MDZS Oneshots / The Untamed...

By wangxian-

222K 8.1K 8.3K

🌲 Sporadic updates. My oneshots focus on the "hurt/comfort" and "angst with a happy ending" genres. No sad e... More

Wake Up
A Dip in Lotus Pier
Phoenix Mountain
Drunk Jade Drabbles
Winters Together
Wei XuanYu
The Jade is Sick
Vinegar (Vol. 1)
Vinegar (Vol. 2)
Vinegar (Vol. 3)
Vinegar (Vol. 4)
The Cave (Day One)
Fall of The Jin (Vol. 1)
Fall of The Jin (Vol. 2)
Fall of The Jin (Vol. 3)
Fall of The Jin (Vol. 4)
Fall of The Jin (Vol. 5)
Fall of The Jin (Vol. 6)
The Dragon's Fox
The Shadow of You (Vol. 1)
The Shadow of You (Vol. 2)
The Shadow of You (Vol. 3)
The Shadow of You (Vol. 4)
The Shadow of You (Vol. 5)
The Shadow of You (Vol. 6)
Twin Jades (Vol. 1)
Twin Jades (Vol. 2)
More Drunk Jade Drabbles
Future's Past
You're my Safe Place
Perfect Imperfections
Hoppy Days
Hoppy Days: Bonus Chapter
The Queer Boy's Guide to Self-Discovery (Vol. 1)
The Queer Boy's Guide to Self-Discovery (Vol. 2)
The Queer Boy's Guide: Bonus Drabbles
Libraries are For Reading
The Brothers of Yiling
When Lan Zhan Has a Nightmare
When Wei Ying Has a Nightmare
The Boy in the Hut
Quoth The Raven (Vol. 1)
Quoth The Raven (Vol. 2)
Quoth The Raven (Vol. 3)
Lan WangJi's No-Good Urge
Accidental Date
Stay, Please
The Jade Patriarch (Vol. 1)
January Twenty-Third
Brother Stealer!
Lan Zhan's Day at The Zoo
Play Date
Of Parties and Bunnies
Auntie XiChen
My Neighbor, The Mafia Boss (Vol. 1)
My Neighbor, The Mafia Boss (Vol. 2)
My Neighbor, The Mafia Boss (Vol. 3)
My Neighbor, The Mafia Boss (Vol. 4)
My Neighbor, The Mafia Boss (Vol. 5)
Black Lace (Vol. 1)
Black Lace (Vol. 2)
Bunny's Intuition (Vol. 1)

Yiling Patriarch and The Twelve Courtesans

3.4K 128 312
By wangxian-

This chapter features a feminine Wei Ying, however I am not feminizing him.

Matching chapters with Tlk <3
Go check theirs out!

A dozen beautiful young women blew into the tea house giggling behind gauzy veils and fluttering fans. They smelled of lilies after rain and expensive sex. Wei WuXian knew they were courtesans by the flowers painted around their eyes. As they walked, their jewelry jingled and their colorful robes billowed at their heels. Most of the maidens had porcelain skin and narrow fox faces, but a few were from a southern land, with skin the color of trees and regal, hooked noses.

There was no one else in the tea house but him, them, and the servers.

Wei WuXian peered over his cup of wine. He would have flirted with these girls in the past when he was young and trying to convince himself he was not a lover of men. The intoxication on his tongue had a bitter taste suddenly.

Why must I think of the past now...?

"Y-Yiling Laozu!" The youngest, freckled girl shrieked. She had braids lain across her forehead and a pipa held to her breasts.

The rest of the women gasped. Their faces were full of doll-like terror.

Of course. Back in the day, there had been rumors that the Yiling Patriarch plucked virgins and feasted on the hearts of prostitutes. He had no idea where those ideas even came from.

Wei WuXian placed a money pouch on the bartop for them to use. "I'm sorry for disturbing you beautiful maidens. Please stay—I will leave," he said and bowed as far as his back allowed.

Just as he turned towards the doors, a girl shouted, "Wait!"

Then, "Please don't go!"

And, "Have dinner with us!"

"Don't leave!"

"Pretty gege!"

The last plea lit flames beneath his skin. He glowed red like a blacksmith's iron.

"P-Pretty?" Wei WuXian whispered. "I—" He oomphed as a dozen bodies crashed into him, hugging and tugging. He let himself be dragged to the lounge and shoved into the pillows surrounded by these seductive women. This teahouse was famed for its performers, and so it had a corner full of plush pillows and twinkling lanterns for relaxing.

As if nothing was amiss they ordered their food and they ordered a lot of it.

"Are you not afraid?" Wei WuXian asked them when the server left.

"How could we be?"

"Why would we be?"

"We have heard how the Yiling Laozu slayed the men who raped and killed our sisters!"

"The late Chief Caltivator Jin GuangYao! Fucking demon."

"And his pet Xue Yang."

"Ugh, the one missing a pinky? If he was still alive I'd cut off his other one." The woman lifted her veil and downed the wine. "And I'm not talking about the one on his hand."

Hearing those names, Wei WuXian couldn't help but grimace. Those men had forced women to molest themselves on Yao's tubby father, and then slit their throats like pigs.

Wei WuXian felt sadness. "You knew those women...?"

"Of course we did."

"Courtesans and brothel workers are like family."

"We courtesans have chosen this life, but those in the brothels have not. We were working on buying their freedom when they disappeared. Sisi told us what happened."

After tonight, Wei WuXian vowed to abolish every brothel in the country.

"I'm sorry for your losses."

"It is alright. I know their next lives will be full of happiness."

Wei WuXian hoped that was true. His certainly was.

"Gongzi, why aren't you eating? The spicy chicken is for you."

"If you don't like it you can have my dragon noodles!"

"Do you want wine instead?"

"I couldn't possibly take advantage of you fair maidens. You worked hard for your money."

"Don't be lame. Let us serve you as a thanks."

"S-serve!?" The Yiling Patriarch stammered like a schoolboy, "I-I-I am married, I—"

"Not sexual services," the freckled girl punched his shoulder. "Dummy."

"HanGuang Jun would kill us."

"We'd simply like to entertain you for the evening. Give you company."

"I-I would like that." His whole life he was unused to being liked, yet he always found a maternal comfort in the presence of women. "What are your names?"

"They are painted on our faces, Gongzi," said the woman with the darkest, velvet skin, and violet makeup.

That's right! He'd noticed it when they entered—how each girl had flowers painted around her eyes and between the brows.

"Hmmm...." They all leaned in close. "Peony, Camellia, Cherry Blossom, Plum Blossom, Daffodil, Rose, Azalea, Lily, Magnolia, Orchid, Iris, aaaand... Aster! Whew, did I get everybody?"

"Amazing!" Lily clapped her hands.

"Wei Gongzi is so smart!" Praised Daffodil.

"Is the Yiling Laozu secretly a florist?" Magnolia wondered.

"Not me, but my husband has expressed an interest in gardening once Sect Leader Nie is officiated as Chief Cultivator. I've since dedicated an hour a day to reading about native flora."

Iris swooned, falling dramatically upon the pillows, "Wahhhh, so romantic. HanGuang-Jun is so lucky."

"Ah, I'm the lucky one. Lan Zhan is far more romantic than me. He wrote me a song when he was just sixteen."

"Wei Gongzi, will you play it for us on your ghost flute?"

"Sorry, but it is too special to share." Gazing at one of the lanterns, he smiled fondly, remembering all the things they'd shared just the two of them.

"How sweet."

"Will you play something else?"

"After dinner."

As soon as the dishes were carried away, the twelve girls gathered around the flautist with big doe eyes and childish grins on their lips, tummies plump with food.

Wei WuXian slipped ChenQing from his belt and twirled it through his fingers. It had a jade tassel now. He asked, "What would you like to hear?"

"Anything," one said and the rest agreed.

He hummed in thought then began to play the folk song Mo Li Hua on his dizi, joined swiftly by the pipa, the erhu, and the xiao. Every girl and boy grew up singing about the jasmine garden and knew the song by heart. Even the shy xun player began to blow. Three of the girls giggled, hopped to their feet, and danced on barefoot toes, anklets and bracelets and earrings and hair pins all jingling along like wedding bells.

The rest of the five girls sung,

"Flower of jasmine, so fair!
Budding and blooming here and there,
Pure and fragrant all do declare.
Let me pick you with tender care,
Sweetness for all to share.
Jasmine fair, oh Jasmine fair."

By the end, everyone was laughing and happier than a bunny in spring.

Later they indulged in drinking and storytelling.

"When I was a boy," Wei WuXian started, "I lived in the streets. Whenever I saw courtesans performing, I envied their beauty and wished I could be just like them. One day, a group was dancing and I, a little six-year-old boy, hobbled up and asked if they'd teach me. They danced with me all afternoon until their keeper came. He was furious and beat me, then he whipped the women before my eyes. Apparently they didn't make any money that day because the 'homeless boy' deterred potential customers. I was terrified, but as they left, they smiled at me and said everything would be okay."

The women listened fondly, rested upon each other's bosoms, against his shoulders, at his feet, or across his lap. They reminded Wei WuXian of the ghosts that followed him like a harem as the Yiling Patriarch, all echos of courtesans who'd been raped and murdered by the hands of men. He showed them compassion and they gave him company in his darkest days.

"When I was thirteen, living in the Jiang Sect, I told Uncle Jiang that I wanted to be a dancer. To my surprise, he said he would find me a teacher right away. But Madam Yu overheard and she became enraged. She said I could not for it was woman's work. I asked why, and she whipped me. I never spoke of it again."

"Then what?"

"Is that it?"

"There must be more."

Wei Ying smiled grimly. "Then the war came and we were no longer allowed to dream."

None of the girls were old enough to remember the war, but they remembered in the absence of parents, siblings, or their surnames.

Rose finally braved the silence and asked, "What about now?"

"Now? I guess I haven't thought about it."

All the flowered maidens shared a cheeky grin.


"Th-this is..." Wei WuXian stammered as he shyly peered around the partisan like a drunk HanGuang-Jun.

"Let us see!" Daffodil cried.

Twelve eager girls soon filled the teahouse with their chatter.

Taking meditative breaths, Wei WuXian borrowed courage from the alcohol in his gut and shuffled out. His face was redder than the evening sun.

"My gosh..."

"He's so pretty."

"HanGuang-Jun is going to break him."

"Is Wei Gongzi a goddess?"

The sheer red robe was made to show off the best parts of the human form. Its back was cut low enough to reveal his dimples of Venus. He liked those most about Mo XuanYu's body. Each side was slit to his hips so when he walked, his milky thighs peeked through, both hugged by snakes carved from gold. Although his chest was veiled, the V of his collar plunged below his naval; everything from his maidenly collarbones to his freckled tummy could be seen, and the belly chain strung across it. Jewelry dangled from his skin everywhere. He felt like he was sweating gold.

Rose and Azalea immediately fussed over him, doing his makeup and brushing his hair.

"How do you like your hair?" Azalea asked

"Um, I—"

"What's your favorite flower?" Rose butted in.


Cold pigment tickled his face. He assumed they were painting petals, transforming him into the Lotus Courtesan.

Azalea just shrugged and did whatever she pleased with his knee-length hair.

When they were done, he has handed a mirror.

His hair was left down but pulled into a bun on either side of his head, braided to resemble budding roses. In the belly of each flower was a red pendant with chains of butterfly charms that rained down his shoulders. His lips were as red as Aphrodite's love, and pink lotus petals bloomed around his brows. As he admired himself, a veil was placed just below his eyes, shrouding his nose and lips in a mysterious scarlet.

"I look... beautiful."

"I told you you're a pretty gege!"

Now that he looked the part, they pulled him to the stage and taught him how to act the part. The pipa player plucked a romantic tune as the girls twirled him around. Dancing came easy to him. He thought it was similar to sword forms.

Orchid and Iris offered to teach him a traditional form of dance from their homeland called Raqs Baladi. Lily played an Arabian song, and the two women rooted their feet to the floor and began to dance. Their bellies rolled gently like the lotus lakes. It was elegant and graceful, but it also had an erotic feel to it.

Wei WuXian was very eager to learn that one.

By the time he arrived home, it was far past the nine o'clock hour. Wei WuXian hugged his black robe around his courtesan robes, anxious to show his husband. He stumbled inside the Jingshi and a large, comforting body embraced him.

"Wei Ying," breathed the deep jade voice.

"Lan Zhan, sorry I'm late."

"Mn." Lan WangJi kissed the top of his head. "You had your hair done?" He asked, squeezing the two buns.

"Yep! But Lan Zhan, haven't I told you you don't have to stay up and wait for me?"

Lan WangJi grunted disapprovingly. "Will always wait."

"A-A-Anyways, I have a surprise for you." Wei WuXian pulled him through the Jingshi, grateful for the darkness that hid his makeup and veil. He came to their bedroom and pointed at the bed. "Sit."

Like a good little spiritual dog, Lan WangJi obeyed him eagerly with a wagging tail. Wei WuXian jumped into his lap and kissed him aggressively, smearing his face with lipstick. Surprised by the taste of makeup, Lan WangJi tried to pull away, but the hand Wei WuXian had around his back had secretly placed a paralysis talisman.

"Not so fast, husband."

Wei WuXian climbed down from the bed and approached the zither which was lain across a table in their room. He placed a talisman on the instrument and the silken strings began to pluck themselves.

With a flick of his sleeve, every candle in the Jingshi was with flame.

"You can admire the art," Wei WuXian murmured as he walked back to the bed, slipping his outer robe from his shoulders and letting it pool at his feet. "But you can't touch it."

Lan WangJi's eyes glimmered with fascination.

In his scarlet courtesan regalia, Wei WuXian danced like the flames of the candles around him. His jewelry were the orange sparks that flickered in the dark. He swayed his hips as the southern women had taught and Lan WangJi seemed to love how Wei Ying's belly rippled like the tails of a Lan's white ribbon.

Wei WuXian let the red sheer fall from his shoulders into the crook of his elbows, giving him an appearance of a Phoenix.

The music picked up and he twirled. Sweat glimmered in pearls on his skin. He arched backwards, grazing the floor with his hair and his outstretched fingers, before rising as the melody turned seductive.

Wei WuXian followed the zither's instructions. He placed himself on Lan WangJi's lap, facing away from him, and grabbed the man's hand. He guided it to his abdomen, dragging it along the contour of his body, up his sternum to his pink-brown nipples where he pleasured himself with his husband's fingers. He moaned against WangJi's jawbone.

Higher the hands went, up to his neck where they squeezed until he couldn't breath, and he loved it.

"Lan Zhan, do you like being under my control?"

Panting warmed the back of his ear.

Laughing through his nose, Wei Ying said, "I forgot you can't speak. What to do, what to do..." He leaned forward and his plump backside fattened in Lan WangJi's lap like dough.

"Since you can't move, I guess I'll have to prep myself for you."

Wei WuXian reached behind himself and into his regalia. WangJi grunted, watching through the vermillion sheer as Wei WuXian's hand slid between his cheeks. With thin, flute-playing fingers, he spread them apart and massaged circles around his lotus. Lan WangJi was hypnotized by the throbbing flower, drooling as it bloomed beneath Wei Ying's touch.

"Ah, Lan Zhan," Wei WuXian moaned as his middle finger was taken in. He thrusted to the palm of his hand, then slipped out to the tip of his fingernail.

The finger shone with slick in the moonlight.

HanGuang-Jun felt parched.

Another of his fingers slipped in with the first and parted himself so Lan WangJi could see inside, see what his dick thrusted in and out of every night, the rose-pleated wrinkles that gifted him such pleasure.

"Mngh, fuck." Wei Ying bit his lip as he fingered his prostate. "Lan Zhan... I—ahhh—I don't even need your dick to cum."

That was too much.

"Are you jealous, La—AH!" Suddenly, a hand roughly fisted his hair, yanking him back into Lan WangJi's chest and forcing him to gaze into those golden eyes. They were brimmed red with lust enough for ten-thousand men.

"O-oh, has the talisman worn off already?"

Lan WangJi slapped his ass and gripped it tight. "You tell me," he growled a word at a time.

Wei WuXian choked on senseless words as three fingers plunged into his hole. He slammed his head back against Lan WangJi's shoulder and reached behind himself, fiercely gripping the man's scalp, tugging his hair.

The Lan forehead ribbon came undone and fluttered into Wei Ying's lap.

Seeing this, Lan WangJi pulled his wet fingers out, grabbed the ribbon, and tied it tight around Wei WuXian's weeping manhood.

"L-Lan Zhan?"

"Hm. Wei Ying is right—he does not need my dick to cum."

"Lan Zhan! Er Gege! I didn't mean it!"

Lan WangJi grabbed him tight beneath his knees, spreading his thighs with the gold snakes apart and positioning him above his jade phallus.


Wei WuXian was plunged into so hard the slap rattled the window shutters across the room.


And there was no time to adjust as Lan WangJi lurched.

"L-L-L-Lan Zha-an, t-oo mu-u-uch!"

The necklaces and belly chains and charms jerked up and down, jangling violently as Wei WuXian was bounced on his husband's cock.

When he was dancing, the tinkling jewelry had sung with the way of his body. Now it was chaotic and purposeless. It was just noise.

Wei WuXian's veil fluttered as he moaned. His voice as Mo XuanYu was womanly, sweet like bird song. It made Lan WangJi harden even more. In this position, the Jade's manhood reached so far it bulged in his stomach. With such a powerful core, if he came like this Wei WuXian would look gravid.

"Th-the bed... on the bed."

Hearing his husbands pleas, Lan WangJi placed him on the bed and fucked him harder.

After three hours of applause in the Jingshi, Wei WuXian passed out from the pleasure.

When he awoke, the world was upside down and the veil was over his eyes. His tired mind struggled to understand.

"Wha... ngh!"

The pelvis slamming into his ass woke him up.

Lan WangJi was still going!

Wei WuXian quickly realized he was draped over the edge of the bed like a wet cloth. His jewelry and his hair was lain like a wreath around his head.

With a night's worth of orgasms trapped by Lan Zhan's ribbon, Wei WuXian was feeling too much.

He kicked the Jade and rolled onto his stomach, dragging his numb body across the floor. He could hear shuffling behind him and suddenly two hands wrapped around his ankles.


Lan WangJi wrapped his arms around Wei WuXian's stomach and thrusted back in, his own belly lain flush against Wei Ying's back.

"Ahh, Er Ge!"

Wei WuXian couldn't feel anything and yet everything felt so good. He was in tears. The moans on his tongue rotted into sobs. He was devastatingly overstimulated that he lost himself in it for a couple minutes—the heat in his abdomen, the tingling of his scalp, the twitch in his legs, the curl of his toes.

"B-B—ahhh..." As he tried to speak, he was rolled over and leeching lips latched to his Adam's apple, trapping any words inside. Wei WuXian guided the Jade's loving to his forehead instead so he could talk. But, "B'ny... 'bit," he slurred. There was not a word to be said! He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol from earlier, or the intoxicating thrusts in and out in and out in and out.

A sudden burst of warmth filled him again. His tummy was so chubby with all of the man's love. Please be done, he begged in his head as Lan WangJi's girth went still inside, throbbing with scattered heartbeats.

Slowly, the man began to soften.

Thank the G— But remembering his pretty husband was still in all that jewelry and sheer, it was reinvigorated, and he carried on with his love-making.

That was when Wei WuXian was finally able to find his voice and whisper, "Bunny... rabbit..."

Lan WangJi pulled out as soon as the safe words were muttered. Leaving a garden of smooches on Wei Ying's forehead, he asked against it, "Are you alright?"

"Mhm, alright, jus'... too much good... no more," the poor ravaged man cried, undoing his veil and tossing it aside. His makeup was running like a maiden whose husband was unfaithful. Lipstick was smeared around his chin, his lotus petal paintings were nothing but pink clouds, and his blush was smudged everywhere.

With a zither-scarred thumb, Lan WangJi wiped his tears, smiling as Wei Ying leaned into the touch like a cat.

"Would Wei Ying like to release?"


Cradling Wei WuXian's face, Lan Zhan kissed him lovingly while his right hand untied the ribbon. He wrapped his fingers around the abused cock and stroked it twice before Wei Ying whined into the kiss and came weakly.

The men spent awhile in each other's arms, catching their breaths.

When the sex had faded, Lan WangJi gave his husband the choice, "Bed or bath?"

"Baaathhhhh," Wei WuXian drawled. His throat was rubbed raw by moans.

"What scent?"

"Mm, lavender."

After the bath was drawn, and Wei WuXian's body was massaged til sunrise, they curled up within the tub's floral waters and drifted off.

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