allowed to happen. Since then, I have been stuck in an office at the very back, always hidden behind a stack of papers.

“Lee Minho!”

A loud voice broke my thought train, before I also heard an aggressive honking of a car. I ran to an opened window, only to see Jisung standing next to a black van with a huge grin. He waved after seeing my head pop out and screamed again: “Are you ready to go, pretty boy?”

I nodded and disappeared inside to grab my bag. I didn’t want to keep him waiting, so I did a quick check-up of my apartment in case I forgot something, before I finally headed outside. When I walked out on the street, Jisung was already sitting behind the steering wheel.

“Hey,” I greeted as I sat on the passenger seat, placing my bag on my lap.

“Took you long enough,” Jisung laughed and turned on the engine. We made our way out of the city and through a road I have never rode before. I haven’t said anything, just looked around, trying my best to memorize the way back just in case. It took so long that I could witness the sun moving from one side to above us, to other side, ready to set very soon.

“Did you sleep well?” the agent suddenly asked, his eyes not leaving the road that was now surrounded by woods. I just noticed at that moment that he had a sleeveless shirt on, revealing tattoos that covered both of his slightly masculine arms. It was attractive and I caught myself having hard time to look away.

“W-Why are you asking?” I replied back, stuttering a bit and leaning my head against the window.

Jisung shrugged. “Do I need a reason? You just look really tired, that’s all.”

“I always look tired, I am okay.”

“Fix that attitude, agent Lee, you’re talking to your new boss.”

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, only to see him wear a mocking smirk which seemed to be prominent on Jisung’s face.

“Oh shut up,” I murmured, fixating my stare back at the road, yet that was when we suddenly took a turn and the car finally stopped in front of a big metal building. It was so deep in the forest, far away from any kind of civilization. They really want to be hidden, I thought as we got out of the car.

Jisung was quick to catch up with me, putting his arm around my shoulders and leading the way.

“I have to introduce you to the team,” he said excitedly. We came up to the building. There was a red button which Jisung pushed and a screen appeared where he scanned his finger print and even his face. As he did so, the device beeped and a green light turned on as a piece of metal pushed itself in, revealing a way inside.

We found ourselves on an intensely lit and long corridor. I couldn’t help looking around in absolute awe. There were rooms on each side which had glass instead of walls, so anyone could see inside. Only a few were covered with curtains for some strange reason. I could see most of the rooms were filled with some kind of tech equipment, guns or medical supplies.

We reached the end of the corridor, stopping in front of massive door which was painted red and probably made of bulletproof metal.

Jisung opened it, revealing the last room. It was absolutely huge, bigger than my whole apartment. In the left corner, there was a what looked like a small living room with sofas, a table and a television. Two boys were on the sofa – one was sitting while the other was laying down, using his friend’s legs as a pillow.

In the right corner, there was a kitchen where a young boy dressed in pyjamas was making himself food. Except for all that, there were also many computers and other equipment connected to it. All of it was turned on, flashing colourful images.

And in the centre of the room, there was a spiral staircase that was leading to what seemed like another floor.

“Hey team, new member is here!” Jisung exclaimed while clapping. The two boys immediately stood up and approached us, jokingly saluting to their leader. The third boy came closer too, still holding a bowl full of cereal.

“This is Wooyoung and San,” Jisung pointed at each of them whilst saying their names to me. “San is our doctor. He is very good with his hands...and Wooyoung is an agent, like you. And then, this is Jeongin, our youngest agent.”

The last boy, Jeongin, put a spoon full of cereal into his mouth. He looked mildly disinterested in me or introducing himself to me. I noticed he only wore a shirt which was long enough to cover his knees. He mumbled something similar to a greeting and then started walking towards the staircase.

“Where are Yeonjun and Soobin?” Jisung asked, looking at the duo who seemed to almost be glued to one another.

“They are still practicing outside. Don’t worry, boss, they will be back soon. They are responsible.” Wooyoung waved his hand, leaning against San.

“Both Yeonjun and Soobin are the best hackers you could ever find in this country. Though, they play games more often than they actually hack...” Jisung informed me, almost sounding like a father talking about his sons.

“So is this Minho? The guy you told us about?” San asked, seemingly scanning me from head to toe.

“Yes, he is the last addition to our team. Be nice to him...I am talking to you Wooyoung.”

“What? Why me?”

San put a hand over Wooyoung's mouth and started pulling the boy back into the living room. I just stared at them in confusion, before I saw that Jisung had already started to walk towards the staircase. I quickly followed him up, still taking everything in.

It turned out that my intuition was right. There was a whole second floor, though it was smaller. There was a corridor with a set of rooms.

“There is a bathroom...Then there is Yeonjun and Soobin’s room, Jeongin’s and then this is Wooyoung and San’s...”

I looked around nervously, counting the amount of doors. There was only one left.

“Where is my room?” I asked, feeling my cheeks become hotter.

Jisung stifled a laugh. “You’re surprisingly shy for the way you look. We share a room, but if you mind, I can just move in with Jeongin-“

“No, uhm,” I cut him off. “I am fine.”

Jisung led the way in. The room was really discreet and simple. There were two beds, quite close to each other, only separated by two bedside tables right next to them. Besides that, there were also wardrobes and few shelves hung on the wall filled with books.

“This is yours.” Jisung patted the bed closer to windows, so I put my bag on it and sat right after, surprised at how comfortable it was. My sight trailed off to the other side of the room. There was a framed photo of two boys and a grown man placed on Jisung’s bedside table.

I knew only one of the faces, recognizing it as Han Jisung, but the two other faces were unknown. The small boy, though...I had a feeling I have met him before, his face forgotten somewhere in my memory. As I must have stared at it for too long, Jisung noticed and took the photo frame, hiding it behind his back.

“Uh, you can go shower if you want,” he laughed awkwardly. “I am going to make dinner. I’ll call you when it’s ready.”

Jisung left the room with a quick step, closing the door behind himself with a loud shut. I could hear his footsteps fade away as he walked down the staircase again.

“Okay...” I whispered, caressing the bed sheets, “...this is my new home, I guess.”


Way too many people to introduce in one chapter haha... Sorry lol ❤

Also skz comeback tomorrow OMG SJSJSKSKSKKMAMAMAMA *freaking out lowkey*

- Sani

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