The Slipper & The Magic Mirro...

By wrenlo

3.1K 111 11

All Nicole wanted was an autograph. All Waverly wanted was to be rescued. A Wayhaught love story told as a fa... More

Chapter 1 - What the...
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 26

65 1 0
By wrenlo

The young woman returned to the cottage, Nicole holding her infant in her arms, cooing and making baby talk to entertain the child. "She looks very happy with you," Lily observed. "You're a natural."

Nicole's cheeks turned crimson, handing over the baby. "They usually puke on me. How do we get to the Ruby Glades?"

"Same as before," Lily replied. "Our cart will take you to the village. At the tavern ask for Finbar, my father, tell him where you need to go. He'll arrange everything."

"Your family are extremely kind," Waverly said. "Your deeds will be rewarded."

"The end of the wizard's reign will be enough reward. I fear we put too much of a burden on you to succeed."

"The pain he has caused others will keep me fighting to rid this world of his hand," Nicole replied.

As the cart moved off, Waverly snuggled into Nicole's arm. "She seems nice."

Nicole quirked an eyebrow. "She is. Very nice. Her whole family have been beyond helpful."

"And pretty. In a homely way."

Nicole held her lips together to stifle a laugh, coughing after a few moments. "I think her homely look suits her."

"Do you like the homely look? I could dress like that if you desire."

Nicole turned her head to Waverly. "You are perfect in every way. Never, ever dress, or be different than who you are."

"She smiled at you most."

"Waverly Earp, I am not interested in her, do you hear. It is you by my side. Anyway, she has enough children to start her own school."

"I will bear you as many, if not more."

Nicole stared at the road ahead. Children had not been a consideration when she was with Shae, the question never directly asked of the other. Rather, it was the odd comment passed in a restaurant at the whiny sound of a crying kid, or seeing parents pushing prams looking exhausted, telling each other indirectly they weren't prepared to complicate their relationship in that way. If Shae had asked directly she would have said she wanted kids, wanted her own family, eventually.

The thought of children scared her. Too much was changing in her life to even contemplate the possibility. She would need to discuss this with Waverly, but now was not the time. Anyway, she wasn't sure if it was even possible, cursing the fact the internet, and phones for that matter, didn't appear to work in this world, unable to google the question in her head.

As the cart neared the village they spied the tavern, stopping outside the bakery, walking the short distance back to where they were told to go. The tavern was quiet when they entered, Nicole motioning with her head to Waverly the man they sought must be the one serving behind the bar. He greeted them, nodded when told of their destination, pouring dandelion beer into two small tankards, pushing them in their direction. "On the house. It will take a day for an escort to arrive. Best be staying here till then."

"We have to go to the Fairy Forest first," Waverly said. "For my uncle. It should take no more than half a day."

"I shall get a room ready for you," Finbar replied. "Ring the outside bell if you arrive after we shut."

Finishing their beer, leaving their belongings, the couple headed back to the bakery, Waverly borrowing a cape, Nicole still wearing the blue one given to her by the girl at the lake. Three knocks on the hanging tree they waited for a goblin to arrive, Cedric poking his head out. "Where's Jez," he asked, holding the door for them.

"He's not coming this time," Nicole replied. "He sends his regards. We have one gold nugget left which I would like to return."

"No, it is yours. You never know when you might need it. Where to this time?"

"The forest where Waverly's folk live. We are returning her uncle."

Waverly peered down at her relative, who shifted slightly in her hands. "It won't be long now," she said. "Are you in pain?"

"A little. It is not so bad. I'm pleased we have you back with us."

"I will never be able to repay you uncle."

"Hush child, I do this for your parents."

Arriving at the edge of the forest, making their way into the darkness, they came to the glade where the fairies played, gasps and cheers as they welcomed Waverly back after many, many years. Laying the fairy lord down in his house, Waverly's aunt bringing him a tonic to restore his strength, they stayed to enjoy fairy hospitality, Nicole tasting flower nectar for the first time, the most delicious drink she had ever tasted.

Her aunt rested on Nicole's shoulder. "Will you stay?" she asked, Nicole glancing over at Waverly who was dancing with the other fairies, her graceful movements those that had captivated Nicole in the theatre.

"I need to learn the ways of this world," Nicole replied. "I'm hoping my grandmother will show me how to live here. In time perhaps. Although, without her wings."

"Her uncle faces the same situation. We will need to elect a new leader. One of her other uncles."

"Her wings are growing back."

"Her duty is to return when they are fully restored. To take her place."

"What if her place is with me?"

"She is a princess. She belongs here leading her people."

"My grandmother rules the Ruby Glades."

"Your grandmother? But, I thought her only child was lost. How can this be so?"

"My mother left. I only found out who I am through Waverly."

"I understand. Your grandmother is a very powerful person. It was feared her legacy would be lost. I'm so glad you will carry on her leadership. This will need some thought."

"I forgot how much I love dancing," Waverly said, sitting herself beside Nicole. "I could dance all day and night. What are you two talking about?"

"Here," Nicole replied. "Your place, once your wings grow back."

"My place is with you my love. I go where you go."

"This is your home. We will need to consider where is best."

"You won't leave me here?" Waverly asked, her eyes pleading with Nicole not to abandon her.

"No, no, I will not leave you. Kind of stuck with me now. If only you'd given me that autograph."

"And miss that delicious chilli you made me."

Nicole was thankful the light in the forest was dim enough not to expose her embarrassment. Saying goodbye to her folk they made their way back to Gold Valley, spending time with the goblins, Nicole promising she would get a message to Jeremy to come visit as soon as he was able. Robin too. The tavern was busier, Finbar asking if they wanted a meal, the pair stuffed from all the food consumed during the day. Showing them to their room, wishing them a good night, it was the first time in days they were alone together, other than on the cart.

Nicole dumped her bag on the floor, Waverly her scarf with her few belongings, the pair staring at the bed. "Which side would you like?" Nicole asked, suddenly coy in the presence of the one she was committing her life to.

"Your side," Waverly replied, wrapping her arms around Nicole's waist. "Where it's warm."

Nicole's muscles tensed a little, enough for Waverly to feel. "I don't mind. You choose."

"My love, what troubles you? Speak plainly to me."

Nicole found the edge of the bed, unable to look at Waverly. "What if I'm not who you want to be with?" We hardly know each other. We've had so little time together. And this, all this. What if we change?"

"Is that what you're afraid of?"

"I've not had the best track record when it comes to relationships. I'm moody, a little too disciplined for my own good. And a neat freak."

"Would you like me to sleep in another room?" Waverly asked. "Is that what you're saying?"

"No, no. It's just. How do we know if this will work?"

"Do you want it to work?"

Nicole nodded. "I do. Don't be mad at me."

Waverly joined her on the bed, taking Nicole's hand. "I would watch you as you undertook the challenges to free me. And, my heart knew. But, I also know this world is strange and different to what you know. I too am different and strange. I ask only that you tell me plainly when you decide to leave. I will not bind you. I will not make you stay. My love for you is too strong to hold you captive."

Nicole turned, their lips meeting, knowing Waverly was everything to her, knowing it was her own insecurities speaking, not her heart. They never did decide which side of the bed each should take, the night spent exploring each other, growing closer in each other's arms. When morning came they lay sleeping, blissfully content, a loud knock on the door waking Nicole with a start. Before she could reply the door burst open, a tall figure standing in the doorway staring at them.

Her shriek woke Waverly, the pair pulling the covers over their bodies. "So this is the famous grandchild," the elf warrior said, laughing heartily. "Xavier's the name. Best be putting on some clothes if you wish to travel to the Glades. I'll meet you downstairs."

The pair stared at each other as the door closed, heavy footsteps on wooden stairs telling them he was out of earshot. "Who the fuck was that?" Nicole asked.

"One of yours. I'm guessing he's our escort. I'm hungry. We'll need to eat before we leave. It's a long way."

"Have you been to the glades?"

Waverly shook her head. "We keep to our own, unless in war. There was no need for me to visit before. I wonder how well they will take to me."

"Surely elves and fairies mix."

"Some are more tolerant. As long as your grandmother accepts our union."

"She seemed to. She said I was an open book."

"Did she? And, pray what did you tell your grandmother?"

"Oh nothing. Shall we go see what this fine establishment has to offer by way of breakfast?"

Waverly held onto Nicole. "I will use magic to extract the words from you."

"I merely said you're cute."


"And, you like chilli."


"And, you snore in your sleep."

"I will ask your grandmother. She will be obliged to tell me what lies in your heart."

Nicole sighed. "Okay, okay. I said...I said, I've given you my heart. That you mean everything to me."

"Was that so hard?"

"Terrifying. Almost as terrifying as fighting that dragon."

"Big dog."

"With claws and smoke from its nose."

"Hot dog."

It took another hour for them to emerge from the bedroom, Xavier sitting quietly in the corner observing the tavern's passing trade, a tankard of ale on the table before him. "I thought I might have to come drag you two from that bed," he said. "You've both ridden before?"

Nicole's cheeks flushed at the mention of riding given what they had been doing in bed to delay them. "Err, no. Unless you count a magic carpet."

Xavier rolled his eyes. "Where have you been? I will speak to your horse, tell it to go easy on you. Where is your armour?"

"Don't have any. I've a magic flute if that's any use."

Xavier choked on his mouthful of beer, swallowing quickly. "A flute. Tell me you've held a sword to another's throat and watched them squirm."

"I'm a lawyer."

"A what? Pray, what kind of fighter is that?"

"I'm pretty fierce with words," Nicole replied.

Xavier shook his head. "There is so much I will need to teach you. Your grandmother too. Are you familiar with any of our ways?"

Nicole glanced at Waverly. "Only some of them."

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