The Slipper & The Magic Mirro...

By wrenlo

3.1K 111 11

All Nicole wanted was an autograph. All Waverly wanted was to be rescued. A Wayhaught love story told as a fa... More

Chapter 1 - What the...
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 34

42 2 0
By wrenlo

Nicole's mom was busy buying groceries when she felt a familiar tug on her heart, dropping the bottle of maple syrup she was holding without thinking, watching as it exploded on the tile floor. Her hand went to her heart, feeling her baby's cry for help, knowing she was in trouble.

Pulling out her phone, calling her husband, she could hear he was in the club house already. "Nicole's in trouble, I can feel it."

"She's probably locked herself out of her apartment again."

"You know she's not there. Something's wrong."

"She'll be fine. You used to get that all the time when she went to college."

"I'm telling you something's not right. Oh my, it's the baby. I've got to go to her."

"Really, she's fine. She's a big girl now, she can take care of herself. Stop fretting. She would send word if she needed you."

A store assistant arrived with a bucket and mop. "I'm going. You'll have to make your own dinner." Smiling at the assistant, apologising, she offered to pay for the spillage, the assistant shrugging.

Leaving her shopping cart Nicole's mother sat in her car, placing her right hand over her heart, closing her eyes. "Mother, Orfhlaith is in trouble, she needs us. I know we're no longer close, but for her and the future of the elven world."

Her mother heard, her eyes opening having dozed off next to Waverly's bed. "Double the guards. No one enters. We are under attack."

Driving to their home Nicole's mother pulled out her battle dress, squeezing herself in, glad she hadn't put on too many pounds since it was last worn. It felt good to have it on, its roughness against her skin one of familiarity, of solidarity to a folk who would fight to the death to save one of their own. And, that one person was now her daughter.

Marching up the street where she lived, knocking on number 49, she waited for her friend to answer, the door opening, the woman looking at her letting out a laugh. "Girl, you knows that ain't the way to dress round here."

"Nicole's in trouble. I feel it. I need your help."

The woman scanned the street, checking if anyone had seen Nicole's mother dressed in a peculiar outfit striding towards her house. "Come in before you get us both arrested. Where is she?"

"I'm not sure. Not the Ruby Glades, otherwise she wouldn't have called for me. My guess is here, in this world. What do I do?"

"Have you made contact? Get her to give you some idea where she is."

"Delores, you're an angel. No, that's what we need to do."

"Sweetie, I'm no angel. I'm a witch remember. I could use my crystal ball. Ain't had that out in years."

Delores headed to the basement, Nicole's mother following, standing before a large trunk in the far corner. Swiping her hand across the lock it fell open, retrieving a small glass globe and stand, placing it on top of the trunk. "I'm only doing this because it's Nicole, and you. You're my dearest friend and I ain't letting no one harm her."

Nicole's mother placed a hand on her shoulder. "You are a good friend. Can you see anything?"

Delores peered into the globe. "She's crying. A room, dark, powerful magic. New York. Her heart's breaking. Waverly's sick, the baby too if she doesn't get her the essence in time. Oh my, he wants to drive her insane. Who is she caught up with?"

"The black swan. I must go to her."

"Svane. How did she cross paths with that snake?"

"I'm guessing the same way I nearly did. I should have warned her. It's too late now. Thank you. Owe you."

"I'm coming with you. Ain't had this kind of excitement in years."

"It's a six hour drive to New York from here."

Delores picked up the globe and stand, opening the trunk, pulling out a broomstick. "Girl, we going first class."

It would be the first time Nicole's mother had ridden on the back of a broomstick, possibly her last as they soared through the sky on their way to the city in which she hoped to find her daughter. She had left a message on Robin's phone telling him where she was headed, hoping for his help on arrival. Both Jeremy and Robin's phones had been out of action, hiking in a remote area, the pair having decided to broaden their horizons in life, although Jeremy would have preferred a hotel to a sleeping bag in the middle of nowhere.

When they reached their car Robin's phone buzzed with a message, showing it to Jeremy. "Looks like the dynamic duo are being called into action. To the bat cave."

Jeremy giggled. "We need costumes."

"You're so right. So wish I'd kept that minstrel outfit."

"With bells. I went for shabby knight chic and you went for Mr Tinkle Toes."

Robin gasped. "So outdid you on the costume. I want a suit of armour like Nicole's. And a sword."

"One thing at a time. Let's go see what's occurring in Gotham, Robin."

"I'm Batman," Robin replied, in a deep husky voice, making Jeremy cry with laughter.

Composing himself Jeremy called Nicole's mother, telling her they were an hour away, suggesting they meet at Nicole's apartment. Nicole's mother was already there when they arrived, Nicole having given her a spare set of keys, her daughter's battle dress on the bed, a note telling them where she was going. Delores held the note. "She's there, although this is strong magic. Stronger than mine."

"We don't have a choice," Nicole's mother replied. "We go to Angelo's."

Xavier's party had made it back to the tavern, the owner apologising for having sent them on a futile journey, offering them beer in compensation. Xavier glared at the man, motioning with his finger for him to step outside, pinning him against the wall, his trusted sword Fangoril resting against the tavern owner's throat. "You would do well not to cross me again. I do not take kindly to being deceived."

"Forgive me lord. It was an oversight on my part. I do not wish to anger the elven community."

Xavier pressed Fangoril into the tavern owner's throat. "I am justified to take your life. Speak quickly, or let no more words pass your tongue."

"The wizard, he made me do it."

Xavier moved the blade a little cutting the man's skin, staring into his eyes. "One more chance. Where is the gate?"

The man croaked, the bite of Xavier's sword sufficient to release his words. "Underneath the tavern. I will take you myself."

"Now. Or, I feed your rotting carcass to the crows."

The tavern owner led the way through the busy bar to the back, opening a door to the cellar, lighting a lantern, descending the stairs. Approaching an oak wardrobe the tavern owner opened both doors. "This takes you to the other world. Simply name where you need to be."

Xavier pointed Fangoril at the man's chest. "You first. You are no longer to be trusted."

The man's eyes betrayed his fear. "I swear this is the way."

Xavier lowered his gaze, calming his emotions, bringing the sword back in one sweep, stopping short of cleaving the tavern owner's head clean from his body. "Do not doubt I would do it. Again, where is the gate?"

"Lord, I beg you, I cannot show you the way."

"Bring me his daughter," Xavier ordered. "Perhaps watching her die will make you change your mind."

"No, please, I beg you. Okay, okay, pull back the wardrobe. The entrance is behind."

"Bring the daughter. She comes with us."

One of the men in their party dragged the girl to the cellar, letting her run to the man she called father. "Please, she's all I have."

"Open the gate." Xavier instructed. The man pulled back the wardrobe, a door etched in the wall. "Say the words, or watch her die."

The tavern owner muttered the incantation to open the portal, hugging his daughter. Xavier lowered his sword. "Where does this go to?"

"Anywhere. The wizard hasn't restricted this one. That's why we keep it hidden."

"New York. Angelo's. Take us there."

The tavern owner nodded. "As long as you spare my daughter."

"You have my word," Xavier replied, replacing Fangoril in her scabbard.

The tavern owner stepped through first holding the hand of his daughter, Xavier behind them, followed by the rest of their party. Emerging in Central Park the group looked around, Xavier once more retrieving Fangoril from her resting place. "Is this where she is held?"

Lily touched his arm. "We're near. I think I know the way."

Xavier glared at the tavern owner. "Do not think this goes unnoticed."

"I got you here," the tavern owner replied. "This is the best I could do."

Xavier's hand rested on Fangoril's hilt. "For the sake of your daughter, I will let it pass. For now. But, you are marked."

Lily marched off towards a sign board. "I think it's this way. I'm not sure. I remember being here with my grandfather. Someone will help us."

Asking the first person to happen upon their odd looking group the woman out walking her dog pointed south, telling them it would be better to get a cab. Lily thanked her, the group proceeding on foot in the direction they were shown, none knowing what the woman meant by getting a cab.

Nicole kicked the mirror with her foot. "I'm not giving in, you hear. See, whatever this is, whatever sick little game you've got planned, I will win. And, you know why, because I have an army behind me. Go ahead, fuck with my family see what that brings you. And, you know what, fuck with waiting for the first strike. I make the rules."

Her words were met with silence. Whoever was out there on her side wasn't coming any time soon she concluded, resigning herself to the only option left open to work out how to escape on her own. Pulling at the restraint her hands remained tied to the back of the chair, looking around for anything to help her. It then occurred to her she had the chair, or parts of it, or its legs, or something. She wasn't helpless.

Leaning forward she managed to stand, spying the bed had a metal arch at the end, somewhere to hook the chair. Shuffling over, wedging one leg into the end of the bed, she twisted her whole body, groaning as the plastic tie cut into her wrists. "Not fucking giving up. Circle on palm, circle on palm."

The snap of the tie was the best sound she'd ever heard, holding her wrists to her chest knowing whatever pain she was feeling now would be nothing compared to losing her family to some sociopath wizard. Pulling on the door handle it moved in her hands, turning it to the right this time, the basement of Angelo's greeting her, a musty smell of cured meats and ripened cheese hitting her nose.

Making her way out of the store she stood on the sidewalk tears streaming down her face for no other reason than she was free. Free of whatever hell the wizard sought to put her through, free of the limitation she'd carried her whole life. She was enough.

Sinking to her knees, not caring who saw her, or what they thought of her, she knew in that moment she could defeat any fucker who thought he was superior. All anger left her, all thoughts of revenge, it was simply a case of her against him. And she knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, she would win.

Hands touched her shoulders, looking up to her left to see Xavier and Lily smiling down at her. Turning to her right, her mother's hand rested on her shoulder, Jeremy and Robin alongside.

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