Burning Down | Harry Potter

By narcissablacc

438K 14.4K 2.8K

~Where dwell the brave at heart, their daring, nerve and chivalry sets a Gryffindor apart~ What if there was... More

~Cordelia Black~
37. (Important)
Act II
79 (II)


4.4K 182 87
By narcissablacc

Cordelia spent the next few days sitting by herself, her house elves keeping her company for the better part of the day.

Remus, although had asked her to come back, was not around much.

He tried his best to spend time with the young girl, when he would return at nights.

Remus was torn between keeping his significant other company, at a place where which was filled with bad memories for him and keeping Lia company, keeping a check on her health.

He was originally going to be living with Sirius at Number 12 Grimmauld Place, but the possibility that Cordelia could be unwanted there never crossed his mind.

-- A week before --

"I've asked Cordelia to return, we'll come here as soon as she arrives Pads" Remus told Sirius as the meeting was just starting up.

The Order meeting wad being held at Number 12 Grimmauld Place, courtesy of Sirius Black.

The Weasley's were moving in for the summer as well. Soon.

"Arthur I believe your children are coming over tomorrow with Ms.Granger?" Dumbledore questioned at the end of the meeting.

"Yes, yes. Thank you Sirius for the courtesy. I hope it's really not a problem" Arthur Weasley said with a smile as he glanced at Sirius, who waved his hand in a dismissive manner.

"Ah, Remus I overheard you telling Sirius about some arrangements. I think it would be better if they could be delayed for a bit"

This made Severus Snape stiffen up when he heard that. He knew what arrangements was being talked about at the moment.

"What" Sirius half yelled, he was looking forward to having Remus keep him company.

Remus didn't know why, but he could not help but feel offended upon hearing Dumbledore say that.

"Why is that Albus" he questioned.

Minerva McGonagall, who was also present at the meeting also nodded along Remus.

"I believe Ms.Black is close to the Malfoy's?"

"Are you suggesting here something sir?" Remus gritted out the last word.

"Albus, what are you saying" McGonagall spoke up.

"I agree with him" came Severus Snape's voice.

He feared his life would end, if Cordelia did slip up in front of Lucius Malfoy.

"I cannot stay here if Cordelia is not allowed here" Remus reasoned.

"Her father was a death eater, no?" Molly Weasley piped up.

"Mother" Bill Weasley frowned.

"My younger brother, yes" Sirius said coolly. Everyone could see the dirty look Mrs.Weasley threw Sirius.

"This does not mean that she is one of them or would ever be!" Remus half-yelled standing up from his place.

"How do we know?" Molly questioned again.

Severus smirked at that.

It was clear to everyone there that she didn't really approve of the Blacks'.

"What is that supposed to mean? I didn't question any of your children did I Molly?"

"Well, she's not really your child Remus" Molly fake smiled.

"She's as good as!"

-- o v e r --

"You're barely home!" Lia whined as Remus and her ate their dinner.

"I'm sorry cub, I'm trying my best to make some arrangements" he sighed, looking sadly at the girl.

He would've told her, but he didn't want to upset the girl.

"I hope you're not secretly running on a mission" she grumbled, twisting the fork, getting the spaghetti around it.

"I would let you know if I were" Remus chuckled.

"It's boring and I don't even have anything interesting to do.... why did you call me back when you don't even want to stay at home with me" she frowned further.

Lia thoroughly enjoyed Remus' company to say the least. She would never admit it and acted as if it didn't affect her one bit, but it did make her feel warm when he referred to her as cub. Fair enough, they had their share of quarrels but that didn't mean that she didn't like Remus.

"I just wanted to know that you're safe" he said softly.

"I am safe and borrrreeeddd. Can you not go tomorrow? Can we not go somewhere?" She exaggerated the word 'bored.'

Remus thought for a moment before coming to a decision, "Alright. What do you want to do?"

"Quidditch!" Was her instant reply.

"I plan on trying for the Quidditch team this year.... I'll need a broom" she grinned mischievously.

"Why do I have a feeling that you had it all planned?" Remus chuckled.

"Oh no, it was an instant plan" she grinned back cheekily.

Remus often felt bad for the girl, he knew it wasn't really easy for her at Hogwarts. After all, he did feel like an outcast most of the time too.

He had seen Regulus walking through the halls alone. He had seen Lia walking the corridors mostly alone if not with her cousin.

Remus couldn't shake the feeling he got when Molly Weasley pointed out how Cordelia could not be trusted only because her father was Regulus Black.

It reminded Remus, about how he thought the same about Sirius when James and Lily were attacked.


Remus and Cordelia walked around in Diagon Alley, their first stop had been Gringotts.

"Hurry up!" Lia grinned, walking a little further.

"Don't run off now" Remus chuckled, walking up after her.

They stood in front of Broomstix, ready to buy a broom.

The two made their way in, looking around.

"How can I help you?" A man in his early 40's stepped up to them.

"We're looking for a broom" Lia mumbled looking around at all the brooms but her eyes couldn't find the one she was looking for.

"We have great brooms!" He ushered them forward, "Which one are you looking for?"

"Nimbus.... "


The two spoke simultaneously. Looking at each other, Lia slightly glaring at him.

Remus had little idea about brooms, he knew James owned one called Nimbus and some number.

But he knew that the firebolt was the best and most expensive broom.

"We do have the latest Nimbus-"

"No, we want a firebolt" Lia said firmly.

"We don't have the firebolt, unfortunately. You can get that at Quality Quidditch Supplies" the owner gave them a small smile.

Lia dragged Remus out and towards Quality Quidditch Supplies.

"A firebolt? You can get that later maybe, you haven't even made it to the team yet" Remus said as he walked after her.

"Are you doubting me? And we don't buy brooms again and again! It's rude. We buy a good broom once until it breaks into small splinters" she scolded the tall lanky man.

"Very well, very well" Remus remembered how James and Sirius used to be when it came to Quidditch.

"Oh my Merlin!!! It's a beauty!" Lia squealed, as she stepped out of the store. The broom neatly wrapped in brown paper was in her hands.

"And expensive" Remus tutted, he was carrying the bag that held the special broomcare-kit.

"Oh, it's an investment!" Lia grinned, unable to contain her happiness.

"We'll floo back" Lia announced after they left Florean Fortescue's ice-cream parlour. Ready to head home.

The two had spent almost the entire day shopping and walking around in Diagon Alley.

Quite a few different flavoured tea bags, loads of sweets, ice cream, a few clothing pieces and some books later they were ready to head home.

"Why?" Remus was confused.

"The broom! It could get scratched!" She said, horrified by the idea of her brand new broom getting scratched or worse getting snapped due to apparition.

Remus could only roll his eyes as a small smile made its way on his face.

Lia could not wait and quickly changed into her woman pants that she had bought from Madam Malkin's, seeing that it would be hard flying around in a dress or skirt.

"I'll be in the back!" She yelled out and ran outside.

The backyard was quite huge. Not only that, but there was a forest lining up behind it.

Remus with Billy and Mipsy came out to see Lia mounting her broom.

"Be careful" Remus voiced his concern.

"Woah" Lia wobbled a little as the broom rose up in the air.

"Careful!" Billy and Mipsy yelled.

"Watch me" grinning a wicked grin, Lia leaned forward, the firebolt rushing forward in a flash.

Lia did a couple of laps around the huge backyard, flying high in the air before coming back down.

"This is amazing!" She yelled, as she zoomed past Remus again.

"Yes I can see that but dinners ready and I have to leave"

With a small pout, not really wanting to get down from the broom, Lia came down.

Walking inside to get changed quickly.

"Pants are slightly weird" she voiced her opinion, as she ate the shepherd's pie.

"Maybe it's because it was your first time wearing them" Remus raised his brows.


"I won't be back for the night. If anything happens, please come find me okay? Don't linger around" Remus' voice was laced with concern and worry.

"Yes, I have Billy and Mipsy and you don't have to worry yourself. What could happen to me here?"

"I just- anyway what will you be doing once I leave?"

"Clean my broom" she laughed loudly at the face Remus made.

"Of course. Why did I even ask" he scoffed playfully.

Remus waved bye before apparating to 12 Grimmauld Place.

Not really wanting to leave behind the young dark haired girl.

"Moony" Sirius smiled when he saw his beloved entering the wretched place.

"You didn't show up to the meeting today" Sirius squinted his brows.

"Remus the dinner-"

"Oh no, I already had some before I came here" he told Molly with a wave of his hand.

Remus and Sirius were the only ones up, it was late at night. A cup of tea in their hand each.

"So, you didn't tell me where you were?" Sirius wiggled his brows teasingly at Remus.

"I was with Lia,we spent the day in Diagon Alley"

Remus chuckled remembering their day.

"What were you two doing there?"

Remus told all about his day in detail to Sirius, who listened to everything he had to say with a smile.

"She can't be better than Harry" Sirius smirked.

"Oh, she definitely is" Remus smirked right back.

"Sounds okay to me" Sirius added after a short pause.

"She is. Just don't get on her bad side." Remus said with a fond smile.

"I didn't appreciate how Molly talked about her. I mean after everything that we've been through, we didn't question any of her kids once. It didn't even really cross my mind" Remus told Sirius, who squeezed his hand to provide some comfort.

"I understand. They think we're two dunderheads who don't have the capability to observe things" Sirius said darkly.

"They do, don't they" Remus sighed.

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