Uchiha: Back To The Past! (Na...

By DonutDonny101

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Obito Uchiha had been crushed. His body, his heart, and his sanity. But what if he wakes up in the past? More

1: 1: Waking Up
2: Happy Again
3: Another Familiarity
4: Meeting Again
6: Visitation
7: Conversation
8: Hypocritical Man
9: Waiting
10: Stressed
11: Becoming Serious
12: Intervention
13: Broken Mask, Broken Act
14: Remembrance
15: A Little Bit Of Mask Stealing
16: Already Close
17: I'm Not Wrong
2: 18: It Happens To Be Near
19: Start Of The Changes
20: This Is It
21: The Major Save
22: The Dimension
23: Getting Out
24: Hospital Talk
25: No Difference
26: Eye Surgery
27: Realization
28: The Death Of A Mastermind Uchiha
3: 29: Face It, And You Won't Be Disappointed
30: Failed Attempts
31: Trust The Process
32: Awoken By A Check-up
33: I Prosper Through You, After All
34: For Konohagakure
35: Sneaking Out
36: Problematic Rage Tendencies
37: Sorting It Out
38: Tell Me How
39: Connection Through Our Vision
40: Coincidentally, It's The Same Pattern
41: Worth Losing Expectations
42: Finished Task; A Parting Gift
4: 43: The Village Hidden In The Rain
44: Easier Than Expected
45: I'll Take You In
46: Endurance Is Key
47: Never Trust Strangers
48: Fortunate Happenings
49: A Little Chakra Test
50: It's Not Over
51: Killing The Beginning
52: Time Is A Unique Thing, Really
53: Bell Training
54: Arrival; Sensei Lookalike POV
55: Invited To The Home Of Meritocracy
56: Prouder Than Ever
57: Temporary Satisfaction
58: Almost To The Truth
59: Explanation Of The Three Words; I'm Sorry
60: The Hokage Must Know
61: Don't Forget I Still Respect You
62: No One Needs To Remember Me
63: I Will Return; Welcome Me Back (End)
Author's Note: Thank You.
Another Bonus

5: Illusion Of Pain

6.8K 240 65
By DonutDonny101

It seems being defiant is Obito Uchiha's new motto.

Because right now, he sure as hell wasn't going to give in to this crazy maniac who's obsessed over winning against Hashirama.

But right now that wasn't the point. The point is, is that he's going to get killed if he doesn't take things into action.

Madara sighed, starting to lose interest. "Very well then." he said, before standing up and making his way to him.

Tobi braced himself for whatever was to come, until Madara bent down in front of him... and put his fingers on the sides of his eye.

The hole on his mask was big enough to fit at least three fingers, and that was how many Madara put.

Tobi's eyes widened further when he finally figured out what Madara was trying to do.

But he didn't struggle, only braced himself. He wouldn't use his Sharingan, never, especially in front of this crazy individual.

He saw Zetsu and the other one laughing at his state, but instead of being scared all he felt was annoyance. Is this how Sasuke is always feeling in the academy?

He was going to talk again before he felt pressure on his eye.

He couldn't close it when he tried and he watched as Madara waited for a reaction.

But Tobi didn't give any... until the eye started to bulge and bleed from the sheer pressure of the man's fingers.

It hurt more than he thought.

A sharp gasp filled the air when his vision started to get blurry and the pain started to set in, but he didn't activate his Sharingan.

He writhed around in pain but soon enough, it was too late for him to react. The eye was now in Madara's hand, and all that was left was his socket, bleeding down to his chin inside the mask.

He could no longer close it because of the emptiness and the newly-destroyed nerves.

He gritted his teeth as that was the eye that partnered the one he gave Kakashi.

Because of the pain, the emotions and the new anger he felt for the taking of his eye, he activated the Sharingan on the other side of his mask, which made a loud sound, and then something cracked.

Something broke.


Tobi was panting by the time he was out of the Genjutsu.

The ropes were long gone and he was now facing the floor with immense after-math pain.

It subsided and all he could do now is glare up at the man who put him in the said Genjutsu. His Sharingan was strong despite losing one because of the Izanagi.

Tobi touched his eye consciously and sighed, relieved, once he found out it was fine.

The Genjutsu felt too real so he had to check for himself if something did happen in reality.

Thank the gods my eye is still on me.

He sighed again, but then he steeled himself and stood up, shaking all the while from the aftershock. He balled his fists at his sides once his glare outright returned.

"So you are an Uchiha." Madara stated, but Tobi didn't answer. Not like it was a question, anyway.

"No one without the Sharingan can break through my Genjutsu that quickly." the man continued matter-of-factly.

Tobi tsks defiantly again. Madara stared at him through that face of neutrality.

"Woow, another Uchiha! It's been so long since the last time we've seen one!" the swirly one commented enthusiastically. Zetsu nodded, following the other's surprising energy.

Tobi felt his legs shaking with fear for a minute, but he quickly made them still. He shouldn't be afraid. He was more powerful right now.

But then again, it's not like I've seen Zetsu and the other one's full potential yet.

But that thought didn't bother Obito Uchiha inside of Tobi. He wouldn't die yet. Not here. He would much rather die changing his past self's future than rot here with the same man that treated him like a pawn.


He couldn't help but be sarcastic as well. He was feeling irritated, and angry, and annoyed, and everything else. It was all mixed emotions right now.

And since they know now that he was an Uchiha from the use of his hidden Sharingan, he might as well leave using the same tactic.

He held his mask with one hand, not to take it off, but to keep it still.

He glared at Madara once more with his lone eye through his fingers, flashing his Sharingan at him coldly.

He started his Kamui, the swirling effect already triggered and ready to swallow him.

"Good bye... Uchiha Madara."

And then he disappeared into his dimensions.

Madara and the other two sat in the new setting silence. Zetsu was glancing at where Tobi once was with surprise.

Madara hummed after another moment of this still atmosphere. "Interesting indeed..."


Tobi ended up teleporting on the training ground again.

He was still panting. Itachi's Genjutsu is another problem but Madara's is...

He shook his head. He didn't want to admit Madara was still powerful in his eyes.

He sat down on the bench again, like earlier in the day, and laid down sideways.

He kind of missed his bed in the Land of Waves. But he shouldn't regret things.

He laid down, until he finally noticed that he didn't have his cloak anymore. Anyone could see from his backside that he was an Uchiha now...

Damn it. I should've retrieved it before I ran.

He sighed once more, before finally lying his head uncomfortably on the bench. It seems the tree trunk was better than this.

He opened his eye and looked up.

I have to be patient. Those were just illusions that Madara gave. I shouldn't feel too much pain from the aftershock...

It didn't hurt anymore but the feeling in his gut didn't leave. He was wary right now because anything could happen.

Suddenly getting brought to the past and making a goal to change it was enough. But meeting with Madara again by myself?

He groaned to himself quietly, closing his eye now. What the hell have I just gotten myself into...

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