My Only Star

By Def_26

23.8K 1.8K 52

'' I wanna let the whole universe know that you are Mine..You belong to me and only me.''-God πŸ“– Blue Kanawut... More

☣ ONE ☣
☣ TWO ☣
☣ FOUR ☣
☣ FIVE ☣
☣ SIX ☣
☣ NINE ☣
☣ 11 ☣
☣ 12 ☣
☣ 13 ☣
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☣ 24 ☣

487 42 2
By Def_26

I chugged up the 4th bottle of beer since I came in this bar. The guy I saw earlier looks like Blue. Or I'm just tired that's why I keep seeing things but I know even Duke saw what I saw.
He is not Blue,G. Just accept the fact that Blue doesn't exist anymore. He is dead.
I drink the last bottle on my table when suddenly Duke tapped me on the back.

"G, calm down. We both know that he is not Blue. Hmm? Let's just drink and celebrate your success.''  Duke said and they  raise their glass.
I can't forget that face and the way he walks and his voice he looks like Blue. I finish my beer and stood up.
''I'll go now.  ''
''Aw! You're leaving G? Its too early man.'' Brix asked
''Hmm..I want to rest I'm already tired.'' I said and waved at them and make my way out of the bar. I get inside my car and go back to my unit.

I stopped at Blue's unit and get the key at the pocket of my denim jacket. I opened it slowly and get inside. I opened the lights and sit at the couch. Its still the same. Blue's parents gives me his key after I talk to them that I will take care of the unit.
I really miss him. I grab the photo frame on Blue's side table in the living room. He was wearing a blue hoodie and a reading glass while pouting in the camera. He was so cute. I caressed his face on the photo frame.

''I miss you so much Blue.'' I wiped the tears that started to fall on my face and put back the picture frame. I went into Blue's bedroom and lay on his bed.
I hugged his pillow imagining that Blue is still with me until I fell I asleep.

I wake up the next morning in a sound of my phone ringing. I got iritated and I turn it off and go back to sleep. And it ring again.
I pick it up and answered without checking the caller.

''Hello're still sleeping?'' Its Kent.
''What do you want so early in the morning?'' I asked annoyed.
''Its already 1 in the afternoon. What the?'' He snapped back. I fell silent and open my eyes when I realized I was in Blue's condo.
''Why? What do you want?'' I asked and I stood up.
''Nothing important..Its Duke who told me to call you.'' He answered.
''Hmm..okay..Tell him Im okay..Im gonna sleep all day..and please stop calling me if you don't have something important to say. Bye''
I cut the line and put tmy phone on my pocket.
I opened the blind in Blue's bedroom so the sun can enter the bedroom..I also vacummed the whole room and spray a airfreshener. Next is the living room and the kitchen..I cleaned his unit and spray an air freshener the whole room. After I cleaned I get out and locked the unit and get back to my unit.

I order food while I wait I use my time to take a quick shower. I get my phone and dial the number of my friend who worked on a investigating team. He picked up after a 3rd ring.

''Hello G..what's up?'' He asked.
'' are you man. I have some favor to asked you man. Do you have time to meet up?'' I asked him
''Yeah anytime. When do you want to meet?'' He asked me
''How about tomorrow morning? Or if you want you can drop by at my unit later if you have time.''
''OKay okay,,I'll drop by later..Ill text you after I timed out.''
''Okay man. Thank you. Bye.'' I hang up the call when the doorbell rings.

I went to the door and open it. My food arrived.
I eat my breakfast/lunch while I watch a TV. After I eat I open my laptop and started working on my music. I spend my time doing my work until I didn't notice that its already dark outside. I stretch my arm and back when my doorbell rings. I stood up and walz my way to my door.  I take a peck on my peephole and it was Dean the private investigator. I opened the door and greeted him.

''Hi man,come in. I was so busy at my work that I didn't notice the time.' I locked my door and we settle on the living room.
''So,what's the problem G? What do you want to talk about?'' He asked me while he sipped his coffee.

I tell him what I really  want and he promise me that he will do their best but he can't guarantee that he can give me the details asap coz the person we are looking is already dead and its possible that it was just his look a like but still I'm hoping for the impossible. I don't care about the money. I want to find that guy. I want to know about him.

After an hour Dean bid his goodbye and leave.
I closed my laptop and lay on my couch. I was still thinking about that guy. I let out a sigh and stood up. I went to the kitchen to brew a coffee and make a sandwich for dinner.
What if it was Blue? Then who the guy that we cremate and we put on the museum? I dont think for now. I'll just wait for the results of investigation.

I get back to the living room and eat while I watch TV. But my mind is not on the show that I'm watching its wandering somewhere.

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